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Briones, Jomel S.

Contemporary World

Regionalism vs. Regionalization

Regionalism is a term used in international relations. Regionalism includes economic,

political, social and cultural aspects and goes beyond trade cooperation. It can be seen, the
political ambition of establishing the regional cooperation and similar identity seems to be of
primary importance. The new concept of regionalism should be defined as a world order concept
that each country emerging to develop their country. Since any particular process of
regionalization in any part of the world has repercussions on other regions, it is shaping the way
which the world globalization is being organized. The new global power structure will thus be
defined by the world regions, but regions of different types.
Regionalization means a process of closer transnational cooperation among neighbor
states caused by non-political forces, regionalism is the attempt to deliberately steer the process
of regionalization politically. It refers to the expression of a common sense of identity and
purpose combined with the creation and implementation of institutions that express a particular
identity and shape collective action within a geographical region. Trade, financial flows,
technology transfers and population movements are no doubt important indicators of
regionalization, yet, there is more to the phenomenon than the volume of these flows. Regional
interaction can be defined as interdependence within countries.


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