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The Islamia University of Bahawalpur

Abbasia Campus, Bahawalpur, Pakistan Ph: +92 - 62 - 9239114, Fax: +92 - 62 - 9250099

Tentative Course Plan


Class: Semester- Session:

Instructor Dr. Tahira Ruby Email:
Course Title Behavioral Ecology Program MS Zoology
Course Number Zool-32105 Credit Hours 3(3-0)
Lecture Tuesday, 1pm to 3pm; Thursday, 2pm-3pm,
Course Objective:
The course imparts knowledge and concepts of animal behaviour. How the behaviour affect the animal life.
The importance of behavior in diversification, communication and evolution.

Course Outcomes:
1. Detailed knowledge about the animal behviour and its ecological impacts.
2. Knowledge about the various forms, constraints and other relationships related to behaviour.
3. Present status, Future prospects

1. The class will be conducted in a lecture and discussion environment, where the class teacher will
lead discussion and students will be encouraged to participate and ask question at the end of session.
The theory part will be supported by presentations and assignments in the field area accordingly.
2. Students will be expected to read assignments in advance and these will be tested through quizzes in
3. The students will be taught theoretically with the help of audiovisual and conservative techniques
4. Students will be encouraged to deliver a seminar on the topic given to them
5. Teacher will be available for meeting class students immediately after each class

Resource Krebs, J & Davis, N. 1981. An introduction to behavioural ecology. Ist Ed. Blackwell
Material Scientific Publications, USA.
Dudatkin, L. A. 2009. Principles of Animal Behaviour, 2 nd Ed. Norton & Company
Inc, USA.
Office Help Hours All working days of the week
Session/ Topics (outline of main topics and sub topics) Chapter # Tutorial /Laboratory
Lecture #
1, 2 & 3 Introduction to behavioural ecology, Branches, Ch.1
Significance of behavior
4, 5 & 6 Natural Selection and Behaviour; Genes and Ch 1,
7, 8 & 9 Reproductive Behaviour in Lions; Ch 1, Ch 2,
Hypothesis,Observation, Experiment and
Calculation; Methods for testing Hypthesis
10, 11 & 12 Predator-prey Relationships; Lotka voltera Ch 3a,
model for Predator-prey cyclic chain
13, 14 & 15 Economic decisions and the individual; Ch 3,
Optimality model
16, 17 & 18 Nutrient constraints and animal; Advantages Ch 3,
and limits of optimality model
19, 20 & 21 Living in group and defending resources; Ch 4,
Vigilance; Dilution and cover
22, 23 & 24 Group defence; Resource defence; Economic Ch 4,
defendability; Territory size
25 Mid Term Exam Course/Discussion
from session 1 to 15
26, 27 & 28 Parental care and Mating system; Proximate Ch 7,
constraints on parental care; Ecology and

29, 30 & 31 Acquired and Learned behavior; Evolution of Ch 2,
behavior; Genetic techniques to test hypothesis
in Animal Behaviour
32, 33 & 34 Co-operation and helping in Birds
35, 36 & 37 Co-operation and helping in Mammals and Fish
38, 39 & 40 Co-operation in social insects

41, 42 & 43 Altruism in social insects

44, 45 & 46 Co-evolution and arm races
47 Co-evolution and arm races
48 Final Term Exam Course/Discussion
from session 1- 29

Student Evaluation criteria:

Attendance 5%
Workshop / Assignments/Case study 5%
Surprise Test/Sudden Test , Quizzes 5%
Class Participation 5%
Mid Term Paper 30%
Final Term paper 50%
Total 100%

Student Responsibilities:
Students must attend class.  Failure to attend class may result in failure in the course.  Students must also arrive on
time and remain in class for the entire period.  Cellular Phones and Beeper must be Turned off (Proper classroom
decorum [behavior] adopts, Course outlines and calendars explain requirements and assignments, students are
responsible for knowing what they say.  Students are also responsible for doing all assigned work on time. Excessive
absences (more than 03) will result in “F Grade”. Students may prepare Sketchbook for taking notes and for


Approved by:

Dean/ Chairman/ HOD/ Subject Specialist/ Program Coordinator


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