Spanish Rice (Mexican Rice) : Ingredients

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Spanish Rice (Mexican Rice)


- 4 cups Water
- 2 cups Dry Long Grain Rice
- 4 Tablespoons oil (olive oil, vegetable oil, cooking oil, etc., whatever you have on hand)
- 1 8oz can of Tomato Paste
- Garlic Powder
- Onion Powder
- Regular Salt


- Start by boiling the water

- Simultaneously grab another pan and put it on medium heat.
- Pour the oil into the pan, and add in the uncooked rice as well (Do not wash the rice).
- The goal here is to saute or brown the rice. Keep stirring the uncooked rice as it gets browned in
the oil.
- Once the uncooked rice is mostly browned (but not burned!), add in the small can of tomato
Paste to the rice.
- Stir it a few times, then turn the heat LOW.
- By this time, the water should be boiling in the other pot, so pick it up and CAREFULLY pour it
into the pan with the rice and the tomato sauce.
- The reason why we turned the heat low earlier was so the broth wouldn't splash all over the place
when pouring it into the pan.
- Stir the liquid and rice a few times, then turn the heat back on to high so the liquid can start to boil
- Add in some garlic powder and onion powder (a little at a time of course) tasting along the way
until you feel the flavor is to your liking.
- Add regular salt per taste.
- Let the liquid come to a boil, then cover the pan with a lid and turn the heat down low.

- Lift the lid and check the rice every 10 minutes or so. If the pan lid is made of glass and is see-
through, that's even better so you don't have to constantly lift the lid.
- Anyways, the rice should soak up the liquid and puff out and the rest of the liquid should steam
up and evaporate against the lid. As you're checking the rice, what you want to see are small
bubbles rising from the bottom of the pan and pushing up through the cooked rice.
- When you see the small bubbles, make sure the lid is still on the pan and turn off the heat.
- Do not opent the pan and just let the rice cook up some more with the remaining steam in the
pan. Let it sit for about 5 mins.

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