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The purpose of this chapter is to provide an introduction to the

company profile and also define basic terminology used in our system

that is Real Estate Management System. Introduction presents an

overview of existing system and need of system, scope of work and

different operating environment.

 Company Profile.

 Existing System and Need for System.

 Scope of System.

 Operating Environment- Hardware and Software.

Real Estate Management System 1

1.1 Company Profile

Soft Technology is a leading Software Development & web

Designing Company with extensive experience in the creation of high

quality, user friendly and result oriented products and services. The

name and business strength that has been earned by our organization

today, is due to the professionally equipped and able staff, who have a

varied experience of the market and good knowledge of serving the

customers to their satisfaction. This is further enhanced by the

innovative ideas of the management, who strive from time to time in

creating awareness and keeping the company at par to the latest

development of today’s world

About Services:-

 Application Development: Soft Technologies has

successfully delivered many innovative application

development projects by adopting flexible and scalable

architectures and reduced development cycle times

Real Estate Management System 1

 Application Management: Our application

Management service provides its clients high value and

quality support and maintenance services by operating

on a continually improving service.

 User Interface Enhancement: The technology is

moving fast and there are several options and interfaces


Through which the users can interact with the current


Real Estate Management System 1

1.2 Existing System And
Need of System

1.2.1 Existing System

This module is designed to replace manual system and make Data

storage and reliable. The present system is tedious, as company

Manager has to do all clerical work manually till date. It is very

difficult to generate and store of all transaction manually and update

them from time to time as and when wanted.

Similarly all the different types of report and process detail are

required to be stored systematically which is very difficult in the

existing system case.

The major drawbacks of the existing system are:-

 Misplacing of document.

 Report generation is very difficult and time consuming.

 Maximum manual work.

 Difficult in handling the process.

Real Estate Management System 1

 Human errors are maintaining physical file.

 Delay the process such as cash recovery.

 Budgeting is not present current system.

 Planning is not present current system.

To overcome the above mentioned drawbacks and achieve other

objectives like speed up operation making customer and admin staff

with various schemes and fast services, to retrieve any information

quickly, computerization is necessary.

Real Estate Management System 1

Need for System

This system is partially manual. The below are main problems with

manual system.

 To reduce the manual workload and use the capabilities

of the computer.

 To reduce the paper work.

 To reduce the human error.

 Maintaining of different files and documents in


 Evaluate the reports in terms of months, year or as per

specified time is not easy.

 Delay in updating of Enquiry details, Employee details,

Follow-up details, Customer details and Product details

details due to batch process updating.

 Preparation of different reports becomes very tedious

job because whole information has to be extracted

manually according to the requirement.

 Keeping of all these various components becomes

unmanageable when done manually.

Real Estate Management System 1

1.3. Scope of System

 Reduces manual work of employees each time and saves the


 Provide complete web based application for all assets in


 The system gives details about the transaction reports required

for MIS.

 Authentication and Authorization For every user login and


 The proposed new system is automated due to which many

precious hours are saved.

 Complete web based system no installation required to run the

application in client system.

 System provides facility to maintain Budgeting and planning

for year.

Scope is nothing but the contents which we include in the project. The

scope of the system include following things:

 Project Management.

Real Estate Management System 1

 Employee Management

 Supplier Management.

 Material Management.

 Access rights.

 Reports.

 User Type Management.

 Machine Performance Management.

 Service Management.

 Voucher Management.

Real Estate Management System 1

1.4 Operating environment-
Hardware and Software

Hardware Specifications

 Intel Pentium IV Processor (1.8GHz).

 RAM 512 MB or Higher.

 Hard Disk Capacity 10 GB or Higher.

 LAN Connection.

Software Specifications

 Operating System:

 XP or above

 Front End:

 Java Development Kit 1.7.0 , JSP,


 Back End:

 MySQL 5.1

 Server:

 Apache Tomcat Server 7.0

Real Estate Management System 1


This chapter gives you an idea about the project which I have

undertaken. It explains the user requirements of the system to be

developed leading to proposing a solution for the same from our side.

User requirements we get from our client so it’s totally based on client


 Proposed System.

 Objective of System.

 User Requirements.

Real Estate Management System 1

2.1 Proposed System

We are developing a computerized Real Estate Management System

which will satisfy all the requirements of the user.

 The system is mainly designed to feed and retrieve

information as and when required

 As it is computerized it requires less time. Security is

providing in the form of user login and password so

that, no unauthorized person would be able to access

the data. More accuracy of records and data

 Daily sudation of records i.e. Purchase Order, Dispatch

Order, Daily accounting, Machine performance etc. Is

maintained accurately and regularly.

The Real Estate Management System is distinguished from existing

system by several key features as follows.

 Completely Automated.

 Quick record retrieval and processing.

 More systematic way of processing.

Real Estate Management System 1

 Security of information.

 Time saving.

 User Friendly System.

The proposed system will be completely automated. Its

work will be

Done by computer system. It will eliminate the length and critical

manual work. The single person can handle all operations of

administrative level.

Real Estate Management System 1

2.2 Objectives of System

 The main objective behind the proposed system is to enhance

the speed of work, accuracy and thus avoiding wastage of time.

 The main objectives are as follows:

 To remove the complexities of reports according to


 To provide a user friendly system for users.

 Updating of proper files can be made.

 To provide correct and fast retrieval of information.

 To manage and optimum utilization of assets.

 It is also menu driven, which makes it easy to use

and understand.

 Security of information

 Time saving.

 In today’s competitive environment where everybody wants to

be on the top. Information plays very crucial role. As fast as

info is accessed and processed it can give good result.

Real Estate Management System 1

 Today Internet is the fast way of transferring data and

 Information over wide area, hence I have used Internet as

aspiration and way for exchanging information. Computerized

system helps to fulfill these goals.

 Computerization of the official work will help in doing lot of

work efficiently. It will help in easy storage and access of all

information in short period of time. It reduces the paper work.

Real Estate Management System 1

2.3 User Requirements

The requirements of the user are as follows:-

 System should be user friendly with GUI and it should be very

easy to understand.

 System should provide an interactive dialog boxes and

messages throughout the process.

 System should provide the status of the transactions through

dialog box.

 System should give quick response to the user request.

 System should provide login facilities for Admin, Project

Manager, and Employee.

 Various types of reports should be generated according to its


 Only administrator should have authority to add user, delete

user or modify the information of the user in system.

Real Estate Management System 1

In this chapter we will explain this project by UML concepts and also

database specification Diagrams such as the Use Case Diagram, and

Module Hierarchy Diagram etc.

 Use-Case Diagram.

 Class Diagram.

 Activity Diagram.

 Sequence Diagram.

 Component Diagram.

 Deployment Diagram.

 E-R Diagram.

 Module Hierarchy Diagram

 Web Site Map

 Table Design.

Real Estate Management System 1

3.1 Use Case Diagram

Initial requirements from Use-Cases:

 The system should be internationalize, should be capable of

being used by people of different origins.

 The system should be secure.

 The Real Estate Management System interface should be easy

to use.

 The system should be able to provide the services

uninterruptedly and equitably for a reasonably large group of


 The system should be available all the time.

 The system should be recovered in case of system crash.

 The system should be portable, should be capable of being used

by people with minimum software requirements.

 The system should provide the users with an integrated

messaging and routing subsystem.

 The system should guide the user with prompt messaging for

all his/her actions.

Real Estate Management System 1

3.1.1 Name: Use-Case Diagram for Admin
Description: Admin plays various roles in this system.

Real Estate Management System 1

3.1.2 Name: Use-Case Diagram for Project Manager

Real Estate Management System 1

3.2 Class Diagram

Real Estate Management System 1

3.3 Activity Diagram
Definitions and Symbols:-

 Activity diagrams are graphical representations of

workflows of stepwise activities and action with support

for choice, iteration and concurrency.

 In the unified Modeling Language, activity diagrams

can be used to describe the business and operational

step-by-step workflows of components in a system.

 Activity diagrams are constructed from a limited

repertoire of shapes, connected with arrows. The most

important shape types;

o Rounded rectangles represent activities;

o Diamonds represent decisions;

o Bars represent the start(split) or end (join) of

concurrent activities;

o A black circle represents the start(initial state) of

the workflow;

o An encircled black circle represents the end

(final state).

Real Estate Management System 1

3.3.1 Name: Activity Diagram for Admin

Description: Admin process of login which happens says this activity


Real Estate Management System 1

3.3.2 Name: Activity Diagram for Project Manager

Description: Project Manager Process of login which happens says

this activity diagrams.

Real Estate Management System 1

3.4 Sequence Diagram

A sequence diagram shows elements as they interact over time,

showing an interaction or interaction instance. Sequence diagrams are

organized along two axes: the horizontal axis shows the elements that

are involved in the interaction, and the vertical axis represents time

proceeding down the page. The elements on the horizontal axis many

appear in any order

3.4.1 System Sequence Diagram

In this diagram we are showing an overview of whole system that how

it is going to work. There is company in the picture who plays role to

initiate this activity with the help of graphical user interface. Database

is centralizing from where company can gain their information’s.

Explanation is in figure as shown below.

Real Estate Management System 1

3.4.1 Name: Sequence Diagram for Admin Login & Operation
Description: Login & Operation process how to done through the

server and presentation view to help of Browser fetch the user &

password in to database display the message on browser.

Real Estate Management System 1

3.4.1 Name: Sequence Diagram for Project Manager Login & Operation
Description: Login & Operation process how to done through the

server and presentation view to help of Browser fetch the user &

password in to database display the message on browser.

Real Estate Management System 1

3.5 Component Diagram

Description: which type of server use in development process &

which type of browser display the presentation view says this

component diagram.

Real Estate Management System 1

3.6 Deployment Diagram
Description: Where database is saving To help of MySQL query fetch

the file & display the information on a browser operator manager

admin access the browser.

Real Estate Management System 1

3.7 Entity-Relationship (E-R) Diagram

Real Estate Management System 1

3.8 Module Hierarchy Diagram
Description: Module & sub Module which way used & describe the

module information with name & character wise display.

Real Estate Management System 1

3.9 Table Design
Table 1:Account Group Setup.

Description: It maintains the account group like employee and project


Real Estate Management System 1

Table 2: daily machinery material detail.

Description: It maintains the material report which is used by


Real Estate Management System 1

Table 3: account master details

Description: It store the information about login ID and user details

like address, age, phone number etc.

Real Estate Management System 1

Table 4: Account Setup

Description: It strore the account detials.

Real Estate Management System 1

Table 5: All material

Description: It store the material detail.

Real Estate Management System 1

Table 6: Challan

Description: It stores the challan details.

Real Estate Management System 1

Table 7: Daily Machinery Operator Log

Description: It maintain the daily machinery operator log details.

Real Estate Management System 1

Table 9: Daily Machinery Work Detail

Description: It strores the daily machinery work detial.

Real Estate Management System 1

Table 10: Daily Work Report

Description: It maintains the information about daily work report for

each project.

Real Estate Management System 1

Table 11: Machine Details

Description: It maintains the information about machine details.

Real Estate Management System 1

Table 12: Material

Description: It is master table of material.

Real Estate Management System 1

Table 13: Material Approval Requisition

Description: It stores the material approval requisition details.

Real Estate Management System 1

Table 14: Material Dispatch Slip.

Description: It stores the dispatch material record.

Real Estate Management System 1

Table 15: Material Opening Stock.

Description: It maintains the opening stock of material.

Real Estate Management System 1

Table 16: Material Purchase Requisition.

Description: It maintain the information about material purchase


Real Estate Management System 1

Table 17: Material Receive Slip.

Description: It maintains the information about material receive


Real Estate Management System 1

Table 18: User Project Relationship.

Description: It maintains the relation between user and project.

Real Estate Management System 1

Table 19:Permanent Employee Attendance

Description: It maintain the employee attendance.

Real Estate Management System 1

Real Estate Management System 1
Table 20: Project Master

Description: It is master table of project details.

Real Estate Management System 1

Table 21: Temporary Employee Attendance

Description: It stores the temporary employee attendance.

Real Estate Management System 1

Real Estate Management System 1
Table 22: User Login Master.

Description: it stores the user login master details.

Real Estate Management System 1

Real Estate Management System 1
Table 23: User Type Master

Description: It maintains the user type.

Real Estate Management System 1

Table 24: Voucher

Description: It stores all account transaction details.

Real Estate Management System 1


 Input Screens

 Reports

Real Estate Management System 1

4.1 Input Screens

4.1.1 Login Page

Description: It will display that the user is logging into the system.

The user will select user type i.e. admin and enter his login details.

Real Estate Management System 1

4.1.2 Home Page.

Description: It will display the Home page. This is also a dash board.

Which display all the information here.

Real Estate Management System 1

4.1.3 Add User Page.

Description: In this page the administrator adds the user and their

detail that use the system.

Real Estate Management System 1

4.1.4 Add Project

Description: Admin add the project detail like starting date

approximately end date budget etc.

Real Estate Management System 1

4.1.5 Delete Project Detail.

Description: Admin can delete the project detail from database.

Real Estate Management System 1

4.1.6 Add Update Supplier Details.

Description: Admin and User can add update delete supplier details

from database.

Real Estate Management System 1

4.1.7 Add Delete Update Employee.

Description: Admin can add Delete Update Employee record from


Real Estate Management System 1

4.1.8 Add Machine Details.

Description: Add machine details like machine name code etc.

Real Estate Management System 1

4.1.9 Add Update Delete Material Master Entry

Description: Admin can add update delete material detail from


Real Estate Management System 1

4.1.10 Add Delete Update Material Purchase Requisitions.

Description: Project Manager or site engineer can add delete update

material purchase requisitions.

Real Estate Management System 1

4.1.11 Add Challan

Description: Admin can add detail of receipt for purchase material.

Real Estate Management System 1

4.1.12 Material receive details

Description: This form show detail about material receives entry and

also enters purchase material record.

Real Estate Management System 1

4.1.13 Material Dispatch Entry.

Description: Details about dispatch material on site.

Real Estate Management System 1

4.1.14 Employee Attendance.

Description: Employee attendance form maintain the employee


Real Estate Management System 1

4.1.15 Daily Work.

Description: Maintain the daily work detail

Real Estate Management System 1

4.1.16 Machine Log

Description: Machine log record of daily work and material.

Real Estate Management System 1

4.1.17 Cash Payment Voucher.

Description: Store the cash payment detail.

Real Estate Management System 1

4.1.18 Cash Receipt Voucher

Description: It maintains the cash receipt voucher detail.

Real Estate Management System 1

4.2 Reports

4.2.1 Material Receive

Description: display the material receives report.

4.2.2 Material dispatch report

Description: display the report for dispatch material on site.

Real Estate Management System 1

Real Estate Management System 1
4.2.3 Account Ledger Report

Description: display the report on account ledger.

Real Estate Management System 1

4.2.4 Trail Balance Report

Description: It displays the trial balance amount.

Real Estate Management System 1

4.2.5 Monthly Attendance Report

Description: Display the monthly attendance of each employee.

4.2.6 Print Material requisition report

Description: print the material requisition report.

Real Estate Management System 1

Real Estate Management System 1
4.2.7 Print Challan report

Description: It Print the challan copy.

Real Estate Management System 1

4.2.8 Print Party wise report

Description: Print the party wise report of receives material.

Real Estate Management System 1


1. It determines whether the requested project is

successfully realizable.
2. Feasibility studies are use as a basic for deciding
whether to proceed with, postpone or cancel the
3. We took feasibility study in account to test the system
proposal according to its workability, impact on the
organization, ability to meet the user need and
effective use of resources.

Three aspects of feasibility study are:

2.1. Technical feasibility:-

1. It centers on the required / existing computer system

(hardware and software) and to what extent it can
support application.
2. This involves financial consideration to accommodate
technical enhancements and if the budget is a serious
constraint (limitation) then the project is judged as not
3. Our software is technically feasible as it is very easy
to handle to the
Real Estate Management System 1
user. He can operate it very easily. He has loaded JSP
as front end
And MySQL as back end.
2.2. Economic feasibility:

1. Used for evaluating the effectiveness of new system.

2. For the proposed system there is no need of additional
software, benefits out weights cost.
3. A cost is less and benefits are more, new system can
be implemented.
4. Our software is economically feasible as it cost low.
Our software is prepared on least expenditure.
5. Hence proposed system is economically feasible.
2.3. Operational feasibility:

1. It is concerned with human organizational and

political aspects. It covers two aspects:
a. Technical performance aspects.
The system should provide the right information to the
user and at right time.
b. Acceptance within the organization.
If the proposed system will fit in with the current
2. This estimates whether the user would be able to
handle any type of situation easily

Real Estate Management System 1

3. Once the user becomes familiar to the system after
training of the new system, they would be using it

Reports include the Following thing:

 Employee & Supplier list Report

 Dispatch Report
 Purchase Report
 Voucher Report
 Project wise detail

Following are the Modules of the system:

 Masters

 Enquiry

 Reports

 Admin

Real Estate Management System 1

 Exit


All types of reports are prepared for the management

and it can be generated with the help of the system. Reports like:

 Customer Details

 Customer Follow Up Details

 Customer Follow Up By Date

 Customer Name which Buy Product

 Enquiry By Customer Type

 Enquiry By Status

 Enquiry By Region

 Enquiry By Attended By

 Purchase Product Details

 Booking Details

 Bill Generate Details.

Real Estate Management System 1





Real Estate Management System 1

Specific methods used for collecting data required in

developing the system is termed as Requirement of Determination


Real Estate Management System 1

Fact expressed in quantitative form can be termed as data.

Success of any requirement investigation depends on availability of

reliable and accurate data.

Fact Finding Technique is as follows:






 We use this technique in the initial phase of the project.

 Questionnaire helped us to get some basic information

about the current system.

 By this technique we understood the process, working

of the current system.


Real Estate Management System 1

 It is used to collect information from individuals or


 Respondents are generally current users of the system

under study.

 Interviewer must plan in advance and fully know the

problem in advance.

 Information collected is more reliable and accurate.

 We interviewed many persons working in agencies and

collected information about the working and

functioning of current system.

 We also gathered information about the problems faced

in the current system.


 It helps to get information that cannot be obtained by

other fact finding techniques.

 In this method the flow of documents is carried out and

the steps followed.

 First hand information about how the activities, process

are carried out is obtained.

 We observed how the data is stored and in what format.

Real Estate Management System 1

 Information related to the system may be present in the

form of records like books, manuals, journals etc.

 Record view provides very valuable information about

the system, organization, various procedures and rules.

 It may be performed in the beginning of study to collect

initial information or at the end to compare actual


 We saw application forms, register for transactions,

Staff details, Engineers details, Industry details etc.

Real Estate Management System 1


Various MS Office tools like Excel, PowerPoint were used to

capture data and complete analysis. The prototype was prepared and

various reports that could be produced from the system were shown to

the owner.

Based on the discussion user requirements were finalized

Real Estate Management System 1





Real Estate Management System 1









While Developing the Management Information System. SDLC

involves different stages for development of system/application.



Real Estate Management System 1


Figure: Stages of Software Development Life Cycle

 Analysis

All necessary user requirements are gathered together

while going through this stage.

 Design
Real Estate Management System 1
As per user requirements the Databases and the User

Interface Screen are designed.

 Coding

Actual coding work is done here using the Proposed


(Development Platform).

 Testing

It is the most valuable & non-negligible stage by

developer while developing the system there should be some

Evaluation of system that is done here. The developed software

is tested over here. If any errors are there then again solved in

design or coding stage.

 Implementation

It is the last stage of SDLC process. After Successful completion

of all above stages, the actual Implementation of system at the Client

Side is done here.

Real Estate Management System 1




Real Estate Management System 1

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Real Estate Management System 1
Real Estate Management System 1




The Management Information System will have following Menu



 Masters

 Enquiry

 Reports

 Admin

Real Estate Management System 1

 Exit


1) Employee:-

All the information stored in the database Like Employee Name,

Address, E-mail id, Mobile Number etc.

It allows maintaining the entire master files of the system with

the facility to New, Save, Edit, Delete, View and Close records in the

Master Menu.


While adding new records in the system clicking on this option

will auto generates the Id for the new record. It was compulsory to

enter all the records in the system.

Real Estate Management System 1


To save the record user must click on this option. It will give

message to user that record save successfully in the system.


To modify the record the user is allowed to choose the record

that he wants to modify or enter the Id of the record to make changes

in the existing record. After appropriate validations the record is



To delete the record the user can choose the record to be

deleted and after confirming with the user the record is deleted from

the system.


The user can view the record on the screen just double clicking

on the appropriate record in the grid view.


Real Estate Management System 1

The Report menu gives option to view the various reports

generated by the system such as Employee Details, Project Details,

Supplier Detail, Enquiry By Attended By, Purchase Product Details,

Booking Details, Bill Generate Details etc.


In the Admin Menu Change the password and main Profile Rights.

Admin decides

The rights of all Employee’s i.e. Project Manager etc


Exit the Project.

Real Estate Management System 1


Real Estate Management System 1


Login Form

Main Form

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Real Estate Management System 1
Real Estate Management System 1
Real Estate Management System 1
Real Estate Management System 1
Real Estate Management System 1
Real Estate Management System 1
3.10 Report

Real Estate Management System 1

3.11 Test Procedures and Implementation

Test Procedures

Software testing is a critical element of software quality

assurance and represents the ultimate review of specification, design

and code generation. It is the process of executing a program with a

Real Estate Management System 1

primary objective of finding errors. Testing give the guarantee that the

software doesn’t fail and runs according to its specifications and in the

way the end user expects. This can be done by various software testing

techniques which provides a systematic guidance for designing tests

that exercise the internal logic of the software components, and

exercise the input and output domains of the program to uncover errors

in the program function, behavior and performance.

The following software testing techniques were used in order to

uncover errors in the system:

 Unit testing

 Integration testing

 White box testing

 Black box testing

 Acceptance testing (Alpha & Beta testing)

Unit Testing

Real Estate Management System 1

Unit testing is normally considered as an adjunct to the coding

Step. It focuses verification effort on the smallest unit of the software

design. It has been conducted within the programming area. The

individual units have been tested in isolation and written to meet the

specification of requirements, including any requirement to interact

with other units in the system.

Unit testing is the test for the small units of code, e.g.

programs, modules or procedures in order to ensure that they perform

their intended functions. All possible Paths through control structure

were exercised at least once. Unit testing is also done to test data the

data flow across a module interface.

The following errors were uncovered during the unit testing.

 Comparison of different data types.

 Incorrect logical operators or precedence.

 Incorrect comparison of variables.

 Improper or nonexistence loop termination.

 Improperly modified lop variables.

Real Estate Management System 1

Integration Testing

Integration testing is a systematic technique for constructing the

program structure while at the same time conducting tests to uncover

errors associated with the interfacing. During this activity, unit tested

components were taken and a program structure were built per the

design. Then incremental integration was performed on the system.

This means that programs were constructed and tested in small

increments instead of testing the entire program as a whole. This was

done because corrections of errors become difficult in case of whole

program testing is done and it is not easy to correct them at one go.

Thus through incremental integration testing, any error

uncovered could be easily noted and corrected and interfaces were

tested completely.

White box testing

White box testing is also called as glass box testing. It is

related with the structure of the program. It helps in uncovering many

errors that black box testing cannot. During White box testing activity,

Real Estate Management System 1

every statement of the program is executed at least once. All

independent paths were also executed. Every logical decision was

executed to check both true and false conditions. All loops were

executed at their boundaries and within their operational bounds.

Validation checks were also done during this process.

Black box testing

Black box testing also called as behavioral testing, focuses

on the functional requirements of the software. It is related to input

and output only and not relate with the internal structure of the

program. This testing is also done to finds errors such as:

 Initialization and termination errors.

 Behavioral and performance errors.

 Incorrect or missing functions.

 Interface errors.

 Errors in data structure and external database access.

 Performance errors.

Acceptance Testing (Alpha & Beta Testing)

Real Estate Management System 1

An acceptance test is a test carried out by the customer or end

user rather then the developer in order to enable the customer to

validate all requirements. Alpha testing and beta testing are two types

of acceptance tests that were conducted.

Alpha testing

Alpha test is conducted in a controlled environment. As a

matter of fact, the end user conducts alpha test at the developer’s site.

But since I’m the developer and this system has been developed at the

company’s site itself, it is assumed that alpha test has been conducted

at the company’s site. During the course of the system development,

the end user was operating the software in my presence and I was

recording the errors that were occurring and other problems that were

coming up. Rectification was made accordingly.

Beta testing

Beta testing was also conducted at the company site by the end

user, but in my absence. Here the end user himself recorded all the

problems that he had encountered during testing the system and then

reported to me at regular intervals.

As a result of problem reported during beta testing,

modifications were made to overcome the problems.

Real Estate Management System 1

Validation Check

The major decisions of a validation stage are concerned with

handling errors and distribution of data. The data relevant to the

system enters it through a set of validation procedures. Often they are

caused by a generalized input validation package tailored for the needs

of a particular system.

There are various ways of handling errors open to the designer

which includes rejection of the item of input or processing the next

item, writing error record and signaling the appropriate message to the

user. Error procedures must be specified in detail showing decisions,

actions and exceptions. In most of the cases where error occurs an

error message is popped to the user who is supposed to realize the fact

and do the necessary steps. The program developed is checked

thoroughly for errors by testing it with data and the errors that are

raised during this can be clarified. The program may halt during an

unpredictable error.


After successful Testing and go-ahead signals for management,

it was decided that system be implemented on daily use. Since most of

Real Estate Management System 1

the user were new to new computerized System. We felt the need to

implement the system in phases, besides orienting confidence among

users this approach helps us in fixing minor bugs arising out of

implemented module.

In implementation it was decided that for first few months the

new computerized monitoring system could be run in parallel with

already existing old system and once the things are seemed to function

well and users also get acquainted with the system total shifting of

works on the new computer can be done. This decision was enormous,

as this would further subject the system to move live data and still

some miss functioning if found would be dedicated a reflective by the

time. The system would be sound and fully proof system. Once the

user satisfied with the result the decision will be taken by the

management to discontinue the old system.

In the process the User of the system were actually

involved and their suggestions as to Data Entry Formats, Reports were

given proper listing, which helped in final structuring the system.

During the phase there were errors regarding data entry to minor

details that were overlooked. Then report formatting on the actual

printed outputs was rectified and finally the overall system quality was

rectified and finally the overall system quality was enhanced.

Real Estate Management System 1

Thus the user was satisfied with system function which appears

to be working according to specifications, that performance

requirements appears to have meet data collected as testing was

conducted. Provide a good indication of software quality.

Real Estate Management System 1

Advantages and Drawbacks


1. Multi-User Environment

2. Real Time System

3. User level Security


1. Not fully automated system

2. Prone to virus attack

Real Estate Management System 1

Proposed Enhancements

1. Multi-User Environment:

This feature will enable user to view the details of particular

test bed from a main server. Data of tests conducted on any test

bed can be seen from anywhere depending on security levels.

This feature is very useful on sites where there are more than

one test beds.

2. User level Security will be Maintained:

Depending on login of the user the user will have the rights to

view the data accordingly.

3. Real Time System:

Real Estate Management System 1

Response time of the system will approximately near about 10


1. Professional C# 2008
By Wrox Publication

2. Microsoft .NET Application for Windows (Visual Basic

By Microsoft Official Course

3. The Complete Reference Visual Basic .NET

By TATA Mc-GRAW-HILL Publication

4. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

By James Rambaugh

5. MSDN Help

Real Estate Management System 1

6. HTTP://WWW.W3Schools.Com


8. HTTP://

Real Estate Management System 1

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