Marea Unire

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King Ferdinand I of Romania receives and accepts the Declaration of the Union

proclaimed on December 1st by the National Assembly of Romanians in Transylvania and

In reply, a General Assembly of the Hungarians takes place in Cluj, which is located in
the center of Transylvania and it is the largest city in Transylvania. The Assembly reaffirms the
Hungarians' from Transylvania loyalty for Hungary.

King Ferdinand I signs the promulgation and validation of the Union of Bessarabia,
Bucovina and Transylvania with Romania through Decree No.3631, to which the Hungarian
Government protests.

The Hungarian troops organize an attack against the Romanian Army in western
Transylvania. Violent battles take place in the Apuseni Mountains, finally won by the Romanian

The leader of the Hungarians, Communist Béla Kun orders a counter-offensive against
the Romanian Army. The Hungarian offensive is defeated and withdraws.

After the collapse of the Communist regime in Romania, through Law no. 10 of 31 July
1990, promulgated by President Ion Iliescu and published in the Official Gazette no. 95 of 1
August 1990, 1st December was adopted as a national day and a public holiday in Romania.

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