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By: Wa Ode Nurmala Yunita. N

Assalamualakum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

My name is Wa Ode Nurmala Yunita. N. I was called by Mala, I currently

enrolled at a university in Southeast Sulawesi is Halu Oleo University. This time
I'll tell you how my activities on campus and how the condition of the livestock
industry in Indonesia today.

I attended haluoleo university majored in Animal Husbandry at the faculty

farm. Our faculty currently has a department that is subject ranch, with a choice of
four concentrations, namely, Science and Technology of Animal Production,
Nutrition and Food Technology, Agribusiness, and Science and Technology of
Livestock. Our faculty provide adequate facilities to support the learning process
so that it can run properly. For example such, it provides air conditioning in every
classroom, a tool bench, LCD, slates etc. and there are several laboratories as a
practicum. I'm happy studying here because the environment clean and beautiful.
Plus friends and professors were friendly.

Activity during the lectures in college I was quite busy. That is because in
addition to learning and doing the coursework that is my duty as a student, I was
also appointed as an assistant professor in my faculty. Assistant lecturer lecturer
meant that as a helper in dealing with the lecture. I was appointed as an assistant
professor from the third semester until now. My third semester appointed as an
assistant practicum courses Basic Biochemistry and Microbiology, then Semester
5 as assistant courses Basic Animal Nutrition and Statistics, and the 6th semester
as an assistant Feed Ingredients and formulations rations and Nutrition and Feed.
My lecture activities on campus starting from Monday to Friday. Every morning
at 7 o'clock. 30 I went to the campus by filling my courses that I have the program
up to 2:40 o'clock in the afternoon. then the afternoon after the Asr prayer time
approximately 4:00 I take the time to meet with the practitioner who wants consul
praktikumnya report. When there is free time, I spend time to the library for
reading and lectures daily tasks. I also often follow several academic competitions
such as the English debate competition Indonesian and debate that is carried by
our universities. In addition to my academic competition also participated in the
event activities organized by the faculty as rations penyususnan competition and
other competitions. 00 I take the time to meet with the practitioner who wants
consul praktikumnya report. When there is free time, I spend time to the library
for reading and lectures daily tasks. I also often follow several academic
competitions such as the English debate competition Indonesian and debate that is
carried by our universities. In addition to my academic competition also
participated in the event activities organized by the faculty as rations penyususnan
competition and other competitions. 00 I take the time to meet with the
practitioner who wants consul praktikumnya report. When there is free time, I
spend time to the library for reading and lectures daily tasks. I also often follow
several academic competitions such as the English debate competition Indonesian
and debate that is carried by our universities. In addition to my academic
competition also participated in the event activities organized by the faculty as
rations penyususnan competition and other competitions. I also often follow
several academic competitions such as the English debate competition Indonesian
and debate that is carried by our universities. In addition to my academic
competition also participated in the event activities organized by the faculty as
rations penyususnan competition and other competitions. I also often follow
several academic competitions such as the English debate competition Indonesian
and debate that is carried by our universities. In addition to my academic
competition also participated in the event activities organized by the faculty as
rations penyususnan competition and other competitions.

The reason I choose majors farm is to be more aware of science in the field
of livestock so that the future can be promoting the livestock industry in
Indonesia. Speaking about the farm industry in Indonesia is now Indonesia is an
archipelago that is suitable to be used as farm business centers. Indonesia's land
area that reaches millions km2 strongly support farming activities that in fact
require large areas. Indonesia's position in the region trofis also strongly supports
the activities of the farm. This geographical position allows parts of Indonesia to
the sunlight and sentenced to rain throughout the year. This makes the need for a
variety of farm activities such as water and forage can be obtained easily in
Indonesia. Until now, needs some farm products still can not be met from within
the country. Most of shortage of livestock products is still overcome by way of
imports to neighboring countries. Some livestock products are still met by
imports, namely beef and dairy. Almost every year, at some festivities such as Eid
and new year, demand for beef products increased sharply. The huge increase
could not be offset by the supply of cattle from farms in Indonesia and eventually
met with the importation of beef either in a state of meat ready for consumption or
in a state of cattle ready for slaughter. With these shortcomings, expected also
investors willing to invest in the livestock industry so that it can absorb the supply
of domestic labor. With this shortage is also expected there will be a wide variety
of new ventures engaged in supporting farm. Prospects CATTLE Livestock
Industry in Indonesia. Given this reality the government through the Directorate
General of Livestock and Animal Health did not stay silent. In 2016, the
government issued a policy in the provision and supply of beef, among other
things: First, the increase in beef cattle populsi through the program "Sexual
arousal and Insentasi snapping Artificial (GBIB), integration cattle - plants,
introduction of cattle breeders from the outside.

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