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Introduction to Yoga: Its Origin, History And Development

1. So what's YOGA???

Pātañjala Yoga (also referred to as Raja Yoga) is one of the six systems of Indian

philosophy (referred to as satdarsanas). Pātañjali may be a maharisi (an intellect &
a researcher) who lived somewhere between 900 – a hundred B.C. And compiled –
Pātañjali Yoga Sutras (PYS). Sutras means brief sentence –
a saying having diffused in-depth meaning. The PYS is break
up into four padas/agencies and consists of 196 sutras/formulae.
He gives numerous sādhana techniques known as Asthanga Yoga in PYS.
Pātañjali in his Pātañjali Yoga Sutras defined yoga as:

• Yogah + Chitta + Vrtti + Nirodhah (PYS 1.2) – Yoga is that

the restrict of modifications of mind.
• Tada + Drastuh + Svarupe + Avasthānam (PYS 1.3) – when all sports of
the mind are in check , the seer are going to be in his actual state. Controlling
the thoughts entails 2 aspects –

1. Power to recall any preferred subject / object.

1. Capacity to stay peaceful and calm all the time.

All oldsters are growing the first aspect i.E. Concentration however rarely the
2nd factor i.E. Tostay non violent and calm, is harnessed.
YOGA specially emphasises this 2nd element.
Bhagavad Gita defines yoga as:

Yoga-Vāsiṣha defines yoga as:

• ManahPrashamanopayah Yoga ityabhidhiyate – Yoga may be a skilful trick
to settle down the mind.

The word yoga has its verbal root as Yuj in Samskrta (Sanskrit) ,

which indicates union Yujyate arena itiYogah – it refers to the union
of character Self

2. Origin Of Yoga:

The beginnings of Yoga had been believed to be developed via the Indus-Sarasvati

civilization in the Northern India over 5,000 years ago. The phrase yoga turned
into first mentioned in the oldest sacred texts, the Rig Veda. The Vedas were a
set of texts containing songs, mantras and rituals to be employed by
using Brahmans, the Vedic priests.

It originated in historic India from time immemorial! inside the yogic lore, lord Shiva

is taken into account to be first yogi – Adiyogi& first guru – Adiguru. It had
been not until the invention of the most critical acknowledged civilization – Indus
Valley Civilisation, that expertise approximately starting place of Yoga surfaced!
3. History Of Yoga:

i. Pre-Vedic Period (3900 – 1500 B.C.):

The Indus Valley Civilisation – During Archaeological excavations sort of seals with
yogic motifs and figures acting yoga sadhana authenticate the existence of Yoga
The idol found in the excavation of the Harappan Civilisation screen the hint of
Yoga culture. The idol of pashupati in yogic posture is one such specimens.

Ii. Vedic Period (1700 – one thousand B.C.):

This length is marked with the emergence of Vedas – oldest sacred texts of
Hinduism. Veda means information. There are four sorts of vedas they are - Rig
Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda &Atharva Veda. They're generally divided into 2
1. Karma Kanda (ritual portion) &
2. Jnana Kanda (expertise portion managing the universe, person soul
and therefore the creator. it is philosophical speculations and doesn't affect any
The Upanishads / Vedantas are contained in the understanding part of the Vedas.
The gem of the principles of Yoga are widely available in the Upanishads.

Iii. Classic Period (600 – 100 B.C.)

The classical duration is defined by Patanjali’s yoga Sutras, the primary systematic
presentation of Yoga. This textual content describes the path of Ashtanga Yoga i.E.
They have referred to these eight limbs of yoga which contains the stairs and
stages closer to acquiring enlightenment. This is frequently additionally named
as Raja Yoga. They are:
1. Yamas – incorporates social restrains / observances
2. Niyamas – carries non-public restrains / observances
3. Āsanās– carries bodily postures
4. Prāṇāyāma– carries manage of life-pressure i.E.Prana via breath manage or
5. Pratyahara – moderation or withdrawal of sensual pleasures
6. Dhāraṇā– intense focussing or concentration
7. Dhyāna– meditation
8. Samādhi – kingdom of meditative consciousness, it is a meditative absorption or
trance. In samādhi the mind turns into still. it is a state of
being completely conscious of this moment; a one-pointedness of mind.

Iv. Post-Classical Yoga

A few centuries after Patanjali, type of yoga masters created a system of practices
designed to rejuvenate the frame and lengthen the life, this exploration of physical-
religious connections and body-centred practices caused the compilation of yoga.
The ultimate goal of
yoga exercise is additionally to form your body and thoughts fit enough to practi
ce Raja Yoga! Gorakhnath (800 – 1200 A.D.) disciple of Matsyendranath is that
the predominant contributor and compiler of yoga . We cannot say that he's the
founder as yoga existed even before him. Later SvāmiSvātmārāma (wrote yoga
Pradīpikā). Yoga Pradīpikā (1300 – 1400 A.D.) ,GherandaSamhita (1657 – 1700
A.D.) & Siva Samhitā(seventeenth century textual content) are
the three conventional texts of yoga .
4. Development Of Yoga:

The technology of Yoga has its origin hundreds of years ago, long earlier

than the primary religion or perception structures were born. According toYogic
lore, Shiva has seen because the primary yogi or ādiyogi and therefore the
primary guru or ādiguru.
Several thousand years ago, on the banks of lakeKantisarovar within the Himalayas,
ādiyogi poured his profound understanding into the mythical saptarishis or "seven
These sages carried this powerful Yogic technology to specific components of the
planet such as Asia, the center East, northern Africa and South America.
Interestingly, present day scholars have stated and marvelled at
the close parallels found between ancient cultures the world over.
However, it had been in India that the Yogic system discovered its fullest expression.
The saints like Agastya, the saptarishi who travelled throughout the complete Indian
subcontinent, crafted this lifestyle around a core Yogic manner in their life.

Yoga, that's widely taken into consideration as an "immortal cultural outcome" of

the Indus Saraswati Valley Civilisation, dating lower back to 2700 BC and
has proven itself to cater to each the fabric and the spiritual uplift of
humanity. variety of seals and fossil stays of Indus Saraswati Valley Civilisation with
Yogic motifs and figures acting Yoga sādhana advocate the presence of Yoga
in ancient India. The seals and idols of mom Goddess are implicational Tantra
The presence of Yoga is additionally available in folks traditions, Vedic and
Upanishadic heritage, Buddhist and Jain traditions, Darshanas, epics of
Mahabharata which includes Bhagawadgita and Ramayana, theistic traditions of
Shaivas, Vaishnavas and Tantric traditions. Though Yoga became being
practiced inside the pre-Vedic period, the best sage Maharishi Patanjali
systematised and codified the then present Yogic practices, its which means and
its associated expertise through Patanjali's Yoga Sutras.
After Patanjali, many sages and Yoga masters contributed greatly for
the upkeep and development of the arena thru well documented practices and
literature. Yoga has spread anywhere the planet with the aid of the teachings of
eminent Yoga masters from beyond to this date. Today, every body has
conviction approximately the practices of Yoga towards the prevention of
disease, preservation of their body and promotion of health.
Millions and plenty of people internationally have benefitted by means
of the exercise of Yoga and consequently the exercise of Yoga is blossoming
and developing greater vibrant with each passing day.
The first of the 2 components speaks of the occasion of yoga and
meditation inside the Gangetic valley inside the context of 2d urbanisation, the
interactive times , religion inside the early states, the origins of the Buddhist and
Jaina orders, and therefore the Brahmanical alternative.
It ends with an interlude reviewing asceticism and celibacy, wherein the author has
tried to signify the 2 guidelines of Indic religions the Brahmanical and therefore the
Sramanicalbesidesin being bringing out
the assessment between the regular faith and the pragmatic.

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