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Even though globalization affects the world’s economies in a very positive way, its negative side

should not be forgotten.

Globalization has an asset for the world’s economies due to the advancement in technology, transport,
communication, education and trade. This attracts more people to be involved in international business.
However, globalization may have an adverse impact on developing countries’ economies. I will try to
discuss this tendency with some compelling arguments.

Globalization has numerous positive effects. It helped developing countries to improve their
infrastructure and technology. Moreover, globalization affected education quality in many developing
countries, while there the major part of population was uneducated. Although this problem is not
solved, there are made significant improvements in this fields. Education helped this people find jobs
and get better life conditions.

Furthermore, as a result of globalization there are employment opportunities all over the world.
However, due to globalization there are many people seeking for jobs, while employers take advantage
of cheap labor. With this in mind, local skilled professionals may be dismissed while employer can easily
find worker who is ready to be paid less.

Another key thing to remember is that, nowadays it’s widely used by huge corporations to establish
companies in developing countries. They can use cheap materials and labor for producing goods. Many
successful businesses use this method, for example Zara, which is middle class clothe brand and
produces goods in African countries. Such factors can cause price instability in world trade.

All things considered, globalization has positive and negative impacts on developed and developing
countries’ economies. The positive side is the opportunities that open market create. Companies can sell
their products to consumers from another countries in the same ease as in their home countries. On the
other hand, all of this create new risks and increase competition. Despite this fact, in my point of view
the positive impact of globalization are invaluable.

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