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Title of the subject Operations Research

Name of the faculty Prof.DattaprasannaMarathe

Name of the program / specialization MMS/Batch I
if any
Course Revision No
Academic Year & Trimester / 2019-20/Semester II
No of credit hours and sessions 4 Credit, 40hours and 20 Sessions
Faculty contact details 9820196750/

Brief description of the subject / Introduction: ( 2 – 3 lines , stating the need for
the subject and what the course is about )

Learning Objectives:
(Ideally each subject should have between 3 – 5 Learning Objectives. The Learning
Objectives should be framed using Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy )

1. To learn to convert the business problems into various optimizing techniques.

2. To explain the process of enhancing business value through Operations Research


3. To prepare students for advanced analytical methods to help make effective business

4. To address and solve diverse business issues by applying various analytical / quantitative
techniques and methods. For example:logistics and supply chain management.

Learning Outcomes( LO ):

(This should mention what is it that the student is expected to learn by taking
this course. Ideally each subject should have between 3 – 5 Learning Outcomes.
The Learning Outcomes should be framed using Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy

LO 1. Students will be able to apply various optimizing techniques for business problems.

LO 2. Students will be able to apply operations research techniques to enhance business


LO 3. Students will be able to apply advance analytical methods to make effective business

LO 4. Students will be able to solve diverse business issues by applying various analytical
and quantitative techniques and methods of operations research.

Mapping of Learning Outcomes of the subject to the AOL goals

Leader Innovatio Critical and Communic Global Role of self

ship n Analytical ation Perspectiv in
Thinking e organizatio
n and
LO 1 H M   H M L
LO 2 H M H M  L 
LO 3 H M H H L

( Please indicate high,low,medium in appropriate column. In case of more LO –

please add them )

Recommended Readings / Books / Websites / Videos:

1 Operations research: an introduction.Taha, H.A., 9th Edition Pearson
Quantitative Techniques in Management - Vohra, N.D., 2006. , 3e. Tata McGraw-
Hill Education.
Quantitative Techniques in Management - Sharma, J.K. and JAIN, M., 2014. .
Laxmi Publications..
4 Operations research--methods and problem Sasieni, M.W., 1959..
5 Real world research (Vol. 3). - Robson, C., 2011.  Chichester: Wiley.

The APA format can be used to list out the recommended texts / books / readings / etc

Session Plan:

Details of Syllabus Delivery for Subject ‘Operations Research ‘


Suggested pedagogical tools are : (Articles / Case

Session Topics to be Covered Study / Presentations/ Videos/ Quiz/ Assignments /
etc )
It is mandatory to fill in the data below

Introduction to OR: Genesis, Assignment

1. Concepts, Application,
Scope& Limitations.
Introduction to OR: Genesis, Lecture and examples
2 Concepts, Application,
Scope& Limitations.
Linear Programming (LP): Lecture and examples
Concepts, Formulation of
Models, Diverse Problems –
Graphical Explanation of
Solution - Maximization /
Minimization – Simplex
Algorithm – Use of Slack /
Surplus / Artificial Variables –
Big M Method/ Two Phase
Method – Interpretation of the
Optimal Tableau – (Unique
Optimum, Multiple Optimum,
Unbounded-ness, Infeasibility
& Redundancy Problems.)
Linear Programming (LP): Lecture and examples
Concepts, Formulation of
Models, Diverse Problems –
Graphical Explanation of
Solution - Maximization /
Minimization – Simplex
Algorithm – Use of Slack /
Surplus / Artificial Variables –
Big M Method/ Two Phase
Method – Interpretation of the
Optimal Tableau – (Unique
Optimum, Multiple Optimum,
Unbounded-ness, Infeasibility
& Redundancy Problems.)
Transportation Problem (TP): Lecture and examples
Concepts, Formulation of
Model – Solution Procedures
for IFS and Optimality Check -
Balanced / Unbalanced -
Maximization / Minimization –
Case of Degeneracy –
Prohibited Routing Problems –
Post-Optimal Sensitivity

Transportation Problem (TP): Lecture and examples
Concepts, Formulation of
Model – Solution Procedures
for IFS and Optimality Check -
Balanced / Unbalanced -
Maximization / Minimization –
Case of Degeneracy –
Prohibited Routing Problems –
Post-Optimal Sensitivity
Assignment Problems : Lecture and examples
Concepts, Formulation,
Hungarian Model,
Maximization / Minimization,
Balanced / Unbalanced
Assignment Problems : Lecture and examples
Concepts, Formulation,
Hungarian Model,
Maximization / Minimization,
Balanced / Unbalanced
Queuing (Waiting- line) Lecture and examples
Models: Concepts- Types of
9 Queuing Models, Problem
Solving pertaining to queuing
Queuing (Waiting- line) Lecture and examples
Models: Concepts- Types of
10 Queuing Models, Problem
Solving pertaining to queuing
Game Theory: Concepts, 2* n- Lecture and examples
games, zero sum and Non-
zero-sum games, Solution
Procedures to 2* zero sum
games – Saddle point, Mixed
Strategy, Sub-games Method
for m x 2 or 2 x n games –
Graphical Methods.
Game Theory: Concepts, 2* n- Lecture and examples
games, zero sum and Non-
zero-sum games, Solution
Procedures to 2* zero sum
games – Saddle point, Mixed
Strategy, Sub-games Method
for m x 2 or 2 x n games –
Graphical Methods.

Replacement & Maintenance Lecture and examples
Models: Replacement of Items
Subject to Deterioration and
Items Subject Random Total
Failure – Group vs. Individual
Replacement Policies.
Replacement & Maintenance Lecture and examples
Models: Replacement of Items
Subject to Deterioration and
Items Subject Random Total
Failure – Group vs. Individual
Replacement Policies.
Simulation : Monte Carlo Lecture and examples
15 Simulation, its Application and
Problem Solving.
Project Management: PERT; Lecture and examples
CPM; Phases of a Project;
16 Network Arrow Diagrams
Slack; Critical Path; Float;
Crashing the Network.
Inventory Models Types of Lecture and examples
Inventory Situations Fixed
Quantity Fixed Review Period
3 costs Involved- Deterministic
Probability Models- Economic
Order Quantity-(EOQ) and
EBQ for Finite production
rate- Sensitivity Analysis
EOQ- EOQ under price break
Determination of safety stock
and Reorder levels – Static
inventory model
Decision making environment Lecture and examples
under certainty, uncertainty
and risk, Decision trees and its
Excel demonstration
19 Introduction to excel solver.
Excel demonstration
20 Introduction to excel solver.

Evaluation Schedule

Evaluation Methodology % of marks assigned The Learning

Objective that it
will measure *
1. Surprise quizzes
2. Case evaluation
3. Group presentations
4. Mid Term Evaluation 20 1,2,3
5. Project
6. Class work & Participation 20 1,2,3

7. End Term Exam 60 1,2,3

( For evaluation methodology 1- 6 maximum weightage can be 40 % , balance will be for
end term exam )
*Please specify which Learning Outcome goal will be measured by each evaluation
method. An evaluation method can measure one or more Learning Outcomes.

Please list out the details of any project / assignment that the students will be working
on for the subject.(Map to the Learning Objectives ,and mention LO )

Objective of the project:

Methodology to be adopted by the students:

Outcome of the project:

Method of evaluation:

Approved By

TLP submitted by Dean – Specialization

Name of the Faculty Prof.Dattaprasanna Marathe Prof.Dr.Shrinivas Gondhalekar




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