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By: Wa Ode Nurmala Yunita. N

Assalamualakum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

This essay is presented to full fill the requirements of ISPI-Red Meat and
Cattle Partnership Internship Program for Fresh Graduate Programe. My name wa
ode Nurmala yunita. N. I am a student at the animal science faculty, oleo halu
university. This time I'll tell you how my activities on campus and how the
condition of the livestock industry in Indonesia today.
As a student I was active in academic fields such as lectures and
completing coursework. For specialization courses, I chose the interests of
Nutrition and Food Technology. Because I berimpian want to make the latest
resolution to find and make fodder better that have a high quality score but remain
effective and efficient use. Therefore my specialization in Nutrition and Food
Technology, in addition to active in the lecture in general, I am also active in the
laboratory of Nutrition and Food Technology. As for some of the activities I have
done in the lab is becoming a lab assistant, where I guide my friends in doing
practical work in the laboratory of Nutrition and Food Technology, such as the
introduction of laboratory equipment, analyzing feedstuffs and so forth. but to
follow the activities in the lab, I attended a community service program on
integration between farmers and ranchers. Where the results of our farm waste
process into animal feed ingredients and animal feces process into fertilizer for
agricultural crops. Of all the activities I have done during the course aims to
improve the knowledge and skills of the laboratory in the field of nutrition.
Regarding Indonesian cattle industry, cattle farms in Indonesia has not
been good progress with especially high levels of the needs of people each year,
so can not meet the needs of the community meat. However, Indonesia has huge
potential for the development of animal husbandry in Indonesia it can be viewed
by utilizing the existing vacant land and abundant natural resources. Indonesia is
also rich in genetic diversity of livestock where clumps of cattle native to
Indonesia has a comparative keungulan than imported livestock. One of them is a
good adaptability to the tropical environment with good reproduction properties as
a result of natural selection. So from that need upayah-upayah synergize local
comparative advantages and innovation,
One of the crucial problems related to the development of cattle
production in Indonesia is the availability of good quality of feed. Because feed is
a critical success factor and business continuity of production. Feed for livestock
has an important role, both for the growth of young animals and to sustain life and
produce another function of the feed is to maintain the immune system and health.
Keep cattle grow as expected, the type of feed given to livestock must be of good
quality and in sufficient quantities. Some factors that become a problem in the
field of animal husbandry industry in Indonesia, namely the season and
technologies. Factor season becomes one of determining the availability of feed,
especially forage forage availability fluctuations periodically always happens
every year, excess feed during the rainy season and shortages during the dry
season. The quantity, quality and continuity of forage is not guaranteed
throughout the year. Factor teknlogi namely the lack of ability to manage farm
waste. The methane gas contained in livestock waste is one of the causes of global
warming. Livestock sector became one of the producers of methane are quite
high, especially waste ruminants. Therefore, it needs special treatment in the field
of waste processing technologies such as the cattle into a gas (fuel) households.
The methane gas contained in livestock waste is one of the causes of global
warming. Livestock sector became one of the producers of methane are quite
high, especially waste ruminants. Therefore, it needs special treatment in the field
of waste processing technologies such as the cattle into a gas (fuel) households.
The methane gas contained in livestock waste is one of the causes of global
warming. Livestock sector became one of the producers of methane are quite
high, especially waste ruminants. Therefore, it needs special treatment in the field
of waste processing technologies such as the cattle into a gas (fuel) households.

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