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Chapter 6 – Project Activity and Risk Planning -Multiple Choice Practice Quiz Questions

Concept Check Questions (based on “Practice Quizzes”)

[By nature, all questions are coded as Difficulty: Easy and AACSB: Reflective Thinking]

Learning Objectives:
6.1 Demonstrate how to set up and execute a “launch” meeting, construct a project charter, and
employ a “whole-brain” approach to project planning.
6.2 Explain how to construct a work breakdown structure for any type of project.
6.3 Discuss how to design a useful RACI matrix and when to use an agile vs. waterfall approach
to project execution.
6.4 Examine the importance of integration management for projects.
6.5 Examine the use of agile development in today’s development projects.

Concept Check: Section 6.1

1. Project planning typically is:

a. done at the beginning of a project.
b. an iterative process involving multiple stakeholders.
c. done by the sales force.
d. the responsibility of the company president.

Ans: b
Response: Refer to Introduction
Bloom’s: Comprehension
Difficulty Level: Easy
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Learning Objective: 6.1Demonstrate how to set up and execute a “launch” meeting, construct a
project charter, and employ a “whole-brain” approach to project planning.

2. A project plan must be designed so that the ______________ meet the criteria used to justify
its selection.
a. project outcomes
b. project tasks
c. timetables
d. warranties

Ans: a
Response: Refer to Introduction
Bloom’s: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Learning Objective: 6.1Demonstrate how to set up and execute a “launch” meeting, construct a
project charter, and employ a “whole-brain” approach to project planning.

3. The process of managing risk in a project is:

a. done at the beginning of the project planning cycle.
b. selected by the management team.
c. not part of the PMBOK.
d. a dynamic process throughout the project life cycle.

Ans: d
Response: Refer to Section 6.1
Bloom’s: Comprehension
Difficulty Level: Easy
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Learning Objective: 6.1Demonstrate how to set up and execute a “launch” meeting, construct a
project charter, and employ a “whole-brain” approach to project planning.

4. The project launch meeting occurs when?

a. Prior to beginning the project to show management commitment
b. When the project is fully designed and ready to begin implementation
c. When the Project is completed and ready to send to the client
d. When the client has accepted the Project and is ready to finalize payment

Ans: a
Response: Refer to Section 6.1
Bloom’s: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Learning Objective: 6.1Demonstrate how to set up and execute a “launch” meeting, construct a
Project Charter, and employ a “whole-brain” approach to project planning.

5. In a WBS, each hierarchical level should have about how many interrelated tasks?
a. About 3 to 5
b. 5 to 10
c. 10 to 20
d. 2 to 20

Ans: d
Response: Refer to Section 6.1
Bloom’s: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Learning Objective: 6.2Explain how to construct a work breakdown structure for any type of

6. Project success is judged by what criteria?

a. On-time and on budget
b. On budget and to scope
c. To scope and impact on the organization
d. On time, within budget, to scope, and project impact on the organization
Ans: d
Response: Refer to Section 6.1
Bloom’s: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Learning Objective: 6.2 Explain how to construct a Work Breakdown Structure for any type

7. What is the RACI matrix?

a. Resource Allocation & Cost Inventory matrix
b. Matrix of Responsible and Certified Individuals
c. Responsible, Accountable, Consult & Informmatrix
d. Recently Added Control Incident reporting matrix
Ans: c
Response: Refer to Section 6.1
Bloom’s: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Learning Objective: 6.3Discuss how to design a useful RACI matrix and when to use an agile vs.
waterfall approach to project execution.

8. The main tool for managing the project scope, as described in PMBOK, is the ______.

a. project charter
b. activity plan
c. milestone report
d. WBS

Ans: d
Response: Refer to Section 6.1
Bloom’s: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Learning Objective: 6.2 Explain how to construct a work breakdown structure for any type of

9. ______ is a visual, whole-brain approach that closely mirrors how the human brain records and
stores information.

a. Mind mapping
b. Hierarchical planning WBS
c. WBS creation
d. MRP

Ans: a
Response: Refer to Section 6.1
Bloom’s: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Learning Objective: 6.1 Demonstrate how to set up and execute a “launch” meeting, construct a
project charter, and employ a “whole-brain” approach to project planning.

10. A(n) ____________ is a network device commonly used to display project schedules. It was
developed as a scheduling aid and displays activities on a horizontal bar chart.

a. Gantt chart
b. WBS
c. Project schedule
d. MRP

Ans: d
Response: Refer to Section 6.1
Bloom’s: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Learning Objective: 6.1 Demonstrate how to set up and execute a “launch” meeting, construct a
project charter, and employ a “whole-brain” approach to project planning.
Concept Check: Section 6.2

1. Agile project planning and management methods should be used when:

a. projects have a high degree of uncertainty.
b. project managers are well-qualified for many types of projects.
c. project team members are cross-trained and therefore are agile.
d. the project scope and costs are undefined.

Ans: a
Response: Refer to Section 6.2
Bloom’s: Comprehension
Difficulty Level: Easy
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Learning Objective: 6.5 Examine the use of agile development in today’s development projects.

2. A ______ is a short stage lasting 1-4 weeks in an agile project.

a. gate
b. milestone
c. race
d. sprint

Ans: d
Response: Refer to Section 6.2
Bloom’s: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Learning Objective: 6.5 Examine the use of agile development in today’s development projects.

3. Although APM was originally developed for ________, it is now being applied to other areas
such as product development and engineering.

a. system’s analysis
b. project success
c. software development
d. database design

Ans: c
Response: Refer to Section 6.2
Bloom’s: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Learning Objective: 6.5 Examine the use of agile development in today’s development projects.

4. A pictorial representation of a product that shows how the elements required to build a product
fit together is called a(n) _______.

a. Gozinto chart
b. MRP
c. milestone graph
d. phase gate

Ans: a
Response: Refer to Section 6.2
Bloom’s: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Learning Objective: 6.2 Explain how to construct a work breakdown structure for any type of

5. Through the process of creating a WBS, the work is broken down into the lowest level tasks
that are referred to as:

a. charts.
b. packages.
c. WBS descriptors.
d. milestones.

Ans: b
Response: Refer to Section 6.2
Bloom’s: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Learning Objective: 6.2 Explain how to construct a work breakdown structure for any type of

6. While the waterfall method is commonly viewed as a “batch” process, APM is viewed as a
___________ process.

a. traditional
b. hierarchical
c. steady
d. flow

Ans: d
Response: Refer to Section 6.2
Bloom’s: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Learning Objective: 6.5 Examine the use of agile development in today’s development projects.

Concept Check: Section 6.3

1. The most difficult aspect of coordinating a complex project is:

a. determining appropriate costs and budget allocations for groups.
b. determining the needed skill sets of project workers.
c. political disputes between managers involved in the project.
d. coordinating the various elements of the project to meet overall project goals.

Ans: d
Response: Refer to Section 6.3
Bloom’s: Comprehension
Difficulty Level: Easy
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Learning Objective: 6.4Examine the importance of integration management for projects.

2. Managing complex projects often involves use of multidisciplinary teams (MTs) including
personnel from:
a. different college majors.
b. different work units within the organization.
c. different organizations including subcontractors.
d. various combinations of college majors, work units, subcontractors, and industry partners.

Ans: d
Response: Refer to section 6.3
Bloom’s: Comprehension
Difficulty Level: Easy
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Learning Objective: 6.4Examine the importance of integration management for projects.

3. The process of coordinating the work and the timing of the different PM groups is called
a. milestone management
b. process control
c. professional personnel management
d. integration management

Ans: d
Response: Refer to Section 6.3
Bloom’s: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Learning Objective: 6.4Examine the importance of integration management for projects.

4. ___________ are pre-planned points during the project where progress is assessed and the
project cannot resume until re-authorization has been approved.

a. Agile decision points

b. Stop points
c. Reflection points
d. Phase gates

Ans: d
Response: Refer to Section 6.3
Bloom’s: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Learning Objective: 6.4 Examine the importance of integration management for projects.

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