Individual Interview 12

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Focus Group Location: Rae Bareli


Date: December 09, 2019

Number of Attendees (if known):

Name of Transcriber: Aayushi Bana






[Conversation/translation between Sara and Krista]

I2: What did you think while joining the SHG?

P: Before joining the SHG I was in very bad condition but after joining SHG everything changed. I
started saving 100rs per month and also bought one buffalo worth 50,000rs and financial help was
provided by village council.

I2: I will ask you about all the advantages but first tell me what were your thoughts when you joined

P: I wanted to get out of poverty that was main reason of joining the SHG.

I2: From where did you get information regarding SHG?

P: Some village sisters only told me about SHG that if you want to do savings and earn some extra
money then join SHG so after that I joined SHG.

[Conversation/translation between Samarth and Krista]

(Kids voice in the background)

I2: Were you living with your parents at the time of joining SHG?
P: Yes.

[Conversation/translation between Samarth and Krista]

I2: What was your parent’s reaction on SHG?

P: They were happy on my decision of joining SHG.

[Conversation/translation between Samarth and Krista]

I2: What type of things you do in SHG?

P: In SHG I organise meetings of around 10 women and distribute pamphlets. We do savings and
collect 25rs per month. We also keep track of accounts and books.

[Conversation/translation between Samarth and Krista]

I2: What other things you do beside meetings in SHG?

P: I belong to agricultural family. I’m illiterate but my brother writes down various techniques on paper
about compost making and other processes. I don’t use inorganic fertilisers but organic fertilisers only.

[Conversation/translation between Samarth and Krista]

I2: How did SHG affected your farming?

P: Before SHG productivity was very less I used to get less than 2 quintal wheat but now it’s almost 6
quintal. Some share of crop we use for food and rest is used for funding various things like education
and household purpose. Quality of potato has also improved now it’s shinier and more perishable now
we can store potato for longer period of time. Overall, SHG techniques have enhanced our farming.

[Conversation/translation between Samarth and Krista]

I2: What are the reasons behind improvements in farming? What did you learn in SHG?

P: SHG is very good for us as it has improved our farming and because of SHG only I’m interacting
with you all. After joining SHG we started going outside earlier I used to stay at home only.

[Conversation/translation between Samarth and Krista]

I2: What is the most important aspect in SHG?

P: SHG is the most important medium for us.

I2: What are your views on productivity?

P: Yes productivity is also important.

I2: What about compost?

P:Yes it also equally important as now I save 500rs per day on transplantation method.

[Conversation/translation between Samarth and Krista]

I2: How does SHG affected your family?

P: My family is happy and prosperous.

[Conversation/translation between Samarth and Krista]

I2: Why are your family is happy after SHG?

P: Now I don’t have to buy compost from outside and extra income is invested on education. We also
get good quality of food now.

[Conversation/translation between Samarth and Krista]

I2: Did you take out any loans before producing seeds?

P: No, before SHG I was not aware of saving scheme. I took loan after joining SHG.

I2: When did you take loan in SHG? Was it before production of seeds or after?

P: Before seeds production I took loan once.

I2: For what purpose did you take loan?

P: I took loan for my brother’s electric shop. Loan amount was 16,000rs. Second time I took it from
village council and the loan amount was 50,000rs.

[Conversation/translation between Samarth and Krista]

I2: How the loan amount helped your family?

P: With the help of loan we started the electric shop and we converted 15,000 into 1 lakh and also
paid off the entire loan amount.

[Conversation/translation between Samarth and Krista]

I2: Various changes happened after joining SHG. What are those?

P: We made our own electric shop and farming has improved. I will not leave this moment and I will
continue to do it.

[Conversation/translation between Samarth and Krista]

I2: What changes you have witnessed personally?

P: We are now out of poverty. Now we are running our shop successfully. Yield is more, in the
beginning it was only 50kg now it’s more than 6 quintal.
[Conversation/translation between Samarth and Krista]

I2: You are earning extra income in SHG. What makes you happy about it?

P: I’m saving 100rs per month and I will continue to do it I will not take it out and my target is 1lakh till I
become old as there is no pension nor any other benefit my savings will only help me in later stage of
life. Farming also makes me happy I don’t have to go outside to buy anything we are getting enough
food for us.

[Conversation/translation between Samarth and Krista]

(Kids playing in the background)

I2: How does SHG affected your relations with your family?

P: Before joining SHG our relatives didn’t gave us respect no one used to visit us but after joining
SHG all our problems have been solved.

I2: What were the problems you were facing before SHG?

P: We didn’t have enough food for us. We were short of money. No one was happy. But after joining
SHG we are now self sufficient and prosperous.

[Conversation/translation between Samarth and Krista]

I2: As you are producing seeds now. So what do you do of surplus seeds?

P: Some I use it and rest I gave it to other member sisters of SHG. In meetings also I discuss with
other members that I have surplus seeds with me if anyone want it can take it from me.

I2: So you inform in SHG meetings that you have surplus seeds.

P: Yes, I inform them and also tell about the variety of seeds I have.

I2: So you give seeds in exchange of money?

P: Yes I give seeds in exchange of seeds and I also give seeds in exchange of money.

[Conversation/translation between Samarth and Krista]

I2: How do you feel when people buy your seeds?

P: I feel good as I’m producing seeds for myself and for others also. I also tell them to produce their
own seeds as it will help them in similar way as it helped me. I encourage them to follow my
procedure as farming will improve.

[Conversation/translation between Samarth and Krista]

I2: How do you feel when you share your knowledge with others?
P: I feel good as I’m progressing so every sister should also progress similarly.

(Krista eating something)

P: Can I also eat with you?

(Krista says yes)

[Conversation/translation between Samarth and Krista]

P: Because of SHG only I’m eating with you. I’m interacting with you. I was not able to talk properly
with anyone all this is possible because of SHG.

[Conversation/translation between Samarth and Krista]

I2: You have created an exciting session here. (Laughing)

P: (laughing)

[Conversation/translation between Samarth and Krista]

I2: We can eat and talk simultaneously.

P: Yes. Sure

[Conversation/translation between Samarth and Krista]

I2: Has anyone came again to buy seeds from you second time?

P: Actually no they started making their own seeds (laughing).

[Conversation/translation between Samarth and Krista]

I2: So you told them how to make seeds?

P: Yes, I also visit their house to train them.

[Conversation/translation between Samarth and Krista]

I2: So you take decision yourself to visit their house and to train them?

P: Yes and sometimes I ask SHG teachers to help them out.

[Conversation/translation between Samarth and Krista]

(Birds chirping in the background)

I2: Now you have burden of seed production. What do you think about the extra work you have to do?
P: Yes there is a lot of workload on me as now I don’t have to buy compost and seeds from
government shops. But other things have also improved as children are getting good education and
we are prosperous now.

[Conversation/translation between Samarth and Krista]

I2: You have to go to many places for SHG work. Who decides that you can go or not?

P: I discuss it with my parents, brother and sister in-law. They don’t stop me from going anywhere as
they know I’m doing good work.

[Conversation/translation between Samarth and Krista]

I2: Was the situation same before joining SHG?

P: No, then there were restrictions as my brother used to ask me where I’m going.

[Conversation/translation between Samarth and Krista]

I2: Your father is Alive?

P: Yes.

[Conversation/translation between Samarth and Krista]

I2: Why the situation changed after joining SHG?

P: Because after I joined SHG family members are benefitted from it and they think everyone should
take part in this initiative.

[Conversation/translation between Samarth and Krista]

I2: Did you work in farms before SHG?

P: Earlier I used to go but there were no efficient practices’ and I was not connected to it because
there was less productivity and less techniques but after SHG everything changed I’m now more
connected to it.

[Conversation/translation between Samarth and Krista]

I2: Who used to manage the farming before SHG?

P: My father used to manage it but there was shortage of money so everything didn’t happen timely
so that’s why productivity was less.

[Conversation/translation between Samarth and Krista]

I2: How your family members were convinced from you that you are doing good job in farming?
P: Initially I made compost and used it in my wheat fields. After using compost yield was high and
colour was also good previous year it was pale yellow so from that point family members intervened in

[Conversation/translation between Samarth and Krista]

I2: Did you face any difficulties while joining SHG?

P: My family members asked me to join SHG and they told me that they will give me money so that I
can deposit it in SHG. They were supportive.

I2: Your sister in-law is also a member of SHG?

P: Yes, she’s member of the same SHG in which I’m the member.

[Conversation/translation between Samarth and Krista]

I2: What are the problems you are facing in SHG?

P: I’m not facing any problems in SHG.

I2: We are asking it because we want to know the problems so that we can rectify them and make
SHG more efficient.

P: There should be more programs in which more women can take part every women should be part
of SHG.

I2: Thank you for giving us time.


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