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Healthcare in Rural

In the year 2010, seven out of ten people in India lived in 6 lakhs rural villages. Many
villages from this lacked even basic infrastructure and facilities. Health is not everything but
everything else is zero without health. In the year 2005 around 30% of the population lived in
extreme poverty. The problems were solved theoretically but practically the problems still
exist and the practices failed. There were various systems implemented to reach to the
poorest. In the rural India it was supposed that households must not be far than 2 kilometers
from the closest health sub-center. Thus, for every one post there were 3600 people.
India would remain principally rural for decades to come over and thus business model has
long term scope. The case was more worse in the rural areas where the life expectancy was
even low than 12 years and they had very limited excess to the medical care which was
legally licensed. Also the infant mortality rate in India was even high compared to other
countries. In India there was one doctor available for every 1700 people but the situation was
worse in rural India because there was only 1 doctor for 25000 residents. One of the reason
for this was also the doctors were also less interested in serving in rural areas due to lack of
quality life in rural areas. There was a huge differences in the services provided in urban and
rural area for example in rural people India the doctors could see only 7 to 10 patients and
they spend only 10% of their income on the healthcare facilities whereas in urban the doctors
could able to see more than 100 patients in a day.

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