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General Instructions:
A. Read, analyze and understand Republic Act 8551.
B. Answer each questions provided. (Please include the reference, ex. page no. of your manual,
section of laws, memos, decrees and etc.).
C. All activities must be place in a short bond paper, answers must be handwritten.
D. Use red ballpen for the questions and BLACK OR BLUE for your answers.
E. Margin must be 1 inches (all sides, use red ballpen).
F. All activities must be staple and it must be group according to activity number.
G. Memorize your answer in each question, because it will likewise serve as your guide in the
graded recitation.
H. All activities will serve as your class standing for Midterms and Finals.
I. Submission of all activities will be on May 6, 2020.


1. What is Republic Act 8551?

2. What are the policies of the state that must be attained in enacting Republic Act
3. In reorganizing the PNP, what are the criteria that must be considered by the
National Police Commission?
4. What is the role of the Department of Interior and Local Government suppressing
insurgency and other threats to national security?
5. What is the basis of authorizing the President to call on the PNP to support the
AFP in combat operations?
6. It is stated under Sec. 6, Art. XVI of the Constitution that the Philippine National
Police (PNP) shall be administered and controlled by a national police
commission. What is the National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM)? State its
7. What are the qualifications of a regular member of the National Police
8. What are the kinds of incapacity that may be suffered by the Chairperson of the
NAPOLCOM and who shall preside during said incapacity?
9. What are the powers and functions of the National Police Commission?
10. What are the composition and jurisdiction of the National Appellate Board (NAB)
and the Regional Appellate Board (RAB)?
11. Where can we appeal the decision of the NAB and RAB?

12. What are qualifications of a Regional Director of the PNP?
13. What are qualifications of a Provincial Director of the PNP?
14. What are qualifications of a Chief of a City Police Station?
15. What are qualifications of a Chief of a Municipal Police Station?
16. What are the minimum qualifications in entering the PNP?
17. What is a waiver program in the PNP?
18. What are the conditions of waiver for initial appointment to the PNP?
19. What are the factors to be considered in the grant of waivers?
20. What are the selection criteria under the waiver program?
21. Mr. Arturo Roman is 28 years of age, his height is 5 feet and 7 inches, his weight
is not more or less than five kilograms (5kgs.) from the standard weight
corresponding to his height, age, sex, and his muscle is well-developed because
he is an athlete. He is also a masteral holder and a law graduate but he is a
“Spanish”. Can he enter the PNP by waiving his citizenship? Justify your answer
22. Mr. Sergio Marquina is 27 years of age but his height his only 5 feet and 2inches.
Mr. Berlin Gandia, on the other hand, is 32 years of age and his height is 5 feet
and 7 inches. Can Mr. Marquina and Mr. Gandia still enter the PNP even if they
did not comply with the height and age requirements, respectively? Justify your
23. Ms. Nairobi Tokyo is 22 years of age; his height is 5 feet and 8 inches, his weight
is certified to be not more or less than five kilograms (5 kgs.) from the standard
weight corresponding to his height, age, sex and he finished 2 two-year courses
(Nursing aid and Computer Technology). Is he qualified to enter the PNP under
the waiver program by waiving his educational qualifications?
24. How shall PNP officers be appointed?
25. What is the status of appointment of newly appointed Patrolman/Patrolwoman?
26. Who are persons who may be appointed as police commissioned officers via
lateral entry?


1. What is the employment status of the members of the Philippine National Police?
2. Who shall administer the entrance and promotional examinations for policemen
and policewomen?
3. What are the different examinations administered by the National Police
4. What are the sanctions in case of cheating, collusion, misrepresentation,
substitution, or any anomalous act in connection with the administration of police
examinations conducted by the National Police Commission?
5. What are the different training programs in the police service?
6. What is the meaning of promotion?
7. What are the requirements in regular and special promotions for PNP personnel?
8. What are the policies of the state that must be considered in the promotion of
PNP members?
9. What is the meaning of attrition?
10. What are the kinds of attrition system?
11. What is the meaning of retirement?
12. What is the meaning of separation?
13. What is the manner of computing retirement and separation pay?
14. May a police avail of an early retirement? Justify your answer
15. What is the meaning of permanent physical disability and when is it
16. Who may file a claim for disability or death benefits?
17. When a policeman commits a crime, what are the different cases that may be
filed against him and where will these cases be filed?
18. What are the different administrative offenses against policemen?
19. Mr. Sucre was punched and kicked several times by PO3 t-bag so the former
was hospitalized for 3 days. Because of this, Mr. Sucre filed an administrative
case before the PLEB and a criminal case before the court against PO3 t-bag.
The next day, he again filed the same administrative case against said policeman
before the NAPOLCOM. Is the act of Mr. Sucre in filing the second administrative
case proper?
20. What is the effect of violating the prohibition against forum shopping?
21. May a policeman facing a criminal/administrative charge be given a legal
assistance while facing his?
22. One of the quasi-judicial bodies hearing administrative cases against policemen
is Internal Affairs Service (IAS). What is its composition?
23. What are the power and functions of IAS of the PNP?
24. What are the procedure that must be followed by Internal Affairs Service (IAS)
and other disciplinary authorities in conducting administrative cases against PNP

25. What is preventive suspension?
26. When is preventive suspension available?
27. What are the instances when a request for preventive suspension must not be
denied by the superior officer?
28. What is Absence Without Official Leave (AWOL) and when can a policeman be
considered absent without official leave?
29. When shall a complaint by a natural or juridical person against any member of
the PNP be brought to Chief of Police, to the Mayors, or to the PLEB?
30. Who shall hear cases involving internal discipline of erring policemen?
31. What is People’s Law Enforcement Board (PLEB)? State its composition.
32. What is the power and functions of PLEB
33. What are the imposable penalties in an administrative case against policemen?
34. What are the authorized awards conferred to uniformed and non-uniformed
personnel of the Philippine National Police?
35. What the guidelines in the availment are of leave credits in PNP?


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