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There were many problems like the quacks sold the false medicines or the expiry products
and that was sold even at the price more than the maximum retail price which was a common
practice in the rural India. The medicines were also not packed in a proper manner the tablets
were packets in papers and the syrups were found in small containers of plastic material.
Also there were various solutions which were attempted by many groups including the
members of Piramal e-swasthya. One of the project was mobile medics in which they bring
doctors in vans at the specific times and tried to reach the maximum people but not all but the
problem faced was that the lack of willingness to go for the van ride so therefore the patients
were not able to time their illness.
The other initiative was Telemedicine initiative which was already the part of Piramal
healthcare facilities in which the treatment was provided by doing video conferencing to
connect to the rural areas but this pilot project lasted only for six months and then it failed
due to the technical issues along with the lack of infrastructure facilities.
The other project was in the state of Andrapradesh in which the main initiative was to
transform the systematic community. This foundation had the coordinated efforts over 200
villages and also trained the local leaders to take this initiative ahead. it also did partnership
with the government to run the services of health hotline, mobile van service and also service
of telemedicine which includes video conferencing under the name HRMI with the
operational cost mostly paid by the government.
The other projects were Disha by Philips in which they sent out the vans but used
telecommunication with hospitals for the purpose of diagnoses and the other project was
world healthcare partners which includes the franchise model connected with telemedicine
center for diagnosis assistance and many such projects were also implemented.

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