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North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon

Faculty of Science and Technology

BCA 601 - e-Commerce & m - Commerce
w.e.f. 2019-20
Question Bank
1. Define e-commerce and its scope.

2. What are the benefits and impact of e-commerce ?

3. Describe the elements of e-commerce and m-commerce.

4. What do you mean by EDI also discuss benefits and applications of EDI with example.

5. Discuss the e-commerce model.

6. Describe concept and importance of e-commerce and m-commerce.

7. Discuss the Electronic Payment System.

8. What are the advantages of e-commerce and m-commerce.

9. Write notes on : E-Commerce vs M-Commerce.

10. Explain EDI communication and transaction.

11. Discuss the Inter-organization and Intra-organization.

12.What is E-commerce Trade Cycle?

13 Discuss security concern in e-commerce.

14. Write note on : a. Digital signature and firewalls.

15.Explain in details IT act 2000 and cyber crime.

16.What is the meaning of E-governance?

12. Discuss the online share dealing and internet bookshop.

13.Explain the term Electronic Markets ?

14. Discuss the EDI layered Architecture, EDI technology and standards ?

15. Explain the term credit/debit/smart cards, e-credit accounts, e-money in details ?

16.Explain the Internet bookshops, Electronic newspapers?

17. Discuss the authenticity, non-repudiation ?

18.Explain the Online payments, After - sales services ?

19. Discuss the Internet E-Commerce security?

20. what is the Basics of M-Commerce, E-Commerce ?

21.Expain the term EDI technology and standards?

22.Discuss the EDI communications and transactions

23.What is SSL discuss in details ?

24. Define various cyber laws.

25.what are the essentials of E-Services and M-Services.?

26. Explain Virtual auctions in details ?

27.what is the difference E-Commerce and M Commerce.?

28.Explain the intra-organization E-Commerce ?

29.Discuss in details G2C, C2G ?

30.Explain the non-repudiation and confidentiality in E-Commerce ?

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