Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur - 572 103: Third Semester BE Electronics & Communication

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USN 3CES - 4

Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur – 572 103

(An Autonomous Institution under Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum)

Third Semester BE Electronics & Communication

Subject: Signals and Systems Section: C
Quiz 1(A) Sept-2016
Time: 20 Minutes Max. Marks : 15
Answer all questions

1 a) Show that odd signal always passes through the origin.

b) A power signal has _________ energy.
c) Define continuous time Impulse signal
d) If x1 (t ) is an even signal and x 2 (t ) is an odd signal, then the signal x(t )  x1 (t )  jx 2 (t ) is
e) 3
The period of the signal x[n] = cos( n) is _____________.
f) 

 x( ) (t   )d is equal to __________.


g) Write the expression for a discrete time, growing ,exponential complex signal
h) The energy of x[n] which takes the value of 2n, at n = -2,-1, 0 and 1 is______.
i) Define deterministic signal. 1X9
2 Sketch the signal y(t)= x(1- 0.5t) for the given x(t)


b) Sketch x(t)= r(t) – 2r(t-1) + r(t-2).

c) Determine the average power of x[n]  u[ n]. 2X3

USN 3CES - 4
Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur – 572 103
(An Autonomous Institution under Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum)
Third Semester BE Electronics & Communication
Subject: Signals and Systems Section: C
Quiz 1(B) Sept-2016

Time: 20 Minutes Max. Marks : 15

Answer all questions

1 a) Power signals are the signals with ___________energy.

b) u[n]- u[n-1]=___________
c) The product of two odd signals is an ________ signal.
d) x(t ) (t  to ) is equal to __________.
e) Write the expression for a discrete time, decaying ,exponential complex signal
f) The period of the signal x[n]  cos( 53 n) + cos ( 34 n) is ______________.
g) Total energy of the signal x[n]  2 [n  2]   [n  1]  3 [n  1]  2 [n  2] is
h) Sketch the signal x(2-t) of x(t ) , shown in figure2(a) .
i) Define even signal. 1X9
2 Find the odd part of the following signal x(t) 2

-4 -1 1 t
b) Sketch u[  n]
c) Check whether the signal x[n]  nu[n] is energy or power signal? Find that value. 2X3


USN 3CES - 4

Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur – 572 103

(An Autonomous Institution under Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum)
Third Semester BE Electronics & Communication
Subject: Signals and Systems Section:C
Quiz 1(C) Sept-2016
Time: 20 Minutes Max. Marks : 15
Answer all questions

1 a) Show that the odd signal pass through the origin.

The sum of two periodic signals will also be periodic if the ratio of their fundamental period
is a _________ number.
c) The product of two even signals is an ____________ signal.
d) Write the proper order of sequence of operations on independent variable
e) Write the mathematical expression for a sinusoidal signal of frequency 10 Hz, peak-to-peak
amplitude 2V, with no phase shift.
f) Find whether x[n]= ejΩn is periodic or not. If periodic find its periodicity.
g) Write  ( 2t ) in terms of  (t ) .
h) Define continuous time impulse signal
i) Define complex conjugate symmetry property of a signal. 1X9
2 Sketch the signal y(t) = x(-t+2) for x(t)


b) Sketch x(t )  r ( t  2) .
c) Check whether the signal x(t) = t .u(t) is energy or power signal? 2X3

USN 3CES - 4
Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur – 572 103
(An Autonomous Institution under Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum)

Third Semester BE Electronics & Communication

Subject: Signals and Systems Section: C
Quiz 1(D) Sept-2016
Time: 20 Minutes Max. Marks : 15
Answer all questions

1 a) The product of an odd signal and even signal is an _________ signal.

b) A power signal has _________ energy.
c) Sketch x[n] = ejΩn for n= -1,0,1.
d) If x1 (t ) is an even signal and x 2 (t ) is an odd signal, then the signal x(t )  x1 (t )  jx 2 (t ) is
e) Find whether the following signal is periodic or not. If periodic find the period of the signal
 3
x[n] = cos( n) + cos ( n ) is _____________.
2 2
f) Write the expression for x(t) in terms of  (t )
g) Write the expression for the discrete time equivalent of the signal x(t) = sin ( 3 t ) , when
sampled at Ts =0.2 sec.
h) Find the even part of the signal
i) Define energy signal. 1X9
2 Find x(t) is periodic or not if periodic find the fundamental time period of the signal
a)  
x(t )  cos( t  ) + cos( 2 t )
4 2
b) Sketch x(t)= r(t+2) – r(t-1) + r(t-2).
c) Determine the average power of x[n]  u[ n]. 2X3

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