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Birth Date: 08 Sep 1985

Birth Place: Jamshedpur, India
Date of Birth 08 Sep 1985 Sunday
Time of Birth 07:25:00 PM
Place of Birth Jamshedpur, India
Ayanmash NC Lahiri
Local Mean Time 19:40:12
Sidreal Time 18:50:28
LT Correction 15:12:0
Obliq 23.44

Avkahada Chakra Ghatak(Malefics)

Lagna Pisces Rashi Kumbh
Lagna Lord Jupiter Months Ashad
Rashi Gemini Tithi 2, 7, 12
Rashi Lord Mercury Day Monday
Nakshatra Mrigsiras Nakshatra Swati
Nakshatra Lord Mars Prahar 3
Charan 3 Lagna Kark
Tithi Navami Krishna Yoga Parigha
Paya Iron Karan Kaulava
S.S. Yoga Siddhi
Favourable Points
Karan Taitika

Varna Shudra Lucky Numbers 8

Tatwa Prithvi Good Numbers 1, 2, 7, 9

Vashya Manav Evil Numbers 6, 8

Yoni Serpent(F) Good Years 17,26,35,44,53,

Gana Deva Lucky Days Mon, Tue, Thu

Nadi Madhya Good Planets Moon, Mars, Jup

Nadi Pada Madhya Evil Planets Venus, Mercury

Vihaga Shikkaval Friendly Signs Can Sco Sag

First Letters Vay, Vo, Kaa, Ke Good Lagna Gem, Vir, Scor, Cap

Sun Sign Leo Lucky Metal Bronze

Decanate 3 Lucky Stone Yell. Sapph.

Lucky Time Evening
Lucky Direction North-East

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Planetary Positions at Birth Time

Planets Dir Rashi Lord Degrees Nakshatra-Qtr Lord Karak ---
Ascendant Pisces Jupiter 23:8:26 Revati-2 Mercury

Sun Direct Leo Sun 22:11:38 Poorva-3 Venus Father

Mercury Direct Leo Sun 9:28:37 Magha-3 Ketu Intellect

Venus Direct Cancer Moon 19:58:26 Ashlesha-1 Mercury Spouse

Mars Direct Leo Sun 5:24:5 Magha-2 Ketu Courage Friendly House

Jupiter Retro Capricorn Saturn 14:26:58 Sravana-2 Moon Wealth Debilitated

Saturn Direct Libra Venus 29:23:2 Vishakha-3 Jupiter Longevity Exalted

Moon Direct Gemini Mercury 4:8:58 Mrigsiras-4 Mars Mother Enemy House

Rahu Retro Aries Mars 18:13:23 Bharani-2 Venus Desire

Ketu Retro Libra Venus 18:13:23 Swati-4 Rahu EmancipationEnemy House

Uranus Direct Scorpio Mars 20:25:22 Jyestha-2 Mercury

Neptune Retro Sagittarius Jupiter 7:11:40 Moola-3 Ketu

Pluto Direct Libra Venus 9:11:38 Swati-1 Rahu

Lagna Kundali

1 11

Rahu 12

Ascendant Jupiter

2 10
Moon Neptune
3 9
4 8

Venus Uranus

Mars Sun Mercury Pluto Saturn Ketu

5 7

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Specific Characterstics
You will have sharp intellect, humane nature and generous disposition. You will possess a high
degree of self-esteem and brimming confidence, you will be capable of rising in life by dint of
merit alone. You will have oratorical capacity and a taste for judicial or legal pursuits. Literature
and journalism may be of special interest to you.

You will be somewhat argumentative nature, which may lead to strifes. You are fond of
discussions and travelling. You will have acute facilities and varied interests. In early years, your
interests are apt to be misplaced and faculties unwisely applied. Through acts of indiscretion you
may be misunderstood as a quarrelsome person. You will gain favours from martial persons and
may be prone to fever or sickness.

You will have brilliance of intellect and hallow of fame. You will have success in the study of
literature and science. Being an intent observer of human nature, you may have eventual
success in literary pursuits. In-spite of being restless you are attentive to the consistent details.
You may have success in artistic pursuits also.

Mental Qualities
You will be well-read and learned. You will have versatility and will be dextrous in the manual
crafts. You will be subtle and artistic, curious and inventive. You will have proficiency in writing
and have good command in many languages. You will be mpressive and humane.

Physical Attributes
According to your Horoscope, you will be a tall, slender, elegant person with long fingers, straight
nose, wide forehead and fine expressive eyes. You will be much occupied and somewhat
restless. You will have the gift of eloquence, will move fast and will be widely travelled.

General State of Health

Your zodiacal sign rules over the heart, spleen and the spinal chord. These, together with aorta,
upper back and spinal chord are your susceptible areas for which you may require medical
attention sometime in your life. Your tendency to drive yourself hard and neglect the body's
needs may lead you to become a victim of heart diseases, back problems or spinal meningitis.

You must remind yourself that health is wealth. Possessing good health today is not good
enough ; it should and must be maintained for the days to come. Brisk walking, eating oranges,
peas, almonds and saffron will be of special benefit to you.Since the Ascendant has no affliction
in your chart, you will be in good health.

Since Neptune afflicts the Moon in your chart, you may suffer from animal bites and insect

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Since Uranus afflicts the Sun in your chart, you may suffer from heart-diseases.

Education and Profession

You are fairly intelligent and can grasp things quickly. But you may not have that much of
patience and may not wish to waste your precious years. You may not complete your College
education and opt for leaving it like many other celebrities did. You will have a successful career
in a field where the prime criterion is not high education but certain special abilities are needed.

Certain planetary combinations present in your chart give rise to auspicious 'Budhaditya Yoga'.
You will have good education from a reputed University/ Institution. You will have a graduation
degree with Honours or distinction. Even if you do not go for higher education you will still obtain
a lucrative placement. Your preferred areas could be Administration and/ or Marketing.

The planetary combinations in your chart bestow on you an aptitude for application-oriented
sciences. You will pursue professional courses and learn specialised skills. In addition to a basic
degree you may persue a vocational course; Computers might be of great interest to you.

The planetary combinations in your chart bestow on you a special interest in functioning of living
beings. You may study Biological Sciences and may acquire education in the Medical field. You
may be a Physician or a Surgeon; alternately you may be a professional in some other medicine
related fields.

The planetary combinations in your chart make you a versatile genius. You will be successful in
service and business both. During the early years of your profession you may be in service and
then go for a business of your own; alternately you may be in business initially but later might opt
for service.

Wealth and Inheritance

As regards family-wealth, you will have enough to satisfy your requirements and fancies, and still
enough left to be proud of. Your family will have fondness for dainty and pretty adornments. As
regards domestic environments, the good-all people will be somewhat moody, sentimental and
demanding. Your health and bulk will improve after marriage.

In your chart the lord of earnings placed in the un favourable 8th house is not good for arriage-
partner and for legacies. It may give a long-drawn Law- suit in connection with property matters
of a deceased relative. In respect of longevity however this is a happy position. Favourable lines
for you may have connection with other people's money like provident fund, insurance, money-
exchange, value and loss assessing, surveying, testing houses, etc.

In your chart the lord of inheritance being placed in the 5th house is not a favourable position.
Although you may inherit a pretty good amount, you may lose it in speculative investments or in
new ventures. Partnership business may not be suitable for you as that can lead to quarrels.
This position is not favourable for the well-being of the first child.

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Marriage and Married Life

Your chart indicates that you will have early marriage.

The planetary combinations in your chart favours a fairly happy married- life. You will have
considerations for each other and will be a loving pair. Occassionally arising minor differences
you will accept as to be only natural but those will vanish soon as you will adopt a compromising

Travel and Journeys

In your chart most of the planets are situated in 'fixed' signs which indicates that you will seldom
require long-distance travelling. You will not require changing places in connection with your

Lucky Stone
Among auspicious gemstones YELLOW SAPPHIRE (Peeta Pukhraj) will be favourable for you.

You may take 5 to 7 Rattis of Yellow Sapphire in a ring of Gold which should be worn on right
hand index finger on a Thursday.

Cheaper substitute of Yellow Sapphire is Topaz (Sunhela) which may be taken instead in a ring
of Gold.

While wearing the gemstone reciting the following 'Mantra' will be auspicious:

Devanam cha Rishinam cha Gurum Kanchana Sannibham Buddhibhutam Trilokesham tam
namami Brihaspatim.

The weights of gemstones recommended above are for adult male people. For adult females the
weights should be reduced to 3/4 to 1/2 part while for the children the weights should be reduced
to 1/2 to 1/3 part.

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