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Reprinted from LIPIDS, November, 1969, Vol. 4, No.

6, Pages: 450-453

New Sources of 9-D-Hydroxy-cis-12-octadecenoic Acid 1

Northern Regional Research Laboratory, 2 Peoria, Illinois 61604

ABSTRACT gl V cerid e mix t ure isolated from Nerium

9-D -Hydroxy-cis-12-octadecenoic acid
;l~ander L. seed oil.
has been isolated from 3 seed oils of the
family Apocynaceae: Holarrhena anti- PROCEDURES AND DATA
dysenterica (73%), Nerium oleander Infrared (IR) spectra were determined on a
(II %) and Nerium indicum (8%). The Perkin-Elmer 137 instrument as liquid films or
known occurrence of this acid was as I % solutions in carbon tetrachloride or car-
previously limited to the genus bon disulfide. Nuclear magnetic resonance
Strophanthus (9-15%). A mixture of (NMR) spectra were recorded on Varian A-60
unusual tetra-acid glycerides was isolated or HA-IOO spectrometers with deuteriochloro-
from N. oleander oil by thin layer chro- form solutions containing 1% tetramethylsilane
matography. Pancreatic lipase hydrolysis as an internal standard (unless otherwise indi-
of the glyceride mixture showed that ca ted). Optical rotatory dispersion (ORO)
9 -D-acetoxy-cis-12-octadecenoic acid is measurements were made on a Cary Model 60
esterified exclusively at an Cl'-glycerol recording spectropolarimeter at 26° in absolute
position and that normal fatty acids methanol and in 0.5 dm cells. Melting points
occupy the remaining 2 glycerol posi- were determined with a Fisher-Johns melting
tions. A portion of the hydroxy acid in point apparatus and are uncorrected ..
N. indicum oil was also acetylated, how- Thin layer chromatography (TLC) was per-
ever. no acetate was found in either H. formed on plates coated with 0.25 mm or 1.0
antidysenterica or Strophanthus hispidus mm layers of Silica Gel G or 20% silver nitrate-
oils. impregnated Silica Gel G with 20% or 30%
ether in hexane as the solvent. Bonc ac!d-
INTRODUCTION impregnated plates were used for analysis of
lipolysis products. Spots on analytical plates
Gunstone (1) first reported the occurrence
were visualized by charring with sulfuric acid-
of 9-hydroxy-cis-12-octadecenoic acid in
chromic acid. After preparative plates were
Strophanthus sarmentosus seed oil and later
sprayed with dichlorofluorescein, bands were
showed that it probably is of general occur-
visualized under ultraviolet light.
rence (9-15%) in seed oils of the genus
Gas liquid chromatography (GLC) of methyl
Strophanthus, family Apocynaceae (2). The
esters was conducted as described by Miwa et
structure has been confirmed by synthesis (3)
al. (7). Triglycerides were analyzed on an F &M
a nd the naturally occurring "Strophanthus
Model 5750 instrument equipped with a 24 X
acid" has been assigned the D configuration (4).
1/8 in. metal column packed with 3% OV-l.
The Strophanthus acid may also be obtained by
The instrument was linearly temperature-pro-
partial diimide reduction of naturally occ~rring
grammed at 4 deg/min from 200-400 C.
9 -D -h y d r 0 xy t ra m-I O,cis-I 2-octadecad!enOlC
Oxidative cleavages were according to the
acid (5,6).
method of von Rudloff (8). Iodine values were
Strophanthus oils are convenient sources of
determined by the AOCS method (9). Pan-
min or amounts of 9-D -hydroxy-cis-12-octa-
creatic lipase hydrolyses, silylations and subse-
decenoic acid. however. the low hydroxy acid
quent GLC of silylated lipolysis products were
content and u'navailability of the oils suggested
as described by Tallent and Kleiman (10).
a search for additional sources among the
closely related genera Holarrhena and Nerium. Isolation and Purification of Hydroxy Acids
In tltis paper we report the characterization Seeds were ground and extracted overnight
of 9-D-hydroxy-cis-12-octadecenoic acid from 3 in a Soxhlet apparatus with petroleum ether
new sources. One, Holarrhena antidysenterica (30-60 C); solvent was removed from the oils
(Roth) Wall ex. DC. seed oil, contains this acid on a rotary evaporator. Both Nerium oleander
as the major component (73%). We also report
and Naium indicum oils exhibited bands in the
the characterization of an unusual tetra-acid IR at 1235 cm-! and 1020 cm-! (acetate)
which were not present in spectra of H. anti-
! Presented at the AOCS Meeting, San Francisco, dvsenterica or Strophanthus hispidus oils.
April, 1969. . Methyl esters were prepared by refluxing the
2No. Utiliz. Res. Dev. Div., ARS, USDA. oils for 2 hr with 5% hydrochloric acid in

anhydrous methanol. Esters were recovered by ...'" <r. >0

~ N N ".; ei
ether extraction and were analyzed by GLC. Oil is
yield:>, iodine values and analyses of the methyl
esters by GLC are recorded in Table 1.
Concentrates of the hydroxy esters were ob- >,
tained by preparative TLC. The concentrates ~ '"
2 - ~
>0 r-:t"- ,...,o
were saponified by refluxing for 1 hr with 1N
potassium hydroxide in ethanol, and unsaponi-
" t"-
fiables were removed by extracting dilute ,:;;;

aqueous solutions of the soaps with ether. After en
acidification, the free hydroxy acids were
,..., N
"- -
recovered by ether extraction. The acids were 0 0
esterified with diazomethane, and the resulting '"'""
esters were purified by preparative TLC. Overall 2
yields were near 80% in each instance (based on .5
" r-:<r. .d-.'"
GLC of the total esters). ~
~ "- t"- t"-
<t N

Characterization of Hydroxy Acids
Hydroxy acid methyl esters from the 4 oils >,
r-:t"- -<i" Nc: :xi0
(H. antidysenterica, N. oleander, N. illdicum, ,...,
and S. hispidus) were indistinguishable by IR ::g
and NMR. The spectra were consistent with a 0 0

''"" :~=
C 1 8 methyl ester having 1 hydroxyl and 1 cis
double bond. GLC of the esters gave single CIl
r-: r-:
peaks, > 98%, for each and retention character- '"" 0 " N

istics of all 4 esters were identical. The esters

>, U
showed single spots which were not differen- <.>
tiated by TLC on either ordinary or silver- OO
~ i
nitrate impregnated plates. J "'0
Samples of hydroxy ester from each of the 4 :0 ~
«: <.>
oils were cleaved oxidatively and methyl esters -;'" o
of the products were prepared by refluxing ""' CIl

with acidic methanol. The IR spectrum of each ~

oxidation product had a strong band at 1773 .8

cm- l characteristic of a 'Y-lactone, and GLC 8
showed methyl hexanoate and a fragment cor- .:
responding to a C l2 'Y-lactone-methyl ester (5). E- ~
Thus, the hydroxy acids from all 4 sources are ~
C l8 acids having hydroxyl at C9 and a cis ~
double bond at C1 2. ORD curves were also ob- :;
tained for each of the 4 methyl ester samples .£
(Table II).
Hydrogenation of the hydroxy ester from H.
anti dysenterica, with palladium-charcoal in
hexane, gave methyl 9-hydroxyoctadecanoate. t""-~-oo

After preparative TLC and recrystallization ~~I.CiM


from hexane, the saturated ester melted at

51-52 C and had a plain negative ORD curve
(Table II). Known methyl 9-o-hydroxyocta-
decanoate gives a similar melting point,
51.5-52.8 C, and a nearly superimposable plain
negative ORD curve (11).
A 156 mg portion of methyl 9-hydroxy-cis-
12-octadecenoate, from Holarrhena oil, was
acetylated by allowing to stand overnight in a
mixture of pyridine-acetic anhydride (1: I).
Column chromatography on 2 g of neutral
alumina (hexane) yielded 176 mg of product.
The product gave IR and NMR spectra which
[2 ]
Optical Rotatory Dispersion of Hydroxy Esters
Specific rotation in degrees
Ester and source [a] 589 [a1500 [a]400 g/100 ml
Methyl 9-0-hydroxy-cis-12-octadecenoate
Holarrhena antidysenterica -0.83 -1.18 -2.00 2.88
Nerium oleander -1.76 -2.30 -3.20 1.13
Nerium indicum -1.92 -2.34 -3.40 0.95
Strophan thus lzispidus -1.87 -2.48 -4.12 2.67
Strophanthus kombe a -1.17 -1.76 -2.54 1.02
Methyl 9-0-hydroxyoctadecanoate
Hydrogenated Holan-hena ester -0.12 -0.16 -0.30 2.29
Hydrogenated methyl dimorphecolate a -0.17 -0.23 -0.37 1.49
aSpecific rotations of these materials were obtained by Applewhite et aJ. (11) and are
listed here for comparison.

were consistent with those expected for methyl free carboxylic acid, but also had bands at 1724
9-acetoxY-cis-12-octadecenoate. GLC and TLC cm- 1 and 1235 cm- l , characteristic of an
showed the product to be homogeneous. acetoxy derivative. Treatment with diazo-
methane gave the methyl ester which was iden-
Glyceride Characterization
tical with known methyl 9-acetoxY-cis-12-octa-
An unknown component was observed upon decenoate, as demonstrated by IR, NMR, GLC
TLC analysis of N. oleander oil, which had an and TLC.
Rf slightly lower than normal triglycerides. A portion of lipolysate of the unusual
GLC of the oil indicated that acetotriglycerides glyceride mixture was silylated, and GLC
and triterpene acetates were absent because no showed no monoglycerides with acetoxy func-
significant components with carbon numbers tional groups. Similar treatment of a lipolysate
less than C52 were observed. A significant peak of the original oil showed that 5% of the mono-
was eluted as Cs 6, however, even though only glycerides contained acyl groups with hydroxy
2% C20 esters were found in the ester analysis. or acetoxy functions, or both. A portion of the
The presence of glycerides containing an whole oil lipolysate was treated with diazo-
acetylated hydroxy acid constituent was indi- methane and subsequent GLC demonstrated
cated by a conspicuous 1235 cm- 1 (acetate) that 12% acetoxy and 2% hydroxy methyl
band in the IR; only weak hydroxyl absorption esters were present in the mixture. Thus,
was present. assuming no acyl migration during lipolysis, all
IR of the unusual component, isolated by the acetoxyacyl and a portion of the hydroxy-
preparative TLC, showed a strong 1235 cm- 1 acyl groups are esterified on the outer glycerol
(acetate) band and no hydroxyl. A sharp singlet carbons.
was present in the NMR spectrum at 7 8.1
(CC1 4 solution) characteristic of an acetoxy
group. A multiplet was evident at 75.3, due to
a single proton, and a similar multiplet was The hydroxy acids of H. antidysenterica, N.
noted in the NMR spectrum of methyl oleander, N. indicum and S. hispidus are clearly
9-acetoxy-12-octadecenoate. This signal was identical, and experimental data are consistent
assigned to the proton on a carbon bearing an with only one structure: 9-0-hydroxy-cis-12-
acetoxy group (C 9 ). A multiplet, equivalent to octadecenoic acid. The presence of this acid in
4 protons, was present at 7 5.9, indicative of S. hispidus oil was demonstrated previously
protons on the outer carbons of a glycerol (12). Assignment of the 0 configuration was
moiety. Except for the signals at 7 8.1 and 7 possible as these 4 esters and known methyl
5.3, the spectrum was otherwise consistent with 9-0 -hydroxy-cis-12-octadecenoate (11) all gave
that of a glyceride. This unusual component, plain negative ORD curves that were nearly
when analyzed by GLC, gave peaks having car- superimposable. Confirmation of this assign-
bon numbers of C S2 , C S4 and CS6 ' ment was obtained by hydrogenating the
After the unusual glyceride mixture was sub- Holarrhena ester; the product gave an ORD
jected to pancreatic lipase hydrolysis, a product curve essentially the same as that for known
was isolated that migrated between normal free methyl 9-D-hydroxyoctadecanoate (4,11).
acids and diglycerides on TLC. This product Gunstone (1) found that methyl 9-hydroxy-
had an IR band at 1705 cm- l , associated with l2-octadecenoate gives abnormally high iodine

values, apparently because of involvement of ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

the reagent with the hydroxyl group. Similarly,
the iodine value determined for Holarrhena oil Preliminary screening results and G LC analyses by
F. R. Earle, J. W. Hagemann and R. W. Miller; NMR
(Table I) is considerably higher than that calcu-
spectra by L. W. Tjarks; Holarrhena and Nerium seeds
lated from the fatty acid composition. More were furnished by Q. Jones, USDA, Beltsville, Md ..
satisfactory results may be obtained after and the Strophanthus seeds by F. D. Gunstone, Uni-
acetylation (1) and the Nerium oils do not versity of St. Andrews, Scotland.
show this discrepancy.
Since pancreatic lipase (EC displays
a strong specificity for the 1 and 3 (or Q and Q') REFERENCES
positions of triglycerides (13), lipolysis with
J. Gunstone, F. D.. J. Chern. Soc., 1274-1278
this enzyme has been widely used to determine (1952).
the intraglyceride distribution of various acyl 2. Gunstone, F. D.. and L. J. Morris. J. Sci. Food
groups. In Strophanthus oils 9-hydroxy-12- Agr. 10:522-526 (1959).
octadecenoic acid shows strong preference for 3. Kennedy, J., A. Lewis, N. J. McCorkindale and R.
the 2 (or (3) glycerol position, and there is no A. Raphael, J. Chern. Soc., 4945-4948 (1961).
evidence for triglycerides with more than 3 acyl 4. Schroepfer, G. J., Jr., and K. Bloch, J. BioI.
groups (14). Since lipolysis of the mixture of Chern. 240:54-63 (1965).
tetra-acid glycerides from N. oleander gave no 5. Powell, R. G .. C. R. Smith, Jr. and I. A. Wolff, J.
Org. Chern. 32:1442-1446 (1967).
monoglycerides with acetoxy functional
6. Badami, R. C., and L. J. Morris, JAOCS
gr 0 ups, evidently 9-acetoxy-12-octadecenoic 42:1119-1121 (1965).
acid occurs exclusively at I (or both) of the Q 7. Miwa, T. K., K. L. Mikolajczak, F. R. Earle and I.
glyceroi positions. However, 9-hydroxy-12- A. Wolff, Anal. Chern. 32: 1739-1 742 (1960).
octadecenoic acid is also present, as shown by 8. Rudloff, E. von, Can. J. Chern. 34:1413-1418
lipolysis of the whole oil, and the major portion (1956).
of this acid occurs at the (3 glycerol position. 9. American Oil Chemists' Society. "Official and
The tetra-acid glycerides of N. oleander, con- Tentative Methods of Analysis," Chicago, 1957.
10. Tallent, W. H., and R. Kleiman, J. Lipid Res.
taining an acetylated monohydroxy acid, are
9: 146-148 (1968).
apparently unique although similar tetra-acid 1 J. Applewhite, T. H., R. G. Binder and W. Gaffield,
(I5) and penta-acid (16) glycerides having J. Org. Chern. 32: 1173-11 78 (1967).
acetylated di- or trihydroxy acids are also 12. Gunstone, F. D., 1. Sci. Food Agr. 4:129-132
known. (1953).
The Holarrhena alkaloids are considered 13. Entressangles, B., H. Sari and P. Desnuelle, Bio-
possible starting materials for industrial prepa- chim. Biophys. Acta 125:597-600 (1966).
ration of steroid hormones, including the 14. Gunstone, F. D., and M. I. Qureshi, J. Sci. Food
adrenocortical hormone aldosterone (17). Oils Agr. 19:386-388 (1968).
from other species of Holarrhena may prove IS. Mikolajczak, K. L., C. R. Smith, Jr. and I. A.
Wolff, Lipids 3:215-220 (1968).
equally rich in 9-hydroxy-12-octadecenoic acid,
16. Mikolajczak, K. L., and C. R. Smith, Jr., Biochim.
and moderate quantities of the oils could Biophys. Acta 152:244-254 (1968).
become available as by-products of the pharm- 17. Cerny, V., and F. Sorm, "The Alkaloids," Vol. 9,
aceutical industry. At present, H. anti- Edited by R. H. F. Manske, Academic Press, New
dysenterica seed oil is, by far, the richest York, 1967, p. 305.
known source of 9-D-hydroxy-cis-12-octa-
decenoic acid. [Received April 3, 1969]

[4 ]

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