Dal Makhani

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Dal Makhani


- 1 Cup of whole Urad black dal

- Less than ¼ cup of Rajma
Soak the above for 7 hours or over night
Pressure cook the above after, for 7 whistles, with 4 – 5 cups of water.

- 2 Medium sized tomatoes chopped

- 1 med size onion chopped
- 1 tbsp ginger paste
- 1 tbsp garlic paste
- 1/2 tbsp red chilli powder
- 1 tsp turmeric pd
- 1 tsp coriander pdr
- 1 tsp jeera powder
- Salt to taste
- 1 tbsp of Dal Makhani Masala
- Cilantro to Garnish
- 2 tbsp Butter / ghee
- 1 tbsp slightly crushed coriander seeds
- 1 tbsp of cumin seeds


- Slightly blend the Dal so that we get a right consistency, in the pressure cooker, after the cooking
is cooled down.
- Heat a Pan and add ghee / butter
- Once hot, add cumin seeds, and crushed coriander seeds
- Add onion
- Sauté for 2 mins until Onions, cover it and cook.
- Add ginger paste , and garlic paste
- Sauté for 2 mins until Onions, cover it and cook
- Mixture turns brown slightly
- Add chopped tomatoes
- Cover this for 2 mins and cook
- Take all the spices and add it into a small bowl with 4 tsp of water
- Add this to the pan now.
- Keep stirring so that it does not burn and cover it for 2 – 3 mins
- Cook until ghee separates out
- Add dal and mix it well
- Add salt
- Let it come to a boil
- Garnish with cream and Cilantro

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