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Editing Text Passages : ( 1) James Wilson thinks the use of the green creme is best and he
proscribes it often. It's affect lasts longer and has deeper penetration to the skin. Patience who
develop a skin rush are told to ask advise from their local Doctor. Neither James or Jame's
colleges can be responsible for any condition developed if you chose to use this medecine. You
are reminded to use too much than you need. Irregardless, Dr Wilsson says that "if you have
problems, let Proffesor Black and I know". Although Dr Wilson specializes in skin conditions from
hid office downtown, he also utilises his skill overseas in voluntary circumstances. this is
different to many of his pears who avoid doing something to help others. Dr Wilson insists he is
onto an important principal, that helping everyone is good for them. When asked who he should
help Mr Wilson says “any one in need’. He further say, ‘if you are adverse to doing good things
you will never achieve you full potential and will for ever remain stationery in you're life. The
High Street is harder but more rewarding in the longer run.’ He adds that he has born much in
his own life and wants to contribute back to the society and while he does not want to infer that
others are amoral, he does wander about there will to sacrifice. His unpaid work is
complimentary to his full-time paid work. Even so he is carefull to keep the 2 areas of his actions
discreet to avoid issues with the government. He also doesn’t flout his generosity publicly, its his
practise to be humble. “I try to insure that I do not loose perspective and have an inflated
opinion of what I do”. Dr Wilson is obviously a philanderer whose greatly admired by all who
know him. [Dr wilson has authorised this statement.

2.They took my mother away the other day. They cam in broad daylight and callously knocked
down to the ground and dragged her away in chains. She kept quiet right to the very end. The
rest of us stood our ground in defiance. Later on they came back for me too. Remembering my
mother, I stood up proud and tall. Their painfull blows came with steely inevitability. I fell down
just like my mother did. In chains I was carriedoff to their deadly camp. Stripped and then
dressed roughly, I embarrased darkness as their murderous machines took me to my maker.
I woke up. Hardly myself at all, I was standingin the doorway of a well decorated bedroom. I
turned slowly into my empty prison which I was both a prisoner and the guard of. In one of the
corners stood a large, solid timber wardrobe. I looked despondently at it. But salvation was
calling me; my niggle of suspicion became a yell of recognition. That strong grain and heart-
shaped knot, and above all, that delicate, comforting smell I had known for many years -- it was
my mother!

3. The way of making tea

1.The tea amount used may depend on personally likes fluctuating, the tea quantity and water-soaks the time to
have the inverse ratio. the world comments the tea recognition amount used is 3g teas. breaks in the 150cc
boiling water. right amount swelled several times.
2.Front this tea swells take the chinaware or the glass system tea set as is good. makes tea cleans by all means
must. avoids the unusual smell, the tea puts in first to the boiling water has burnt the tea set, may receive keeps
warm effect of the concurrently acceleration tea taste leaching.

4. I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg.

The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at
Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, deosn't mttaer it inwaht oredr the ltteers in a word are, theolny iprmoatnt tihng is taht
the frist and lsat ltteer be in
the rghitpclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it
wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey
lteter byistlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas
thought that slpeling was ipmorantt..

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