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Datamine Discover 64-bit
Version 2017 Update
(Build 19.1.21264)
June 2018

Copyright(c) Datamine Corporate Limited 2018

All Rights Reserved


This Readme.txt file contains technical information summarizing the
updates for Discover since version 3.0. It is installed on your
hard disk in the same location as the Discover product files, under
the \Documentation subfolder.


Datamine Discover 2017 Update installs and licenses MapInfo Pro Advanced (TM)
17.0, which
includes MapInfo Pro Raster and MapInfo Premium Services (annual subscription
expires 31st December 2018).

Supported Operating Systems:

Windows(R) 7 SP1 (64 Bit)
Windows(R) 8 (64 Bit)
Windows(R) 8.1 (64 Bit)
Windows(R) 10 (64 Bit)


For full documentation, please refer to the 'Help' option located

in the Add Ins > Datamine Discover section of the 'Pro' tab.
The User Guide PDF documents are also accessible via
the 'Manuals' option in this section.


Any problems encountered when using Datamine Discover should be

reported to Datamine via:





Datamine Discover 2017 Update 64-bit (Build 19.1.21264) - Released June 2018

Includes Encom License Manager version 8.78

Installs & licenses MapInfo Pro Advanced 17.0 (64-bit).
ENDIS-2544 New tool to change map view to multiple previous views (undo), or
forward (redo)
ENDIS-5720 New Projection Editor tool to create and add new coordiante systems to
Mapinfo & Discover
ENDIS-7104 Apply Structure Symbols - new option to apply from Strike (RHR)
ENDIS-7245 Projections - Add GDA2020 support to all Discover tools
ENDIS-7122 New Fusion import tool
ENDIS-7323 Datamine Studio Export - add option to convert surface grid to image for
ENDIS-7213 Drillholes - Preserve collar table point styles in cache tables (single
style only)
ENDIS-7037 Drillholes - Affine, 7-parameter and other ustom datums projections
support added in the cache tables
ENDIS-7268 Drillholes - Add donwhole point tables to downhole merge tool
ENDIS-7157 Drillholes - Map grid & Scaled Output add logic to check if it is a
section window and direct to section grid
ENDIS-6975 Import ioGAS add support for filter function
ENDIS-7371 Import/Export - Acquire import remove table byte width limits
ENDIS-7364 Projections - Discover favourites now include EPSG codes
ENDIS-7365 Projections - Add RSO (proj type 35) support to Dsicover reprojection
ENDIS-7360 Projections - Add EPSG code display to Discover projection engine
selection dialog
ENDIS-7158 Projections - Default NTv2 on for consistency with MapInfo
ENDIS-7267 Projections - Add Discover Favourites category to a number of most used
tools which did not have it
ENDIS-6186 Disable Ribbon menu tab auto-swtiching by default in Discover
ENDIS-2527 Ensure Discover is added to Mapinfo tool extension on autoload, before
starting Mapinfo
ENDIS-146 Ensure Mapinfo OEM license is activated before starting Mapinfo, added a
Mapinfo License Fix repair tool to the start menu
ENDIS-3246 Vector Import - Improve Datamine format support, updated SDK
ENDIS-3247 Voxels - Improve Datamine block model support, updated SDK
ENDIS-7361 Reproject TAB - add icons to buttons and remove input choose projection
ENDIS-7304 UX - Add Smooth Lines to Tablet Ribbon
ENDIS-7363 UX - Add Surface reproject to reproject group
ENDIS-7189 Projections - Sync Mapinfow.prj to Encom.prj on startup
ENDIS-7243 Discover3D - change default cursor navigation mode on startup
ENDIS-7256 Discover3D - 3D Map properties only show relevant options
ENDIS-7215 Discover3D - remove 3D right click sub-branch
ENDIS-7216 Discover3D - Select mode consistent icons in Discover 3D
ENDIS-7183 Discover install now Sets Mapinfo license log system variable to 3
ENDIS-7279 Add Access Database Fix shortcut to the startmenu
ENDIS-7121 GPS - Export GPX now includes Track lines
ENDIS-7161 GPS - GPX Import Garmin Extension Support
ENDIS-7079 GPS - GPX Import GPX remember output TAB Suffix
ENDIS-6775 Data Entry - Sturcture null value -99 supported
ENDIS-2550 Data Entry - Apply structural symbols to selection
ENDIS-6984 GeoTag - Autoload table into Single Record Entry
ENDIS-7148 GeoTag - Option to get images from source folder


ENDIS-7141 Licencing - less than 14 days until expiry crashes on starting Discover
ENDIS-7154 Restore News feed of KB featured articles (OnlineKB)
ENDIS-7142 Surfaces - Assign Values crash on Windows 10
ENDIS-7147 Surfaces - Multi File Gridding crash on Windows 10
ENDIS-7181 Surfaces - Colour Grid crashes with comma decimal seperator locale
ENDIS-7283 Surfaces - Colour grid select multiple grids dialog not working
ENDIS-7262 Surfaces - Improve error message for MRR on legacy tools that do not
support it
ENDIS-7265 Surfaces - Infinite scanline errors on some tif types we do not support,
show error once only
ENDIS-7169 Hydrology - re-use intermediate pitfill and slope files logic broken
ENDIS-167 Drillholes - Open Plans into existing collar window, not a new window
ENDIS-1907 Drillholes - Donwhole Display Label plotting fix issues with offest and
ENDIS-1947 Drillholes - Create Collar Plan now supports a collar table with an
Affine transform
ENDIS-6465 Drillholes - Section Manager fix date modified issue
ENDIS-7123 Drillholes - Collar table validation broken for duplicate HoleIDs
ENDIS-7129 Drillholes - 3D coordinates error tab file has space in name or any auto
ENDIS-7134 Drillholes - Legacy project migration from 32-bit to 64bit broken in
ENDIS-7155 Drillholes - Section Grids can't use on any section
ENDIS-7156 Drillholes - Section Output Print sections & Section grid shouldn't show
ENDIS-7165 Drillholes - fix issue preventing you having both a Trench and Drillhole
collar in a project
ENDIS-7173 Drillholes - Project files missing error message broken
ENDIS-7274 Drillholes - ODBC collar table issues on open with pack checking
ENDIS-6892 Discover3D - Top ruler missing in layout mode
ENDIS-7229 Discover3D - MapInfo TAB polygon with hole rendering never worked
ENDIS-7244 Discover3D - View Vectors in 3D get Z from Grid is broken
ENDIS-7251 Discover3D - 2D Vectors DTM offset not working
ENDIS-7329 Discover3D - Drilllholes Legend Patterns not rendering correctly
ENDIS-7317 Product Improvement dialog - privacy hyperlink not working
ENDIS-3834 Images - Image Clip (and other Image tools) handling of file names with
spaces is problemtic
ENDIS-7153 Images - Image Rectify disable sorting of columns
ENDIS-7118 GeoTag - refresh fields and validate on load
ENDIS-7159 Discover3D - Voxels series Properties Page launching Import ASCII crash
ENDIS-7160 UX - changing Ribbons configuration created duplicate Discover tabs
ENDIS-7168 Polybuilder did not work on newer formatted TAb files, even in the
Mapinfo 32bit version
ENDIS-7170 Discover3D - Voxels cannot apply rotation to existing model
ENDIS-7174 Productivity - Line Orientation tool crashes on error message, missing
ENDIS-7180 Point Classifier - doesn't check for unsaved commits
ENDIS-7182 UX - 4K issue in Drillhole>New Session dialog
ENDIS-7184 Productivity - Map Legend resource missing crash
ENDIS-7185 Data Entry - Single Record Entry Objects not updated
ENDIS-7222 Stacked Profiles UI issues and ouptut suffix
ENDIS-7259 UX - 4k monitor issue Rectify Image columns too small
ENDIS-7260 UX - 4k monitor issue Legend Editor columns too small
ENDIS-7266 Installer - Add string quotes around the Log file, if TEMP has a space
it is stuffed
ENDIS-7272 Point Classifier - ununusably slow on large tables, change default to
new table
ENDIS-7280 GPS - Satellite number keeps going up in some scenarios
ENDIS-7311 Leapfrog Export converted grid to image tab missing projection
ENDIS-7353 Productivity - Dynamic Map Grid Crash with 2 polygon mask widnows
ENDIS-7356 Graph Map - Field Visibility buttons truncated

Datamine Discover 2017 64-bit (Build 19.0.239) - Released November 2017



Includes Encom License Manager version 8.77

Installs & licenses MapInfo Pro Advanced 16.0 (64-bit).

ENDIS-6968 Reimplement the Surfaces menu for Discover 64-bit (With support for MRR
in most tools)
ENDIS-6969 Toggle tool to toggle between grid and raster image layer types
ENDIS-6744 Reimplement MapInfo Polybuilder for Discover 64bit
ENDIS-6933 Datamine Export - new tools to allow export of drillhole data, traces
and sections to datamine format, with option to auto-open in Studio EM
ENDIs-7068 New Tablet mode ribbon for touch friendly use of Mapinfo and Discover
ENDIS-39 New tool to import Geotag images linked to points
ENDIS-6499 New tool to view images created from the geotag import within a panel in
ENDIS-1934 Drillholes - individual downhole table field mapping settings now
exposed in setup and supported
ENDIS-6532 Update Acquire support to (which supports incremental smart
ENDIS-7012 Support for ECW SDK upgraded to 5.2.
ENDIS-3002 Discover 3D - Add view distance to rotation centre on the status bar
navigation info
ENDIS-6010 Discover 3D - default series naming convention removes redundant text
describing data type
ENDIS-3613 Datamine Export - add support for converting dates into string format
ENDIS-4141 Structural Symbols - support right hand strike rule
ENDIS-6392 Multi-pack - retired as is superseded by the Advanced Pack tool
ENDIS-6484 Data Entry - integrate GPS connectivity
ENDIS-6500 GPS - new waypoints tool
ENDIS-6505 GPS - support to capture in projections other than WGS84
ENDIS-6506 Data Entry - Single Record Entry support for structure symbols
ENDIS-6560 GPS - add support for internal Windows 8/10 tablet GPS which use the
Location API sensor
ENDIS-6583 Add support for large integer type across Discover tools
ENDIS-6596 Drillholes Setup - remove redundant validation warning option
ENDIS-6604 GPS - Improved support for import/export of GPX files with new tools
ENDIS-6611 Drillholes Setup - allow definition of point/single depth downhole data
such as LAS files
ENDIS-6636 Drillholes Validation - improve experience to only show the validation
dialogs if there are errors detected
ENDIS-6704 Drillholes export to DXF - greatly improve speed of export by removing
unnecessary desurveying
ENDIS-6770 Data Entry - allow capture of structure symbols bearing from a digitized
ENDIS-6635 Discover 3D - new View>Set View Point option to specify an exact view
ENDIS-6647 Drillhole Open - new option to open by default drillholes in Discover3D


ENDIS-483 Correct default drillhole series name in 3D to be the project's name

ENDIS-805 Drillholes Generate 3D coordinates - only write out rows for HoleID's
that exist in the Collar table
ENDIS-1068 Define new section - downhole data tab default off generation of 1,2,3
layers which are slow to generate
ENDIS-1286 Scaled output - frame position set map position button corrected
behaviour to not shift position from initial place
ENDIS-1409 Drillhole planner - extension depth past target is not curved
ENDIS-2913 View objects in 3d - better support for preserving colours
ENDIS-3367 Datamine Export - Studio drillhole export Capitalise the automatic Alias
ENDIS-3636 Datamine Export - Fix exception raised when TAB has no numeric fields
ENDIS-3996 Discover 3D remove non functional topology checker buttonpad
ENDIS-4539 Improve support for ultra-high DPI (Quad-HD 4K) displays
ENDIS-4609 Cannot open Drillhole Tab files as NOT drillholes in Discover 3D via
ENDIS-4631 Legend Editor Options -browse for pen file incorrect path
ENDIS-5182 Downhole Merge - output is corrupt if you don�t have columns setup the
same in each table
ENDIS-5184 Legend Transparency not supported in 3D
ENDIS-5484 Log10 data option not working in downhole data display
ENDIS-5763 Geochem trivariate files does not retain the saved name
ENDIS-6399 Creating new Map window from Autogrid layer or autogrid mask layer
crashes pro
ENDIS-6445 Drillholes - Trench project not supported in Datamine export
ENDIS-6447 Drillholes - Section layers fails with blanks spaces
ENDIS-6448 Drillholes - Polygon table edits deleted
ENDIS-6491 Vector Transform fix crash on certain DXF files
ENDIS-6517 Drillholes - Date/Time fields creating error in section creation (fixed
in Mapinfo 16.0.2 patch)
ENDIS-6519 Drillholes - Create section crashes if section envelope contains Zero
collars/DEM or other data
ENDIS-6527 Discover 3D - Feature Export Shape file loses attributes
ENDIS-6534 Installers - now does not run SQL CE 3.5 pre-requisites silently as
there is issues on Windows 10 which is not supported by Microsoft
ENDIS-6537 Downhole text labels - Autoscale option was creating an error
ENDIS-6551 Stacked Profiles - fields/lines listboxes not updating when the input
table is changed
ENDIS-6571 Scaled Output - Cannot restore scale error
ENDIS-6582 Seismic Sections default window minimized - improve fix and check for
ENDIS-6719 Drillholes Print Sections - scale in print section window does not match
the cross section
ENDIS-6736 Section Manager doesn't save changes on closing
ENDIS-6738 Drillholes - Section collar plans incorrect
ENDIS-6844 Select by style - not working on pattern styles attributes
ENDIS-6893 Discover 3D - Focus 3D window after opening data in 3D
ENDIS-6920 Drillholes - fix issue with certain Trench projects causing errors in
ENDIS-6938 Datamine Export - Map window exporter improve handling of unsupported
types for Datamine
ENDIS-6958 Datamine Export - bug when drillhole collar table does not contain
dip/azimuth fields
ENDIS-6960 Datamine Map Window Export - Non native TAB file not exported
ENDIS-6961 Drillholes - Section grid and preview output not correct
ENDIS-6962 Data Entry - Apply Structure Symbols Table disappears
ENDIS-6963 Data Entry - Apply Structure Symbols link name space bug
ENDIS-6964 Data Entry - Apply Structure Symbols cannot save cosmetic labels
ENDIS-7041 Enable resizing of Drillhole setup forms

MapInfo Discover 2016.0.1 64-bit (Build 18.1.40) - Released April 2017


Includes License Manager version 8.76

Installs & licenses MapInfo Pro Advanced 16.0 (64-bit).


ENDIS-805 - Drillholes > 3D Coordinates tool now only creates rows for HoleIDs that
exist in the Collar table.
ENDIS-5184 - Transparency of drillhole legends in 3D is now supported.
ENDIS-5763 - Analysis > Trivariate Classification now allows custom output file
ENDIS-6474 - Scaled output now maintai ns the mapper scale.
ENDIS-6485 - The Data Entry > Record Entry and Enter Data tools now correctly
populate the target table with GPS-specific information.
ENDIS-6491 - Resolved some issues with the Vector Transform tool's handling of DXF
ENDIS-6519 - Drillholes - Zero collars/DEM/data in a section crashes Create Section
ENDIS-6537 - Fixed an Autoscale error with text labels in Drillholes Downhole Data
ENDIS-6546 - Resolved a crash with the Drillholes 3D Coordinates tool when
operating on large drillhole projects.
ENDIS-6549 - Favorite Workspaces & Favorite MBXs now support the multiple selection
of files using the CTRL key.
ENDIS-6569 - Resolved an 'Incorrect 3D clipping results' error with the Drillholes
Downhole Object Clip tool.
ENDIS-6582 - Resolved the Seismic Sections tool (MapInfo Discover 3D) not opening


MapInfo Discover 2016 64-bit (Build 18.0.207) - Released October 2016



Includes License Manager version 8.76

Installs & licenses MapInfo Pro Advanced 16.0 (64-bit).

ENDIS-3833 Support for ECW SDK upgraded to v5.1.

ENDIS-5403 The Check for Updates facility now utilizes the MapInfo web server.
ENDIS-5424 Multi-Resolution Rasters (including multi-banded MRR) are now supported
by most MapInfo Discover & MapInfo Discover 3D tools:
- Drillholes
- Datamine Studio Export
- Leapfrog Export
- Hydrology
- Discover 3D > Map Window
- Discover 3D > Vectors
- Discover 3D > Surfaces
- Discover 3D > Display Wizard
- Discover 3D > Extrusion Wizard
- Discover 3D > Drape Image on Surface
- Discover 3D > Drillhole Planner
- Discover 3D > Features>Import
- Discover 3D > Voxel Utilities> Clip to Surface
ENDIS-5425 MapInfo Discover 3D has a brand new library of icons in the fresh style
of MapInfo Pro 64-bit. These have been implemented not only in the toolbars and
session window, but now also consistently throughout the menus.
ENDIS-5428 New GPS Connectivity and field data capture via on-board/Bluetooth/USB
connected GPS devices
ENDIS-5429 Our drillhole module now implements MapInfo Pro 16.0�s new Geopackage
as the core database, natively storing your drillhole data as a complete 3D
geometry dataset.
ENDIS-5750 Disabling/enabling ribbon tabs (in the Configuration area) no longer
requires a MapInfo Discover restart.
ENDIS-5754 The Licensing area of the backstage (PRO tab) no longer shows the
redundant (and confusing) MapInfo Pro options
ENDIS-5787 Added Contour Labels and Contour Label Positioner tools in the new
�Raster� group on the ANALYSIS tab (can also be found in DISCOVER
ENDIS-5789 Added Geophysical (FFT) Grid Filters in the new �Raster� group on the
ANALYSIS tab. These include:
� Band Pass
� Continuation
� High Pass
� Low Pass
� TMI Reduction to the Equator
� TMI Reduction to the Pole
� TMI Reduction to the Pole (low latitude)
� Vertical Derivate
� Fill holes
ENDIS-5836 Updated support for the Acquire data model to version 4.5.4.
ENDIS-6084 Added the Colour Editor (was �LUT Editor� in 32-bit) to the
ANALYSIS>Manage group, for creation and modification of colour tables by both Data
Classification and Graphing.
ENDIS-6139 Updated tooltips and descriptions throughout MapInfo Discover 3D.
ENDIS-6207 A new �Raster� group has been added to the ANALYSIS tab, complementing
and extending the capabilities of Raster for geosciences. This incorporates
Hydrology, Geophysical Grid Filters, and Contour Labelling tools.
ENDIS-6296 For ease of use and convenience, we�ve added MapInfo Pro�s �Info tool�
to the map window right-click (context) menu.
ENDIS-6261 When running multiple instances of MapInfo Discover, the warning
message is now shown in the task bar; i.e. it no longer requires the user to
manually dismiss this warning.


ENDIS-1190 Vector Import now supports compressed Vulcan TIN files.

ENDIS-2971 When a new Drillholes branch is added into MapInfo Discover 3D, all
drillholes are now displayed by default.
ENDIS-3927 Resolved issues with certain drillhole tools not supporting projects
lacking downhole data tables.
ENDIS-4041 Resolved a WMS memory leak.
ENDIS-4072 Resolved scaling issues in scaled output when Bing imagery added to
lat/long projection map.
ENDIS-4621 Fixed a Leapfrog Export crash when input table has no records.
ENDIS-4636 Removed GDB support from MapInfo Discover 3D.
ENDIS-4796 Data Entry validation now works correctly on saving.
ENDIS-4905 Single Record Entry now prevents users editing deleted rows.
ENDIS-5066 Picklist Manager can now read font files that include commas in their
ENDIS-5370 Single Record Entry now correctly saves the most recent cell edit.
ENDIS-5385 Map to Image now ensures that an output table name is specified.
ENDIS-5386 Image Reproject now handles rectangular pixels.
ENDIS-5388 Fixed a corrupted OK button when defining a new pattern (that already
exists) in Custom Patterns.
ENDIS-5391 Resolved validation issues with trench projects.
ENDIS-5397 Prevent Vector transform crashes when aborting projection selection.
ENDIS-5412 Configuration Dialog: limit values entered in Image Transparency.
ENDIS-5414 Configuration Dialog: limit values entered in Point Size.
ENDIS-5442 Fixed incorrect labels on the Downhole Info dialog.
ENDIS-5445 ioGAS Import>Refresh is now working.
ENDIS-5457 Workspace export now correctly includes grid/raster files.
ENDIS-5474 Resolved an error with Vector Clip in the layout designer map window.
ENDIS-5479 Resolved error when closing Scaled Output Configure dialog.
ENDIS-5480 Save to package (MapInfo Discover3D) now includes a missing �\� in the
output path.
ENDIS-5481 Null values are no longer incorrectly displayed with Point
ENDIS-5496 Streamlined Stacked Profile input table selection.
ENDIS-5512 ASCII Import now correctly opens its output in a new map window.
ENDIS-5525 Better handling within 3D of certain DXF types.
ENDIS-5542 MapInfo Discover 3D now creates valid sessions when incorporating a
ENDIS-5571 Resolved overlapping column output with the Drillholes > Log Display
ENDIS-5600 Resolved dynamic map grids with mask polygons displaying an error when
added to a layout window.
ENDIS-5695 Fixed the output of GPX format files with Vector Transform.
ENDIS-5697 Transform Vector now creates the correct KML format.
ENDIS-5765 Fixed the export of voxel slices to cross-sections.
ENDIS-5834 Remove Grid Options from backstage.
ENDIS-5887 Prevented a crash when closing gridlines from the Explorer context
ENDIS-5888 Vector Import now supports larger compressed Vulcan (v8) 00t files.
ENDIS-5922 Accessing help via F1 now implemented on a number of outstanding
ENDIS-5933 Resolved an inactive OK button when performing multiple passes with the
Drillholes > EOH/Max Depth tool.
ENDIS-5963 Resolved the Section Manager>Add Section point layer tool deleting the
A layer.
ENDIS-5983 Better handling of dynamic grid in a layout when the closing the
original mapper.
ENDIS-6004 Vector Import now supports ESRI tdenv.adf file extensions.
ENDIS-6035 Drillholes > Export to Datamine Studio now supports the Large Integer
field type.
ENDIS-6070 Resolved Map Grid label alignment issue in layout frames.
ENDIS-6074 Incorrect product name in the Extrusion Wizard warning dialog.
ENDIS-6172 Dynamic Map Grid - Layout scaling corrupting label position.
ENDIS-6203 Discover 3D > View>Fit to Page now works.
ENDIS-6210 The �Directories� and �Display� Configuration tabs will now prompt the
user to restart MapInfo Pro after changes have been made.
ENDIS-6220 Resolved Data Entry > Apply > Structure Symbols erroneous handling of
decimal fields with no decimal values.
ENDIS-6254 Added missing tooltips to a number of tools.
ENDIS-6238 Distance Calculator was not handling tables with >100 rows.
ENDIS-6255 Minimum dialog size now set for the Drillholes > Open Session dialog.
ENDIS-6307 Rectify Image can now read jp2 format files.
ENDIS-6310 Resolved an error with Drillholes > Section Resource Calculator.
ENDIS-6315 Improved handling of certain DXF files with Drillholes > Downhole clip.
ENDIS-6328 Data Entry > Picklist Manager now supports special characters in file
ENDIS-6361 Grids>Surface Gridding in 3D is now working.
ENDIS-6371 Subset project - add project name <50 char length check
ENDIS-6376 Resolved a bad link on the Toolbars context menu between the Main and
Objects toolbar options.
ENDIS-6377 Resolved a crash on Windows 10 with Display Map in 3D context menu
option and grids.
ENDIS-6391 Fixed acQuire Importer
ENDIS-6407 Improved the timing of a projection mismatch warning on the Datamine
Export wizard.
ENDIS-6427 Resolved Drillholes > Merge failing when no numeric fields present.


MapInfo Discover Version 2015.2 64-bit (Build 19.0.223) - Released November 2015


First native 64-bit version of MapInfo Discover.

ENDIS-4724 Installs & licenses MapInfo Pro Advanced 15.2 (64-bit).
ENDIS-3767 The powerful new MapInfo Pro Raster capability substitutes the Surfaces
ENDIS-3950 Supports Windows 10.
ENDIS-1218 Drillhole Projects now support trench/costean-only projects
ENDIS-4405 Completely new icon set emulates and extends the MapInfo Pro 64-bit
ENDIS-4449 New 'backstage' area under the Pro tab > Add Ins for Help,
documentation, etc.
ENDIS-4527 New fresh & intuitive ribbon interface.
ENDIS-4832 New Configuration interface under Pro tab > Options > Discover
ENDIS-4854 Updated AcQuire Database support to version 4.5.2
ENDIS-4911 User can select from a number of ribbon interface layouts.
ENDIS-5108 Drilhole Project > Validation: New icon for the Show Error button.


ENDIS-1218 Drillhole Project setup for trench-only projects has been streamlined.
ENDIS-1260 Drillholes > Define New Section: Improved terminology of some universal
label expressions (Total Depth, Dip & Azimuth).
ENDIS-2682 & ENDIS-3328 Vector Import & Feature Import (3D): Now support Surpac STR
file attributes.
ENDIS-3943 Drillhole cross-sections: Further refinements to data bounds.
ENDIS-4140 Legend Editor: Resolved new legends not reading non-native tables.
ENDIS-4608 Resolved a number of Help buttons not responding during first startup
of MapInfo Discover.
ENDIS-4641 Resolved termination of Tenement Application process when mapper
initally showing incorrect state.
ENDIS-4800 Drilhole Project > Validation: Optimised an oversized message dialog.
ENDIS-4846 Clip to Polygon correctly displays an error when no polygon selected.
ENDIS-4893 Drilhole Project > Validation: Only critical options are now enabled by
ENDIS-4894 Resolved a number of drillhole validation issues.
ENDIS-4903 Removed extra query instances in certain Data Entry instances.
ENDIS-4904 Ensured validation rules for Single Record Entry are terminated
ENDIS-5031 HoleID fields of greater than 30 characters are now supported in
drillhole projects.
ENDIS-5109 Resolved an issue when closing the Selection dialog of the Tenement
Application process.
ENDIS-5117 Images > Clip & Reproject now support spaces in the input file names.
ENDIS-5266 Stacked Profiles: Fixed non-functional Output folder button.
ENDIS-5292 LIDAR LAS (ASPRS) Import: Updated to detect 4 character magic string
"LASF" which was failing in some circumstances.

3D Defects

ENDIS-1242 Removed the redundant rasterise option from the Print dialog.
ENDIS-1250 Improved the context menu options in the Data Browser for drillholes.
ENDIS-2907 Solid Generator will open the output summary and error report files by
ENDIS-2972 Solid Generator Compression and Refinement values on the Algorithm
Options dialog can now be adjusted via direct numeric entry/key strokes
ENDIS-3703 View Objects in 3D: Resolved 3D window not opening when object
ENDIS-5072 Resolved issue with Discover3D(ONLY) license.
ENDIS-5290 View Seismic Section: Now supports SEG-Y coordinates formated as LONG
ENDIS-5334 View Objects in 3D: Resolved a crash involving the affine 1008


MapInfo Discover Version 2015 (Build 17.0.242) - Released July 2015



Supports MapInfo Pro 15

ENDIS-823 The View Direction of a drillhole cross-section is now indicated in the
map window for both the Define New Section and Section Manager tools. This is
indicated via directional symbols when previewing the section/s envelope.
ENDIS-1165 Display Downhole Data will now prompt when overwriting existing layers
ENDIS-1166 Drillhole cache validation checks are now run during every cache
refresh operation.
ENDIS-1716 Data Entry: Customizable Structural Symbol picklists including symbol
colour, size, order and comments.
ENDIS-2539 A new 'Comments' field added to Data Entry Picklists for detailed
descriptions of the core 'Code' field.
ENDIS-2664 Rotated voxel models can now be clipped with vector volumes in MapInfo
Discover 3D.
ENDIS-2731 Drillholes > Create Section Legend now incorporates Structural Symbols,
including colour and line style.
ENDIS-2955 The Data Entry module now allows fields to be set as �Optional� (this
is the default assignment); if disabled, these become compulsory fields that must
be populated (whether by picklist or text entry) for the record to be valid. This
is only applicable to non-numeric fields, including the date and time field types.
ENDIS-3689 Data Entry: Faster, more streamlined data capture with a new dockable
Single Record Entry form.
ENDIS-3765 Optional Check for Updates at end of installation process.
ENDIS-3996 New 3D Topology Report assists with the identification of holes in
solids feature objects, asssiting with user-resolution.
ENDIS-4022 Updated AcQuire Database support to version
ENDIS-4046 Drillholes: �Refresh Cache� more visible in appropriate tools
ENDIS-4050 The Drillholes Section Manager can be docked like other MapInfo Pro
panels, ensuring a more organized and efficient work environment.
ENDIS-4052 Improved sorting of collar lists in the Drillholes Define New Section
ENDIS-4056 Drillholes: New point layer in sections for enhanced
labelling/symbology/thematic mapping of collar/EOH/intercept locations
ENDIS-4133 Drillhole collars can now be labelled with their 'distance to envelope
centre line' value, as part of the new Section Label Layer ((ENDIS-4056)
ENDIS-4162 The Section Manager can now operate whilst other dialogs are open,
regardless of the 'User Level' setting.
ENDIS-4280 View direction column more prominent in Section Manager
ENDIS-4287 Updated the Point Classification dialog for a better user experience.
ENDIS-4402 Support for MapInfo Pro 15's new Multi-touch support.


ENDIS-128 Resolved an issue when running the Tenements>Application tool for the
first time.
ENDIS-694 Legend Editor now better handles the line thickness of polygon
ENDIS-1074 Surfaces>Grid Utility>Vectorize no longer shows a redundant 'After'
ENDIS-1107 Discover 3D>Features>Modify is now inactive until a valid FDB is
ENDIS-1192 The Extract to Points option in the Extract Nodes tool will now always
generate a mappable table.
ENDIS-1221 Surfaces>Grid Utility>classify: changed the default output settings to
use the average Z value.
ENDIS-1230 Prevented Stacked Profiles crash when no numeric field present.
ENDIS-1276 Better handling by the Advanced ASCII Importer of string fields
incorporating numbers (e.g. string '431-12' versus value '-999').
ENDIS-1926 Resolved a Label Creator crash on selections.
ENDIS-1965 Rotated ERS grids are now blocked from being opened into MapInfo
Pro/MapInfo Discover.
ENDIS-2537 Drillholes>Display Downhole Data will now correctly handle legends with
a transparent background.
ENDIS-2611 Scaled Output: the 'Display List of Layers in map' option will now
remember the last used setting (regression).
ENDIS-3041 Improved Grid Profiler handling of non-intersecting polylines.
ENDIS-3429 Fixed issue where UAC prompt prevented the modification of the grid
handler preferences.
ENDIS-3549 Pierce Points shown as 3D Points in Discover 3D now correctly indicate
their projection.
ENDIS-3660 Fixed CAE Studio 3 Export only exporting one table when 2 selected
tables share the same name.
ENDIS-3669 Improved vertical positioning of Label Creator labels.
ENDIS-3682 Resolved offset when applying a Picklist to a table with a projection
different to the map window.
ENDIS-3698 Resolved issue with progress bar when importing Leapfrog Geo .LFM model
into a feature database.
ENDIS-3703 Resolved View Objects in 3D failing when operating on a selection in
certain circumstances.
ENDIS-3706 Improved the dialog closure behaviour of the Overlay Image on Grid 3D
ENDIS-3712 Resolved a Grid Contouring issue when the Maximum contour value is left
ENDIS-3727 The Discover 3D Extrusion Wizard dialog can now be minimised and
ENDIS-3764 Fixed the Help button on the Surfaces>Convert Vector to Grid dialog.
ENDIS-3943 Improved bound handling for drillhole cross-section layers.
ENDIS-3946 Resolved a globalization issue with cross-section downhole data layers.
ENDIS-3959 Added a warning during startup when multiple running instances of
MapInfo Pro detected.
ENDIS-4006 Improved support for NTv2 transformations during reprojections with the
Vector Import tool.
ENDIS-4041 Resolved a WMS memory leak due to ECW dlls.
ENDIS-4049 Corrected the displayed projection format for rasters in Discover 3D
when opened through the Image Properties dialog as a TAB file.
ENDIS-4064 Resolved Create Section Legend incorrectly displaying transparent
backgrounds as white.
ENDIS-4110 Resolved crash with Help button on Map Window>Convert Map to Registered
ENDIS-4135 Resolved Create Stacked Profiles crashing on a non-point table.
ENDIS-4136 Removed multiple queries created by the Map Window>Zoom to Extents of
Selected Object tool.
ENDIS-4187 Extract Nodes now prevents the entering of characters and negative
values as the number of nodes.
ENDIS-4140 Resolved the Legend Editor not reading non-native tables.
ENDIS-4209 Resolved open browser preventing topographic grid loading into
drillhole project.
ENDIS-4226 Resolved a Modify Grid Display crash when handling small values.
ENDIS-4235 Resolved a silent failure of the Drillholes>Compositing tool with
certain datasets.
ENDIS-4235 Improved rounding logic in the Geochem > Data Levelling tool.
ENDIS-4297 Fixed Datasight Import crash when a DBMS-linked table open in MapInfo
ENDIS-4298 Resolved a Surfaces>Make Legend for Grid crash.
ENDIS-4306 Improved the Section Manager�s positioning of the section image
ENDIS-4404 Better handling of special apostrophe characters in HoleID field during
drillhole validation.
ENDIS-4435 Resolved dialog truncation in the 3D Solid Generator tool.
ENDIS-4444 Warning dialog added when no drillhole project open and Calculate
Max/EOH Values tool run.
ENDIS-4524 Prevented a crash when running Export Drillhole Project with no open
ENDIS-4541 Resolved non-editable text fields in Discover 3D cosmetic feature
ENDIS-4757 Resolved text corruption in Discover 3D > Options dialog.


Discover Version 2014.0.2.2 (Build 16.2.501) - Released February 2015

Bundle only: Incorporates MapInfo Professional 12.5.2 maintenance release (Release
Build 206)


Discover Version 2014.0.2 (Build - Released December 2014


ENDIS-2728 New 'Leapfrog Geo Export' option (Import & Export menu) batch
reprojects and exports MapInfo Pro data (vector, grid & images) into a Leapfrog Geo
2.1 package.
ENDIS-3720 Redesigned the LAS well log tool into three separate tools: LAS Viewer,
LAS Template Manager & LAS Import. This also incorporates numerous workflow
enhancements, such as new import validation routines, improved log file output, the
saving of Optional tables into a directory, and the ability to revert a downhole
table after running the append routine.
ENDIS-3688 Improved decimal handling in the Modify Grid Display tool.
ENDIS-3722 Scaled Output can now optionally utilise the new MapInfo Pro 12.5
Layout Designer window (Discover > Configuration > 'Use Layout Designer').
ENDIS-3899 Rectify Image enhancements; increased the dialog size, updated icons,
improved behaviour and now uses MapInfo Professional default table directory.

ENDIS-1660 Fixed issue importing binary formatted Surpac files
ENDIS-2533 Fixed issue where changing Configuration File Directory to 'All Users'
or 'Custom' did not present file copy message box.
ENDIS-2621 Fixed issue where DXF hatch objects where not imported in
Discover>Import and Export>Vector Import tool.
ENDIS-3003 Resolved missing rows in legends created with data conditioning and
histogram equalization in the Drillholes>Legend Editor.
ENDIS-3696 Resolved an error when applying a section grid to a drillhole section
incorporating a thematic layer.
ENDIS-3670 Resolved LAS Import error where MapInfo Professional TAB file names
were different to UNC name.
ENDIS-3756 Fixed critical crash when using the ioGas Refresh option in
Discover>Import and Export>ioGas Import Menu.
ENDIS-3806 Added combined object support for Discover>Object Editing>Clip to
Polygon tool. It also now prevents the selection of multiple clipping objects, and
no longer opens multiple temporary files.
ENDIS-3898 Fixed Discover>Import and Export>Vector Import crash when cancelling
the projection assignment screen.
ENDIS-3907 Fixed issue where Grid Calculator could not handle multiple grids with
differing cell sizes.
ENDIS-3910 Prevented Discover>Import and Export>Transform Vector from writing
explicit bounds to the output MapInfo Professional TAB or MIF file.
ENDIS-3967 Fixed error with Discover>Object Editing>Key in Shapes tool when a
thematic layer was present in the map window.

3D Defects
ENDIS-952 DXFs with closed polylines (code 70) are now rendered in 3D with fill
ENDIS-3875 Resolved the truncation of the cursor bearing/location in the status
bar at 125% DPI settings.


Discover Version 2014.0.1 (Build - Released September 2014


ENDIS-3685 Fixed issue where the Edit Colour Table button didn't work on the
Surfaces>Modify Grid Display dialog.
ENDIS-3687 Removed the incorrect display of thematic layers in the Discover>Map
Window>Mapper Projection dialog.
ENDIS-3710 Fixed non-functional Image Modification tools (Properties, Enhance,
Filter, Rotate, Convert & Modify).
ENDIS-3719 Fixed overlapping buttons on the Drillholes>Display Downhole Data
ENDIS-3737 Fixed issue which prevented vector objects from being used in the
Surfaces>Grid Utilities>Clip tool.
ENDIS-3830 Resolved Image Clip not supporting latitude/longitude projections.
ENDIS-3781 Incorporated the MapInfo Professional Maintenance Release.

3D Defects
ENDIS-2059 Resolved the drag and drop of TAB files linked to grids into Discover
ENDIS-3736 Fixed the crash when using the 'Import other ASCII formats' option in
the 'Load Model Wizard' for Voxel models.


Discover Version 2014 (Build - Released July 2014


Supports MapInfo Professional v12.5
ENDIS-951 Improved the opening speed when selecting Discover Help>Online
Knowledge Base.
ENDIS-1094 Renamed the 'Histogram' Downhole Data Display type to 'Bargraph'.
ENDIS-2729 CAE Studio 3 Connectivity: bulk reprojection and conversion of MapInfo
mappable tables into the datamine .DM format.
ENDIS-2824 Full Automated Licensing with a less than 20 second activation time.
ENDIS-2825 Bulk import LAS well logs (v1.2 & 2.0) into Discover drillhole
ENDIS-3068 New Downhole Object Clip tool calculates the intersection of 3d volumes
and surfaces with downhole data tables.
ENDIS-3069 New Pierce Point Creator tool converts downhole intervals into
attributed point locations.
ENDIS-3311 Section Manager now remembers the status of the 'Show section image
previews' option between sessions.
ENDIS-3324 Intersect and display 3D surfaces and volumes within 2D drillhole plans
using the Display 3D Model on Section function.

ENDIS-484 Improved handling of ESRI grid files.
ENDIS-805 Drillholes>Generate 3D Coordinates now only generates entries for
drillholes present in the collar file.
ENDIS-825 When multiple section lines are selected in Define New Section, 'Left'
and 'Right' "View direction towards" options (of each lines drawing direction) are
now presented for clarity.
ENDIS-858 Custom legend names have been blocked in the Legend Editor, to prevent
downstream issues (such as with the Create Section Legend tool).
ENDIS-1087 Removed redundant options from Advanced ASCII Import.
ENDIS-1116 Added the EPSG code to the Table Projection dialogs (on the Layer
Control and Table List context menus).
ENDIS-1122 Removed redundant generation of .CLR file upon grid opening.
ENDIS-1125 Multiple improvements to grid legend generation, including support for
percent vs. percentile, display of clipped ranges, duplication of Modify Grid
Display colour bar, etc.
ENDIS-1152 Annotation tab of Define New Section now remembers previous settings.
ENDIS-1164 Drillhole project setup references to 'costean' changed to 'trench'.
ENDIS-1170 Resolved Point Classifier crashing when generating thematic output with
null values.
ENDIS-1177 The Legend Editor will now prompt for confirmation before overwriting
existing legends.
ENDIS-1195 The Legend Editor background colour column ('Bg') now defaults to
ENDIS-1199 Enabled the Default Style button on the Drillholes>Display Downhole
Data>Bargraph dialog.
ENDIS-1200 Improved Drillholes>Calculate Max and EOH Values handling of long file
names, preventing overwriting.
ENDIS-1205 Resolved incorrect internal handling of ioGAS '_u' syntax.
ENDIS-1209 Removed Minesight SRG and Datamine ASCII importers from the
Import/Export menu, as these are inherent in the Advanced ASCII Importer.
ENDIS-1210 Fixed workspaces containing a map autogrid returning an error.
ENDIS-1262 Resolved issue with the 'Map Options' entry on the map window context
ENDIS-1275 Creating BIL grids with interactive gridding now correctly generates
the associated .XML gridding parameters file.
ENDIS-2234 Removed the duplicate transparency option on the Trace shade settings
dialog for Downhole Data Display.
ENDIS-2625 Image Reproject and Clip now support JPG images encoded in greyscale.
ENDIS-2644 Improved handling of Geosoft .TBL colour lookup tables.
ENDIS-2673 Resolved truncated default output file name in the Convert Map to
Registered Raster tool.
ENDIS-2674 Resolved the resetting of the output file name in the Convert Map to
Registered Raster tool when map window defocussed.
ENDIS-2710 Grid Clip Utility now handles clipping polygons containing holes.
ENDIS-2834 Better handling of GraphMap Workspace data.
ENDIS-2975 The Grid Clip utility now supports clipping polygons containing holes.
ENDIS-2997 Object Editing > Align Objects now supports multiple undo operations.
ENDIS-2998 Resolved the Clip Grid Utility outputting an extra row in certain
ENDIS-3075 Resolved a corrupted histogram error when creating a Grid Legend for
certain grid types.
ENDIS-3115 Resolved bad previews when manually zooming in the Grid Filter preview
ENDIS-3125 Improved the import of ASCII data into Large and Multi-File gridding
tool via the Fast option.
ENDIS-3143 Improved the Mapper Projection message for co-ordinate systems without
an alias.
ENDIS-3144 Improved Image Reproject recognition of custom projections.
ENDIS-3230 Improved localisation for the Check for Updates and RSS feeds.
ENDIS-3272 Improved error message for Drillholes>Calculate Maximum and EOH Values
when no fields selected.
ENDIS-3304 Corrected the default null value when handling Arc ASCII grids.
ENDIS-3305 Image Clip now supports non-earth projections.
ENDIS-3420 Added support for certain variant TIF image formats to the Image Clip
and Reproject tools.

3D Improvements
ENDIS-1111 Added 'MapInfo TAB' file filter to the File>Open option.
ENDIS-2734 Discover 3D now supports custom layers created on horizontal plans in
2D drillhole projects as 3D FDB objects.
ENDIS-2970 View Drillholes now automatically selects all holes in the open
drillhole project (previously just the first hole).
ENDIS-3155 Support for Leapfrog .LFM format in Discover 3D, either via direct drag
& drop or import into a feature database.
ENDIS-3282 Visualise new Pierce Point layers in 3D using Create 3D Points.

3D Defects
ENDIS-1082 Removed a number of redundant auto-created fields from drillhole
databases. Renamed 'choordlen' to more useful 'SegmentLength'.
ENDIS-1258 For consistency with 2D nomenclature, 'Bottom Label' renamed 'EOH
Label' in the Drillholes Properties dialog.
ENDIS-2588 Removed the confusing Drillholes option from the File>Open dialog.
ENDIS-2756 Improved layer visibility property handling in the Fly-Through Wizard.
ENDIS-2969 Default global directory for plug-ins is now the user's My Documents
ENDIS-3072 Improved FDB import of DXFs with isolated vertices.
ENDIS-3078 View Section Layer now first closes an open FDB of the same name.
ENDIS-3117 When modulating drillholes, resolved the incorrect handling of high
values as nulls in user-defined band-pass mode
ENDIS-3118 Improved feature object node snapping.
ENDIS-3119 Voxel Utilities>Create Mesh>Match Grid now lists UBC mesh (.MSH) files.
ENDIS-3121 Improved the stability of the workspace tree when editing long layer
ENDIS-3123 Resolved clipping of Memo field data when copy/pasting a string
including a comma.
ENDIS-3467 Removed the F8 shortcut key for 3D cursor plane clipping, to prevent
disabling the Select/Navigate tool.


Encom Discover 2013.0.3 (Build - Released January 2014


1. ENDIS-2686 Increased bin count allowed when histogram processing large grids
using the Surfaces>Modify Grid Display tool.
2. ENDIS-2736 Improved error message when dealing with Non-Earth projections
using Images>Reproject Image tool.
3. ENDIS-2842 Hydrology module: faster processing times when applying a
limited number of processes (such as Pit Fill-only), through improved RAM

1. ENDIS-2010 Fixed Discover>Map Grid issue where default was not being saved.
2. ENDIS-2646 Resolved crash with Large Gridding tool (Blue Grid) when using
the Assign Column Order button.
3. ENDIS-2718 Fixed issue when Reprojecting Image when control points not
located on image corners.
4. ENDIS-2720 Enabled Favourite Projection button on Discover Toolbar.
5. ENDIS-2721 Fixed issue where the Style Table Options group box was hidden on
the Data Entry>Apply Picklist tool.
6. ENDIS-2723 Fixed issue in Data Entry>Picklist Manager tool when modifying
point data with MapInfo 3.0 Compatible fonts.
7. ENDIS-2764 Fixed issue in Data Utilities>Transform Coordinates tool when
transforming map objects and no projection dialog was presented.
8. ENDIS-2780 Fixed locale issue in Surfaces>Hydrology>Extract Drainage
Features tool.
9. ENDIS-2781 Fixed locale issue in Surfaces>Grid Contouring tool.
10. ENDIS-2782 Fixed locale issue in Surfaces>Create Grid>Large and Multi-File
11. ENDIS-2842 Fixed classify utility issue where last row of ranges was


Encom Discover 2013.0.2 (Build - Released September 2013


1. ENDIS-2559 Added support for MapInfo Professional version 12.0 TAB files.
2. ENDIS-2540 Add ability to select which of the ColourMap fields is used when
importing into Data Entry>Picklist Manager. New dropdown list inserted displaying
MapCode, Desc1, Desc2 and Desc3 fields.
3. ENDIS-2510 Upgrade Discover>Import and Export>acQuire Database Import tool
to data model (July 2013).
4. ENDIS-2483 Improved Discover upgrade process with patch installer.
5. ENDIS-2410 Improved Statistics data grid colour scheme in GraphMap to make
is easier to view text.
6. ENDIS-2247 Added option in MapShop>MapShop Configuration to scale map based
on spherical or cartesian.
7. ENDIS-2233 Add support in Drillholes>Display Downhole Data pattern selector
for new MapInfo Professional patterns from versions 11.5.0 and 11.5.2.
8. ENDIS-2064 Add ability in Data Entry>Apply Structural Symbols and Data
Entry>Enter Data to filter out dip values of 0 and 90.
9. ENDIS-2043 Improved behaviour in Data Entry>Apply Picklist tool when
updating large datasets.
10. ENDIS-1745 Added message in Data Entry>Apply Style when selected map objects
and selected update table where different.
11. ENDIS-1625 Added ability to export picklist in Data Entry>Picklist Manager
to a Legend LEG file.
12. ENDIS-1116 Added EPSG code in Layer Control context menu Show Table(s) Info
tool for projection strings.
13. ENDIS-401 Added support for new MicroMine DAT and STR file types in
Discover>Import and Export>MicroMine Import.

1. ENDIS-2639 Remove Bing tile server layers from vector based dialogs.
2. ENDIS-2562 Fixed issue in Data Entry>Picklist Manager when entering a new
style and Group description, where the Group entry was being removed.
3. ENDIS-2535 Added support for polygon pattern transparency in
Drillholes>Legend Editor.
4. ENDIS-2532 Fixed issue where legend files where constantly refreshed causing
issues when importing a Drillhole Project.
5. ENDIS-2528 Fixed issue in Drillholes>Convert Alpha/Beta Angles tool where
-999 was included as a value value instead of a null.
6. ENDIS-2526 Fixed issue in Drillholes>Convert Alpha/Beta Angles tool when
values of 0 or 360 were used resulted in a complementary angle.
7. ENDIS-2523 Fixed issue in Drillholes>Convert Alpha/Beta Angles tool when
survey and collar table did not have the same collar entries.
8. ENDIS-2521 Fixed issue in Images>Reproject Image and Images>Reproject Image
where and output TIF image was incorrectly orientated.
9. ENDIS-2519 Fixed issue in Discover>Scaled Output which caused Discover to
crash when no title block was selected and when scale bar was displayed outside
title block.
10. ENDIS-2517 Added missing Discover>Import and Export>acQuire Database Import
dependant files.
11. ENDIS-2508 Fixed issue in Data Entry>Picklist Manager to support transparent
polygon pattern fills.
12. ENDIS-2394 Fixed issue in Drillholes>Downhole Compositing and
Drillholes>Downhole Merge tools when a new table was not added to the drillhole
13. ENDIS-2391 Fixed crash in Drillholes>Downhole Merge when no downhole tables
in Drillhole Project.
14. ENDIS-2213 Fixed issue in Data Entry>Enter Data where map object which were
not points were labelled when digitising structural points.
15. ENDIS-2212 Added warning message using Data Entry>Apply Structural Symbols
for non-packed tabled which resulted in incorrect symbology applied.
16. ENDIS-1942 Fixed table refresh issues in Data Entry>Apply Style, Data
Entry>Apply Picklist and Data Entry>Apply Structural Symbols dialogs.
17. ENDIS-1671 Fixed crash in Data Entry>Picklist Manager when picklist file
folder was Read Only.
18. ENDIS-1665 Added support in Data Entry>Picklist Manager to import a Region
Thematic as a line object picklist.
19. ENDIS-1383 Fixed issue in Surfaces>Grid Utilities>Clip where incorrect
output was generated if the Update button was not clicked.
20. ENDIS-1355 Fixed issue in Discover>Import and Export>Vector Import when
importing Double Byte characters from a KML file.
21. ENDIS-1198 Fixed section grid naming issue in Drillholes>Draw Section Grid.
22. ENDIS-1066 Added support for high resolution DPI in Discover>Map
Window>Convert Map to Registered Raster.

3D Improvements
1. ENDIS-2083 EGS session files now associated with Discover 3D, double
clicking on EGS file will now open Discover 3D.
2. ENDIS-1516 Fixed window focus behaviour when importing into a Feature
3. ENDIS-1112 Added file extension types in File>Open dialog.

3D Defects
1. ENDIS-2560 Fixed issue when exporting a rotated voxel to a Discover section
produced an incorrect result.
2. ENDIS-2524 Fixed issue in Tools>Legend Editor where LThick values always
reverted to a value of 1.
3. ENDIS-2005 Prevented Voxel Model Import crash when importing .BMF Vulcan
Voxel Model.
4. ENDIS-1988 Prevented Extrusion Wizard crash if you shut down Discover 3D
Whilst DXF files were being written to disk.
5. ENDIS-1811 Fixed issue where incorrect rose petal size was displayed for
specific Drillhole data sets.
6. ENDIS-1330 Fixed issue in Voxel Model when colouring by legend and
thresholding values.
7. ENDIS-703 Fixed issue when triangulating polygon data in a Feature Database
with very small geometry inflections.


Encom Discover 2013 (Build - Released July 2013


1. ENDIS-38 Added data handling options in Drillholes>Display Downhole Data
for null values and continuous line across gaps for linegraphs.
2. ENDIS-1034 Added support for multiple table data entry in Data Entry>Enter
Data tool.
3. ENDIS-1423 Improved algorithm and UI for Surfaces>Create Grid>Large and
Multi-file using Minimum curvature method.
4. ENDIS-1440 Ability to import Thematic Map into Data Entry>Picklist Manager
5. ENDIS-1444 New usage statistics tool under Discover>Discover Help>Product
Improvement Initiative.
6. ENDIS-1450 Improved large image handling for Images>Reproject Image and
Images>Clip Image tools.
7. ENDIS-1527 Added structure symbol processing and creation in Data
Entry>Enter Data tool.
8. ENDIS-1528 Added grouping function in Data Entry>Picklist Manager tool for
group picklist entries when using Data Entry>Enter Data tool.
9. ENDIS-1561 Improved Encom Licencing manager to better handle activation
request when no local mail client installed.
10. ENDIS-1571 New tool to convert Alpha/Beta angles from drillcore into real
world Dip and Dip Directions in Drillhole Module under Drillholes>Convert
Alpha/Beta Angles.
11. ENDIS-1574 Added support in Discover/Discover 3D for Windows 8 operating
12. ENDIS-1577 New tool to merge multiple downhole tables to smallest sample
interval in Drillhole Module under Drillholes>Downhole Merge.
13. ENDIS-1578 New downhole compositing tools in Drillhole module
Drillholes>Downhole Compositing>By CutOff Grade, Drillholes>Downhole Compositing>By
Depth or Elevation or Drillholes>Downhole Compositing>By Attribute.
14. ENDIS-1763 Added ability to select map object in a Map Window and Data
Entry>Enter Data tool.
15. ENDIS-1880 Removed support for Tenement download service from ELOS.
16. ENDIS-1912 Removed Download Tenement tool from Tenement module.
17. ENDIS-2068 Removed right context menu under Table List>Compare Structure
tool for MapInfo Professional version 12 or greater.
18. ENDIS-2069 Support new Polybuilder tool in MapInfo Professional version 12
or greater.
19. ENDIS-2073 Streamlined UI for Surfaces>Create Grid>Interactive tool.
20. ENDIS-2075 Reordered Discover menu items in main Discover menu and
Discover>Configuration tool.
21. ENDIS-2086 Upgraded Discover>Import and Export>acQuire Database Import tool
to latest version 4.4.1.
22. ENDIS-2150 Updated Encom Licence Manager to version 8.70.ok

23. ENDIS-1138 Removed Discover>Object Editing>Split MultiPolys tools.

24. ENDIS-1189 Increased Discover>Map Making>Create Map Legend dialog size.
25. ENDIS-1640 Fixed Data Entry>Enter Data tool where date field required
several clicks to access.
26. ENDIS-946 Improved Drillholes>Legend Editor pattern selector to match
MapInfo Professioanl.
27. ENDIS-1385 New Data Entry tools Data Entry>Apply Style and Data Entry>Apply
Picklist for applying an individual style or multiple styles.
28. ENDIS-1635 Added record counter on Data Entry>Picklist Manager tool.
29. ENDIS-2144 Added Discover Web tool to Tools>Tool Manager.
30. ENDIS-2260 Incorporates Mapinfo Professional 12.0.1 Build 100 release, which
addresses window rendering issues.

1. ENDIS-1044 Fixed projection support issue with Arc ASCII files.
2. ENDIS-1046 Improved support from multiple user Discover settings under
3. ENDIS-1070 Fixed issue with Drillholes>Define New Section>Surfaces not
loading settings.
4. ENDIS-1078 Fixed vertical exaggeration not supported by Drillholes>Section
Manager>3D Vector to Section tool.
5. ENDIS-1119 Fixed statistics algorithm for Interquartile range for
GeoChem>Summary Statistics and GraphMap tools.
6. ENDIS-1124 Fixed Surfaces>Grid filter tool to support all grid types.
7. ENDIS-1139 Fixed Images>Rectify image to default the output file path to the
image input path,
8. ENDIS-1174 Fixed Surfaces>Create Grid>Large and Multi-file crash when using
MapInfo Professional TAB file.
9. ENDIS-1190 Fixed Discover>Import and Export>Transform Vector File to support
compressed Vulcan triangulation files (.00t).
10. ENDIS-1193 Fixed algorithm for Harmonic Mean and Geometric Mena for
GeoChem>Summary Statistics and GraphMap tools to support negative values in input
11. ENDIS-1235 Fixed Surfaces>Make Legend for Grid so labels match the data
breaks in legend.
12. ENDIS-1255 Fixed Discover>Import and Export>Transform Vector File to
handling exporting Shape File with multiple object types in input file.
13. ENDIS-1268 Removed bounds for affine coordinates produced by Discover>Data
Utilities>Transform Coordinates tool.
14. ENDIS-1272 Prevented Discover>Data Utilities>Create Stacked Profiles tool
from overwriting existing file.
15. ENDIS-1313 Fixed Images>Reproject Image tool to use standard Choose
Projection dialog.
16. ENDIS-1338 Fixed Surfaces>Grid Utilities>Reproject tool to support affine
17. ENDIS-1397 Fixed Drillholes>Display Downhole Data tool where Line Graphs
were not plotted perpendicular to drillhole trace.
18. ENDIS-1438 Fixed Discover>Import and Export>Transform Vector File dialog
19. ENDIS-1540 Fixed Discover>Import and Export>Transform Vector File crash on
KML file with description tag <![CDATA[ .... ]]>.
20. ENDIS-1544 Fixed issue where Mapinfow_old.prj file wasn't removed with the
uninstall of MapInfo Pro Discover bundle.
21. ENDIS-1556 Fixed Discover>Import and Export>Transform Vector File exporting
DXF Z values.
22. ENDIS-1655 Fixed Data Entry>Picklist Manager tool from crashing on import of
large style dataset.
23. ENDIS-1660 Error warning presented when importing binary Surpac STR/DTM
files in Discover>Import and Export>Transform Vector File tool.
24. ENDIS-1668 Fixed Data Entry>Picklist Manager tool constantly processing when
renaming a style.
25 ENDIS-1748 Fixed Discover>Import and Export>Transform Vector File tool limit
on batch importing.
26. ENDIS-1767 Fixed Data Entry>Setup Table tool Logical field crash when
clicking on Default Value.
27. ENDIS-1869 Fixed Surfaces>Convert vector file to grid where Vertical mapper
grid nulls create blank grid.
28. ENDIS-1983 Fixed Tenements>Application dialog issue when selecting state
29. ENDIS-1917 Fixed spelling mistake on Discover>Table Utilities>Add Unique
Identifier menu.
30. ENDIS-1927 Fixed Surfaces>Grid Filter FFT TMI Reduction to the Pole Filter
(low latitude) bug.
31. ENDIS-1930 Fixed Drillholes>Draw Section Grid issue causing crash on plan
32. ENDIS-2004 Fixed Discover>Import and Export>Transform Vector File
incorrectly importing polylines from DXF.
33. ENDIS-2160 Fixed dialog sizing issue when using 125% font size for Voxel
gridding tools.
34. ENDIS-721 Fixed Drillholes>Define New Section>Annotate tool crash when
label font is manually defined larger than 100.
35. ENDIS-828 Fixed Discover>Configuration Tenements folder not being auto
36. ENDIS-858 Fixed Drillholes>Create section legend silently fails to read with customized legend name.
37. ENDIS-888 Fixed Discover>Import and Export>Vulcan Archive Import tool
crashing importing Vulcan files with unassigned X and Y field indices.
38. ENDIS-1185 Fixed Drillholes>Section Manager>3D Vector to Section tool
incorrectly importing imperial unit projections.

3D Improvements
1. ENDIS-1315 New Utilities>Batch DXF Transform tool to Discover 3D.
2. ENDIS-1321 New View>3D Stereo tool for displaying interactive 3D through
3. ENDIS-1424 Improved speed processing Grids>Voxel Utilities>Convert vector to
voxel tool when stamping polyhedron.
4. ENDIS-1717 Added support for creating rotated voxel models.
5. ENDIS-2016 New View>Full screen tool.
6. ENDIS-2023 Upgraded ECW version 4.0 SDK.
7. ENDIS-2094 Upgraded Discover 3D toolbar icons.
8. ENDIS-1101 Support ECW and JP2 images in Discover3D>Utilities>Overlay image
on grid tool.

3D Defects
1. ENDIS-1502 Fixed issue using Features>Export tool when a polyline has
coincident nodes.
2. ENDIS-1663 Fixed Utilities>Extrusion wizard remembering previously entered
data values.
3. ENDIS-1757 Fixed 3D Connexion Space navigator bugs.
4. ENDIS-1784 Fixed importing ASCII XYZ voxel models produced in Discover 3D.
5. ENDIS-1787 Fixed Feature database appearance when I disabling fill.
6. ENDIS-1788 Fixed voxel model export min and max extents.
7. ENDIS-1790 Fixed voxel model export to UBC model by adding a warning and
blocked model export stating voxel is rotated.
8. ENDIS-1791 Fixed voxel Manager model info button displaying incorrect


Encom Discover 14.0.4 (2012 Build 400) - Released April 2013


Incorporates MapInfo Professional 11.5.4 patch

1. MIPRO-33945 Resolved MapInfo Professional 11.5.3 closing unexpectedly when
saving to a workspace
if you have a map containing an SQL Select Query layer and the map is in a
layout frame.


Encom Discover 14.0.3 (2012 Build 304) - Released March 2013


1. ENIDS-1611 Updated acQuire data model support to version

1. ENDIS-1057 Prevented error in MapInfo Professional layer control when
closing a Thematic layer from the right click menu.
2. ENDIS-1085 Map Surfaces>Modify Grid Display help button to correct
3. ENDIS-1395 Allow drillhole section layers to be added and deleted from
polyline sections. Filter out polylines from Export Section Layer to 3D Feature and
Export Section Layer as 3D DXF tools.
4. ENDIS-1554 Prevented user entering "+" special character into a drillhole
project name.
5. ENDIS-1646 Fixed issue with Overlay Map Grid freezing MapInfo Professional.


Encom Discover 14.0.2 (2012 Build 210) - Released January 2013

1. ENDIS-184 Added check in Data Utilities>Line Orientation tool to prevent the
use of Latitude/Longitude projected data.
2. ENDIS-918 Added the ability to increment numerical or alpha numerical
strings in character fields using the Data Entry tool.
3. ENDIS-939 Changed directory from source folder to Discover Temp directory
when viewing non-native drillhole files in Discover 3D.
4. ENDIS-1026 Added ability to use Picklist object styles when digitising using
the Data Entry tool.
5. ENDIS-1415 Added ability to repeat the last entered value in a cell on the
next new record using the Data Entry tool.
6. ENDIS-1416 Added ability to have a default current Date/Time/Date & Time for
Date, Time and Date/Time fields using the Data Entry tool.
7. ENDIS-1400 Added support for new patterns in MapInfo Professional 11.5.2
patch in the Drillhole Legend Editor.
8. ENDIS-1398 Bundled MapInfo/Discover installer caches MapInfow.prj file on
install. This now preserves any customizations made in this file when upgrading.
9. ENDIS-1525 Added support for new patterns in MapInfo Professional 11.5.2
patch in the Picklist Manager.

1. ENDIS-1077 Fixed issue where you were prevented from transforming non-earth
projected datasets using Data Utilities>Transform Coordinates tool.
2. ENDIS-1043 Fix issue where Transform Vector File in export mode disabled the
options to reproject.
3. ENDIS-1098 Added an error check to prevent the use of "-" characters when
naming a section in the Drillhole Section Manager tool. Previously the tool would
silently fail to create a section.
4. ENDIS-1121 Fixed issue in Surfaces>Grid Query>Select by Multiple Value Ranges
tool where output polygons were disaggregated. A single polygon is now created for
the value range region.
5. ENDIS-1297 Fixed issue which caused the IGRF dialog to freeze the Grid Filter
6. ENDIS-1325 Fixed error generated when using trench data in the Drillhole
Module. If a Total Length field was not defined an error was generated during
validation or when defining section.
7. ENDIS-1326 Fixed issue when a carriage return was used at the end of a text
expression in the Define New Section or Plan tool. The carriage return was causing
the text to rescale.
8. ENDIS-1370 Fixed issue which prevented user from changing the location of the
Config folder to the Current User folder.
9. ENDIS-1382 Added an error check to prevent the 3D Vector to Section tool from
processing plan view sections.
10. ENDIS-1384 Fixed issue which prevented the Discover>Discover Help>Check for
Update tool from working on Windows XP and 7 32 Bit Bundled MapInfo/Discover
11. ENDIS-1405 Fixed issue which prevented the IOGas Importer from working due to
a missing ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib file.
12. ENDIS-1407 Fixed issue in Scaled Output when using a selected polygon which
caused the scaling frame to rescale when pressing the Preview button.
13. ENDIS-1408 Fixed Transform Coordinates dialog display issue which caused the
Transform coords now options to offset on the dialog.
14. ENDIS-1420 Fixed issue on Overlay Map Grid dialog which caused the display of
deg min sec units for Latitude/Longitude to revert to decimal degrees after
pressing the Preview button.
15. ENDIS-1482 Fixed regression issue which caused any of the Surfaces>Grid
Utilities to read an ERS grid header projection instead of the MapInfo Professional
TAB file projection.
16. ENDIS-1496 Fixed issue when applying a Downhole Data Display to a drillhole
section which caused any section layers prefixed with "A" to be deleted.


Encom Discover 14.0.1 (2012 Build 109) - Released September 2012


1. ENDIS-1024 Added the ability to create a picklist in the Picklist Manager
from a MapInfo Professional TAB which is not mappable.
2. ENDIS-1030 Improved the update frequency between the Map Window and Data
Entry dialog so data is instantly added rather than on dialog focus.
3. ENDIS-1033 Added support to capture the object centroid X and Y coordinates
in numeric fields using the Data Entry tool.
4. ENDIS-1032 Added support for data entry into non-native linked MapInfo
Professional TAB files using the Data Entry tool.
5. ENDIS-800 Reduced the size of the Data Entry dialog to improve usability.
6. ENDIS-813 Added support to digitise description of Picklist into field when
using the Data Entry tool.
7. ENDIS-911 User is now altered when a MapInfo Professional TAB is Read-Only
when attempting to open in either Setup Digitising Table or Data Entry dialog and
prevented from using it in the tools.
8. ENDIS-1031 Added support for MapInfo Browser to Data Entry dialog update.
When data is entered or deleted from the MapInfo Browser it is now reflected in the
Data Entry dialog.
9. ENDIS-876 Picklist Manager now runs in MapInfo Professional process space
for improved usability.
10. ENDIS-872 Added support to use Copy, Paste and Delete keyboard shortcuts in
the Data Entry dialog.
11. ENDIS-1367 Improved update speed in Data Entry dialog when using Live ODBC
database MapInfo Professional TAB files.

1. ENDIS-959 Discover3D toolbar icons are now display correctly when switching
from viewer mode to full licence.
2. ENDIS-1042 Cannot load a points in Discover3D which do not have a line field
3. ENDIS-1035 Create Map legend fixed crash on combined object - now fully
supports combined mixed object types.
4. ENDIS-1036 View Map in 3D and Overlay Image on grid now supports larger
resolution images to be rendered fully in 3D.
5. ENDIS-1088 Fixed draw grid profile support for affine projection maps.
6. ENDIS-1102 Cannot delete a selected projection in 3D georeferenced image
7. ENDIS-1240 Z field now required when loading points or lines into discover3D.
8. ENDIS-1284 Display downhole now checks a field is selected for each display
9. ENDIS-1303 Interactive gridding was crashing in situations where no non-null
cells are in the output grid.
10. ENDIS-901 Fixed issue where field widths were displayed for all field types
in the Setup Digitising Table dialog.
11. ENDIS-932 Fixed issue where metadata for validation rules were rolled backed
when the MapInfo Professional TAB was packed.


Encom Discover 14.0 (2012 Build 16) - Released June 2012


1. ENDIS-70 Automatic pop-up notification of new maintenance releases
2. ENDIS-72/ENDIS-73 More intuitive and helpful Drillhole Project Validation
3. ENDIS-76 New capability to support multiple custom user layers per drillhole
4. ENDIS-77 Display intersection of vector models on 2D cross-sections as
attributed vectors.
5. ENDIS-80 Batch Import of ECW imagery
6. ENDIS-81 Colour multiple gridded surfaces correctly/consistently, save/reuse
settings, and utilise transparency on non-null values
7. ENDIS-82 Export gridded surfaces as high resolution images, preserving the
input grid cell size.
8. ENDIS-83 Grid Handlers and plugins - support for ESRI/Arc (Ascii/binary) prj
and Geosoft projections.
9. ENDIS-84 Overlay Utility (single and Batch) needs handling options for
multiple objects in a cell (min, max, average, first, etc)
10. ENDIS-85 Added appropriate remaining Grid Utilities to Batch Utilities
(rotate, surface area, shift, grid to grid)as well as add new vectorise options
11. ENDIS-87 Export/Transform Vector supports both height/elevation field and
attribute/label field selection when creating 3D or other formats.
12. ENDIS-88 New Batch ASCII Import functionality
13. ENDIS-101 Display and model multi-banded grids using independent Red, Green,
Blue (RGB) and Intensity (shading) bands/channels.
14. ENDIS-105 New Style Picklists tool to create and apply graphical object
15. ENDIS-106 Validate existing and newly entered data by increment, default,
style picklist and range rules.
16. ENDIS-120 Upgrade acQuire API to latest version (
17. ENDIS-205 Resized multiple dialogs to fit smaller displays/resolutions
18. ENDIS-355 Clearer Drillhole Project Validation messages in the Downhole tab.
19. ENDIS-356 Clearer Drillhole Project Validation messages in the Survey tab.
20. ENDIS-358 Compulsory validation errors are now highlighted in red in the
Drillhole Project Validation process.
21. ENDIS-401 Updated Micromine Import support
22. ENDIS-701 Added support for DXF's with only one Z attribute per polyline
23. ENDIS-121 Add support for MapInfo 11.5 including new projections
24. ENDIS-116 Updated to latest SlimDX SDK
25. ENDIS-551 Graphmap new graph type Rectangular clock (data matrix)

1. ENDIS-79/ENDIS-371 Resolved issues with Export drillholes to 3D DXF.
2. ENDIS-208 Discover Configuration directory is now checked for write
3. ENDIS-310 Drillhole Projects directory is now checked for write privileges.
4. ENDIS-311 Drillhole downhole table HoleID fields are now checked for matching
field position, name and character type.
5. ENDIS-357 Drillhole projects: Removed non-functioning autofix option for
duplicate collar names in Validation.
6. ENDIS-782 Export contours to 3D DXF now assigns correct Z value.
7. ENDIS-531 (3722) Downhole data display legend matching issues in non-english
8. ENDIS-644 (3540) Drillhole project permissions check now correctly assume
allowed if ambiguous
9. ENDIS-645 (3612) Project cache - added error catches for the special
character '
10. ENDIS-646 (3612) Project cache - added error catch for files that exceed
native MapInfo TAB limitations
11. ENDIS-647 (3693) Fixed issues with difference between XML and TAB drillhole
12. ENDIS-648 (3657) Trench project requires survey file to avoid errors
13. ENDIS-649 (3554) Fixed trench project issue
14. ENDIS-650 (3592) Drillhole files now autopacked on opening
15. ENDIS-651 (3567) Fixed issue with null date/time fields in Drillhole cache
16 ENDIS-169 (3670) Fixed section creation from polylines omitting parital
17. ENDIS-170 (3609) Fixed errror with Trench sections with "Show intersection
holes" enabled
18. ENDIS-171 (3721) Installer no longer reverts mapshop folder location
19. ENDIS-173 (3551) Select all from cosmetic layer fixed
20. ENDIS-183 (3663) Insert nodes - rounding precision error fixed
21. ENDIS-185 (3613) Add secton to layout now correctly supports logo files
locations to match scaled output
22. ENDIS-476 (1507) Add secton to layout now correctly sizes frames for large
potrait paper sizes
23. ENDIS-415 Grid filter output grid colouring now correctly reset to default
24. ENDIS-482 (3506) Secton's S layers now contain correct attribute from the
(geology) polygon drape field
25. ENDIS-484 (3692) ESRI grid handling rounding and null value issues.

3D Improvements
1. ENDIS-89 New intuitive and interactive on screen navigational controls.
2. ENDIS-91 Export voxel model slices on 2D drillhole cross-sections as
attributed polygons
3. ENDIS-92 Export thresholded voxel models as DXF with individual cells
4. ENDIS-93 Optimised Voxel Utilties processing speed by an order of magnitude
5. ENDIS-96 Added 3D Projection support, including on-the-fly reprojection of
6. ENDIS-108 Improved drag and drop support of MI Pro TAB files so they open in
appropriate series type
7. ENDIS-114 New Clip point dataset with vector volume tool.
8. ENDIS-179 Floating Colour Bar added to View menu.
9. ENDIS-205 Resized multiple dialogs to fit smaller displays/resolutions

3D Defects
1. ENDIS-467 (2954) Cursor Plane inclination now only displays values of 0-90
2. ENDIS-468 (3100) View secton boundaries now supports donutted polygons
3. ENDIS-576 (3723) Error when clipping lithology voxel to surface grid
4. ENDIS-166 (3706) Fixed rendering issue after finishing navigation
5. ENDIS-174 (3616) Fixed export of FDB queries.
6. ENDIS-180 (3673) Fixed FDB data field date/time type issues
7. ENDIS-182 (3622) Fly-Through-Wizard didn't recognize line breaks in text
labeling (they were reset to one line)
8. ENDIS-758 Frame boundary in Page Layout can now be resized
9. ENDIS-486 Feature Import and Feature Export now include attributes for DXF

3D Viewer
1. ENDIS-90 First release

Encom Discover 13.04 (2011 Build 25) - Released March 2012


1. (ENDIS-52) Product Improvement Suggestions menu option now links to
the PBS Ideas Community web portal.
2. (ENDIS-54) Define New Section - added scroll buttons to the
section lists for handling of large section names.

1. (3707/ENDIS-186) Define New Section - resolved display issue with
downhole units in feet in cartesian-projected projects.
2. (3708/ENDIS-127) Define New Section - resolved carriage return regression
issue in labelling dialog.
3. (3538/ENDIS-176) Multi-Table Structure Manager - fixed reverse ordering
of new fields when using the Copy command.
4. (ENDIS-50) Installer - fixed the Discover 3D directory Cancel button
deleting the Discover installation path (Discover-only installer).
5. (3694/ENDIS-188) Drillhole Project setup - implemented correct handling
of mappable downhole tables.
6. (ENDIS-190) Define New Section - resolved error when clicking on
white space in section lists.
7. (3685/ENDIS-187) LUT path now initialised during Discover startup.

3D Defects
No updates


Encom Discover 13.03 (2011 Build 20) - Released December 2011


1. (3627) Define New Section - resolved drillhole trace clipping failure
when no survey nodes inside the sectional envelope.
2. (3615) Display Downhole Data - trace shade polygons are now correctly
closed at the top.
3. (3636) Key in Shapes - fixed incorrect output with Line Distance/Bearing
4. (3427) Drillholes Export Boundaries - Updated DXF format.
5. (3661) AcQuire Database support - resolved sharing violation errors.
6. (3663) Installation - fixed incorrect pathing of Discover 3D
installation directory Browse button (Discover-only installer).
7. (3595) Licensing - Discover Licence Manager now recognises Discover
3D (ONLY) activations.
8. (3625) Display Downhole Data - Background transparency for legends
is now functional for trace shades and histograms.
9. (3681) Select by Group - fixed a crash when clicking in blank areas.
10. (3682) Rectify Image - Re-enabled tabbing between data cells.
11. (3671) IGridding - Saved settings were not being deleted or applied
12. (3684) Batch Grid - fixed incorrect distance units being written to
TAB file when projection manually selected. Also resolved error when
selecting non-earth projection.
3D Defects
1. (3653) Feaature Editing - prevented the auto-triangulation of polylines
after a node is deleted.
2. (3664) 3D DXF - improved support for layered DXF with missing layer names.
3. (3680) Resolved issue with sessions containing JP2 images draped over a
grid taking a long time to load.


Encom Discover 13.01 (2011 Build 15) - Released September 2011


1. (3493)Define New Section - 'Show intersecting holes at depth' and
'Display complete hole traces' options prevented from being applied
2. (3495) Define New Section - resolved various issues with offset sections.
3. (3498) Define New Section - prevented multiple offset polyline section
4. (3501) Define New Section - fixed naming attributes of surface line.
5. (3520) Define New Section - fixed plan creation when name prefixed with
6. (3529) Define New Section - Resolved incorrect projection when creating
N-S sections looking 090 and E-W sections looking 180.
7. (3561) Define New Section - resolved downhole labels flipping on plans.
8. (3447) Define New Section - topographic grids now correctly handled by
trench projects using distance/bearing survey data.
9. (3487) Define New Section - prevented plans from creating a surface S layer.
10. (3500) Section Manager - resolved regeneration of imported project sections
with contour surface.
11. (3536) Section Manager - prevented section titleblocks opening into the
section window, opened into new mapper.
12. (3442) Section Manager - Regenerate now adds new drillholes to sections
regardless of the 'Show intersecting holes at depth' option.
13. (3442) Section Manager - resolved identical suffixed sections opening
in the same window (e.g. Test1 and Test11).
14. (3354) Project Import - fixed import issue for some gINT projects.
15. (3507) Drillhole Validation - better checking of downhole table compulsary
16. (3534) Drillhole Validation - output .csv report file now includes depth
and interval size fields
17. (3524) Display Downhole Data - fixed issue with incorrect trace shade
rendering when applied legend did not cover entire data range.
18. (3522) Display Downhole Data - new trace shade default null style to
handle data values/ranges not present in applied legends.
19. (3509) Display Downhole Data - resolved trace shade display issue when
applied legend had comments added.
20. (3513) Display Downhole Data - improved text label font scaling for
projects with downhole units in feet.
21. (3518) Display Downhole Data - Re-added support for structural tick
colouration by text field/text legend.
22. (3525) Display Downhole Data - fixed legends with null patterns
rendering incorrect trace shades
23. (3503) Downhole Info Tool - now displays correct units for projects
with downhole units set as feet.
24. (3526) Batch Grid Utilities - resolved issues when attempting
to vectorise large numbers of files.
25. (3532) Batch Grid Utilities - added a projection chooser when selecting
grids without TAB files (and therefore without projections).
26. (3200) Draw Grid Profile - profiles extending beyond grid bounds now
correctly exported.
27. (3302) Mapbasic Grid Handlers are now always enabled.
28. (3371) ALG/ECW Importer - removed the erroneous Import Image as Grid option.
29. (3432) Encom PA Image Import - removed invalid import of quad strips.
30. Resolved Combined Encom Discover MI Pro Bundle installation
'vcredist_x86_10_SP1.exe' error.
31. (1923) Removed extra text from Workspace Editor
32. (2436) Standardised Structure Symbol's null value as -99 to match Discover
33. (3006) Polybuilder now shows warning message when input data in lat/lon
34. (3231) User is now prevented from creating affine transformations between
non-earth systems using Transform Coordinates.
35. (3403) Resolved an overflow error with the Data Utilities > Plot Vectors tool.
36. (3485) Fixed minor field matching issue with the Multiple Column Update tool.
37. (3510) Resolved a label positioning issue when Label Creator applied after
Scaled Output.
38. (3546) GraphMap - Rose diagrams now correctly handle azimuth/bearing data.
39. (3490) GraphMap - resolved a range of minor interface and functionality
40. (3565) All DXF import tools now correctly skip any header comment lines.
41. (3568) Resolved incorrect clipping of downhole intervals in sections.
42. (3593) Stacked profiles - fixed issue related to error message and output
generated in non-earth projection
43. (3374) Mapshop - fixed issue selecting to fit map scale to template frame size
44. (3489) Graphmap - fixed issue opening the tool when multiple Mapinfo versions
are installed
45. (3504) Batch process - removed requirement for .NET 4.0 framework
46. (3557) Trench project - fixed crash when Contour topography file is used
47. Legend editor - fixed issue creating legends from non-mapped tables
48. (3508) Downhole data display - fixed issue where customised legend/LUT folders
locations were ignored
49. (3603) Batch convert utility - added new option to specify output file format
for multiple
files at once

3D Defects
1. (3479) Prevented Refresh all 3D Data from opening a new 3D window
2. (3480) Prevented Save 3D Workspace from opening a new 3D window
3. (3486) View Section Boundaries no longer returns an error when opening a
new 3D window
4. (3527) Resolved a display issue when using a 3D Space Navigator to look
vertically downwards.
5. (3566) Open 3D Workspace now correctly opens the 3D session.
6. (3531) Resolved indexing issue with the Clip Voxel to Vector tool.
7. (3456) Fixed issue displaying TAB vector files containing combined objects
8. Fixed issue displaying unpacked TAB files in Drillhole or Point


Encom Discover 13.0 (2011 Build 8) - Released July 2011

1. Released the 'Combined Encom Discover MI Pro Bundle' installer
2. Added Mapinfo option to the Discover product in Encom licensing


Encom Discover 13.0 (2011 Build 7) - Released June 2011


1. Added Support for MapInfo Professional 11.0
2. Updated Encom Licensing software to 8.68
3. AcQuire API support updated to
4. New Batch Grid Utility tool to batch process/automated script grid
utility operations
5. Grid Utility Statistics - added new option to use a Classified
integer) grid for region/zone definition
6. Grid Filter - implemented new IGRF algorithms to support calculation
at any time
7. Convert vector file to grid - added new option to stamp a 2D TAB file
to a new grid file, as well as convert 3D TIN vectors to a grid
8. New tools to batch Import Vector and Export vector files
9. Transform Vector file - added support to export/write to Surpac STR files
10. Large and Multi gridding - added support for Geosoft GDB input files
11. Grid Drainage - streamlined dialog to improve usability
12. Grid Drainage - added support to preserve natural pits/depressions, and
insert centre null cell for outlet point
13. Grid Drainage - improved performance by re-using suitable existing files
14. Grid Drainage - add output for watersheds and streams as a grid file
15. Grid Drainage - new option to output nested custom catchments for
multiple points in the same catchment
16. New Grid Contouring tool which handles large and multiple input
files and performance improvements
17. New Drillhole Project Import/Export - now can "import" any existing
project metadata file, even if not exported
18. New Drillhole Project table - section lines. Records section lines
automatically for any section
19. Drillhole Define new section - new engine with vast performance improvements
20. Drillholes Display downhole data - new engine with vast performance
21. Drillholes Display downhole data - data now automatically retrieved each time
from source data tables, removing the need to regenerate
22. Drillholes Display downhole data - new annotation display type, to
alter or add multiple annotation labels
23. Drillholes Display downhole data - new option to decimate/sub sample
data for text, linegraph and bar graph
24. Drillholes Display downhole data - new option to continue or stop
drawing linegraphs across sample gaps
25. Drillhole Define new section - polyline and trench section integrated
with Define new section
26. New Drillhole Validation tool, including checks for compulsory issues
and optional checks
27. Modify Grid display -added ability to modify multiple grids simultaneously
28. Grid handlers- added support for DTED grids to be manipulated in Grid tools
29. Text labels - new Label creator tool for advanced labelling options
30. Mapshop - new Mapshop configuration dialog to edit appearance
31. MapInfo Layer Control - added new Discover options to right click menus
32. Drillholes Calculate 3D coordinates - new tool which extracts
coordinates to a new table, and includes the option to extract
interval mid-points
33. Section Manager - added option to update section line table with any
imported or legacy sections
34. Section Manager- now dynamically lists any section folders in the
project folder even if they are created by another user
35. Drillhole Project setup - downhole data tables now mapped by field
name, then by column position
36. Section Manager - added Date modified and view direction columns
37. Section Manager- now opens all TAB files prefixed by the section
name in the section folder
38. Define new section - improved custom labels, with Top and Bottom of
interval added, and support for carriage returns in label string
39. Section Manager - thumbnail preview of section window added
40. Drillholes - each tool now checks for write permissions in the project folder

1. Drillholes section - fixed issue where holes re-entering a section's
envelope are not displayed
2. Colourmap - fixed error with more than 255 styles in a source table
or when applying
3. Drillhole digitize boundaries - now added as the bottom layer in the
map window
4. Modify grid display - fixed issue applying multiple changes
5. Define new section - fixed issue with negative surface offset values
6. Rectify image - control point dialog now centred correctly
7. Point Classification - fixed issue with certain thematic styles
8. Scaled Output - now correctly auto populates Author/user information
9. Digitize boundary export to DXF - fix issues with output layer naming
10. Clone Style - fixed issue with non-English locale when copying text
11. Save tables and workspace - fixed issue saving titleblock logo images
12. Scaled output - fixed issue when selecting a non-metres input
13. Section Manager -correctly display envelope width of non-limited
sections/plans as NA
14. Define new section - fixed issue with small map bounds on a section
15. Define new section - Drillholes now correctly clipped at envelope
ends of section line (x axis), as well as the envelope edge
16. Text search and replace - fixed date/time field support
17. Transform coordinates - fixed issues when selecting Make Affine
18. Mapshop - fixed units on scalebar
19. GraphMap - fixed issue with spaces in table names
20. Scaled output - fixed locale formatting of date string
21. Mapshop - fixed issue with printer setup
22. Mapshop - fixed issue with grid reference label settings
23. Draw grid profile - fixed issue with setting 1:1 X:Y axis ratio (unit scale)
24. Map autogrid - fixed issue resizing polygon mask
25. Contour a grid -fixed issue with colouring when multiple grids opened
26. Rectify Image - fixed issues with comma decimal point setting
27. Grid Handlers - fixed issue opening ESRI Binary ADF files larger than 2GB
28. Export Surpac and Datamine - fixed issue not loading opened tables
29. Grid Contour - fixed issue setting projection of output table when
map window is in different projection
30. GraphMap - fixed issue exporting/printing histogram graphs
31. GraphMap - fixed issues handling nulls in histogram or pie graphs
32. Drillhole Project export - now includes thumbnails and metadata files
33. Image Reproject- fixed issue when selecting NTv2 when no GSB file is present
34. ALG Import - fixed crash when ALG references LUT files
35. Drillholes Validate - improved validation logic for large dip/azimuth changes
36. Style Library - fixed crash when browser window selected
37. Point classification - fixed crash when writing to a new table
38. Create Section Legend - fixed missing legend keys
39. Calculate 3D coordinates - fixed issue selecting DBMS tables as input
40. Drillhole Project Manager - fixed error when Drillhole Project folder
is missing
41. Define new section - fixed limitations on data set size in
sections/plans created
42. Convert vector to grid - improved error message when a non-TIN
file is selected for 3D vectors
43. Create Interactive grid - fixed issue causing ER Mapper projection
dialog to appear
44. Convert vector to grid - TAB file now created for output grid
45. Transform Vector - added support for 100x, 200x and 300x projection
46. Advanced ASCII Import - added option to treat multiple consecutive
delimiters as a single delimiter
47. Grid Utility - Create RGB - fixed issue outputting to multi-banded
ERS file
48. Grid Calculator - fixed issue with command decimal point locales
49. GPX Export - fixed issue including field attributes in the point
50. Grid Utility Merge, Resample and rotate - fixed issue when selecting
grids of differing cell sizes, but no interpolation option available
51. Grid Utility merge - fixed issue with projection checking
52. Grid Handlers - fixed issue writing Vertical Mapper grids
53. Grid Filter - fixed issue writing to non-ERS grid output
54. Create Interactive grid - fixed issue for tri-banded output to RGB image
55. Grid handlers - fixed issue writing large grids out to ASCII file formats
56. Legend Editor - fixed issue with comma decimal points
57. Create Interactive grid - fixed auto-preview for grouping field
58. Grid Utility Convert - fixed conversion of NULL values
59. Grid calculator - fixed issue processing thin grids
60. Create Interactive grid - improved extents of grid for minimum
curvature method with tension
61. Grid Utility Reproject- prevented non-square cells for lat/lon
62. Create Interactive - fixed multi-banded output to arc ASCII format
63. ECW Import - fixed registration for bottom-left registered images
64. Grid Utility Volume -fixed calculation for cell sizes <1.0 units.

3D Improvements
1. New Voxel Utility to convert vector solid/polyhedron volumes to a
Voxel grid
2. New Voxel Utility to assign Voxel cell values to a vector point or
solid/polyhedron objects
3. New Voxel Utility to clip Voxel grid to a vector solid object
4. Voxel Utility - clip to DEM improved to support vector/TIN surfaces
as well as surface grids
5. Voxel properties - added new option to export current Voxel slices
as 3D registered images
6. Feature databases - now include automatic Length, Area, Volume fields
containing dynamically calculated properties for appropriate objects
7. Sessions now saved with relative paths, so they are easily portable
when copy and pasted to and from external/network drives etc
8. Seismic sections - added vector export of horizons and velocity
regions (polygons)
9. Seismic sections - added ability to label and change line style of
10. Added support for loading and converting Geosoft Voxel models
11. Voxel Gridding - added support for gridding feature database datasets
12. Added support in Fly through wizard for cursor plane properties
13. Drillhole Intervals - new tool to view Drillhole downhole data
table's Top, Mid and Bottom interval points as attributed 3D points
14. Map windows with different projections are now automatically
reprojected on the fly to the first layer's projection

3D Defects
1. Fixed issue which caused the Aero theme to be disabled
2. Points Properties - fixed display of certain symbols
3. Feature editing - removed non-standard cursor icon
4. Workspace Tree - fixed tooltip issue which overlayed the branch buttons
5. Image Properties - transparency now correctly applied to all sub-layers
6. Feature Import - now handles renaming existing compulsory field such
as X, Y, Z.
7. View Map in 3D - fixed registration issue with maximised map windows
8. Drillholes - fixed issue rendering mid-point of survey intervals
(back calculation interpolation).
9. Georeferenced Image Export - fixed issue with some sections not
10. View sections in 3D - fixed issue with some sections not listed
11. Cosmetic Features - fixed missing prompt for unsaved cosmetic
features, when saving a sessions or exiting Discover3D
12. View section in 3D - fixed issue viewing trench sections
13. Feature Editing - fixed crash when reshaping mesh surface or solids
14. 3D view manager - fixed default behaviour to save to global settings
15. Voxel Model statistics - now display volume and sum of values
16. Voxel Calculator - fixed crash on lithology bands - now converted to numeric
17. Surface Rendering - disabled smoothing off control for 3D grids
18. Keyboard shortcuts - fixed shortcuts to cycle through bonded images
19. Export DXF - fixed issue with colouring of objects
20. Open features - added to File>Open menu
21. 3D view - fixed navigation issues when viewing exactly "top down"
22. Georeferenced Image Export - fixed issue refreshing output
23. Voxel slice - fixed issue rendering cells on certain angles
24. Vector series - fixed displaying Surpac STR point files
25. Feature Editing - fixed issue losing attributes when
combining/disaggregating objects
26. View points in 3D Points - fixed viewing selections/queries in 3D
27. Feature Browser - prevented editing of point objects nodes
28. Topology checker - added support for all suitable vector formats
29. Fly through wizard - fixed issue with default fly file and movie file names
30. Voxel export- fixed crash exporting lithology bands
31. Seismic sections - fixed issue exporting projection information
32. Seismic sections - fixed editing project settings after project creation
33. Legend Editor - fixed showing internal unused fields
34. Drillhole Planner - fixed issue with negative dips
35. GoCAD vector export - fixed formatting of files


Encom Discover 12.01 (Build 31) - Released August 2010


1. Updated Encom Licensing software to 8.67
2. Add embedded Transparency support when importing JP2 images
3. Added Company placeholder display on Titleblock dialog

1. Improved message to better explain options when Exiting Scaled
Output function
2. Improved the behaviour of the Table Split tool so that output tables
are not overwritten when splitting on a date/time field and the
date/times only differ by a magnitude of seconds
3. Fixed problem in ColourMap tool that could cause a crash if a
workspace was opened that contained an aliased table name
4. Fixed the points fill option in the SeeThru Shading tool
5. Improved the behaviour of the Custom Title Block function so that
a custom logo file ( can be stored in either the same path
as a title block or the Config directory
6. Fixed registration of USGS DEM files in a geodetic lat/lon projection
7. Improved the reported messages when using the Assign values
from table function with polyline and point objects
8. Fixed display of polygonal Contours files on Vertical Cross Sections
9. Fixed crash in the Fit Map Window to selected object tool if run
on a table that had unpacked edits
10. Added a check to prevent the assignment of a collar table that has a
Lat/Long coordinate system to be used in the Trenching setup
11. Fixed issue in Trenching Tool is the section contained greater
than 10 downhole tables
12. Fixed a hang issue when closing sections containing unsaved
boundary layers
13. Fixed Trench section depth ticks so they are now perpendicular
to the trace line
14. Fixed problem with the saving of the Autosave workspace while a
Drillhole project is opened
15. Fixed an issue with panning when using the Cursor Position tool
when Map Linking is also enabled
16. Fixed issue opening sections from a saved Drillhole session
17. Fixed the output options for the create affine coordsys mode of
the Transform Coordinates tool to prevent a incorrect output table
being created
18. Improved the way distance units are set for a drill section so that
the section always uses the projection distance units of the collar
19. Fixed an issue in the Point Classifier when data handling is
enabled for a new table
20. "Show holes intersecting at depth" option so that it now defaults to off
21. Fixed issue entering licence server name
22. Fixed handling of non-English Regional Settings in Trenching tool
23. Fixed issue generating multiple sections that are E-W or N-S
24. Fixed performance issue in Styles Library when Enhanced Rendering
is enabled
25. Improved Drillhole manager so that it will correctly open existing
projects that have missing downhole tables
26. Fixed issue where the Polyline section tool required a downhole
table present
27. Fixed an issue with the new table option in the Point Classifier
tool that was preventing the assigned table name from being used
28. Improved the Point Classifier tool to allow MapInfo Cartographic
symbols to be used for the classification scheme
29. Fixed issue in Grid Utility Clip when clipping to a MapInfo selection
30. Improved stability of Drillhole manager when running "in process"
with MapInfo
31. Fixed issue regenerate legacy settings with additional surface profiles
32. Improved the reporting of ESPG codes when importing ER Mapper grid
files using the Import Grid File option
33. Fixed a table assignment issue in Trenching module which could be
triggered by opening multiple tables open with the word "Survey"
in the table name
34. Improved the DXF layer output options for the Export Section
Boundaries tool
35. Improved scrolling behaviour of list box controls when run on
Windows 7
36. Improved the behaviour of the Plane transform option of the Transform
Coordinates tool so that the grid bearing is specified from old grid
to new grid
37. Fixed an issue with the Style Cloner that could cause MapInfo to hang
when copying and pasting a text style
38. Fixed issue customising the Date placeholder text in a Titleblock
39. Fixed issue displaying downhole data on certain sections

3D Improvements
1. Added KML output options to Seismic Sections tool and improved
specifying the navigational file format

3D Defects
1. Fixed an issue that was preventing grid files from being saved into
the output folder when the "Save Permanently" option was enabled in
the View Map In 3D function
2. Fixed issue with the right click View in 3D MapInfo menu option
failing on selected grid
3. Fixed issue preventing opening of previous version's sessions files
containing a layered DXF vector
4. Fixed issue importing certain DXF vector objects into a Feature database
5. Fixed issue importing vector files containing X,Y,Z field names into a
Feature database
6. Fixed issue preventing the selection of blank Discover sections in the
Georeferenced Image Exporter
7. Fixed issue where saved sessions viewpoint became offset when opened
on a Larger monitor


Encom Discover 12.0 - Released June 2010


1. Added MapInfo Professional 10.5 support
2. Simplified installation: Discover and Discover 3D are now bundled
in the same installer
3. Free Discover 3D viewer included
4. Import support added for typical ALG formats as rasters (such as
ECWs, BILs and ERMapper grids)
5. AcQuire API support updated to
6. Added import support for Arc binary FLT and DTED grid formats
7. All Surfaces� tools can now be configured to output the same default
grid format
8. Many Surfaces tools can now output grids in the Arc binary FLT format
9. Large grid interpolation now provides algorithms for Inverse Distance,
Density, Distance and Minimum Curvature
10. Large grid interpolation now takes advantage of parallel
processing technology
11. Added MrSID file support to large grid interpolation
12. The Grid Filter tool now supports massive grids (convolution and
FFT filtering modes)
13. Significant efficiency improvements in the Grid Calculator�s
handling of massive grids
14. Interactive gridding: Multiple grids can be created in the same
session using a grouping field
15. Interactive gridding: Breaklines can be specified by multiple 3D
DXF, ESRI Shape files or MI Pro TAB files
16. Interactive gridding: New sample frequency output option for
the Density method
17. Interactive gridding: Data conditioning can be applied globally
to multiple fields
18. Interactive gridding: new output grid formats: Arc ASCII,
Vertical Mapper, MIG & BIL
19. Greatly improved performance of Overlay grid utility.
20. Overlay grid utility can stamp regions of a grid with null values,
or stamp a grid with an overlying grid�s values
21. Convert grid utility can set the output data type,
22. Draw Grid Profile incorporates line of sight visualization from
the profile start point
23. Draw Grid Profile can extract attributes from intersecting layers
24. New interactive Define New Section or Plan tool
25. Define New Section or Plan: new labeling options
26. Define New Section or Plan: auto-naming of sections from a
specified field in a section line table
27. Define New Section or Plan: auto-setting of envelope widths from
a specified field in a section line table
28. Define New Section or Plan: support for variable envelope widths
(via a specified field)
29. Define New Section or Plan: removed the limit on the number of
sections that can be batch generated
30. Define New Section or Plan: removed the limitation on plan sizes
31. New Regenerate Section option in Section Manager
32. New Copy Section option in Section Manager
33. Drillhole projects can be exported as 3D DXF traces for
visualization in other 3D applications.
34. A new Section Legend tool allows the creation of per section and
plan annotation legends.
35. Image reprojection now supports batch processing
36. Image processing (convert, enhance, filer, etc) now supports
batch processing
37. New MapShop module automates the generation and printing of
multiple map sheets covering a region.
38. Hydrology: Improved workflow-friendly interface
39. Hydrology: Existing stream vectors can be �burnt� into a DEM
prior to processing to help enforce flow paths
40. Hydrology: Support added for custom outlet attributes
41. Hydrology: Edge contamination removal options added
42. Hydrology: New D-Infinity method option for flow direction and
43. GraphMap: Added direct batch printing support to all graphs
44. GraphMap: Date/time axis grouping extended to most graph types
45. GraphMap: Significant performance improvements on large tables
46. GraphMap: Added advanced temporal data handling, such as ranged
fields and date breaking
47. Transform Vector File: Support added for the MrSID MG4 format
48. Transform Vector File: New option to convert closed polylines to
49. Transform Vector File: Default output is now MapInfo Professional
TAB file
50. Make Movie or Animation: Create movies iterating through values
in a specified field.
51. Make Movie or Animation: Create movies iterating through
multiple tables

1. Moved 'Grid Query->Select by elevation,slope,aspect' to replaced
2. Resolved Contour a Grid not recognizing data ranges when multiple
grids present
3. Improved BIL header file output
4. Resolved cartesian vs. spherical precision issue with vector
intersections generated by Define New Section tool
5. Improved trench handling of units
6. Improved trench plan tick rendering
7. Resolved locale issue with Convert Map to Registered Raster
8. Resolved locale issue with Rectify Image tool
9. Improved Map Grid tool's labeling in polygon mask
10. Save Mapper State now works for Titleblocks
11. Encom PA Located Image Import now recognizes import units
12. Fixed issue with Favourite Projections not applying to windows
with MapInfo Image Processing set to None.
13. Fixed crash with Make Custom Titleblock set to a scalebar with no
14. Fixed reversed coordinate attributes for Map Grids.
15. Improved Discover 'About' and dialog loading boxes rendering at
high DPIs
16. Fixed IOGas importer issue
17. ELC toolbar now remembers its last location
18. GraphMap: resolved null handling in Date/Time field
19. GraphMap: improved display of date/time attributes
20. GraphMap: improved handling of histogram bins
21. GraphMap: improved handling of selection overlays
22. Drillholes Project Manager: section manager options hard-coded
23. Define New Section or Plan: improved handling of differing
projection vs. depth units
24. Project Manager:added check for missing projects
25. Drillhole projects can no longer be exported to the source directory
26. Improved Section Manager>Rename's handling of special names
27. Calculate Maximum and EOH values now includes the collar XY
28. Improved detection of overlapping intervals with the Validate
Drillhole Database tool.
29. Improved Polyline Section handling of units
30. Improved formatting of Export Section Boundaries DXF files
31. Generating grids from non-earth data will now prompt the user
for an output projection
32. Data Leveling large numbers of fields with Data Handling applied
no longer fails.
33. Removed output naming limitations with LAS Importer.
34. Resolved locale issue with Import ESRI ASCII grid importer.
35. Improved precision of colouring to data breaks using Modify Grid
36. Fixed Modify Grid Display crash when blank grid open within
Histogram tab
37. Correct project metadata added to Downhole Compositing output
38. Improved handling of multiple 0 values by the Maximum and EOH
value tool.
39. Improved accuracy of the section envelope preview in the Section
40. Drillhole Projects now support contour lines (as well as polylines).
41. Fixed blank drillhole sections rendering the surface profile at
negative infinity.
42. Add Section function in Section manager now supports blank sections
43. Define New Section or Plan: displays a warning if existing section
with the same name.
44. Colour table list in Classify by Colour section of Point
Classification sorted alphabetically and includes VCP and TBL table
45. Transform Vector File now allows GOCAD .ts output
46. Resolved memory leak with Grid Drainage tool during watershed
47. Hydrology module: Improved checks for required files.
48. Hydrology module: Improved handling of custom outlets.
49. Hydrology module: Improved handling of 'flat' regions of DEMs.
50. Hydrology module: Ensured edge cells flow outward from grid.
51. Fixed Viewshed utility crashing on multiple view points.
52. Multiple grid utilities no longer immediately process input vector
53. DXF Import: fixed issue generating multiple points for each output
layer file.
54. Improved support for KML files with the Transform Vector File tool.
55. Improved performance of Overlay grid utility with large and
complex vector files.
56. Removed limitation on the number of grids the Grid Merge Utilities
can handle.
57. Improved the previewing speed for the pit fill process within the
Hydrology module.
58. Multiple tools - Fixed issues reprojecting and creating Krovak
Projection tables with Discover tools
59. Multiple tools - Fixed issues reprojecting and creating tables in
an affine table with Discover tools, include 1000, 2000 or 3000
60. Hydrology module - fixed ordering of streams in Strahler method
61. Trench - fixed limitation issue on number of downhole tables used
62. Grid Utility - fixed issue reprojecting grids with non-EPSG code
63. Grid Utility - fixed issue with overlaying point objects

3D Improvements
1. Single combined installation with Discover 12.0
2. D3D Viewer now available to all Discover 12 users with no need for
extra installation
3. New auto-save session functionality at user-specified time interval
4. The cursor plane can now display grid lines, aiding scale/size
identification and digitization
5. New Trench and costean support in 3D (XYZ and azimuth/dip surveys)
6. New SEGY Seismic section tool allows the visualization and
interpretation of SEGY seismic time & depth profiles.
7. Fly-through wizard allows dynamic clipping of voxel models
8. 3D image registration now allows interactive control point
picking directly from the image, including internal control
9. Voxel models can now be rendered as multiple arbitrary slices
10. Improved chair clipping controls for voxel models
11. Features objects can be exported to separate files based on object
type (i.e. points, polylines, polygons & surfaces)
12. Feature export supports colour assignment
13. A group of selected feature point, polyline and/or polygon objects
can be automatically converted into a triangulated surface.
14. The Feature and Data spread sheets now support copying of cell
selections into the clipboard.
15. Data Spreadsheet now displays HoleID, From, To and X/Y/Z fields
first by default.
16. Improved mouse wheel zoom functionality between view modes
17. Drillhole planner resized for lower resolution screens

3D Defects
1. Fixed issues when creating blank grids with the Voxel Utility
2. Fixed pan function not working in certain saved sessions
3. Resolved issue with preferred projections when using View Map in 3D
4. Standardized cursor plan clipping width references
5. Fixed issue with the display of very short drillholes
6. Improved support for the import of closed polylines
7. Workspace Tree 'Delete' menu options renamed as 'Remove'
8. Improved handling of drillhole projection and depth unit differences
9. Floating colour bar now automatically populated by first available
10. View>Toolbars>Reset Arrangement now resets window arrangement as
well as toolbars
11. Fixed issue with scaling of drillhole log displays
12. Fixed dialog focus stealing with View Section in 3D.
13. Improved 'About' box rendering at high DPI settings.
14. Fixed issue with Multi-Section Creator corrupting multiple
output EGB files
15. Extrusion wizard will now correctly colour output FDBs
16. Resolved crash when colouring certain voxel model by lithology legend
17. Fixed Floating colour bar not recognizing 3D points, 3D lines
and directional vectors.
18. Fixed TKM stamping of voxel models with Voxel Utilities>Import Model.


Encom Discover 11.1 - Released December 2009



1. Added Windows 7 support

2. Added MapInfo Professional 10.1 support
3. Upgraded Encom Licence system to 8.63 to support dock/undock
concurrent licences via Discover menu, and deployable licences
4. Added KML read/write support to Transform Vector File, for
importing and exporting Google KML files
5. Merged Save and Load Drillhole project session functions into a
single Project Session Manager tool
6. Hydrology tools - All Pit Fill and Extract Catchments options are
now available in the main Grid Drainage tool. Also includes a new
option for extracting catchments for outlets which do not lie on a
7. Added JP2 Alpha band transparency support
8. GraphMap - Import selection overlay renamed to manage selection
9. ECW/JP2000 Import - if no embedded projection is found, a user can
now enter top left corner registration point and select desired
projection to register the image
10. Drillholes Export - new dialog to allow user selection of which
legends to export
11. Drillholes Import - new dialog to allow user selection of which
legends to import
12. Added GPX export support to Transform Vector file
13. Added support for acQuire 4.2.03 database read only API


1. GraphMap- Fixed pre-sorting issue when creating histograms etc

2. Fixed issue where MapInfo Pro 10 crashed with cursor position tool
3. Fixed issue when reprojecting on the fly or printing large ECW images
with the Encom ECW/JP2 handler
4. Image Rectify - added exceeding memory catch and error message
5. Image Reproject - added exceeding memory catch and error message
6. Project Manager - Ensured drillhole configuration files are always
opened hidden
7. Point Classifier - check that user entered ranges are valid
8. Text Search and Replace - now can search for null strings and also
replace with a null string (a string containing only spaces)
9. Define new section - corrected so that the section name prefix
is now used along with a unique suffix
10. ELC - now saves position and size when moved
11. ELC - prevented the position and size being saved when minimized
12. Key in shapes - fixed issues in cases where DMS and decimal degrees
boxes did not display correctly
13. Define new polyline section - sections now include a "_poly" suffix
in the default name
14. Project Manager - clarified cases where "Depth" refers to the hole
length, not elevations
15. Project Manager - remove trench tables when already in use by the
16. Local Grid Layout - fixed issues when manually typing in grid
17. Digitize Boundaries export - fixed issue with sub-layers not
appearing in the DXF
18. Import Drillhole Project- now always checks if project name already
exists before importing
19. Command Search - fixed position issues on high DPI display settings
20. Local Grid Layout - removed duplicate attribute rows and points
21. Discover Favourite Projections - Discover Projection dialogs now
reference the MapInfo workgroup PRJ file location
22. IOGas Import � updated formatting to match newest versions of IOGas
23. Project Manager � fixed issue with auto-indexing HoleID field in
downhole tables
24. Encom PA located image import � fixed issues detecting projection and
also unsupported types of EGB files
25. Display Downhole data - corrected logic in new tool so right facing
graphs can be placed on the left side of a trace and vice versa
26. Make Custom Titleblock � disabled non-applicable options
27. Define new trench � new sections/plans are now always added to the
current project in the appropriate folder
28. Create Map Legend - fixed issue where border style would also change
line objects within the legend
29. ELC - fixed issue where Enhanced Rendering was always enabled from
the display override dialog, even when not required. Now only enabled
when required
30. Surface grids - fixed performance bug in Geosoft handler for
compressed Geosoft grids
31. Structural Symbols - fixed cases where expected symbol orientation
was incorrectly rotated
32. High DPI settings - fixed a number of dialogs which did not scale
correctly at high or custom DPI settings
33. Surface grids - fixed crash on certain compressed GXF files
34. Autoshades - fixed issue clicking white space would crash discover
35. Point Classification - fixed _Classfield size mismatch between the
two classifier tools
36. Open Workspace Advanced -fixed bug where text in a layout window was
37. Assign Values from grid - fixed bug when selected vector layer name
was longer than 30 characters.
38. Digitize Boundaries export - fixed issue with polylines not being
flagged as closed
39. Define new polyline section - added an error message when expected
field is missing from the drillhole tables
40. Validate Drillholes Database - prevented crash when expected field is missing
41. Section Manager - fixed bug which would causes the survey table to
appear twice in some tools
42. Update Coordinates - added check if opened table is read-only
43. Digitize Boundaries - fixed comma-separated decimals regional
settings bug
44. Polyline Section - fixed comma-separated decimals regional settings bug
45. Trench Sections - fixed comma-separated decimals regional settings bug
46. Grid Query - removed redundant grid selection box
47. Digitize Boundaries - prevented crash when front window was not a map window
48. Downhole Compositing - unit labels are now dynamic to match the
current project units
49. Drillhole Project Manager - add check and warning when collar table
is in non-supported lat/lon projection
50. Define New section - prevented crash when selected line is in
unpacked table
51. Import Drillhole Project - fixed duplication bug caused by appending
to existing legends. Legends imported now overwrite and update any
existing legends with the same name.
52. Grid Utilities Split - fixed issue with corrupted tab colouring
53. Grid Utilities - fixed issues where null exceeded max 32bit value
54. Grid Utilities Split - fixed band selection issue
55. Grid Utilities - removed unnecessary processing steps when
previewing, and disable processing when preview is turned off
56. Grid Utility Clip - corrected disabling/enabled controls
57. Grid Utilities - fixed TAB registration output on large grid files
58. Grid Utility Shift - corrected grid registration and location on
large grids
59. Grid Utility Volume - corrected populating calculated volume
value when changing grids
60. Grid Utility Slope - corrected null slope (flat) value to -1, and
fixed grid bounds null padding issues
61. Grid Query - fixed bounds set on output vector layer
62. Section Manager - fixed bug where by section boundary layers were
not saved when closed
63. Section Manager - fixed bug when adding sections to a project. The
original files are now closed and the project copy is automatically
64. Grid Query Slope - fixed bug in slope direction values - they now
correctly match the expected bearing for the slope
65. Import ASCII - fixed bounds error when importing a file with no
mapped X or Y columns selected
66. Hydrology tools - now correctly displays the previews for grids
larger than 2000x2000
67. Hydrology tools - now automatically reprojects custom outlets
into the same projection as the DEM grid
68. Hydrology tools - now does not require the original DEM grid to
be present if a pit filled grid is available
69. DXF Import - added support for attributes (block type)
70. DXF Import - added support for binary DXF files
71. DXF Import - removed redundant fields
72. Grid Calculator - fixed syntax bugs which would cause incorrect results
73. Large multi-file gridding - fixed a memory bug which caused a
limitation in files sizes >100 million points
74. Surface grid handlers - fixed issue on certain large grids which
could cause an error 2 when zoomed in to the lowest level
75. Fixed issue where Legend and LUT Editors would sometimes not
position correctly
76. Grid Utilities Clip - fixed bug when manually entering rectangular
clipping bounds


Encom Discover 11.01



1. Updated IGridding tool to support Discover 3D 5.0


1. Resolved non-uniform cell-size issue when reprojecting gridded

surfaces from Lat/Long to UTM coordinate systems
2. Reorganized interface of hydrology tool and improved catchment
and stream network vectorization
3. Fixed issue with hydrology tool pit fill preview not updating
after processing a DEM
4. Improved Tenement Download service to support larger datasets
5. Fixed issue in ERMapper grid handler to support files with the
datatype keyword containing mixed case
6. Fixed "Enhanced Rendering" error in Scaled Output when run on
versions of MapInfo prior to 10.0


Encom Discover 11.0 - Released June 2009


1. Added MapInfo Professional 10.0 support
2. Added support for acQuire 4.2.0 database read only API
3. New Menu Command Search tool to search Discover/MapInfo menu entries
4. New Australian Tenement module including Tenement Application Wizard,
Tenements Search, Draw state tenements grids and download Encom
Australian tenement data
5. Help menu link to the Encom Knowledge Base
6. Weekly "Discover Tips" pop-up for the Encom Knowledge Base
7. New Drillholes Display Downhole data tool
8. New Drillholes Polyline vertical section tool for vertical holes
9. New Save and Load Drillhole Session tools
10. New Datasight database Importer
11. New ioGAS importer
12. New LIDAR LAS file importer
10. New Batch and LIDAR gridding tool (LIDAR ASCII and LAS data,
huge single file datasets, or multiple files), using triangulation
11. New Hydrology tools including DEM Pit Fill, Stream Network,
Accumulation and flow, Catchment delineation, and outlets
12. New Large Grid Handlers support for USGSDEM (Tar and DEM) and USGS
(USG) files
13. New Large Grid Handlers support for Geopak grids
14. New Raster handlers to improve MapInfo's support for ECW and JPEG2000
15. New ECW Importer for registering ECW and JP2 files from their
embedded projections, and opening ECWP files form an IWS
16. Added new columns to Section Manager for Width (envelope) and Elevation
17. Changed Preview button behaviour on Section Manager
18. Added preview button to Drillhole Draw Section Grid
19. Added preview button to Drillhole Add Section to Layout
20. Renamed Drillhole Project Setup to Drillhole Project Manager
21. Improved Speed of Drillhole Project Manager
22. Improved Speed of Drillhole Section Manager
23. Draw Grid Profile improvements including pan and zoom tools,
horizontal scaling and vertical exaggeration
24. Added new Transparency/Translucency slider to the ELC for Vector, Raster and
Grid layers in MapInfo 10 or later
25. Grid Utilities support for large grid processing for - Classify, Grid to
Grid Clip, Clip, Convert, Curvature, Flip, Merge, Outline, Overlay, Replace,
Reproject, Resample, Rotate, Shift, Slope, Split, Statistics, Surface Area,
26. Grid Utility Merge - added new order option to use the value in the top most
grid in the list
27. Grid Calculator and Grid Tiler now support all grid types that Grid
Utility Convert does.
28. Ordered Import/Export menu alphabetically
29. New Create Registered Raster tool including ECW output support
30. Drillhole Project Manager now displays project directory
31. Renamed Drillhole Edit Colour Patterns to Legend Editor
32. Graphmap new graph type Dataclock with concentric tree rings
33. Graphmap improved support for Date/Time on all graph types, including
grouping options
34. New Graphmap Builder wizard interface
35. Graphmap new ability to change the colour of Pie graph bins
36. Graphmap Data pre-conditioning � new preview and field type conversion
37. Graphmap New Grouping Visibility control � for filtering displayed points
Based on a grouping/filter field
38. Graphmap Derived Column � new Apply button on dialog
39. Summary Statistics now returns a NA when unable to compute Geometric or
Harmonic mean
40. Point Classifier - improved processing speed greatly on new table output
41. Point Classifier - now does not autoload a table on start-up
42. Trivariate Point Classifier - now does not autoload a table on start-up
43. Graphmap - added control to warn when exceeding the maximum number (default
to 6) of unique grouped graphs to produce
44. Graphmap - added unique file types for colour, size and symbol legends
45. General - updated MapInfo Save TAB file icons
46. Table Split - now does not autoload a table on start-up
47. Select by Group - now does not autoload a table on start-up
48. Standardised all .NET tools user configurations files in the user�s Appdata
49. Removed legacy Metadata and Spatial Catalogue tools form the menu system
50. Removed redundant Large Grid Clip tool from the menu system
51. Surfaces Importers � added warning message for non-square grid cells
52. Grid Utilities Overlay � added vector layer selection dialog
53. Removed redundant Raster versions of Encom Grid Handlers
54. Grid Handler Preferences now defaults to Sun Shading off, and preload zoom
on for best performance
55. Grid Utility � now correctly loads both the vector and the grid from the
front mapper window. By default, If no grid is present in the front map, you
are prompted which grid to load
56. Grid Filter � now correctly loads both the vector and the grid from the
front mapper window
57. Grid Utilities � replaced file paths with grid file name in various
58. Drillholes - reordered and renamed the menu to be more intuitive


1. Fixed various non-English regional settings issues, including with Drillhole

2. Fixed various dialog sizing issues to accommodate long file paths etc.
3. Fixed configuration issue to correctly locate and copy file from the master
template directory
4. ELC - fixed crash on closing MapInfo
5. ELC fixed problems at high DPI settings
6. Corrected Correlation Matrix dialog name and style
7. Point Classifier - fixed issue with statistics refreshing within the dialog
8. Point Classifier - fixed issue with accuracy for percentile methods
9. Reproject Image - fixed issue with crashing in some situations
10. Graphmap - fixed issues viewing data from a MapInfo Query table
11. Graphmap - fixed error opening a workspace when tables already opened in
12. Graphmap - fixed output from exporting a Rose graph to TAB file
13. Graphmap - fixed issue saving/loading legends from template files
14. Graphmap - fixed geo-located setup wizard dialog problems
15. Graphmap - fixed Rose graph's handling of nulls
16. Scaled output - added check that the window dimensions do not exceed monitor
17. Scaled output - fixed crash when scalebar is included, but titleblock is
18. Workspace editor - fixed issue setting relative paths to all directories
19. Reproject multi-tables - prevent conversion of earth to non-earth systems
20. Transform coordinates - fixed Discover crash when table is unpacked
21. Save tables and workspace - fixed crash with long file names
22. Display Downhole data - removed non-functioning Surface ID option
23. Define New Trench - check the section name entered is valid
24. Define New trench - fixed bug when there is date fields starting with a 0
25. Display Downhole data - fixed crash when attempting to apply structural data
to trench section/plans, giving warning message
26. Project Manager - automatically map Trench ordering when cumulative
distances are used
27. Drillholes - prevent automatic opening of colr_list table which is not used
28. Drillhole info tool - prevent crash on long file names
29. Project Manager - correctly save and restore the Section Manager options to
automatically link and cerate sections in project directory
30. Section Manager - prevent crash if a section's files have been deleted
31. Validate database - correctly select duplicate sample numbers in a separate
new query table
32. Display downhole data - fixed crash when a legend contains special
33. Add Section to layout - fixed positioning and sizing of frame in portrait
34. Add Section to layout - fixed positioning and sizing of frame for vertically
exaggerated sections
35. Project Manager - correct auto-dip setting zero logic
36. Section Manager - fixed restoring the position and size
37. Project Manager- check a user has permissions to modify the project
38. Project Manager - added mapping for other surfaces contour file to prevent
39. Display Downhole data - fixed crash when applying to blank sections
40. Define New Section - fixed crash for text objects in a contour file
41. Define New Section - fixed crash when required field is non-numeric
42. Define New Section - fixed crash when expected field is missing
43. Display Downhole data - fixed crash for text labels on long file names
44. Calculate Max and EOH values - prevent start-up and crash when no project is
45. Section Manager - fixed error when deleting an opened section
46. Draw Section Grid � fixed issue drawing grids on vertically exaggerated
47. Draw Section Grid � fixed issue drawing grids on multiple sections
48. Downhole Compositing � fixed separating values when there are gaps in the
Data � the gap is replicated in the composited data
49. Minex grids � fixed issue with lat/lon grids crashing tools
50. Grid Utilities Statistics � corrected error message
51. Surfaces Importers � fixed issue reading certain PRJ files
52. Draw Grid Profile � fixed issue refreshing grid lines
53. Create Voronoi Polygons � fixed copying attributes from points to polygons

54. Import ASCII grid converted - fixed sizing of grid cells
55. Draw Grid Profile - fixed hanging when using Log axis on some data
56. Draw Grid Profile � fixed crashing if vector overlays are selected with no
grid profiled
57. Grid Info tool � fixed issue reporting small negative numbers
58. Surfer grid handler � fixed issue crashing with some ASCII files
59. Modify Grid display � fixed issue when minimum data breaks was below the
grid minimum value
60. Vertical Mapper grid handler � fixed issue reading 32bit integers grids
61. Import ASCII grid � clarified which corner point is registered
62. Export ASCII grid � clarified which corner point is registered
63. All grid handlers � fixed issue applying percentile breaks as plain
Percentage breaks
64. Grid Legend � fixed issue where double zeros occurred
65. BIL grid handler � fixed reading ambiguous value formats
66. Grid Filter � removed incorrect checks on grid formats
67. Grid Handler Preferences � Sun highlighting is only accessible when sun
shading is enabled
68. Grid Utilities � fixed issue correctly loading currently opened grids in
69. Grid Utilities � removed checks preventing opening when no grids is opened
70. Grid Filter � removed checks preventing opening when no grids is opened
71. ESRI ASCII Importer � fixed issue correctly registering the grid
72. Minex Importer � fixed issue correctly registering the grid
73. Grid Calculator � removed redundant TAB overwrite warning
74. Grid Calculator � embedded processing bar on main dialog
75. Grid Filter � fixed issue padding grid when the entire preview tile was null
76. Grid Filter � fixed issue with certain formats conflicting with the file
being opened in MapInfo
77. Grid Filter- fixed numerous reading issues for various grid formats
78. Grid Utility Slope � fixed slope algorithm issue
79. Grid Utility � fixed issue with geodetic ERS header output
80. Grid Utility Viewshed � fixed earth curvature issues
81. All grid handlers � fixed issue rendering cells in correct locations
82. Grid Utility Overlay � added warning if vector and grid file projection do
not match
83. Grid Utilities � removed multiple instances of files appearing in list
84. Grid Utilities � corrected reading projection information, such that it is
always read from a TAB file when present
85. Various Import tools � prevented multiple instances of the dialog opening
86. DXF Import � added warning for long file names auto-opening
87. Reproject Coordinates � added warning when overwriting a file
88. Stacked Profiles � fixed issue crashing when null line names are present
89. Create grid Interactive � fixed warning when no numeric data is present
90. Various Import tools � fixed opening so they start centred in MapInfo
91. Reproject Coordinates � fixed handling of # symbol in field names
92. Geosoft Importer � fixed crash on certain databases
93. Legend Editor � fixed crash when no legends are present
94. Vulcan Importer � fixed issue importing Rectangle objects
95. Create grid Interactive � fixed creating grids in Krovak projection
96. DXF Import � fixed issue creating multiple copies of polyline objects
97. Legend Editor � fixed handling of converting Char to numeric values
98. Various Import tools � fixed formatting problems with Encom.prj file
99. Create grid Interactive � fixed issue locating output for multiple grid
100. Create grid Interactive � fixed issue with search radius sector for density
and distance methods
101. Rectify Image - fixed issue with file names starting with a number
102. Fixed problems with certain dialogs correctly centering in MapInfo Pro window
103. Import tools - fixed problems with some tools reading Discover Favourites
104. Scaled Output - worked-around Layout frame bug by setting Enhanced
Rendering on by default
105. Import ASCII - fixed issue outputing custom projections
106. Grid Filter -added warning on FFT filters for non-metres
grid projections
107. Surfaces Select by grid value - fixed issue setting selection style


Encom Discover 10.1



1. Added new Large Grid Clip utility

2. Added support for acQuire 4.1.02 database read only API
3. Export Discover Drillhole Project now includes trench collar and
survey files
4. Advanced ASCII Importer: added user ability to choose external
editor to view input file in
5. Advanced ASCII Importer: changed text fields to be left justified
in preview
6. Disallowed numeric columns for the HoleID in a drillhole project
7. Improved the error reporting between Discover and plug-in modules
8. Improved grid handler metadata support to fix colouring problems
9. Improved handling of Vertical Mapper grid colour tables
10. Improved handling of MapInfo MIG grid colour support
11. Improved license check procedure in the polybuilder tool
12. Updated display of 3D window data types in ELC
13. Added Large Grid processing to Grid Calculator
14. Added progress and error feedback when refreshing drillhole Cross Sections
15. Improved support of modifying surface display via Modify Thematic map method
16. Added view in new MapInfo window option to Graphmap export dialog


1. Fixed Replaced Utilities>Select by Group to operate correctly

2. Cleared Table Split's cache when all tables closed
3. Increased the precision of the Minimum and Maximum values in the
Modify Grid Display tool
4. Improved contour positioning with respect to grid cells
5. Fixed issue with Trench plans failing when a survey file with project
6. Fixed Large Grid MinEx handler handling of first cell
7. Fixed Large Grid ArcASCII handler support for mixed case parameter tags
8. Added a warning message when creating drillhole plans with elevation
envelope and no survey file in existence
9. Prevents creation of Drillhole Projects using numeric HoleID fields
10. Added Section Manager Rename check for existing files
11. Section Manager Rename now updates all metadata tags
12. Transform Vector was not importing Z values or ancillary data for
GPX files
13. Fixed issue with Grid Clip failing to clip with polygons drawn in
the map window
14. Fixed hiding of OK and Cancel buttons in Advanced ASCII
Import>Options dialog
15. Fixed auto-indexing of HoleID fields in Drillhole Project Setup
16. Fixed metadata writing on multiple downhole tables with differing field
17. Fixed issue where Trench cross-sections are blank
18. Fixed data break colouring issue on Geosoft grids
19. Fixed reading of grid metadata header on Arc Binary, Arc ASCII, BIL grids
20. Fixed Grid Legend to not have sun shading on
21. Improved writing of surface grid metadata between GHX, CLR and TAB files
22. Fixed issue in Grid Utilities handling of non-earth projection grids
23. Fixed missing buttons on LUT Editor dialog
24. Fixed missing buttons on Create Grid Statistics Explorer dialog
25. Fixed issue creating Stacked Profiles on custom projections
26. Fixed issue of Drillhole Project setup setting the project spatial units to
27. Fixed issue of clearing Drillhole project files when opening a second
28. Fixed issue in Grid Handler Preferences list distorting when scrolling
29. Prevented a crash in the Gridding Tool when using Distance gridding
with the line perpendicular distance option turned on
30. Prevented a crash in the Grid Utility Edit tool when using the
Copy and Paste buttons on the bottom right of the tool


Encom Discover 10.0 - Released June 2008



1. Added MapInfo Professional 9.5 support

2. Added support for acQuire 4.0.7 database read only API
3. Added new support for visualizing large multi-gigabyte grid files
4. Improved performance of general data processing tools by up to 30%
5. Improved performance of grid colouring and sun shading tool to work
with large grid files
6. Added new Summary Statistics tool to enable grid statistics to be
Pre-computed in batch for large grid files
7. Added new image transparency controls to the modify tab of the Image
modification tool
8. Added ability to modify the properties of multiple geo-located graphs
at once. Controls are located under the 'Parent Positioned Graphs'
9. Added new Order column to GraphMap to enable line graphs to be
ordered by a selected field in the database
10. Added ability to batch export multiple graphs for viewing in MapInfo
11. Improved automatic naming convention used for generating multiple
12. Added ability to open multiple files at once from the GraphMap start
13. Added new option to work on a copy of the data when using the Sort
Table Tool
14. Added new Point Classification tool
15. Added new Local Grid Layout Utility
16. Added ability to output a text file report from the Compute Area
Change utility and included area and perimeter change values in
17. Added new Drillhole Section Manager dialog
18. Added new Drillhole Project Setup dialog
19. Added new Draw grid profile tool
20. Added new view direction control to the Define Trench or Costean
21. Added new Calculate Maximum and EOH values tool
22. Grid Query tool now stores last entered values and output file
path settings
21. Added a "Select Filtered" button to the table browser in GraphMap
to select all filtered records
22. Added a Create New Table option to the Plot Structural Symbols tool
23. Added ability to Save and Load field mapping templates in the Multi-
Column update utility
24. Added copy/paste controls to the Multi-Table Structure manager to
easily copy fields between tables
25. Improved operation of the Select By Style tool to support all
geometry types
26. Added new tool to import data from a gINT database
27. Changed toolbar button icon for Favourite Tables, Workspaces and
MBX programs
28. Added new disperse operation to the Align Objects tool
29. Added new option to the data levelling tool to output summary fields
30. Added new option to the levelling tools data handling dialog to
include the data handling working columns in the output table
31. Improved Tab key order for input fields in Trenching dialog
32. Added new option to Drillholes Annotation dialog to change the
default surface line colour
33. Added new Table Sort Utility
34. Added new Select By Graphical Styles Utility
35. Added new Unique Identifier utility
36. Added new Preview button to Scaled Output dialogs
37. Improved startup positioning for Discover dialogs to open centered
in MapInfo
38. Added ability to detect negative dip sense in Drillhole Project
Setup tool
39. Added new Contour Label Positioning Utility
40. Improved algorithm for placing automatic contour labels
41. Improved Create Grid Legend tool to better position labels and
place them in a separate layer
42. Added capability to GraphMap to apply data handling to multiple
fields at once
43. Improved size of colour pattern chooser control on the drillholes
Modify Downhole Display Settings dialog to make it easier to read
44. Improved performance and capability of ESRI ASCII grid import tool
45. Improved layout of Contour Grid dialog
46. Improved behaviour of Favourite Tables utility so it now remembers
the last preferred view for the duration of a MapInfo session
47. Added new HGT Grid import option to the Surfaces Import Grid File
48. Added new Grid Tiler utility to Surfaces menu
49. Added new Grid Handler Preferences utility to the Surfaces menu
50. Added new Cut/Fill tool to the Grid Utilities menu
51. Added new Grid Outline tool to the Grid Utilities menu
52. Added new Grid Surface Area tool to the Grid Utilities menu
53. Improved the Grid Split utility so user can choose which band(s)
to split from a multi banded grid
54. Added support for Landmark grid files
55. Added support for Geosoft GXF grid files
56. Added support for MapInfo MIG grid files
57. Improved the Drillhole Project import and export options
58. Added Transform Vector File tool to the Import and Export menu
59. Added new option to Legend Editor to automatically populate the
to value of a new row with the previous from value for continuous
range legends
60. Added support for including "Null" as a valid classification code
in the Grid Classify tool
61. Added new "Blank underneath grid" option to the Grid to Grid Clip
62. Improved the output report formatting of the Grid Volume Utility
63. Improved operation of ELC to always show selected layer in view
64. Improved ioGASImporter to work with new file formats
65. Improved Grid Info tool to provide automatic grid information
feedback on each mouse click
66. Changed references to "Profile Analyst" in Import and Export menu"
to "Encom PA"
67. Improved the Import and Export of Drillhole projects to retain the
sub directory structure for individual sections
68. Increased size of Discover Projection Chooser dialog and improved
display of projections to include ESPG codes where present
69. Added Krovak datum to Discover projection library
70. Improved the memory allocation requirements of the Grid Utility
tool to enable larger grid files to be opened and processed


1. Fixed support for special characters in Grid Legend tool

2. Fixed text size scaling in Select By Graphical Style tool
3. Fixed input of Lat/Long coordinates between 0 and 1 in the image
rectify tool
4. Fixed output of XLLCorner and XLLCenter in ESRI ASCII grid header
5. Fixed problem clipping Voronoi polygons to another polygon when
the polygon edges are almost co-linear
6. Fixed problem setting the correct units when importing Lat/Long
7. Fixed issue overwriting an existing TAB file with the same name
when outputting from the Correlation Matrix utility
8. Fixed issues calculating Median, Kurtosis and Harmonic Mean in
Statistics tool
9. Fixed problem with the restoring of a graph windows content when
minimizing and restoring a GraphMap graph
10. Increased the field length of the Section Name in the xs_mngr.Tab
to 50 characters
11. Fixed problem with long file names (>30 characters) when configuring
a new drillhole project
12. Fixed problem with Calculate Max and EOH values tool when outputting
long field names
13. Fixed problem importing drillhole project files that contained date
and/or time fields
14. Fixed a problem in the Drillhole Annotation dialog where by the
Use Data Display Setting was sometimes not being retained
15. Fixed problem with Drillhole Digitize Boundaries tool that could
result in crash if no drillholes were present in the selected
16. Fixed problem in Validate Drillhole Database tool where by duplicate
sample numbers were not being picked up
17. Fixed problem on Drillhole Annotation dialog where by the Display
Settings list was not being populated unless the Display Downhole
Data dialog had been previously opened
18. Fixed issue which could cause the Drillhole module to crash if the
Compute 3D Coordinates function was run against a read only table
linked to SQL server
19. Fixed problem in Key in Shapes tool when entering a line using
degrees, minutes, seconds
20. Fixed problem in Discover Projection dialog where by it was not
recognising custom projection lines which had a leading space
21. Fixed Align Objects tool to handle multipart polygons
22. Fixed Line Cut tool to work on closed polyline objects
23. Fixed problem with the name ordering of output RGB columns
in the RGB Colourizer tool
24. Fixed problem with Sort Table tool failing on read only tables
25. Fixed issue with Drillhole Export function not copying over the
.CLR colour table for associated grid files
26. Fixed problem that could cause Drillhole Module to crash if a
drillhole project file was deleted but the project was not removed
from the project manager
27. Fixed issue in Statistics tool where by Grouping on Date or Time
fields was not working
28. Fixed issue in Correlation Matrix tool where by Grouping on Date
or Time fields was not working
29. Fixed corruption issue with Multiple Column Update tool when the
same table was set as the input and output table
30. Fixed crash in Set Default Table View tool if it is used on a
raster table
31. Fixed problem with "Autogrid" table that was preventing drillhole
workspaces from opening properly
32. Fixed problem where by '-' characters were not being handled
correctly in the Drillhole Project setup dialog
33. Fixed problem importing ESRI ASCII grids with cell sizes less
than 1
34. Fixed problem saving all project settings when exporting a
Drillhole project
35. Fixed problem in Select by Group tool where by time values were
not being handled correctly
36. Fixed problem with Data Levelling tool when leveling by time
values was not being handled correctly
37. Fixed problem with Data Levelling tool where by null date or
time values was not being handled correctly
38. Fixed problem in Univariate Point Classifier tool where by
date and time values was not being handled correctly
39. Fixed problem that could cause a crash when exporting grouped
line graphs from GraphMap to MapInfo
40. Fixed problem causing crash when creating a Grid Legend using
percentile or data break values that contained a zero value
41. Fixed the file extension filter to show both .ASC and .TXT when
importing ESRI ASCII grid file format
42. Fixed problem in Clone Style tool where text size was not being
correctly reported
43. Fixed issue in Scaled Output that was causing the titleblock
and map grid tables to be created after the Cancel button was
44. Fixed problem in Select by Style tool where text size was not
being correctly reported
45. Fixed problem with the Map Making toolbar that could cause a crash
if the Text Labels button was clicked when only grid or image files
were open in MapInfo
46. Fixed problem with Autogrid table being saved when using the Save
Tables and Workspaces tool
47. Fixed error in Dynamic Scale bar tool when adding a scale bar
to a map or layout window
48. Fixed problem which was preventing the Residual_X & Residual_Y
values from automatically being updated in the Rectify Image tool
49. Prevented crash if trying to run Voronoi polygons tool on less than
three data points
50. Improved support for Geosoft .TBL colour files in Modify Grid Colour
51. Improved support for international numbering formats when importing
ASCII grids exported on non US English versions of Windows
52. Fixed problem in Grid Utility Convert tool that could result in the
incorrect projection being assigned to the output file if multiple
grids with different projections were open
53. Improved warning messages in Image Reproject tool to warn if
overwriting an existing image file
54. Fixed problem correctly restoring a GraphMap workspace which
contained multiple geolocated graphs in a single window
55. Fixed problem with Cursor Position toolbar not saving its default
56. Improved the Reproject Coordinates tool to only show the NTv2
method check box if the appropriate .GSB files are installed
57. Fixed problem in Clone Style tool which could cause a crash
if the Paste button was pressed without first pressing the
Copying style button
58. Fixed problem in GraphMap that was preventing Table Relationships
from being deleted correctly
59. Fixed problem preventing the correct X,Y columns labels to be
displayed when plotting a geolocated graph with a table relationship
60. Fixed problem with the Text Expression dialog which was causing new
expressions to be appended to old ones unless the delete button had
first been clicked
61. Fixed issue causing crash if the Make Custom Titleblock dialog
was closed by clicking on the red cross (dialog close button)
rather than the default Close button
62. Fixed problem in Colour Map tool where by an invalid table could
be created from a thematic map that was based on an integer field
63. Fixed problem causing incorrect handling of text objects in
Reproject Coordinates tool
64. Fixed problem in Legend Editor which was causing all records between
the first and last to be deleted in non-contiguous rows were selected
65. Fixed problem in Grid Convert utility which was incorrectly saving
out a multi banded geotiff when the input file was single banded
66. Changed behaviour of Reproject Coordinates tool to prevent the Z
coordinate from being transformed when reprojecting between
coordinate systems
67. Fixed issue in Grid Utility Reproject tool where by the source
projection was not being displayed correctly on the dialog
68. Fixed issue in Grid Utility Convert tool which could result in
ESRI ASCII grids being displaced by 1/2 a cell
69. Improved the update behaviour of Preview window in Grid Utility
when toggling the preview window on/off
70. Improved null value output in ASCII files when converting between
different grid formats
71. Fixed problem plotting outliers correctly in the Box and Whisker
plots in GraphMap


Encom Discover 9.1



1. Drillholes - When calculating 3D Coordinates survey table is now

automatically desurveyed without having to manually select table
2. Table Utilities - Close All tool can have tables closed by double
clicking on the selected table
3. Surfaces - Help button added to Convert Vector File to Grid dialog
4. Drillholes - Menu change from Exit Drillhole Display to Exit Drillholes
5. Map Window - When using 'Select on map' button for the Dynamic Scalebar,
scalebar is now added to the mapper window on mouse click
6. ELC - 'Open in Notepad' option added to Show File Path dialog
7. Removed product specific names from dialogs
8. Standardised OK, Cancel and Help dialog button positions
9. GraphMap - Alphabetically sorted functions for the Add Derived Column
10. GraphMap - Allow opening of multiple files through GraphMap interface
11. Grid Utilities - Added option to generate outlines for non-null grid
12. Images - Added 'Reset' button to restore image defaults
13. Import and Export - acQuire data model 4.0.5a support added to
acQuire Database Import tool
14. Map Window - New Favourite Projections tool
15. Map Window - New Standard Views tool
16. Images - New Modify tab which controls image transparency and selection
of a single colour transparency
17. Table Utilities - New Multiple Column Update tool
18. Table Utilities - Add field function inserted into Multi-Table Structure
Manager when adding new field to a table
19. Object Editing - Clone Style custom symbol support added
20. Table Utilities - New Favourite Tables tool
21. Table Utilities - New Favourite Workspaces tool
22. Table Utilities - New Favourite MapBasics tool
23. Data Utilities - Improved error message displayed when non-native MapInfo
tables are using in the Reproject Coordinates tool
24. Data Utilities - When first field in table is numeric, message about building
discrete values now appears after the Select By Group tool has loaded not
25. Data Utilities - Fields can be selected in Select By Group tool by double
clicking on
item, previously they could not
26. ELC - Removed prompt alerting the user when moving layers between mapper
27. ELC - Removed prompt alerting the user when removing layers
28. GraphMap - Removed dynamic name creation when creating a Derived Column, user
define a unique name prior to saving
29. GraphMap - Prevented the old GraphMap tool bar from loading when opening the
30. Grid Utilities- Improved the process of creating an ERMapper grid with the
Convert tool
so the correct Datum and Projection string is inserted into the header file for
31. Grid Utilities- Improved the process of creating a GeoTIFF with the Convert
so the correct Datum and Projection string is inserted into the header file for
32. Images - Improved the tabbing function in the Rectify Image tool to be more
33. Images - Additional check placed to warn user when overwriting an existing file
selecting OK button on the Reproject Image tool
34. Map Making - General improvements to the operation of the Add Text Labels tool
35. Map Making - Better placement of justified text using Add Text Labels tool
function for text expressions
36. Map Window - Cursor Position tool does not load up by default when starting
37. GraphMap - Added an 'Auto Complete'option for a Derived Column to prevent the
of the blank text box
38. Modify Grid Display - Add support for Geosoft TBL formats
39. Data Utilities - Improved the performance of Select By Group tool and autoload
40. Grid Calculator - Default grid type saved not Vertical Mapper
41. Import Grid File - Added support for importing International ASCII grids with
comma separated format
42. Export Grid File or Contours - Added support for exporting International ASCII
grids with
comma separated format
43. Grid Utilities - Modified menu order to standardise between Grid Utilities and
44. Data Utilities - Changed behaviour of Table Split Group button to be more

Bug Fixes

1. Advanced ASCII Import - Removed Autoclassify and Classifier buttons as

functions were redundant
2. Configuration - Greyed out file path when either 'All Users' or 'Current User'
options selected for Configuration, Temporary, Picture or Tenement Files.
Suggested that the path could be changed when it was intended to be static
3. Configuration - If changing configuration paths and the choice to not copy
the folder contents was selected an empty folder was created, this has been
4. Data Utilities - Extract Nodes tool now works with Line objects, previously
errors were generated
5. Data Utilities - Reproject Coordinates NTv2 check box is only highlighted
when an appropriate *.GSB file is present
6. Data Utilities - If table contained a field called 'Name'the Reproject
Coordinates tool would delete contents
7. Data Utilities - Reproject Coordinates tool can now reproject polygon voids
8. Data Utilities - Removed field creation of ID, ObjType, Name, Text, X, Y, and Z
Reproject Coordinates tool
9. Data Utilities - Select By Group tool correctly handles date fields for
querying as
long date format
10. Data Utilities - Numerical fields are sorted correctly in Select By Group tool,
previously sorting was by character
11. Data Utilities - If default 'Select Result Table' text 'Selection' was left as
a default
the resulting query was called 'Query'. Default behavior changed, query is now
'Selection' by default
12. Data Utilities - Table Split tool correctly handles date fields for querying as
long date format
13. Data Utilities - Fixed error generated by Table Split tool when splitting a
14. Data Utilities - Prevented Discover from crashing when trying to update
from browser to mapper after new records have been created with no associated
points for Update Coordinates tool
15. Drillholes - Correct View direction displayed in Define New Section or Plan
tool, instead
of zero degrees
16. Choose Projection dialog is now displayed in English instead of Language set by
Operating System Regional settings
17. Drillholes - Fixed issue in Define New Section or Plan when displaying the
behind and infront of the section plan when no survey table was present
18. Drillholes - Sectional Resource Calculator ERMapper grids is now output with 4
Byte nulls
in place of 8 Byte nulls
19. Drillholes - Removed superfluous temporary file created using Sectional
Resource Calculator
20. Drillholes - Fixed error when selecting '0' labels under Global Settings dialog
generating a drillhole Log
21. Map Window - Deactivated Dynamic Scalebar when Layout Window was active
22. ELC - Changed default 'Apply Changes' size so text was not truncated
23. ELC - Fixed bug when trying to subsequently modify a Thematic saved in a
24. ELC - Improved the method for toggling layer visibility in the check box
25. Geochem - Data Levelling now outputs a table with original and calculated
working values have been removed from the output table
26. GraphMap - Fixed incorrect workspace saving when Geo-located graphs are open
27. GraphMap - Removed dynamic name creation when creating a Derived Column, user
define a unique name prior to saving
28. GraphMap - Improved the Rank() function so the Sorted Values and Ranked Values
a column are preserved for each row calculation
29. GraphMap - Prevented non-boolean fields from being used as a filtered column
30. GraphMap - Fixed crash when exporting a graph with a Single Window type with a
field assignment
31. GraphMap - Fixed incorrect placement of box plots when Log Transforming the Y
32. GraphMap - Fixed issue when opening a GraphMap workspace and table is present
in both
MapInfo and the workspace
33. GraphMap - Fixed issue when opening a GraphMap workspace containing a Geo-
Located graph
and incorrect context menu appearing on other graphs in the workspace
34. GraphMap - Fixed error generated when creating a Probability Plot of a Pre-
35. GraphMap - Fixed issue where background image set in GraphMap could not be
located in a
different projection to MapInfo mapper window
36. GraphMap - Layout view can now be defaulted to original tiled window view
37. GraphMap - Prevented GraphMap crash caused from a selection on points in any
and subsequent data table opening. If 'Show Select Only' was selected and right
in the data window
38. Images - Default DMS column widths in the Rectify Image tool have been expanded
to prevent
character truncation
39. Images - Fixed null colour issue when using custom rotation option in Image
Rotate, where
the first image pixel used for the null colour value
40. Map Making - Fixed Discover crash caused from creating a Legend from a query
41. Map Making - Prevented crash when non-numeric field selected in Add Line or
Point Labels tool
'Select Point Column' option
42. Map Window - Distance and Bearing dialog now retains user defined size
43. Map Window - Fixed incorrect display of date fields in Distance and Bearing
tool to Long
Date Format
44. Map Window - Distance and Bearing tool now only reports table attributes for
tables loaded
into the activate mapper
45. Fixed bug in Scaled Output if several mapper windows were linked which caused
the grid produced
to have 1 metre grid spacing and were incorrectly located
46. Object Editing - Fixed Key in Shapes bug which was causing the truncation of
entered in a DMS format
47. Fixed error introduced by Internationalisation which caused the incorrect
parsing of
projection strings containing EPSG codes
48. Scaled Output - Fixed the incorrect Map Size dimension reporting when using
Regional settings
49. Object Editing - Prevented multiple instances of Clone Style dialog from
50. Object Editing - Fixed error if attempting to paste a region object to a text
in the Style Cloner
51. Object Editing - Fixed issue with Style Cloner if only the Style attribute as
pasted and didn't work
52. Object Editing - Prevented the pasting of text attributes to either region or
polyline object types
53. Contour a Grid - Fixed bug which crashed Discover when creating a contour from
a grid
with a name greater than 30 characters long
54. Draw Grid Profile - Prevented tool crash caused when profiling several grids
one is composed of a single value
55. Grid Calculator - Fixed Geosoft grid cell registration, out by 1/2 cell
56. Grid Utilities - Fixed Geosoft grid cell registration in Clip tool, out by 1/2
57. Grid Query - Fixed bug in Select by Slope, Elevation and Aspect tool. When
using the
Aspect option with either 'by Octant' or 'by Degrees' the reverse of what you
expect to
be selected was observed
58. Grid Utilities - Fixed bug when importing grid into tool and another grid was
The imported grid adopted the currently loaded grid projection
59. Grid Utilities - Fixed issue with Grid Merge which changed non-overlapping grid
cell values
60. Grid Utilities - Fixed issue if 'Show preview' box was unchecked in either the
Edit or
Classify tools prevented the grid pane values from being populated
61. Grid Utilities - Remove toggle 'Lock cell width to height' due to redundancy in
Resample tool
62. Grid Utilities - Fixed refresh issue of 'After' preview window when toggling
the Volume and other Grid Utility tools
63. Table Utilities - Fixed issue with Multi-Append tool where the order of append
was incorrect
64. Fixed issue introduced in Discover 9.0 which prevented the default saving of


Encom Discover 9.0 - Released July 2007



1. Microsoft Windows(R) Vista Operating system support

2. MapInfo 9.0 support
3. PolyBuilder - New polygonizing module added which enables complex
linework to be digitized and/or cleaned prior to creating polygons.
Includes options to break, extend and join linework and attribute
newly created polygons using an associated annotation table
4. Scalebar - New scalebar utility which enables a scalebar to be
displayed in a separate map window which is updated dynamically as the
front map window is zoomed in and out. Can also add static scalebar
as new layer in map window
5. Style Cloner - New Style Cloner utility which enables the map object
style to be copied from a selected point, line or polygon and applied
to a new map window selection
6. Table Split - New option to select multiple unique attribute
entries in a column and save each entry to a new output table
7. Select by Group - New option to enter a query name for the selection
8. Scaled Output - New option to show frame border on the title block
9. Import DXF Utility - New option to split multi-layer DXF files into
seperate .TAB files during import
10. Import DXF Utility - New progress bar and cancel option added
11. Grid Utilities - Convert utility contains new option to save grid
in Minex format
12. Drillholes - New option to import drillhole data from WinLoG database
13. GraphMap - New GeoLocated graph option to view individual graphs next
to the geographical locations from which the data was collected.
E.g. sample or drillhole sites
14. Advanced Ascii Import - New option to ignore specific characters in
a line when when import ASCII data
15. Advanced Ascii Import - New checkbox in Options dialog to rename
selected easting field to X and northing to Y
16. Import and Export - Support for acQuire 4.0.3 Data Model
17. GraphMap - Support for date/time fields
18. Config dialog improved to include options to store config files in
one of three locations - All Users path, Current User path or Custom
19. Trenching - Ability to specify inclination/dip for survey file
20. Trenching - Ability to specify order field for survey measurements
21. Trenching - Survey file can now specify segment length or cumulative
22. Improved downhole display handling for negative drillhole datasets
23. Surfaces - Export Grid File option now links to Grid Utilities Convert
24. Geochem Data Levelling utility now supports data in character columns
25. Create Grid - Improved numerical precision when gridding sub-metre data
26. Data Utilities - Data Normalizing option now links to Geochem Levelling
27. Add Text Labels - Added new Verify button to Expression Builder dialog
28. Restore Autosave Workspace now defaults to 5 minutes in Configuration
29. Grid Utilities - New Grid Statistics utility to calculate grid statistics
for polygon, polyline and point vector objects
30. Create Grid - Gridding Parameters now saved in XML format along with the
output grid file. These parameters can be reloaded into the gridding tool
to restore the properties that were used to create the grid
31. Tenement Applications menu - Added ability to produce a summary text file
report listing the selected blocks and sub-blocks
33. New Vector file to Grid tool added. Converts 3D TIN files to grids
34. Surfaces Tools - New categorized Projection Chooser dialog for ER Mapper
Grid files
35. Improved support for AutoCAD 2006 files
36. Added ability to sort by the description field in the Legend Editor
37. Geosoft Database Import - Added ability to choose X and Y columns from
a database upon import
38. Profile Analyst Located Image Import - Added new option to use transparent
colour from EGB files
39. Drillholes - New Refine option when creating a drillhole section to enable
selection of drillholes to appear on a section
40. Create Grid - Improved Data Conditioning dialogs to enable null data values,
ranges, background and capping values to be set for individual data bands
41. GraphMap - New View in MapInfo option which enables graphs to be displayed
in an existing map window at a specified location
42. Grid Utilities - Volume - Added new options to compute volume between two
grids or between a grid and a constant level
43. Convert Map to Registered Raster - Added option to save image as a GeoTIFF
for map projections with a valid EPSG code (MapInfo 9.0 or later)

Bug Fixes

1. Rectify Image - Fixed bug when coordinates are being input for a lat/long
image and the DMS toggle accessed from right-mouse clicking on a control
point row is switched on or off so that Map_X and Map_Y coordinates longer
default to 0
2. ELC - Modify Labels - Fixed Area, Perimeter and Object Length Syntax so it
no longer reports error messages
3. ELC - Modify Labels - Syntax expressions no longer display all on one line
but wraps around in the dialog window to show entire expression
4. ELC - Modify Labels - Functions now listed in alphabetical order
5. ELC - Modify Labels - Fixed bug so that label line colour is retained
6. Updated Geochem Summary Statistics and Correlation Matrix utilities so column
names greater than 20 characters are supported
7. Add Text Labels - If a font size is selected in the Text Style dialog it no
longer alters the text size in the TextLabel dialog
8. GraphMap - Fixed dynamic coordinates displayed in status bar so they now
read correctly for a Map plot
9. Updated Geochem utilities so that map window selections and/or queries
are listed only in those utilities that support selections and/or queries
10. Updated Rectify Image utility so can enter negative degree values greater
than -99
11. Add Text Labels - Prevent expression from being highlighted each time a
column, operator, aggregate or function is selected
12. Add Text Labels - Disabled the font size in the Text Style dialog so that
the text size entered in the TextLabels dialog is not overwritten
13. Fixed bug in Geochem Summary Statistics module whereby error message was
received if table contained data column with all 0 or negative values
14. Fixed bug in Geochem Levelling utility which caused module to crash when
a query table was selected
15. Surfaces - Grid Utilities - Fixed bug in Edit utility whereby cell moving
to top left of visible grid when double-clicking to edit the value
16. Surfaces - Grid Utilities - Disabled "After" preview window in Split utility
to prevent module from crashing when second grid band is selected for display
17. Scaled Output - Removed Printer Setup button from Scaled Output dialog
18. Scaled Output - Page size descriptions in message window now mirror page
sizes selected from the Scaleout.cfg file. Message window enlarged to 5cm
19. Scaled Output - Removed "The layout window will also be closed" sentence on
the Exit Scaled Output warning dialog as not correct
20. ELC - Fixed bug whereby removing a thematic map from the ELC was causing
MapInfo to crash
21. LUT Editor now uses the new file name to set the table name when Save As
button is pressed
22. Drillholes - Fixed by in downhole survey validation tool not reporting
correct dip and azimuth variations
23. Drillholes - Removed ambiguity regarding Section Resource Calculator
working with multiple sections
24. GraphMap - Fixed bug whereby graph workspaces displayed errors if the data
was already open in MapInfo
25. GraphMap - Fixed bug preventing Ternary graph lines from exporting to
26. Grid Utilities - Convert - Fixed bug whereby an import DEM grid was
assigned projection from first opened grid in the Grid Utilities dialog
27. GraphMap - Fixed scaling issues with box plots
28. Drillholes - Add Section to Layout - Fixed RL display
29. Drillholes - Fixed non-whole number label increments not showing all
30. GraphMap - Fixed bug whereby Stereoplot points were not plotting correctly
after being saved to a workspace
31. GraphMap - Able to plot graph when data contains records with no Obj_X
and Obj_Y
32. GraphMap - Fixed scaling of stereoplots when loaded from graph workspaces
33. GraphMap - Null values now saved to workspace with data
34. Regional settings support to enable handling of decimal points or
commas depending on the Regional settings of the operating system


Encom Discover 8.1 - Released February 2007



1. ELC - added ability to show WMS layers in the ELC

2. Improved display of thematic map legends when themes are toggled
on/off in the ELC
3. Rectify Image - added new prompt to save control points when the
rectify button is pressed and control points have not yet been saved
4. ImageTools - fixed clipping of .tif images such that they are not
output in .tga format
5. Improved error handling in Images Tool when clipping and image to a
polygon which extends outside the bounds of the target image
6. Improved coordinate handling of Trenching tool to use double precision
7. Added new option to Compositing tool to add an "Interval" field to
the output table
8. Added option to Compositing tool to allow selection of output columns
in composite table. Defaults to output selected composite field only
9. Added support for non mappable tables to be used in the Leveling,
Summary Statistics and Correlation Matrix tools
10. Improved dialog layout of Leveling, Summary Statistics and Correlation
Matrix tools
11. Added new option to the Classify Tool which will "Display/Classify
points that incorporate null values". If this option is set any null
value in any selected field will cause the point to be "unclassifed"
12. Redesigned dialog layout of Classify Tool
13. Improved .NET utilities so they can run on x86 and x64 platforms
14. Added descriptive label to Grid Import dialog to show the currently
selected projection
15. Added support for Vertical Mapper colour tables (tbl and vcp) to
the Grid Colouring tool
16. Improved error handling for user input in StackedProfile tool and
added ability to autosave user settings between use
17. Improved coordinate system support when saving out GeoTiff images
from Grid Utility
18. Configuration dialog has additional options for automatically starting
the following modules; Surfaces, Drillhole, Geochem, Discover 3D, Images,
GraphMap and ColourMap
19. Added dialog when error generated indicating to the user to supply error
report with comments
20. Standardised the transparency setting when clipping an image by differing
21. Improved error dialog generated when trying to display downhole data for
a section which was created without a downhole table
22. Improved Compositing tool to better handle Null date/time records
23. Fixed occasional freezing issue when starting the Trenching tool
24. Updated ELC to show new 3D feature series
25. Improved display of 3D window content in ELC when items are minimised
26. Fixed problem in Surfaces->Assign Values from Grid tool which would
cause it to fail if the word "Label" occured in the file name
27. Improved the exporting of images to 3D so they no longer show the window
border in the output image
28. Fixed problem with using queries in the contour tool which prevented
metadata operations being performed on the output table
29. Fixed issue reading RGB values used for the background image transparency
in the ELC's display override setting
30. Removed option to convert raster images into .GIF format in the Images tool
as .GIF is not a supported output format
31. Added option to Images Convert utility to output a world file when converting
images between different formats
32. Added new button to Images Convert utility to create a world file from an
and existing georeferenced (Tab) image file
33. Added support to Rectify Images tool for entering Lat/Long coordinates
(when Projection is set to Lat/Long) as deg/min/sec or decimal degrees.

GraphMap Improvements

1. Improved speed displaying Table View when data file contains a lots
of columns.
2. Added Keyboard Shortcuts to create graphs and activate most functions.
3. Added a "None" option to the table selection dialog when Starting
GraphMap without data loaded in MapInfo.
4. Improved speed Saving and Loading large data sets to workspace.
5. Added option to Save & Load Legend files
6. Added new Graph Builder utility
7. Added 3D Bubble Plot
8. Added new utility to import GraphMap Overlay .XML files into MapInfo
.Tab files or to export .Tab to .XML
9. Added Log transform option to XYZ axis properties
10. Added auto step (true false) and step size to x & y axis properties
so step size can be set.
11. Added Log transform axis option to Global options and added control
for power of 10 labels or log value labels
12. New options to Save and Load a GraphMap workspace.
13. Improved box plot to show all points in 1 group if no group variable
is selected.
14. Added Log transform to 3D axis options.
15. Added grid labels to 3D axes.
16. Added new Graph Overlay dialog to allow overlays to be categorise by
17. Added new global options dialog.
18. Added additional graph properties to allow for independent fixing of
x or y axis and setting of graph origin.
19. Improved the 1:1/Fit mode so it stays in 1:1 when graph is re-sized.
20. Added new option to show titles on graphs.
21. Color/size/symbol groups can now be renamed when saved.
22. Derived columns, selection columns, preconditioned columns now show in
their own groups in the data window and are displayed at the top of the
23. Added new options to perform "Quick derived columns" (Log, Sqrt, Exp)
on the "Derived columns".
24. Improved general interface layout.
25. Added new "Graph select tool" to select multiple graphs at once so
their properties can be changed collectively.
26. Added new floating/docking Properties panel.
27. Added direct import for CSV files.
28. Added option to save a legend to a group column.
29. Improved memory usage when working with lots of graphs
30. Added support for date fields on scatter/line plots.
31. Added horizontal/vertical option for bar and histogram charts.
32. Added drag/drop to set axis on graphs.
33. Added customizable toolbars.
34. Added ability to add multiple regression lines to a scatter plot
when it contains more than one set of data.
35. Added new Table Relationship manager to configure relationships
between multiple data sets.
36. Added "Table" column to selection statistics dialog to shows statistics
for all the selected tables.
37. Added ability to move graphs outside the graphing window by pressing
"I" on the keyboard when the mouse is over a window.
38. Added ability to enter a description string when saving a selection
or group column.
39. Improved layout of legend window.
40. Legend window now shows the current table only.
41. Added Auto Tile option to the View Tab (tiles windows automatically
when one opened/closed).
42. Changed Data window to group Numeric (float, double etc), Boolean,
String, and Derived columns.
43. Both string and numeric fields can be used in Conditional expressions.
44. Advanced colour and size operations can be performed by group when a
group variable is set.
45. Added random colour generator button to Advanced Tab of Colour Legend.
46. Added option to arrange multiple graphs in a single window in a tiled
or tabbed mode.
47. Added Median() to the list of derived field functions.

Bug Fixes

1. Rectify Image - prevented potential crash which could be caused by

pressing the Undo button when no image was selected.
2. Update Coordinates utility now won't crash if used on non mappable
3. Fixed Alter Map Bounds tool so it does not crash on empy tables.
4. Fixed Save Mapper State context menu so it correctly updates when
toggled in the Map Window.
5. Fixed issue which could cause Workspaces to be corrupted when removing
multiple Printer settings.
6. Fixed output of Clip Image tool to handle background colours that are
neither white or black.
7. Fixed issue with Images tool when trying to convert an image
format and rename the file at the same time.
8. Fixed error in Classifier tool when working with .csv files.
9. Added warning message to Grid Volume Utility to warn against
computing volumes between grids with different cell sizes.
10. Fixed problem in GridCalculator which was causing Vertical Mapper
grids to be output with float values rather than integer values.
11. Improved error handling for user input in StackedProfile tool and
added ability to autosave user settings between use.
12. Fixed issue with ELC when rolled up or minimized which caused the
Layout Window contents to be refreshed.
13. Fixed issue when saving an image using the convert function,
if the saved image did contain parent file name the resulting
image was a JPEG format.
14. Fixed issue when loading multiple images, if the one image had
not finished loading and another was loaded the tool crashed.
15. Fixed crash when importing multiple MIF files when using the
preferred view as current mapper.
16. Fixed issue where toggling between Histogram and Autoclip Linear
Stretch methods in Modify Grid Display, the max colour range value
was populated in the Histogram method from the Autoclip Linear Stretch.
17. Prevent Modify Grid Display from crashing when loading a grid which
was coloured with a data range exceeding the grid data range.
18. Fixed crash in Point Classification tool when selecting Create
New Table when no data is loaded.
19. Fixed incorrect label placement bug when defining new section or
20. Fixed issue which cause the incorrect positioning of XYZ grids.
21. Fixed problem with left over selection items on Probability plots.
22. Fixed probability plots to better handle tied values.
23. Fixed loading of GraphMap sessions to handle different installation
24. Fixed problem with Rose plot that was causing the first bin to
always be plotted at zero.
25. Removed .GIF as an output format from the Images Convert
utility as it is not properly supported.
26. Fixed display of RGB value which is being set for background image
transparency when adding a Style Override in the ELC
28. Removed queries form the list of tables that can be contoured
to prevent error caused by failing metadata operations
29. Fixed problem in Grid contour routine which was causing an error
if the work "Label" appeared in the name of the grid file
30. Fix issue which could sometimes cause the Trenching utility to
freeze when clicking Ok on the options dialog
31. Fixed issue in handling null date columns when writing the output
table from a compositing operation


Encom Discover 8.00 - Released June 2006



1. New Drillhole Subset option allows the creation of a new drillhole

project based on a selection of holes in an existing project. Subsets
of the existing project's downhole data tables and other associated
tables (eg topography) are placed into a new project folder.
2. New Trench tool allows creation of section and plan views of costeans,
including assay/lithological/geophysical data. This tool can handle
trenches which change azimuth mid-length.
3. Improved Gridding tool:
- New Kriging estimation method allowing point and block
interpolations using ordinary or simple kriging.
- New Statistics Explorer provides graphical and statistical
analysis of the dataset using univariate, bivariate, spatial or
variogram views.
- Added extra Coincident Point handling options
- Improved IDW method dialogs, including new IDW weight models and
other refinement options (eg IDW taper).
- Added new clipping option called buffer to Output tab
4. New Grid Utilities:
- Curvature: computes the curvature of a grid.
- Grid to Grid Clip: Clips a grid to the non-null area of another grid
- Merge: Merge several grids to form a new grid, including a range
of overlap handling options
- Reproject: Reprojects a grid into a new coordinate system
- Volume: Calculate the volume between two grids
5. Geosoft grid format option under Import Grid now supports
compressed grids.
6. New Histogram tab within Modify Grid Display enables grids to be
coloured by manually selecting the data ranges using an interactive
7. New Grid Query to Select by Multiple Value Ranges which enables coloured vector
to be created based on grid cell values or percentiles
8. Minex grid support added to the Import Grid File option.
9. New Reproject Image tool allows raster images to be reprojected into
a new coordinate system
10. New Multi-Table Structure Manager (under Table Utilities) allows the
comparison and editing of multiple fields across multiple tables.
Field editing functionality includes addition, deletion, renaming,
reordering and field type changes
11. New Make Movie or Animation utility (under Map Window menu option)-
animates a window at specified time intervals to form a slide show
12. New Distance Calculator utility (Data Utilities) calculates the
distance and bearing between objects in two tables matched by key
13. New Split Table by Attribute utility (Data Utilities) creates
separate tables based on unique attributes from a selected field
14. New Line Concatenate utility (Object Editing) joins lines within
a specified distance and angle of each other
15. New Insert Nodes utility (Object Editing) inserts nodes at specified
intervals from the beginning of a line or into polylines/polygons
at regular spacings between existing nodes
16. Updated Structure Symbols library for Canada (Geologic Survey of
17. New Structural Linestyles have been added to the MapInfo Linestyles
18. New RGB colouriser utility to store RGB colour values in table columns
19. Added preset rotation options (90, 180 & 270 degrees) to Rotate Image
20. Improved Clip Image - an image can now be clipped to a custom
rectangle drawn within the Clip Image dialog
21. Improved Graphing tool
22. Replaced a number of misleading dialog Cancel buttons with
Close buttons
23. Custom Legend option of Point Classification is enabled as the
24. New DBMS Auto Refresh utility enables tables linked to a remote
DBMS database to be automatically refreshed at specified time
25. New Reproject Coordinates utility enables vector tables to be saved
to a new projection
26. NTv2 transform procedure available in Reproject Coordinates, Reproject
Image and Reproject Grid utilities for conversion of NAD27 to NAD83
for Canadian users and AGD66/AGD84 to GDA94 for Australian users
27. Added options to either vectorize each cell or each discrete value in the
Grid Utilities Vectorize tool
28. Added an option to the Vectorize utility to create hollow regions
29. Added support polygons containing multi-parts and holes for the
Grid Utilities Overlay tool
30. Increased precision of user-defined datum parametres
31. Enhanced Advanced ASCII import dialog to be more intuitive

Bug Fixes

1. Grids are now recognised by the Close All tool

2. Resolved a program crash related to Autosave Workspace
3. Stacked Profiles no longer inverts the scaling when applying
linear scaling
4. Drillhole Compositing now terminates a composite when a sample
gap occurs
5. Depth annotations for drillholes intersecting a section envelope
at depth now conform to those of holes collared within the
envelope (issue introduced in 7.0)
6. Structure tick linestyle and thickness parameters in Display
Downhole Data are now saved
7. Fixed visibility issue within Enhanced Layer Control when more
than 15 thematic maps open
8. Long assay field names are now truncated to 5 characters in the
Custom Legend of the Point Classification tool (Geochem module)
9. Resolved error in Point Classification tool related to
alpha-numeric fields
10. Point Classification "Threshold by" option set to Percent by
default to resolve non-update of Value thresholds at startup
11. Resolved EncomGridHandler trying to produce incorrect MIG grids
12. Fixed the mis-match of the background colour in the Clip Image
preview to that specified as the Clip Colour
13. Fixed non-working slider bars in the Enhance Image dialog
14. Rectify Image dialog now remains on top of map window
15. Fixed Import DXF dialog disappearing behind MapInfo after
selecting projection
16. Resolved truncation of Gridding tool dialog when spatially
narrow dataset and multiple fields selected
17. Fixed Draw Grid Profile's handling of line ends and
polyline/polygon intersections
18. Fixed grid lines extending past axis extents in Draw Grid
19. Grid Calculator now handles numeric-prefixed grid file names
20. Fixed issues with the Vectorize grid utilities creation of TAB
and MID/MIF files
21. Fixed incorrect positioning of imported Geosoft grids
22. Fixed the USGS DEM Import Grid utility
23. Rolled back the MultiColumn Update tool to the 7.0 version
24. Improved error messages and dialog behaviour of MultiTable Reproject
25. Fixed issue with Sort a Table locking Secondary Column pull-down
list when initial table contains only one field.
26. Removed listing of non-vector tables (eg grids and images) from
a number of Table Utilities
27. Extra warning messages added to ColourMap dialogs
28. Fixed the display position of the Gemcom BT2 Import dialog.
Previously when a projection was selected the dialog was positioned
behind the current Mapinfo Window.
29. Changed Grid Filter pad to be 10%
30. Removed extraneous warning saying ERMapper DLLs not supported from Grid Filter
31. Fixed the display position of the Vulcan Import dialog.
Previously when a projection was selected the dialog was positioned
behind the current Mapinfo Window
32. Fixed issue in Grid Clip utility where output grid offset to clipping polygon
33. Fixed issue where multi-banded grids display different colour stretch
schemes in the Grid Utilities
34. Fixed the way Discover handles null values in Surfer Grids
35. Fixed detection of multi-banded fields in Amira TEM auto-classifier in the
Import ASCII tool
36. Fixed a bug with Import ASCII tool selecting "Skip" for a multi-banded field.
Previously this was keeping all the bands of the field, but now these are
released to be normal "Skip" fields
37. Resolved Discover crashing when a grid mask name is longer than 30 characters
in Scaled Output
and Add section to Layout in Drillhole module
38. Fixed error dialog in Modify Grid Display in the Surfaces Module
when four or more grids are present in the same MapInfo Window
39. Fixed Error message generated in the ColourMap Module when selecting
"Colour from thematic" option and pressing "OK" without saving a colour table
40. Fixed bug in inverse distance weighting gridding where NULL values in multi-
datasets could cause bands to be NULL incorrectly
41. Fixed minor bug in Advanced ASCII import when detected header length is the
as the length of the input file.

Encom Discover 7.10 (Update)



1. Added ability to display a map window with an attributed colour

table which can be used for a legend
2. When setting up a drillhole project the Cancel button in the Assign
Spatial Column dialog re-displays the Drillhole Project Definition
dialog to allow changes to the project setup files if necessary
3. Improvements to the Drillholes>Downhole Compositing>Cut-Off Grade
internal dilution calculations. Includes ability to specify Edge Grade
criteria for composite interval.
4. Addition of a "Regenerate all data" option to apply a modified downhole
display setting to a number of existing sections
5. Addition of Data Handling Options to the Geochem Point Classification
utility to replace values such as null, text or BDL samples in the
geochemistry table with other values
6. Current Mapper Projection tool is now supported with MapInfo 8.0
listed projections
7. Buttons added to Configuration dialog to enable browsing for
Discover program file and data folders
8. Ability to display coloured surface contours
9. Affine custom coordinate systems are now recognised when importing
surface grids and using the Grid Utilities
10. Improved ESRI ASCII grid import tool

Bug Fixes

1. Fixed bug caused by using saving autogrids by removing this option

from the dialog
2. Changed error message received when the MapCode column in a Colour
table does not match the code in the table to colour browser
3. Fixed bug that was preventing mappable colour tables from being
used to colour tables
4. Fixed bug which only enabled Stacked Profiles to be created from
coordinate columns named X and Y or Latitude and Longitude
5. Fixed bug which cancelled the query if the number of entries selected
in the Select by Group list exceeded the maximum allowed
6. Fixed bug with Temporal Trends information button so it works continuously
7. Fixed bug which prevented Temporal Trend settings from being
saved with the same name as a previous setting
8. Fixed bug which was causing the time interval selected in the
Temporal Trends Use Date Ranges option to change when the week
option was selected
9. Fixed bug in the Drillholes>Define New Section or Plan menu option
whereby if some parameters have not been entered the user is now returned
to the dialog after pressing Plot Now instead of the utility being
10. Fixed bug in the Legend Editor when saving an existing legend
with a different file name so there is no longer a duplication of the records
in the original legend
11. Fixed bug in the Drillholes>Section Resource Calculator whereby the
output grid was offset when calculating a resource using digitised boundaries
12. Fixed bug in the Drillholes>Add Section to Layout utility which caused an
error message to display whenever a custom scale was selected
13. Fixed bug which prevented the drillhole section envelopes from displaying
when the OK button was selected in the Define New Section or Plan menu option
14. Fixed bug which caused drillhole collar labels at the top of the hole
trace to be overprinted by drillhole collar labels for holes which
intersected the section envelope at depth
15. Fixed bug which caused the drillhole module to crash if the Accept Settings
button in the Surface Display Selection dialog was pressed when no
surface was selected to display in the drillhole section
16. Fixed bug which caused histogram bars to plot on alternate sides of a
horizontal drillhole trace where the azimuth of the hole was close to
East-West (90/270 degrees)
17. Fixed bug which caused the drillhole module to crash if a downhole depth
tick interval of less than 1.0 was entered
18. When draping a surface geology polygon layer over a drillhole topographic
profile and the polygons contain foreground and background colours the
background colour is used if the foreground colour is black
19. Fixed bug which prevented the saving of histogram fill colours in a
downhole display setting
20. Fixed bug which prevented an imported xs_colr table containing downhole
display settings from updating the existing xs_color table
21. Fixed bugs in the Legend Editor whereby multiple rows which were copied
and pasted where not being saved
22. Fixed bug which prevented transparent backgrounds being saved in the
Legend Editor
23. Fixed bug in the Drillholes>Log Display menu option so manually
entered log data widths are now saved
24. Fixed bug which prevented multiple sections from being opened using the
section manager when a drillhole project only contains a collar
25. Fixed bug which caused the drillhole module to crash if the Section
Resource Grid is created in BIL grid format
26. If the ellipse short axis radius entered is greater than the long axis
radius in the Section Resource Grid parameters an error message is now
displayed and the utility does not crash
27. Fixed bug which caused an error message to display when creating an
expression using "," or decimal points in the ELC Modify Labels option
28. Fixed bug which caused the currently open map window to not be
highlighted in the ELC window
29. Improvements made to the speed of the map window re-draw when there
are multiple thematic layers present and the ELC window is open
30. Fixed bug which caused multiple thematic maps on multiple layers in the
same window to be incorrectly named in the ELC window
31. Fixed bug so that geochemistry tables containing date columns no longer
cause the Geochem utilities to crash if different regional date
settings are used
32. Fixed bug so that error messages no longer appear if the date column in
a geochemistry table contains null values
33. Added message to inform users that the Point Classification utility can
only be used with editable/native MapInfo format tables and not those
that are Read-Only
34. Fixed bug whereby when the Clear All Ranges option is used in the GraphMap
module the thematic maps were being re-displayed in the Layer Control/ELC
35. Fixed bug which caused error message to appear when the Re-Specify Graph
menu option was selected when there was an existing graph selection
36. Fixed bug which caused MapInfo to crash when a surface
grid legend table was open and any of the Images module options were
37. Fixed bug which caused the latitude/longitude coordinates of a clipped
image to not be displayed correctly
38. Fixed bug so that warning message does not appear when selecting control
points from a map window which has the same projection as the projection
specified for the image to be rectified
39. Fixed bug which caused 8-bit colour format images to be displayed black
when rectified
40. Fixed bug which caused null values such as -9999 specified in the Advanced
ASCII Import utility to be imported correctly
41. Fixed bug whereby AutoGrid utility would crash if five or more consecutive
changes were made to the settings
42. Fixed bug whereby text labels created using an expression did not match the
correct map object attributes
43. Fixed bug which caused text labels created using an expression and
displayed on separate lines were significantly offset
44. Improved Add Text Label tool so that the syntax used in an expression
is saved after the labels have created if it needs to be modified
45. Improved Add Text Label tool so that the functions contain the
correct syntax
46. Added warning message if the text size in the Add Text Label dialog is
different to the text size in the Text Style dialog
47. Improved precision when creating lat/long images using the Convert Map to
Registered Raster utility. The detail values now relate to increases in DPI
48. Fixed bug whereby custom projections were not reported to the correct
number of significant figures using Current Mapper Projection
49. Fixed bug whereby running Scaled Output on a map window linked to a
number of cloned map windows caused the view in the cloned windows to
disappear and incorrect coordinates displayed
50. Fixed bug which caused error message to appear if the Auto Polygonization
tool is used with linework in the Cosmetic layer
51. Changed elevation to inclination in the Key in Shapes Draw Line dialog
52. Improved error handling when the Line Cut tool is used with very
complex self-intersecting linework
53. Improved Thin Polyline by Position utility to enable specification of
thinning width units
54. Changed titleblock size so A2 portrait and landscape layouts created
using Scaled Output are consistent size
55. Changed Structure Symbol tool so that when creating symbols using
digitized lines the structure symbol is plotted at the start of the line
56. Fixed bug whereby successive changes of parameters such as grid cell size or
clearing of breaklines caused the gridding tool dialog to be truncated from
the right side of the screen
57. Fixed bug whereby the grid which overlies multiple surface grid profiles
does not plot in the correct position when the primary surface to plot
has higher RL values used than the secondary surface RL values
58. Fixed bug whereby if more than two surface grid profiles are displayed
the profiles overlap and the profile labels are offset
59. Fixed bug whereby if a surface grid profile is coloured using a
polygon table the profile name is no longer displayed
60. Fixed bug which caused the surface module to crash when multiple surface
grids have been selected to display as profiles and the "Show intersections
in profile for all selectable line/polyline layers in the map window"
option is checked
61. Improved scaling of multiple profile lines created from multiple
surface grids
62. Improved Export Grid to ASCII File dialog. Fixed bug relating to incorrect
ESRI ASCII Grid parameters being exported
63. Fixed bug whereby the grid created after performing a grid calculation
is saved in non-earth metres
64. Fixed bug whereby if a grid created after performing a grid calculation
is saved using a grid name starting with a number the grid cannot
be automatically opened into MapInfo
65. Fixed bug whereby the original grid colour scheme is not visible in the
display windows of the Grid Filter dialog
66. Fixed bug whereby if a grid created after applying a grid filter
is saved using a grid name starting with a number the grid cannot
be automatically opened into MapInfo
67. Fixed bug whereby consecutive querying using the surface Grid Info tool
caused an error message to display and the surfaces module to crash
68. Changed name of Grid Utilities Line of Sight tool to Viewshed
69. Fixed bug whereby if a surface grid name is longer than 30 characters the
Make Legend for Grid tool now looks for the full surface grid name not
the truncated surface grid name.
70. Fixed bug whereby surface grids created in Discover 6.11 and displayed
using percentile or data breaks were causing an error message to appear
71. Improved Workspace Editor dialog which enables the file paths to be set to
Current location
72. Fixed bug so that German "umlaut" characters are recognised in table names
and file paths in the Workspace Editor
73. Fixed bug which created an error message when the Display Graph menu option was
selected after a Temporal Trend graph has already been created
74. Fixed bug which caused the date format to be reversed when the toggle between
two parameters in the Temporal Trends Graph Query dialog was used
75. Warning message inserted if non-adjacent sub-blocks have been selected when
creating an Tenement EL report
76. Fixed bug which caused an error message to appear after the EL report and
forms for a Western Australian tenement application had been produced
77. Fixed bugs when un-installing Discover which caused installed fonts to
not be removed,the Discover tool to remain in the MapInfo Tool
Manager list and the IGRF directory to not be removed


Encom Discover 7.00 - Released May 2005



1. New Images utility to Rectify, Enhance, Filter, Clip, Rotate,

and display Image properties
2. New GeoChem utility to Classify, Level, display Statistics and
compute a correlation matrix
3. Improved Gridding utility - new Density kernel and distance
gridding methods, new Multi-band and RGB image output and break
Line support
4. New Grid Calculator utility
5. Improved Grid Filter utility now includes FFT filters and
re-designed dialog
6. New Grid Utilities including Classify, Clip, Convert, Create RGB,
Edit, Fill Holes, Flip, Line-Of-Sight, Overlay, Replace, Resample,
Rotate, Shift, Slope, Split and Vectorize
7. Improved Grid display includes new Modify Grid Display and Sun
Shading dialogs, LUT Editor and transparency
8. Save a drillhole Project Workspace without saving hidden tables
9. Load a drillhole colour pattern file from an external source
10. Create a drillhole section collar plan without having to use
Add Section to Layout
11. Add Section to Layout menu option now includes ability to select
output scale and page size
12. Re-designed and updated drillhole Downhole Compositing utility
13. Added ability to select multiple section lines at different
orientations and generate sections in single pass
14. New Map Autogrid tool to display a dynamic map grid which can
automatically update as window is zoomed or panned
15. New Close All tool to close all open query tables, unused tables
or all tables from single dialog
16. New Open Workspace Advanced utility to open and edit corrupt
17. Improved Link Documents utility for linking external documents
to map objects
18. New Align Objects tool to align the top, bottom, left, right or
centre of selected map objects relative to each other
19. New Distance and Bearing tool to display current cursor position
in up to two projections. Display distance and bearing between
two map window locations and view browser information
20. Improved Convert Map to Registered Raster tool to now export in
world file format
21. Ability to select maximum window size for scaled output map windows
22. Ability to delete ELC group entries from TAB files
23. Added Show Table Projection option to ELC pop-up layer menu
24. Added support for DXF file import. Specify transform parameters and view aspect
25. Added Gemcom BT2 Import support
26. Added DataShed Geocomm connectivity support
27. Add option to display structure symbol labels at 0 and 90 degrees
28. Improved Local Grid Layout utility enables grid line direction
to be specified
29. Improved precision in affine co-ordinate projection generation
30. aQuire imported updated to version 3.8.7 and "ProjectCode" and
"Hole Type" field now included in acQuire collar table download
31. Export 3D DXF section boundaries and surface contour files are now
supported with AutoCad versions up to 2005
32. Improved handling when gridding large datasets (>1 million points)
to minimise memory usage
33. Improved Encom Grid Handler now supports Arc Ascii grids as well
as many general grid handling performance issues
34. Improved Import ASCII tool has new option to prevent selected Easting
and Northing fields being renamed X and Y and improvements to
import CSV files with lots of empty fields
35. Updated the Discover datum and projection list to be supported
with new MapInfo Professional 7.8 projection file
36. Legend Editor now only has numeric and text options. From and To <=
and < displayed at top of columns
37. Added prompt when opening ERMapper grids created in Discover to convert
RAW coordinates to EN coordinates in ERS file.

Bug Fixes

1. Discover>Exit bug causing MapInfo to crash

2. Discover uninstalls without displaying error message and registry
settings removed
3. ERMapper grids created externally now display correct input limits
4. Can use Draw Grid Profile with polygons created from grid query
5. Micromine imported fields not being truncated if greater than
specified values
6. Vulcan export no longer displays 'font type error' and exports
blank file
7. Spatial catalogue now can use Access databases later than version
Access 97
9. Added Facing Overturned and Dipping Shear Zone structure symbols
10. Edit Colour Patterns does no longer displays continuous numeric
colour patterns from previous versions with strange depths
11. Stacked Profiles no longer offset from correct position
12. If select distance threshold selected truncated profile begins at
correct sample location
13. Fixed bug crashing Drillhole utility when creating multiple sections
using the 1-20 prefix
14. Fixed bug whereby drillholes displaying at depth close to the plane of
the section are not displaying in section
15. Fixed bug when creating multiple sections using the A-Z prefix whereby
section C did not display downhole data
16. ERMapper grids are now exported as part of a drillhole project
17. Can now add a custom titleblock with a space in the name without
corrupting the Scaleout.cfg file
18. If "Replace numbers with alias from tabled_abbrev" is deselected and
saved to a setting it will now be retained
19. Fixed error appearing when using a Coordinate Management Transformation
or Simple Local Transformation in acQuire
20. Prospect field now included in acQuire collar table download
21. Fixed bug whereby if section line almost parallel (<1 degree)to E-W or N-S
axis section collar plan plots incorrectly
22. Hole ID at Collar will now display collar names on drillhole plans
23. Grids now created using "Survey ft" units open in MapInfo
24. Temporal Trends linegraph display settings now saved to Discover Config
25. Import ASCII - ASCII bug where Geosoft XYZ classifiers assume line starting
a "/" in Geosoft XYZ files are comment lines


Encom Discover 6.11 (Update)



1. Legend Editor registry settings have been added to the

HKEY_Local_Machine entry
2. Updated the Discover datum and projection list to be supported
with new MapInfo Professional 7.5 projection file
3. Import ASCII Grid includes support for Deg Min Sec fields. These
have a format of or, e.g. 334510.05N = 33 deg
north, 45 min, 10.05 sec. (note: the fractional seconds part (.s)
is optional).
4. Import ASCII default layout is now space/tab delimited
5. Added ability to import files larger than 10 Million points using
Import ASCII tool

Bug Fixes

1. Modified autogrid overlay routine to prevent vertical edge ticks

plotting in the wrong position when adding a second Lat\Long
grid with a different datum
2. Fixed occasional bug causing SampleID, From and To fields from
assay table to be incorrectly imported into the Survey table when
using acQuire Database Import utility
3. Fixed bug in ER Mapper grid handler which was incorrectly
registering the northing coordinate when exporting to ASCII format
4. Fixed intermittent bug causing Profile Analyst error messages to
appear when using Drillholes>Edit Colour Patterns menu
5. Fixed bug which was occasionally disabling the Populate Legend
from Dataset option in the Legend Editor when creating a new
colour pattern
6. Fixed discrepancy between polygon fill patterns shown in the
Discover Legend Editor and MapInfo Pro 7.5
7. Fixed bug in the Legend Editor which was causing it to exit
unexpectedly when using the Histogram Equalization option on large
numeric datasets
8. Fixed bug causing empty lithology fields to be imported when using
the Import acQuire Database tool
9. Fixed bug in Import ASCII tool associated with CSV column widths
displaying incorrectly
10. Fixed bug in Import ASCII tool to ensure there are no duplicate
line numbers
11. Fixed bug in Import ASCII Tool so X and Y (lat/long) fields now
read in DDMMSS data in correct format to create X and Y coords in
TAB file
12. Fixed bug relating in Import ASCII tool relating to interleaved
comment lines
13. Fixed bug in Import ASCII tool so Easting and Northing fields are
not re-named to X and Y


Encom Discover 6.10 - Released April 2004


1. Added MineSight .SRG Import/Export utilities

2. Added Vulcan Archive .ARCH_D Import/Export utilities
3. Improved acQuire import support to read geochemical point samples and
save/restore database query parameters. Discover 6.1 supports the
acQuire 3.8.2 API interface
4. Added option to select Z-value column when exporting Datamine, Surpac
and MineSight string files
5. Added Discover 3D menu and View In 3D context menu
6. Added "Set All to Relative" and "Set ALL to Absolute" buttons to
the Workspace Editor
7. Expanded functionality to Multiple Column Update tool to update up to
30 columns at once
8. Redesigned and improved the Draw Grid Profile tool
9. Added number of advanced grid filters to Grid Filter Tool
10. Added an option to place any MapInfo Symbol when using Line Annotation
and use line direction for placing annotations to the left or right
11. New Edit Colour Patterns interface for building and modifying drillhole
colour pattern tables
12. Improved Standard View functionality to save/restore map window dimensions
as well as window zoom level and centre
13. Open Workspace command returned to main File menu
14. Improved Multi-Table Append tool
15. Re-designed and improved Drillholes Log Display global setting parameters
Bug Fixes
1. Fixed bug exporting ERMapper grids to ASCII format
2. Fixed bug causing grids to be improperly registered when importing
ASCII format files
3. Fixed a number of bugs preventing the Online Help System from starting
on certain dialogs
4. Fixed a bug in the Auto-Shade tool which prevented thematic maps from
being created on columns which contained an expressions
5. Fixed bug in Drillhole module which was causing a divide by zero error
when producing Scaled Layouts
6. Fixed bug in ColourMap utility and Colour Pattern editor which was
preventing MapInfo v7.5 patterns from displaying properly
7. Fixed bug in Multi-Append utility which was causing Discover to exit
8. Fixed bug which was preventing case sensitive ESRI ASCII grid headers
from loading
9. Fixed bug preventing LAT/LONG ASCII grids from importing
10. Improved the display and naming convention for Thematic layers in
the ELC
11. Fixed bug so Map Grid edge tick colour now displays the colour selected
in the Line Style dialog
12. Fixed Assign Values bug whereby new column is deleted if operation is cancelled
13. Fixed bug so if a stored plane transformation is edited and saved with the same
all other entries in the LGTrans table are no longer deleted
14. Fixed bug so queries created using Select by Group can be saved to a workspace
15. Fixed bug in Workspace Editor so printer settings may be removed from the saved

16. Changed wording in warning dialog if raster images are open when using the Save

Tables and Workspace utility

17. Fixed bug so decimals can be entered into the ELC Windows Properties dialog
re-sizing map windows
18. Updated error message received if trying to assign an alias name to a read-only
19. Fixed bug so transformation parameters can be entered and saved to Datamine and
String files. Transformation parameters can also be entered when importing
Surpac files
20. Decimal place options now display correctly when selected from Downhole Display
Settings dialog
21. Fixed bug so drillhole sections map windows opened from a workspace are no
re-sized when the Drillhole Project is selected from the Drillhole menu
22. Fixed bug in drill section layout window scaling
23. Fixed bug preventing histogram fills in Display Downhole Data
settings from being saved in drillhole display settings
24. Fixed bug which was causing drillhole display settings to corrupt xs_disp.cfg
when saved
25. Fixed bug so both the line style and fill colour settings are displayed when
Fill with Plain Colour option is selected
26. Fixed bug which caused error message when current map window selection used for
Drillhole Downhole Compositing by Elevation or Depth

Encom Discover 6.00 - Released October 2003


1. MapCurpos link table hidden so it's not referenced when saving

2. New browser for folder dialog added to the Drillhole module
3. Workspace editor dialog redesigned and improved
4. Added ability to assign user tables to the tenement search utility
5. Added Preview button to the Drillhole Modules Add section to layout
6. Added option to specify primary key field to GraphMap setup dialog
7. Added regression line option to GraphMap utility
8. Added new menu items for Area Change, Plot Vectors, Line and Point
Label, Export to Registered raster, Multi-Reproject, Export to
Profile Analyst and Stacked Profile tools
9. Added new Discover Projection select dialog
10. Changed Standard Projections menu to Favourite Projections
11. Added "Save as default" to Scaled Output dialog
12. Added support for symbol properties to ColourMap module
13. Added Export to Discover Mobile Menu to ColourMap Module
14. Added thematic map translucency support for all Discover supported
grid formats
15. Added ability to modify grid colours using MapInfo's modify thematic
map controls
16. Added transparency support for grid null cell values
17. Added support to replace any user defined value with an alias when
displaying labels using the D_abbrev option in the Drillhole module
18. Added new dialog and functionality to the Export to ASCII grid
function, in the Surfaces module. Added support for ESRI ASCII grid
19. Added Create Grid and Modify Grid Colours buttons to the Surfaces
button bar
20. Modified and improved the interface and performance of the Surfaces
interactive gridding utility
21. Added new advanced data import utilities for ASCII files, Datamine,
Surpac string, Geosoft databases, acQuire databases, ER Mapper Vector
files, Model Vision files, GEM SYS files, Geosoft XYZ files
22. Added export support for Surpac and Datamine string files, Profile
Analyst Raster image files
23. Added a Section Manager shortcut to the Drillhole module button bar
23. Added a Reorder columns function to the Drillhole Log plot utility
24. Added read/write support for USGS DEM, Surfer Binary and Vertical Mapper
grid formats
25. Redesigned Project Setup dialog for Drillhole module
26. Added option to automatically deselect all blocks/sub-blocks using
Ctrl+Click when using applying for a tenement in the EL Application
27. Added two new fonts for Water symbols and Other symbols
28. Added grid copy function to Surfaces Module. Enables copying of grid
files between any of the Discover supported grid handlers
29. Changed the automatic start option for Discover so it uses the MapInfo
tools manager rather than the Startup.wor file
30. Added Licensing menu to access the Encom licensing manager
31. Added "Help" item to Discover menu
32. Added Restore Autosave Workspace menu to restore the Discover.wor file
33. Added new option to Drillhole module Annotation dialog that will turn
off the display of the collar ID
34. Added a read-only check when setting up a Drillhole project
35. Modified the Fit Map window to selected object function so it will not
resize the mapper unless the width to height ratio is greater than 2:1

Bug Fixes

1. Improved null record handling for grids and fixed colour assignment
bug for null grid cells
2. Fixed grid registration error due to incorrect units assignment
3. Fixed bug causing missing labels when plotting large scale map grid
4. Removed grid check error messages from all grid handlers
5. Fixed invalid pattern range issue when creating drillhole colour
6. Fixed invalid user registry issue for iGridding and Grid Filter tools
7. Set "Open all branches" option in the ELC off by default
8. Fixed crash when plotting x-sections using multiple surface tables
9. Disabled items in Data utilities that are dependent on an open table
10. Fixed bug when applying new colour to polylines from a Colour table
11. Improved DXF file version support for the DXF import function
12. Fixed bug in MicroMine import function which truncated columns greater
than 99 characters wide
13. Enhanced dialog layout and fixed a number of bugs in the Drillhole
module Section manager
14. Fixed bug with label placement in Scaled Output grid overlay tool when
using the "Place labels in a mask.." option
15. Fixed interface bug with display ticks button on Scaled Output dialog
17. Fixed bug which was causing some grid lines not to draw on E-W and N-S
oriented drill sections when using the Add section to layout utility
18. Fixed bugs when selecting points between table and multiple graphs in
the GraphMap module
19. Fixed bug causing GraphMap module to crash when attempting to generate
a graph from a query
20. Fixed bug causing GraphMap to crash when changing displayed fields on a
respecified graph
21. Fixed bug in calculating statistics on log transformed data in the
GraphMap module
22. Fixed bug causing some holes not to plot on sections if the hole traces
exit the section envelope and re-enter again at depth
23. Fixed bug causing drill hole traces not to plot if a survey file had
been specified but no surveys existed for the drill hole
24. Fixed bug causing Drillhole Log plots not to display when the maximum
log depth was not equal to the end of hole depth
25. Fixed bug causing labels to be incorrectly scaled on drillhole log plots
26. Fixed bug which was preventing saved display settings from being restored
when generating new drillhole log plots
27. Fixed bug causing Drill logs to display incorrectly when the Log depth
scale value exceeded a value of 10
28. Modified the "Replace negative numbers with alias from table D_abbrev"
function to accept any user defined value
29. Fixed bug preventing trace shade intervals from plotting for holes which
have no corresponding entry in the colour pattern table
30. Fixed bug causing Drillhole module to crash when attempting to plot a Log
plot of data containing the zero values with the log transformation option
31. Fixed bug preventing the scale factor from being restored when saving plane
transform parameters in the Transform Coordinates utility
32. Fixed pattern scaling bug in Seethru shading utility when using line fills
33. Reordered and added new functions to the ELC right click menu
34. Improved reordering logic in ELC when dragging layers between windows
35. Fixed bug with the Drillhole export to 3D DXF option when digitizing
boundaries on NS or EW sections
36. Fixed bug in User Tables, Workspaces & MBX's causing tables to be loaded
twice when dialog was closed
37. Fixed bug in Metadata Manager and Spatial Catalog which was causing the
Alt + Ctrl + Shortcut key to fail


Encom Discover 5.01


1. Surfaces>Modify Grid Display>Alter Grid Colours -

'Choose Grid File' pull down list widened to show long file names
2. Added "Map Window Projection" to the right mouse button (RMB)
shortcut menu
3. Added "Select All" and "Unselect All" to the RMB shortcut menu on
the ELC for browser windows
4. Added support for new DXF file format to the DXF import function
5. Added "Refresh" button to Drillhole Section Manager. This button
will update or synchronize changes between the downhole table for
the selected sections and the original downhole table so any
changes can be re-applied without having to recreate the section
6. Changed the "Close" button on the Section Manager to "Done".

Bug Fixes

1. Scaled Output - scale bar can be added to a layout window

even if a Titleblock has not been specified
2. "Save Mapper State" - RMB menu item "Restore Mapper State"
is now properly updated when this function is run
3. Removed message window from displaying when manually
digitizing structural symbols into a map window
4. Map window no longer zooms out to MBR when processing
structural symbols from a table
5. Improved placement of Dip labels for all structural
symbols when using Strike and Dip columns
6. Section manager no longer defaults to
"Add section to project root directory" when a project is reopened
7. Drill sections are now saved below the project directory
rather than in the root directory when the "Create new directory
for each section" option is selected
8. "DiscoverDiscover.ini" file is no longer created in the
MapInfo directory when the ELApps.mbx function is run
9. Improved queuing of layers in the ELC so layers are
correctly positioned when moving multiple layers in the
"Manually Apply" mode.
10. Scale factor is now saved correctly when running a plane
coordinate transform using the Coordinate Transform tool
11. Removed read error in the SeeThru shade tool which was
causing Discover to exit when editing a pattern element
12. Updated structural symbol plotting tool so -99 (Null)
values are correctly added to the browser table when the dip field
is left blank
13. Downhole colour patterns now correctly display > 16
colour patterns in the pattern definition dialog.
14. Updated ER Mapper grid handler to accept .ers files
with leading Tab and Space delimiters
15. Updated the Canadian Structural symbol font so symbols
are correctly oriented when plotting data using Strike and Dip
16. Query grid - regions are no longer flipped on import when
a query is run on a non Earth projected grid.


Encom Discover 5.0 - Released June 2002


1. Bug Fix. Exiting Discover now closes the ELC and Surfaces menu.
2. Bug Fix. "Alter Map Bounds" dialog layout has been improved so
long file and path names are visible.
3. Bug Fix. Added warning message to the setup dialog to trap
incompatible projection types between a gridded surface and
the drillhole collar file.
4. Bug Fix. Adjusted method for plotting labels on drill plans to
resolve issue of incorrect font sizes at certain map scales.
5. Bug Fix. Save settings button for downhole data fields now
saves the current setting name by default.
6. Bug Fix. Removed bug causing the section line to be replicated
every time a section was redrawn.
7. Added a "Load..." button to the Edit color table dialog.
8. Included a check in the ELC to determine an objects type prior to
displaying a the style override option.
9. Bug Fix. Repaired problem where the current "Selection" could
not be added as a new layer via the ELC Add Layer menu.
10. Added warning message to the printer setup button under scaled
output for MapInfo versions 6 and later. This setting cannot be
altered in versions 6 and later until a layout window is open.
11. Added "Select All" and "Unselect All to the RMB menu on the ELC"
12. Added rollup capability to the ELC, controlled by double clicking
on the window title bar.
13. Bug Fix. Groups no longer expand automatically when changing the
visibility status of a layer using the ELC.
14. Bug Fix. Fixed bug preventing some drill holes entering a section
envelope at a low angle from plotting with "search all holes"
option enabled.
15. Bug Fix. Fixed bug in the Data normalizing function, caused when
using a % symbol in the column name as the second last character.
16. Bug Fix. Data normalizing function now correctly handles multiple
spaces in a table name.
17. Bug Fix. Graph tables generated in Graph Map are now saved by
18. Bug Fix. Removed the "new query" table from being created when
selecting sub blocks during the Tenement applications process.
19. Moved OK and Cancel buttons on Tenement application dialog.
20. Bug Fix. Pressing the close button now gives confirmation
before exiting the Tenement application tool.
21. Bug Fix. Removed bug preventing the EL application table from
correctly loading under certain directory structures.
22. Bug Fix. Multiple graphs option for a grouping column in the same
table now functions as intended.
23. Bug Fix. Added an error handler to trap attempts to create graphs
from non numeric fields.
24. Bug Fix. Updated ternary graphs to work with previously normalized
25. Bug Fix. Removed occasional problem with stereogram plots
producing a data mismatch error when using Dip_Dir, Dip and Code
for Multiple column plots.
26. Bug Fix. Fixed problem with null handling in the Surfaces module
which was causing some grid operations to display the image in a
single color.
27. Updated the export code for 3D dxf files so they no longer use
block descriptions.
28. Bug Fix. Removed problems with conflicting graph names when
creating multiple graphs.
29. Bug Fix. Removed problem with axis labels not plotting on some
graph types with large data ranges.
30. Bug Fix. Updated the following structural codes to automatically
update with the Null code (-99) if no dip information is entered
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 15, 16, 17, 28, 31, 46).
31. Removed the "About" button from the ELC.
32. Bug Fix. Repaired fatal error generated when using a rectangle and
the clip region to minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) option under
Surfaces Clip Grid to Region menu.
33. Abbreviated file path on the Surfaces gridding dialog so the
file name is visible with long directory paths.
34. Set the "Show correlation statistics" option for GraphMap to OFF
as the default setting.
35. Bug Fix. Colour and font settings are now applied correctly to
graphs created with GraphMap.
36. Bug Fix. Removed error condition caused when exiting from the Rose
diagram control without selecting a column.
37. Bug Fix. Modified the zoom scale settings for graphs generated
in GraphMap so they are correctly scaled to the map window.
38. Included an "Add" button on the bottom of the "Select a Projection"
dialog, accessed via the Discover>> Map Grid menu.
39. Bug Fix. Repaired problem causing Geosoft grids not to display
NW sun shading properly with using very small data ranges.
40. Added links between the Edit Colour Patterns dialog and the
display downhole data setup form.
41. Bug Fix. Removed fatal error encountered while gridding a dataset
with the ELC turned off.
42. Added warning message to the ELC identifying layers that cannot
modified using the layer alias function.
43. Bug Fix. Repaired bug in DH Log plots which was causing logs to
display incorrectly when setting the start depth and collar depths
to different RL values.
44. Bug Fix. Modified text plotting routine so text labels are drawn
at the correct scale on a drillhole log plots.
45. Updated Geosoft grid handler extension to Geosoft.RHM to address
a conflict with Vertical Mapper grids.
46. Bug Fix. Fixed problem with EOH string not being recognized in
the DH Log plot dialog when using a start of hole value that is
different to the collar RL.
47. Bug Fix. Editable icon on the ELC is now updated to reflect the
"Make selected layer editable" command activated by a RMB click on
a Map window.
48. Bug Fix. Added error handler to "Export to ASCII" function which
prevents a crash if no Map window is open.
49. Changed the menu title "Colour Maps" to "ColourMap".
50. Changed the tool tip for the Draw by coordinates tool bar button
from "Draw by Coordinates" to "Key in Shapes".
51. Changed the title bar for the Dialog "Draw by Coordinates" to
"Key in Shapes".
52. Changed the Surfaces>>Grid and Contour menu to Discover 4 Gridding.


Encom Discover 4.02

1. Enhanced functionality of the 'zoom to extents of selected
object' function to operate on point data.
2. Enhanced functionality of the 'fit map window to selected
object' function to operate on point data.
3. Added a window roll up feature to the ELC which is activated
by double clicking on the window title bar.
4. Bug fix. Labelling by expression - added the '*' symbol to
the ELC expression builder.
5. Bug fix. Object style override buttons in the ELC are now
only activated when objects exist in the selected layer.
6. Bug Fix. Removed an issue with Display>Style Override where by
an objects properties were permanently altered in the base
Tab file when a style override was applied to a query of the
Tab file and the files layer properties were set to editable.
7. Enhanced the ELC layer grouping function so groups no longer
automatically expand when a layer is turned off.
8. Bug fix. ELC>Modify Labels>Label by expression function now
correctly verifies an expressions syntax.
9. Bug fix. The ascent option now activates on all sort attempts
using the Table Utilities>Sort Table function.
10. Bug fix. MapInfo>File Open menu is no longer altered from
"DBMS" to "ODBC" when Discover starts.
11. Bug fix. Line width properties no longer default to pixel
when permanently colouring objects using the Colour Maps
12. Bug fix. Text objects are now coloured correctly when using
colour tables to permanently alter the text colour.
13. Colour Maps menu system updated from 'Choose Action' to 'Setup'
14. Bug fix. Status tick on the Right Mouse Button Shortcut in
a Layout Window now updates on each menu selection change.
15. Included a warning message to Map Making>Text Labels function
to identify tables without indexed numeric fields.
16. Updated menu items and descriptions in the Object Editing>
Auto Polygonise function.
17. Bug Fix. Updated the 'Colour by Data breaks' option so that it
now functions consistently when using ER Mapper grid formats.
18. Updated the ER Mapper gridding routine to better handle null
grid cell values.
19. Bug Fix. Rectified incorrect registration of 3D DXF
files when exporting digitized boundaries from Drill sections.


Encom Discover 4.01

1. Bug fix. Data Utilities/Local Grid Layout - Local Grid Layout
discrepancy in the peg increment when getting to the end of
one line and following down the next.
2. Bug fix. Drill Holes - DH information query sequence order not
3. Bug fix. Drill Holes - Structure ticks downhole not reflecting
changes in vertical exaggeration.
4. Bug fix. GraphMap - Expression Handling for Graphs fixed,
improved error for Ternary Plots when the join fails, improved
error message for Ternary Plot when data out of range.
5. Bug fix. Layout - Fix for MI crash if the list of maps in a
map window is greater than 255 characters.
6. Bug fix. Layout - The list layers shown in the Map window now
display within the extents of the Layout window.
7. Bug fix. Layout/Legend & Titleblock - Aesthetic changes, legend
dialog widened for long filenames and overprinting in the
8. Bug fix. Map Grid - Labelling outside the map window when
placing a LL grid on a map.
9. Bug fix. Map Grid - Option to label Datums (AGD66/LL, AGD84/LL
and conic projections) using the LL check box now available to
label as deg:min:sec.
10. Bug fix. Object Editing/Key in Shapes - The dialog did not
initialise properly if a filled object (region) was selected.
11. Bug fix. Surfaces/Clip Grid to Region - Overflow errors using
the clip grid to region function when applied for the second
time to the same grid.
12. Bug fix. Surfaces/Clip Grid to Region - Select by Elevation,
Slope and Aspect now works on the correct quadrants.
13. Bug fix. Surfaces/Grid Query/Slope - Slope query files not
saved to the requested directory.
14. Bug fix. Table Utilities/Alter Map Bounds - Warning message
now appears before proceeding.
15. Bug fix. Tenements - EL Application table for WA form 21a not
found MI error (problem with compile 3.097 only).


Encom Discover 3.097

1. Bug fix. ColourMap - error applying colours to TrueType symbol
font points.
2. Bug fix. Coordinate Transform - crash if length of table name
to be transformed is > 30.
3. Bug fix. Drillholes - min/max limits for histogram/linegraph
log display don't work.
4. Bug fix. Drillholes - sectional resource not calculated for
non-metric datasets.
5. Bug fix. Drillholes - inconsistent intervals output for
compositing by value.
6. Bug fix. Drillholes - incorrect first depth in a hole for
compositing by elevation.
7. Bug fix. Drillholes - incorrect detection of individual value
colour pattern in some instances.
8. Bug fix. Drillholes - inconsistent behaviour with some
sequentially named sections (eg section1 and section11).
9. Bug fix. Drillholes - line styles and background colours
incorrectly applied from Discover colour table.
10. Bug fix. GraphMap - median sometimes reported incorrectly for
x variable in scatterplot.
11. Bug fix. Map Styles - updating lines with line styles from a
colour table didn't work.
12. Bug fix. MultiOpen/Import - can't change setting of Preferred
View control.
13. MultiOpen/Import - improved dialog.
14. Bug fix. Node Extract - error fetching record when deleted
records and entire table selected.
15. Bug fix. Polygonizer - crash on self-intersecting lines.
Currently will not handle these lines.
16. Bug fix. Structure Mapper - Hotkey changed to CtrlY so that
Y key for text input.
17. Bug fix. Structure Mapper - Symbol size not correctly read from
18. Bug fix. Surfaces - line intersections in profile not displayed
correctly in some situations.
19. Bug fix. Surfaces - incorrect number of duplicate points reported
for triangulation.
20. Bug fix. Surfaces - incorrect results and error in triangulation
in some circumstances.
21. Bug fix. Surfaces - incorrect grid header written for grid
subtraction in some circumstances.


Encom Discover 3.09

1. Bug fix. Colour Maps - error editing colour table with deleted
2. Bug fix. Coordinate Transform - can't use value of 0 as plane
transform control point coord.
3. Bug fix. Drillholes - remove message box from section batch
creation, to allow uninterrupted processing.
4. Bug fix. Drillholes - error calculating 3d coords for surveys
with no surveys.
5. Bug fix. Drillholes - wouldn't calculate 3d coords for surveys
with azimuth of zero.
6. Bug fix. Drillholes - compositing incorrect for sub-sampling
larger intervals.
7. Bug fix. Drillholes - sectional resource incorrect area for
vertically exaggerated sections.
8. Bug fix. Drillholes - incorrect hole selection for section
for some extreme hole geometries.
9. Bug fix. Drillholes - incorrect display of drillholes with
large vertical exaggeration.
10. Bug fix. Drillholes - error in some circumstances setting
structure tick display parameters.
11. Bug fix. Drillholes - incorrect section and plan display when
depth and map units are different.
12. Bug fix. Drillholes - incorrect section grid when depth and map
units are different.
13. Bug fix. Format Text - error reformatting from selection of
all records in a table.
14. Bug fix. GraphMap - incorrect display of stereogram cyclographic
traces for large dip values.
15. Bug fix. Line Cut - error cutting some regions.
16. Bug fix. MicroMine Import - Column names starting with number
didn't convert to '_'
17. Bug fix. Multi Column Update - Error updating.
18. Bug fix. Structural Data Mapper - right hand rule strike angles
displayed incorrectly.
19. Bug fix. Structural Data Mapper - vein symbols not plotted
correctly for right hand rule strike.
20. Bug fix. Surfaces - error generating contours with point width
line styles.
21. Bug fix. Table Sort - error if incorrect table type chosen.
22. Bug fix. Text Labels - error labelling from selection of all
records in a table.
23. Bug fix. Workspace Editor - unused tables reported incorrectly
24. Bug fix. Workspace Editor - inconsistent behaviour of set paths
to relative.


Encom Discover 3.08

1. Bug fix. General - Data entry not handled correctly where
system decimal separator set to ",".
2. Bug fix. Installation Script - Error installing on Windows 2000
3. Bug fix. Assign Values - Error assigning median value.
4. Bug fix. Multi Column Update - Error when update and join
columns of different types.
5. Bug fix. Drillholes - Adding multiple sections to layout only
showed titleblock for last section.
6. Bug fix. Drillholes - Adding section to layout, titleblock
position was not taken from dialog box.
7. Bug fix. Drillholes - Error adding section to section subdirectory
in section manager.
8. Bug fix. Drillholes - Incorrect log display for fill linegraph
with lithology colours when sample gap at top of hole.
9. Bug fix. LineCut - Does not cut lines in MI5.5.026 patch.
10. Bug fix. Make Selected Layer Editable - closed table if all
records in layer were selected.
11. Bug fix. Map Grid - Incorrect label placement for local grids.
12. Bug fix. Map Grid - Incorrect grid drawing when overlaying
lat/long grid on non-metric coordsys.
13. Bug fix. Map Styles - Error setting style for read-only table.
14. Bug fix. Workspace Editor - Error creating new workspace.


Encom Discover 3.07

1. Bug fix. Drillholes - Error creating log display for drillholes
with "-" in name.
2. Bug fix. Drillholes - Incorrect section grid display with some
combinations of orientation and vertical exaggeration.
3. Bug fix. Drillholes - Error compositing with some composite
table suffixes.
4. Bug fix. Drillholes - Error displaying drillhole info for some
hole names.
5. Bug fix. Drillholes - Error creating 3D coords for some data
6. Bug fix. Line Annotation - Error when all lines in a layer are
7. Bug fix. Map Grid - Error overlaying grids with label mask
turned on.
8. Bug fix. Spatial Catalogue - Catalogue sometimes creates MBR
polygons all the same.
9. Bug fix. Surfaces - Inconsistent volume calculation results.
10. Bug fix. Surfaces - Error creating MapInfo polygon grid for
projected coordinate systems.
11. Bug fix. Surfaces - Would not grid records, some of which have
no map objects.
12. Bug fix. Text Search - Incorrect text replacement if search
string occurs in replacement string.
13. Workspace Editor - Now can remove MapInfo 5.5 workspace
printer settings.


Encom Discover 3.06

1. Bug fix. Custom Ellipsoids - Error handling coordinate systems
with custom ellipsoids (eg. in DXF Import).
2. Bug fix. Document Link and Display - Would not open image from
Discover Pictures directory.
3. Bug fix. Drillholes - Inconsistent plotting of overlapping
sample intervals.
4. Bug fix. Drillholes - Incorrect positioning of polygon drape
on topo in section with non-metric coordinates.
5. Bug fix. Drillholes - Incorrect placement of section in layout
with non-metric coordinates.
6. Bug fix. Drillholes - Inconsistent output of 3D coords to
downhole tables.
7. Bug fix. Drillholes - Error displaying downhole data for
ODBC datasets.
8. Bug fix. Drillholes - Text, histogram, linegraph display
dataset max/min no longer automatically computed.
9. Bug fix. Drillholes - Rare error in log display with linegraph
coloured from lithology.
10. Bug fix. Legend - Error creating legend for read-only table
with no index.
12. Bug fix. Map Grid - Rare error creating a grid with mask.
13. Bug fix. Map Grid - Error setting custom label suffix.
14. Bug fix. Polygonizer - Tolerance problem with line cleaning
for lat/long maps.
15. Bug fix. Workspace Editor - Incorrectly appended old workspace
to edited workspace.
16. Bug fix. Workspace Editor - Failed to correctly identify
unused tables.
17. Bug fix. Workspace Editor - Now will remove unused tables.


Encom Discover 3.05

1. Bug fix. Coordinate Transform - Error in plane transformation
when no mappable tables open.
2. Bug fix. Drillholes - Inconsistent placement of plan above
section in layout.
3. Bug fix. Drillholes - Wildcard not working with colour patterns.
4. Bug fix. Drillholes - Compositing by attribute for table with no
numeric columns produced incorrect results.
5. Bug fix. Drillholes - Inconsistent display when using structure
measurements for oriented core.
6. Bug fix. Drillholes - Incorrect label annotation for multiple
sections in a layout.
7. Bug fix. Import Objects from ASCII - Precision problem for
coordinates where 1e-4 is significant.
8. Bug fix. Import Objects from ASCII - Error joining points to
polylines with numeric ID.
9. Bug fix. Line Annotation - Shear zone line style setting not
saved in dialog.
10 Bug fix. Make Selected Layer Editable - Created a query each
time this menu item was run.
11. Bug fix. Map Grid - Error drawing grid with label increment
set to 0.
12. Bug fix. Map Grid - Inconsistent label placement with MapInfo 5.5.
13. Bug fix. Polygonizer - Inconsistent line cleaning with MapInfo 5.5
14. Bug fix. Surfaces - Would not save contour settings.
15. Bug fix. Surfaces - Grid is closed if used to copy transform to
another open grid.
16. Bug fix. Surfaces - Incorrect grid from triangulation if duplicate
input points.
17. Bug fix. Thinning - Error thinning some small objects.


Encom Discover 3.04

1. Bug fix. Colour Maps - Error selecting tables to colour from batch list.
2. Bug fix. Coordinate Transform - Error transforming some text objects.
3. Bug fix. Drillholes - Error displaying linegraph for drillhole with no data.
4. Bug fix. Drillholes - Now supported - digitize features into and export
features from a plan.
5. Bug fix. Drillholes - Error displaying data when some of data
tables in a project were not plotted in a section.
6. Bug fix. Drillholes - Error displaying topo surface from contour
plan with MapInfo 5.5
7. Bug fix. Line Annotation - Errors due to changes in MapInfo 5.5.
8. Bug fix. Line Cut - Errors due to changes in MapInfo 5.5.
9. Bug fix. MapInfo Label Angles - Would not rotate labels from linked tables.
10. Bug fix. MicroMine Import - Error importing large string files.
11. Bug fix. Polygonizer - Errors due to changes in MapInfo 5.5.
12. Bug fix. Scaled Output - Scalebar could not be shown in separate frame.
13. Bug fix. Select by Group - Error mapping selection for non-mappable tables.
14. Bug fix. Surfaces - Error registering grids for some coordinate systems.
15. Bug fix. Surfaces - Errors due to changes in MapInfo 5.5.


Encom Discover 3.03

1. Bug fix. Drillholes - Error validating downhole surveys.
2. Bug fix. Drillholes - Can now validate by hole name and EOH
for downhole surveys.
3. Bug fix. Drillholes - Inconsistent validation for hole name.
4. Bug fix. Drillholes - Section grid user defined depth string suffix not
5. Bug fix. Drillholes - Error calculating 3D coords.
6. Bug fix. Extract Nodes - Inconsistent dialog behaviour.
7. Bug fix. GraphMap - Error generating log probability plot.
8. Bug fix. Map Styles - Error when changing table selection to add/edit.
9. Bug fix. Polyclip - Clip table names now defaulted to long names.
10 Bug fix. Surfaces - Error gridding z-values stored in character
11. Various - New directory chooser dialog allows network neighbourhood access.

Encom Discover 3.02
1. Bug fix. DigData - Incorrect constant value stored for data
entry to 10th column.
2. Bug fix. DigData - Detect record insertion after previous
data entry cancel.
3. Bug fix. Drillholes - Error compositing by cut-off grade
when non-contiguous samples.
4. Bug fix. Drillholes - Incorrect filling of linegraph colour
in log display.
5. Bug fix. Key in Shapes - Elevation of 0 not accepted for
distance/bearing with dms data entry.
6. Bug fix. Save Tables/Workspace - Error saving some table names.
7. Bug fix. Select by Styles - Cannot select from cosmetic.
8. Bug fix. Set Selected to Editable - Error when selecting
from cosmetic layer.
9. Bug fix. Scaled Output - Error saving Map Grid mask on exit.
10. Bug fix. Scaled Output - Error saving Scale bar on exit.
11. Bug fix. Scaled Output - Inconsistent behaviour with list
of titleblocks and frame settings.
12. Structural Mapper - Inconsistent behaviour with digitized lines.
13. Structural Mapper - Detect record insertion after previous data
entry cancel.


Encom Discover 3.01

1. Bug fix. Coordinate Transform - Error affine transforming coords in columns.
2. Bug fix. Drillholes - Confirm composited output table name dialog box
3. Bug fix. Drillholes - Error deleting project.
4. Bug fix. Scaled Output - Title to Back checkbox not set properly.
5. Bug fix. Save Workspaces and Tables - Error when open table uses alias name.
6. Bug fix. Surfaces - Incorrect grid subtraction when different cell sizes.
7. Bug fix. Surfaces - Error colouring grid with percentile or data breaks.
8. Bug fix. Text Sizes - Error selecting records after select all.
9. Bug fix. Text Sizes - Incorrect resizing of text where map scale
specified with number formatting (",").
10. Bug fix. Text Labels - Error choosing to label with expression.
11. Bug fix. Text Labels - Inconsistent handling of offset labels.


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