ESP 252 Fang Yuan LPI & Envision Exercise

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LPI & Envision Exercise

This envision exercise empowers me the right to take a close look at myself from

multiple aspects. I never really think about my position (both mentally and physically)

in the next three years before. Taking this chance, I detailly map out my possible

future position. There are three potential paths I will take in my next three years. But

the first two years out of the three years are the same: going to a U.S graduate college.

As a second semester senior, I already admitted by NYU, George Washington

University, University of Miami, and the University of Florida. I am still waiting for

Georgetown, Chicago, and Columbia University's offer letter. Again, if none of them

gives me an offer, I will most likely enroll in NYU's sport management program. All

the colleges I choose are offering a two-year sport management program. Therefore

the period will be for two years. I now will face three different options when coming

out of graduate school (I assume I will not fail my graduate program). The first path is

to return to China and find a steady job related to sports media. My family has

excellent resources on sport-related position; therefore, it is one of the most accessible

paths among the three. The second path is a bit harder; I will find an internship

opportunity using my graduate school's network and try to stay in the company for a

maximum of one year to accumulate practical experience. After that, I will send my

resume to Australia and Canada companies that are hiring staff who has: a diverse

cultural background, a graduate-level academic background, a U.S sports industry

working experience, and a multi-marketing vision development. I will then fight for

the green card and stay in Australia or Canada since those two places are having both
a friendly environment and a great promotion opportunity. The third path will be the

hardest yet most challenging one, which is to try to win the draw of the F1B1 working

visa and eventually apply for the green card. The whole process may take 10-20 years,

and I am not sure if I want to spend most of my life span on such intangible stuff, but

it is the most beneficial one. With the extraordinary social welfares and

indemnifications, staying in the world's most advanced country is no doubt the best

option. The only question is, does the sacrifice and investment (finically and

physically) worth it? I will keep thinking on those different paths and will try to come

out with a more specific and detailed plan for my vision.

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