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What is deforestation?
• Deforestation is the full or
large scale removal of a forest,
or area of tress, in order to
clear land for human

• is the direct or indirect
human-induced conversion of
forested land to non-forested
How does it
• Population Food

As our population increases, we need

more land to grow crops and food to
feed the people.

 Countries clear large areas
of land so that they can
grow and develop them.

 Nutrients depleted

 fertility of soil is exhausted

due to repeated cropping,
a natural forest area is
 Overgrazing in forests
destroyes newly
regenerated growth. It
also makes soil more
compact and impervious.

 Overgrazing also
accelerates the soil
Fuel wood
 People living near forests
get fuel wood
 charcoal for cooking and
 uses such as keeping the
fire on for warmth at night
Forest fires
 Frequent fires are
the major cause of
destruction of
 Some fires are
incidental while the
majority of them
are deliberate.
 Timber and plywood
industries are mainly
responsible for the
destruction of forest
 Thus the increases
demand for timber led
to a rapid depl- etion
of forest.
Forest diseases
 Many diseases caused by
parasitic fungi, rusts,viruses
cause death and decay of
forest plants.

 Diseases such as heart

rot,blister rust,oak
wilt,phloem necrosis and
Dutch elm diseases etc
damage the forest in large
Land slides
 Deforestation due to land
slides in the hills is of

 developmental activities
were in progress for past
few decades.
Acid Rain
What are the Effects of
Erosion of Soil
When forest areas are
cleared, it results in exposing the
soil to the sun, making it very dry
and eventually, infertile, due to
volatile nutrients such as
nitrogen being lost.
Disruption of the Water Cycle
Trees contribute in a large way in
maintaining the water cycle. They draw
up water via their roots, which is then
released into the atmosphere. A large
part of the water that circulates in the
ecosystem of rainforests, for instance,
remains inside the plants. When these
trees are cut down it results in the
climate getting drier in that area.
Loss of Biodiversity
Due to massive deforestation, about 50 to
100 species of animals are being lost each day.
The outcome of which is the extinction of
animals and plants on a massive scale.
One of the vital functions of forests is to
absorb and store great amounts of water quickly
when there are heavy rains. When forests are
cut down, this regulation of the flow of water is
disrupted, which leads to alternating periods of
Climate Change
When deforestation occurs, many of the
trees are burnt or they are allowed to rot, which
results in releasing the carbon that is stored in
them as carbon dioxide. This, in turn, leads to
greater concentrations of carbon dioxide in the
Deforestation is one of the most serious
environmental issues in Sri Lanka. In
the 1920s, the island had a 49 percent
forest cover but by 2005 this had fallen
by approximately 20 percent. However
with a long history of policy and laws
towards environmental protection,
deforestation rates of primary cover
have actually decreased 35% since the
end of the 1990s thanks to a strong
history of conservation measures.
How to prevent
1. Plant trees and begin doing this in
your yard. Trees also help in
containing water in its roots.
2. Use recycled items such as books or
pad paper, toilet paper, even
shopping bags. If you can, do not
waste any of these products so that
no new raw material would be
3. If you are a farmer try to rotate your

4. Cut down only the mature trees. Do

not kill baby trees.

5. Join environmental awareness groups

that would help you be an advocate of

6. Instead of using firewood, use coals to

heat up your fireplaces during the
winter season. Remember that it takes
only a few hours to consume the
Let’s all prevent

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