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Report on the barriers to Education faced by “Lower Cast” people in

Nepal. An absurd practice that stayed as stain in the Nepalese

societies for decades.

Nepal is a multilingual, multiethnic, multicultural and multi-religious nation. The people with
different faiths, cultures and ethnicities have been living harmoniously since ancient times. Nepal
had a monarchy system until the royal family was massacred and the democracy had to take over.
At the time of the monarchy system, to run the country smoothly by giving everyone their role to
serve the nation, one of the kings categorized a group of people in four categories based on their
cast. Bahun (Brahmin), the group who was responsible for thinking about the nation and was
considered intelligent. Chhetris (Kshatriya), the warriors. Vaishya the farmers who were
responsible for feeding the whole nation and Shudra/Dalit, the group responsible for making
weapons and supplies for the war. There is nothing wrong with these groups but when the time
passed on, people took the wrong interpretation of these categories. Later on, Bahun and Chhetris
were considered the higher groups of people and Vaishya and Shudra/Dalit were considered lower
groups. Vaishya and Shudra/Dalit stayed as minority groups for decades which made their whole
generation to suffer over an absurd practice. These minority groups of Nepal faced so many
problems in the past like: - they were not supposed to touch higher cast people, they were
restricted from entering temples, they were restricted to enter higher cast people’s houses, people
would not eat or drink form the same plate or cup used by them, they had a huge problem in getting
proper education and overall they were deprived of basic human rights.

Section 1: Educational Outcomes
1.1. 80% out of 100% students from lower cast attended public school, where only 10% would
1.2. Most of the lower cast people couldn’t afford the basic studying material like paper, pen and
other stationary items.
1.3. Only 2% of those people would have a proper governmental job in the future.
1.4. Rest who attended public school and private school was never an option, ended up doing labor
intended works in the future.

Section 2: Factors Affecting Educational Performance

2.1. Firstly, due to cast discrimination, people were concerned that they will touch one of the lower
cast which made it really hard for them to get jobs.
2.2. Only 5% people could barely afford their children’s education.
2.3. They had very low chances of getting employment in order to have a source of income.
2.4. Due to poverty in those minority groups, even the brightest students had to drop out and help
their families in labor works.
Solutions and Conclusion
In order to eradicate the practice of cast system in Nepali society, the government of Nepal played
and is playing a huge role.
3.1. Firstly, the government is spreading awareness about the root cause of the problem and how
absurd it is.
3.2. Secondly, the government had made a law against the act of cast discrimination.
3.3. Thirdly, minority groups are getting reserved seats in every job opportunity.
3.4. Children from minority groups are getting full scholarships and support from the government
to peruse their dreams.
Finally, with the collaboration and effort of people and government, the minority groups (cast
discrimination) in Nepal are now close to none at this point because in the end we all are humans
and we should support and care for each other.

 Aware people about the cast discrimination.
 Report the police if we see any victims.
 Show equality.
 Encourage those people and show support.

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