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Member of Group
1. Iis Hidayah 19110190
2. Kintan Maulidyansa 19119001
3. Mega Nur Sukmawati 19110207
4. Aulia Alfiani 19110208
5. Kamal Junaidi 19110199
6. Leanty Jianigga 10110085

Raden Mas Soewardi Soerjaningrat, also known as Ki Hadjar Dewantara was born
in Pakualaman, May 2, 1889. He was an activist for the independence movement,
politicians, columnists, and also a pioneer of education for native Indonesians in
the Dutch colonial era. Peliau is also the founder of the Taman Siswa College
which is an educational institution for ordinary Indonesians in Indonesia to be
able to obtain educational rights as well as the Dutch and priyayi.
The date of his birth in Indonesia is celebrated as National Education Day. His
motto of creation is also the slogan of the Ministry of National Education, namely
tut wuri handayani. In addition, his name was immortalized on one of the
Indonesian warships namely KRI Ki Hajar Dewantara And his portrait was
immortalized in 1998 banknotes in the 20 thousand rupiah denomination. Ki
Hadjar Dewantara died on April 26, 1959 at the age of 69 years.

Ki Hajar Dewantara's profile

Education and Being a Journalist
Soewardi Soerjaningrat is the son of GPH Soerjanirat and is the grandson of
Pakualam III. He completed his basic education at ELS or the European / Dutch
Elementary School, then he was able to continue his education to STOVIA or
Bumiputera School of Doctors but did not graduate due to illness.
Then he worked as a journalist and writer in several newspapers such as De
Express, Poesara, Midden Java, Oetoesan Indies, Sediotomo, Kaoem Moeda and
Tjahaja Timoer. He is a reliable writer whose writing is communicative and sharp
with the anti-colonial spirit of his time.

Movement activity
In addition to being a tenacious young journalist, Soewardi was also active in
organizations in the socio-political field. He was active in the propaganda section
to socialize and arouse the awareness of the Indonesian people, especially those
in Java, concerning the unity and national and state unity at that time in the Boedi
Oetomo youth organization which was founded in 1908.
In addition, he was also a member of the Insulinde organization, a multitechnical
organization dominated by the Indo-Indonesians to fight for self-government in
India, Belandaatas, the influence of Dr. Ernest François Eugène Douwes Dekker
or Danudirja Setiabudi. Soewardi was also invited by Douwes Dekker and Tjipto
Mangunkusumo to establish the Indische Partij, the first political party in the
Dutch East Indies.

Exile Period
In 1913 to celebrate Dutch independence from France, the Dutch East Indies
government intended to collect donations from citizens including natives.
However, this caused a critical reaction from nationalists including Ki Hadjar
Dewantara by writing "Een voor Allen maar Ook Allen voor Een" or which in
Indonesian means "One for All, but All for One Also".
In addition to the article, his most famous column is "Als ik een Nederlander was"
or in Indonesian means "If I were a Dutchman" published in the newspaper De
Express. The following is an excerpt of the text:
"If I were a Dutchman, I would not have held independence parties in a
country which we had confiscated. In line with that line of thinking, it is not
only unfair, but also inappropriate to have the inlander make a donation to
fund the celebration. The idea of organizing the celebration alone insulted
them, and now we also dredge the pockets. Let's just continue that physical and
mental humiliation! If I am a Dutchman, the thing that is especially offensive to
me and my fellow countrymen is the fact that an inlander is required to
participate in an activity which has no interest whatsoever to him.

As a result of this writing Soewardi was arrested and exiled to Bangka Island or at
his own request. However, his two colleagues in the triumvirate, namely Douwes
Dekker and Tjipto Mangunkusumo protested about this and eventually the three
of them were exiled to the Netherlands. At the time of exile Soewardi was only 24
years old.
During his exile in Soewardi in the Netherlands, he was active in the Indische
Vereeniging or Indian Association consisting of students from Indonesia. He then
pioneered the ideals of advancing indigenous kaunas by studying education to get
the Europeesche Deed (Diploma of Education)

Return to Indonesia and establish Student Park

In September 1919, he returned to Indonesia and joined his brother's fostered
school. With this teaching experience he developed the concept of teaching at the
school he founded, Nationaal Onderwijs Instituut Tamansiswa or Tamansiswa
National College on July 3, 1922. Soewardi changed his name to Ki Hadjar
Dewantara when he was 40 years old according to Javanese calendar calculations.
Ki Hadjar Dewantara has the motto of using Javanese in the education system that
he uses, namely "ing ngarsa sung tuladha, ing madya mangun karsa, tut wuri
handayani" or in Indonesian means "in front of giving examples, in the middle of
encouraging, behind giving encouragement" . This motto is still used in the world
of education in Indonesia.
Ki Hadjar Dewantara was appointed as the Minister of Teaching of Indonesia
(now the Minister of Education and Culture) the first in the first cabinet of the
Republic of Indonesia. He also received the title of doctor honoris causa, Dr.H.C.
or an honorary doctorate from Gadjah Mada University in 1957.

Ki Hadjar Dewantara's death

Ki Hadjar Dewantara died on April 26, 1959 in Yogyakarta and was later buried
in Taman Wijaya Brata. To commemorate his services in pioneering general
education, on November 28, 1959 he was asked as the Father of Indonesian
National Education and his birthday was declared as National Education Day
based on the Republic of Indonesia's Presidential Decree no. 305 in 1959. Thus
this article about Biography and Profile of Ki Hajar Dewantara that we can
present, hopefully can be useful for readers or become literature in finding
information about Biography and Profile of Ki Hajar Dewantara

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