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dK©wjÞ Pvjbv welqK


March 2015
Basic Components of a Forklift Truck

06/01/2016 Fußzeile LeadIng. in SHEQ 2

c~e© cix¶v-wbix¶v

dK©wjÞ Pvjbv c~e© cix¶v-wbix¶v Ges i¶bv‡e¶Y Kv‡h© ‡Kvbiyc e¨vw³MZ `~N©Vbv hv‡Z bv N‡U ‡m Rb¨
dK©wjÞ‡K c_Pvix ev hvbevnY PjvPj GjvKv ‡_‡K Aek¨B c…_K ¯nv‡b Ki‡Z n‡e
c«wZ wk‡Þi c«_‡gB wba©vwiZ e¨vw³, (dK©wjÞ PvjK AM«vwaKvi) KZ©…K c~e© cix¶v-wbix¶v wbwðZ Kiv ‡h
dK©wjÞwU PjvP‡ji Dc‡hvMx Av‡Q
c~e© cix¶v-wbix¶vwU n‡e dK©wjÞwU ÷vU Ae¯nvq Pv¶yl cix¶v hv‡Z c«wZwU hšÎvsk Ges Zv e¨envi Dc‡hvMx
wKbv Zvi wfwˇZ
‡Kvbi“c ΓwU aiv coj Zv ‡PKwk‡ó D‡j−L Ki‡Z n‡e/ ΓwU wbY©q eB‡Z wjwce× Kiv Ges ‡hΓwU
‡givgZ bv Ki‡j dK©wjÞwU Pvjv‡bv hv‡ebv ‡mwU Aek¨B Zvr¶wbK mycvifvBRvi‡K hvbv‡Z n‡e

dK©wjÞ Pvjbv c~e© cix¶v-wbix¶v i¶bv‡e¶Y Kv‡h© ‡Kvbiƒc e¨vw³MZ `~N©Vbv hv‡Z bv N‡U ‡m Rb¨ dK©wjÞ‡K
c_Pvix ev hvbevnY PjvPj GjvKv ‡_‡K Aek¨B c…_K ¯nv‡b Ki‡Z n‡e
c«wZ wk‡Þi c«_‡gB wba©vwiZ e¨vw³, (dK©wjÞ PvjK AM«vwaKvi) KZ©…K c~e© cix¶v-wbix¶v wbwðZ Kiv ‡h
dK©wjÞwU PjvP‡ji Dc‡hvMx
c~e© cix¶v-wbix¶vwU n‡e Pv¶yl cix¶v hv‡Z c«wZwU hšÎvsk, e¨envwiK, Kvh©Ki Ae¯’v cix¶vi wfwˇZ n‡e
‡Kvb ΓwU aiv co‡j Zv ‡PKwk‡ó D‡j−L Ki‡Z n‡e/ ΓwU wbY©q eB‡Z wjwce× Kiv Ges mycvifvBRvi‡K
hvbv‡bv I ‡givg‡Zi ciB †Kej D³ dK©wjÞU Pvjv‡bv n‡e
06/01/2016 Fußzeile LeadIng. in SHEQ 3
c~e© cix¶v-wbix¶v

Pv¶yl ch©‡eÿb
jyweª‡KvUs cix¶v Kiv
jyweª‡KvUs †MR hš¿vsk cix¶v Kiv
gv¯‘j(Mast) cix¶v Kiv
dK© cix¶v Kiv
-AwZwi³ ÿq _vK‡j dK© e`jv‡bv
PvKv¸wj cix¶v Kiv
e¨envwiK hš¿vsk¸wj cix¶v Kiv
nb©, d¬vkjvBU, †eªKjvBU, BwʇKUi jvBU wcQ‡j Pjvi Gjvg© BZ¨vw` cix¶v Kiv
gv¯‘j, wjfvi¸wj Pvwj‡q cix¶v Kiv, 10 †mt †eªK c¨vWvj †P‡c †eª‡Ki cix¶v Kiv

06/01/2016 Fußzeile LeadIng. in SHEQ 4

c~e© cix¶v-wbix¶v - gv¯‘j (Mast)
1. gv¯‘‡ji †evë¸wj cixÿv Kiv †h †Kvb bvU †evë wXjv bv _v‡K
2. P¨v‡bj¸‡jv‡Z †Kvbiƒc duvUv, †hvov Ask fv½‡Q wKbv Zv cixÿv Kiv
3. gv¯‘‡ji wfZi †PBb I cywj AwZwi³ ÿq n‡q‡Q wKbv Zv cixÿv Kiv
4. KUvi wcb¸wj hvqMvgZ I msiwÿZ Av‡Q wKbv Zv cixÿv Kiv
5. fvienb †ivjvi mnRfv‡e PjvPj Ki‡Q wKbv Zv cixÿv Kiv
6. gv¯‘j a‡i ivLv †P‡b wVK gZ jyweª‡KvUs Kiv wKbv hv wjsK †cøU ch©šÍ wcbwU Qz‡q hvq
Zv cixÿv Kiv
7. Dc‡i †Zvjvi wmwjÛvi mwVKfv‡e DV‡Q wKbv Ges †P‡bi Dci AwZwi³ Pvc co‡Q
wKbv Zv cixÿv Kiv
8. Dc‡i †Zvjvi wmwjÛvi †Kvb MZ© nIqv, wmwjÛv‡ii iWwU †Kvb ÿwZMÖ¯’ n‡q‡Q wKbv
Zv cixÿv Kiv
9. ‡nvm¸wj wjK K‡i wKbv AwZwi³ Agwkªb wKbv Zv cixÿv Kiv
10.K‡›Uªvj fvj¦¸wj wjK K‡i wKbv, ms‡hvM¸wj eÜ n‡qwM‡q‡Q wKbv Zv cixÿv Kiv Ges
†nvm wij cixÿv Kiv
11.dK©wj‡Þ G¨vUvm‡g›U hw` _v‡K Zv cixÿv Kiv
06/01/2016 Fußzeile LeadIng. in SHEQ 5
gv¯‘j (Mast)

WvUv †c−‡U KZ cwigvb fvi enb Ki‡Z cvi‡e Zv wjwLZ Av‡Q|

G¨vUvm‡g›U _vK‡j Zvi WvUv‡cøU Avjv`v _vK‡e|
WvUv †c−UwU Acv‡U‡ii wm‡Ui mvg‡b _vK‡e|
‡P‡bi mvnv‡h¨ gv¯‘j DVvbvgv K‡i|

06/01/2016 Fußzeile LeadIng. in SHEQ 6

Mast Heights

1. Overall maximum height

2. Maximum lift height
3. Collapsed height
4. Free lift height

06/01/2016 Fußzeile LeadIng. in SHEQ 7

dK© cix¶v (Tines)

1. AZwi³ e¨env‡i †Kvbiƒc Nl©YhwbZ ÿq n‡q‡Q wKbv Zv cixÿv Kiv

2. ‡Kvb cÖKvi dvKv we‡kl K‡i nx‡j Ges D‡Ëv‡jvbKvix û‡K ev wc‡b Zv cixÿv Kiv
3. d‡K©i gv_v ‡Vu‡K wM‡q‡Q wKbv, GKwU †eøW Ab¨wUi mv‡_ mgšÍiv‡j Av‡Q wKbv Zv
cixÿv Kiv
4. dK© `yBwUi ¯øvBwWs G¨vWRvm‡g›U Ae¯’v cixÿv Kiv †h G¸wj wbLy`fv‡e dK© `yBwU
G¨vWRvm‡g›U Kiv hvq
5. dK© `BwUi jK wcb KvR K‡i wKbv Zv cixÿv Kiv
6. fvi cÖwZ‡ivab MªxjwU wbivc` wKbv Zv cixÿv Kiv| j¨vm I †evë¸wj fvj Av‡Q
wKbv Zv cixÿv Kiv
7. dK© Acv‡ik‡bi Kvh©KvwiZv wVK Av‡Q wKbv Zv cixÿv Kiv
8. d‡K©i nxj Gi gvc d‡K©i m¤§~‡Li c~iË †hb 10% Gi Kg bv nq Zv cixÿv Kiv

06/01/2016 Fußzeile LeadIng. in SHEQ 8

Uvqvi cix¶v Kiv

1. Uvqvi cixÿv Kiv| hw` mvg‡bi `ywU A_ev wcQ‡bi `ywU mgvbfv‡e ÿqcÖvß bv nq Zvn‡j
PvKv cvëv‡bvi e¨e¯’v †bIqv
2. PvKv¸wj †Kvbiƒc KvUv A_ev Mv‡q ev cv‡k¦© †Kvbiƒc †Quov ev W¨v‡gR Av‡Q wKbv Zv cixÿv
3. PvKvi ivevi †Kvb UzKiv D‡V Av‡Q wKbv, KviY wKQz PvKvq Xz‡K _vK‡j Zv †ei K‡i †djv
4. PvKvi weg ÿwZMÖ¯’ wKbv Zv cixÿv Kiv Ges †Kvb bvU c‡o wM‡q‡Q wKbv Zv cixÿv Kiv
5. nvIqv fiv Uvqvi n‡j PvKvi mwVK nvIqv Av‡Q wKbv Zv cixÿv Kiv (BOCB Giƒc Uvqvi †bB

06/01/2016 Fußzeile LeadIng. in SHEQ 9

mwVKfv‡e Pvjv‡bv

mKj mgq mwVK wbq‡g dK©wjÞ Pvjbv AbymiY Ki–b

aviY ÿgZvi †ewk †jvW wb‡eb bv
gvjvgvj wbivc`fv‡e †e‡a wbb
mwVK RvqMvq cvwK©s Ki–b
‡Kvb G¨vUvm‡g›U _vK‡j Zvi mwVK e¨envi Ki–b
c¨v‡mÄvi Kvi I dK©wjÞ Pvjv‡bvi g‡a¨ cv_©K¨
dK©wjÞ P‡j wcQ‡bi `yÕPvKv †_‡K, Kvi Gi †ÿ‡Î mvg‡bi PvKv `ywU
dK©wj‡Þi †jv‡Wi Kvi‡Y `„wó evavcÖvß n‡Z cv‡i
dK©wj‡Þ wZb c‡q›U¯’ ¯’xwZe¯’v weivRgvb †hLv‡b Kv‡i Pvi c‡q›U¯’ ¯’xwZe¯’v
‡jvW ev fv‡ii Dci gva¨vKl©Y †K›`ª wbf©i

06/01/2016 Fußzeile LeadIng. in SHEQ 10

mwVKfv‡e Pvjbv (MvBW jvBb)
w`K cwieZ©b

mvg‡bi Ae¯’v cwi¯‹vi †`Lv bv †M‡j Ges wbivc` bv _vK‡j Ifvi‡UK Kiv hv‡e bv
MwZmxgvi †ewk `ªæZ Pvjv‡bv hv‡e bv | Aveׯ’v‡b I ‡jvK mgvMg ¯’‡j AviI mZK©Zvi mv‡_ Pvjv‡Z n‡e
GK nvZ w`‡q evg ûBj aiæb, Ab¨ nv‡Z nó K‡›Uªvj Ki‡Z n‡e
wcQb w`‡K Pjvi (Reverse) Av‡M cyivcywifv‡e Mvwo _vwg‡q †djyb
Reversing (`„wómxgv): gv‡S gv‡S †_‡g †jvW †PK Kiæb hw` AmgZj hvqMv nq
Reversing(bx‡Pi w`‡K Xvjy‡Z): gv¯Íj‡K DuPz K‡i wb‡Ri w`‡K evKv Kiæb
†KvbvKzwbfv‡e wcQ‡b Pjv cwinvi Kiæb †mwU bx‡Pi w`‡K Xvjy‡Z †nvK Avi Dc‡ii w`‡K DV‡Z †nvK

06/01/2016 Fußzeile LeadIng. in SHEQ 11

mwVKfv‡e Pvjbv (MvBW jvBb)
w÷qvwis :

AwaKvsk dK©wj‡Þ wcQ‡bi PvKv `ywU mvg‡bi PvKv `ywU‡K Pvjvq hv‡Z mn‡RB MvwowU‡K bvovPvov
mnvqZv K‡i
A‡bK PvjKMb wØavMÖ¯’ nb †h dK©wj‡Þi mvg‡bi PvKv `ywU wcQ‡bi `ywU‡K PvwjZ K‡i
‡Kvb ev‡K G‡m (KY©vi) Mvwoi MwZ Kwg‡q †djyb KviY wcQ‡bi PvKv wKQzUv Ny‡i †h‡q †jvW
Aw¯’wZkxj Ki‡Z cv‡i
Zx¶è ev‡K hvÎv ïiæ Kiæb †j‡bi wfZ‡ii w`‡K ‡N‡l, ‡j‡bi ga¨fv‡M †h‡q bq
PIov †Kvb euvK †_‡K wPKb †Kvb ev‡K †XvKvi mgq wecixZ w`‡Ki †Kvb †N‡l cÖ‡ek Kiæb Zv‡Z K‡i
D³ wPKb iv¯Ívi ga¨fvM w`‡q hvIqv mnR n‡e
AwZ m~ÿ †Kvb †jb †_‡K hw` †jvW wb‡q Pj‡Z nq Z‡e †Kvbv‡Kvwbfv‡e Pjvi AbygwZ Av‡Q KviY
G‡Z ¯^í NyY©q‡b Mvwo‡K mn‡RB cvi Kiv hv‡e

06/01/2016 Fußzeile LeadIng. in SHEQ 12

mwVKfv‡e Pvjbv (MvBW jvBb)

cvwK©s GjvKv Aek¨ gy³ _vK‡Z n‡e:

AwMœ `~N©UbvRwbZ G¨gvi‡RwÝ ewnM©gb c_
‰e`y¨wZK myBP
AwMœ wbe©vcK hš¿cvwZ
cÖv_wgK wPwKrmvi e¨e¯’v
M¨vm cv¤ú †_‡K `y‡i
dz‡qj cv¤ú †_‡K `y‡i
Zx¶è evK hy³ iv¯Ív †_‡K gy³
hvbevnb I hš¿cvwZ
d‡K©i m¤§yLfvM MÖvD‡Û ivL‡Z n‡e
PvKv¸wj †mvRvmywRfv‡e ivLv
wbDUªvj wMqv‡i nvZ †eªK †U‡b ivLv
Pvwe wK‡nv‡j bv ivLv
MvmPvwjZ dK©wjÞ n‡j wmwjÛv‡ii M¨vm eÜ Kiv

06/01/2016 Fußzeile LeadIng. in SHEQ 13

Fulcrum Principle

06/01/2016 Fußzeile LeadIng. in SHEQ 14

Stability Triangle

 dK©wjÞ ¯’xwZkxj ivL‡Z mw¤§wjZ gva¨Kl©Y ¯’xwZ mgvb w·Kvb Ae¯’vq ivL‡Z n‡e
(A, B and C).

Some of the situations that can cause the centre of gravity to shift outside the triangle are:
1. Speeding
2. Stopping suddenly
3. Steep inclines
4. Turning at excessive speed
5. Carrying loads which are too heavy
6. Carrying loads too high
7. Carrying loads where the weight is not centered
8. Travelling over uneven surfaces
06/01/2016 Fußzeile LeadIng. in SHEQ 15
Load Centres

The load centre is the distance from The larger the distance between the
the heel of the fork to the centre of heel of the forks and the centre of
gravity of the load. This distance gravity of the load, the less weight the
governs the safe working load of a forklift is capable of lifting. The chance
forklift. of the forklift truck tipping forward is

06/01/2016 Fußzeile LeadIng. in SHEQ 16

Exceeding safe working loads

dK©wjÞwU mvg‡bi w`‡K c‡o hvIqv †_‡K cwiÎv‡bi Rb¨ aviYÿgZvi AwZwi³
†jvW †bIqv
aviYÿgZvi AwZwi³ †jvW nq:
fviwU (†jvW) dK©wj‡Þi Rb¨ AwZwi³ n‡j
fvwi †jvWwU d‡K©i G‡Kev‡i m¤§~L Ask wb‡j hv gva¨Kl©Y ¯’xwZ mgvbfv‡e
bv n‡j
fviwU en‡bi mgq gv¯‘j (Mast) mvg‡bi w`‡K Sz‡K Pj‡j

06/01/2016 Fußzeile LeadIng. in SHEQ 17

gvjvgvj DVv‡bv I bvgv‡bvi mvaviY

dK© DVv‡bv/bvgv‡bvi mgq, gv¯Íj mvg‡b wcQ‡bi mgq Aek¨B dK©wjÞ nvÛ
†eª‡K ivL‡Z n‡e
dK©`ywU Aek¨B †jv‡Wi †klcÖvšÍ ch©šÍ †cŠQv‡Z n‡e| d‡K©i ‰`‡N¨©i 2/3 Ask
mshy³ _vK‡e|
d‡K©i m¤§~L cÖvšÍ ‡jv‡Wi c‡ii As‡ki †Kvb ÿwZ bv nq Zv wbwðZ nIqv
dK©`ywU Aek¨B mgvšÍivj n‡e hv‡Z K‡i cvUvZb †_‡K mn‡R DVv‡bv hvq
‡jvWwU †hLv‡b bvgv‡bv n‡e †m hvqMv D³‡jv‡Wi fvi mn¨ Ki‡Z cv‡i wbwðZ
dK©`ywU Ggbfv‡b GWRv÷ Kiæb †hb fvi `ywU d‡K© mgvbfv‡e c‡o

06/01/2016 Fußzeile LeadIng. in SHEQ 18

‡jvWwU‡K Dc‡i †Zvjv

Av‡¯Í Av‡¯Í †jvW Dc‡i Zzjyb Ges wbwðZ nDb †h †jvWwU (†¯‹vqvi ) mgvšÍivj
gv¯‘j Lvovfv‡e ivLyb Ges d‡K©i D”PZv †jv‡Wi Abycv‡Z mwVKfv‡e ivLyb
Av‡¯Í Av‡¯Í mvg‡b AvMvb hv‡Z d‡K©i AMÖfv‡M †jv‡Wi †klcÖv‡šÍ ‡cuvQvq| d‡K©i
AMÖfvM hv‡Z c‡ii †jv‡Wi †Kvb ÿwZ mvab bv K‡i †mw`‡K jÿ¨ ivLyb
m¤ú~b© †jvWwU d‡K©i Dci ¯’xwZkxj nIqv ch©šÍ A‡cÿv Kiæb
dK©wjÞ hvb‡K wcQ‡b Avbyb hZÿb m¤ú~b© dK©`ywU dvKv hvqMvq Av‡m
gv¯‘jwU wcQ‡bi w`‡K †nwj‡q w`b

06/01/2016 Fußzeile LeadIng. in SHEQ 19

‡jvW cwienb

†d¬v‡ii hZUzKz wbKUeZ©x m¤¢e D”PZvq c_ AwZµg Kiæb| cÖ‡qvRbxq dvKv

hvqMv ivLyb hv‡Z K‡i †g‡S‡Z †eu‡a bv hvq
‡jvWwU mKj mgq d‡K©i wn‡ji w`‡K Avbyb
wb‡Pi w`‡K bvgvi mgq d‡K©i gv_v Dc‡i Zz‡j Pjyb
DuPz †_‡K e¨vK Kivi mgq wcQ‡b ZvKvb
e„nZ †Kvb †jv‡Wi Kvi‡Y `„wó evavcÖvß n‡j, wcwQ‡q Avmyb| Kuv‡ai `ycvk w`‡q
wcQ‡b †`Lyb hLb e¨vK Ki‡Qb| Avqbvi Dci wbf©i Ki‡eb bv
nVvr _vgv ev ïi– Kiv †_‡K weiZ _vKzb
gv¯‘j‡K Lvovfv‡e ¯’vcb K‡i Ges dK© †d¬v‡ii wbKUeZ©x K‡i †jvW‡K ¯’vcb

06/01/2016 Fußzeile LeadIng. in SHEQ 20

gvjvgvj mvRv‡bv I bvgv‡bv

dK©`ywU‡K `ycv‡k¦© Ggbfv‡e †mU

Kiæb hv‡Z cvUvZ‡bi ¯’xwZ †ewk nq|
Ggbfv‡e gvjvgvj mvRvb hv‡Z K‡i
mvRv‡bvUv d‡K©i wcQbw`‡K †n‡j
Av‡¯Í Av‡¯Í mvRvb hv‡Z †jvW
¯’xwZev¯’vq _v‡K| †eªK wjfvi Uvbyb
Ges wMqvi wbDUªvj cwRk‡b ivLyb
‡jv‡Wi D”PZv mv‡c‡ÿ †evSv
Dc‡i DV‡e

06/01/2016 Fußzeile LeadIng. in SHEQ 21

gvjvgvj mvRv‡bv I bvgv‡bv

mvRv‡bv gv‡ji Dc‡ii ZvK †`‡L AZtci

Av‡¯Í Av‡¯Í m¤§~‡L G¸b| GkwU Zv‡Ki
gvjvgvj Ab¨ Zv‡Ki gvjvgv‡ji g‡a¨ dvK
n‡q bv hvq †mw`‡K jÿ¨ ivLyb
hw` †jv‡Wi D”PZv `„wómxgvi Dc‡i nq
Zvn‡j gv¯‘j (Mast) †mvRv/Lvovfv‡e wb‡q
dK© wbPz Kiæb hv‡Z †jv‡Wi Dci Ask
`„wó‡MvPi nq

06/01/2016 Fußzeile LeadIng. in SHEQ 22

gvjvgvj mvRv‡bv I bvgv‡bv

gvjvgvj ZvK¸wj hLb wbivc` nj ZLb dK©

wb‡P bvg‡e hv‡Z cvUvZb gy³ nq| Ggbfv‡e
wcwQ‡q Avbyb hv‡Z dK©¸wj mvRv‡bv gvjvgvj
†_‡K m¤ú~b© evwn‡i Av‡m

mvRv‡bv gvjvgvj †_‡K dK©wjÞ wcwQ‡q

Avmvi ci gv¯‘j (Mast) wcQbw`‡K †nwj‡q w`b
Ges †j‡ej KvQvKvwQ dK©`ywU bvwg‡q wbb

06/01/2016 Fußzeile LeadIng. in SHEQ 23


2.5 Ub aviYÿg dK©wjÞ 2 Ub I 3 Ub aviYÿg dK©wjÞ 2.5 Ub gvjvgvj

enb Ki‡e
hw` AwMœ cÖR¨jb GjvKv/`vn¨ GjvKv dK©wjÞ wb‡Z nq Z‡e cÖ‡qvRbxq
mvwU©wd‡KU mieivn Ki‡Z n‡e| Aek¨B mZK©Zv Aej¤^b Ki‡Z n‡e †hb
B‡jw±ªK¨vj ¯úvK© †_‡K †Kvbiƒc †auvqv m„wó bv nq
‡Uªwbs Gi RwUjZv Ges hš¿cvwZi e¨env‡i `~N©Ubv hv‡Z bv N‡U †mRb¨ GKwU
mvB‡U GKB ai‡bi dK©wjÞ e¨envi Kiv fvj
Acv‡iU‡ii Rb¨ dK©wj‡Þi †Kweb my›`i I KvR Kivi Dc‡hvMx nIqv
cÖ‡qvRb †hgb
GKwU †m‡Wi e¨e¯’v †hLv‡b ch©vß evqyPjvPj K‡i, ﮋ¯’vb
‡hLv‡b †Kweb eÜ Ki‡jI VvÛv _v‡K Ges e„wó‡Z bv wf‡R hvq

06/01/2016 Fußzeile LeadIng. in SHEQ 24

Capability Contd……

Ave× †Kweb dK©wj‡Þ Aek¨B wnUvi, VvÛv Kivi Rb¨ d¨vb Ges evZvm †XvKvi Rb¨ Rvbvjv †Lvjvi
e¨e¯’v _vK‡Z n‡e
Ave× †KwebwU k‡ãi gvÎv Kgvi e¨e¯’v m¤úbœ n‡e hv‡Z K‡i Acv‡iUi Av‡mcv‡k¦©i kã¸wj ïb‡Z
The forklift truck must either be an enclosed cab fitted with doors or be fitted with a roll cage,
in order to protect the driver from falling objects and to make sure the driver is protected if the
truck overturns.
If the cab is open, the roof must be covered to provide protection from the sun as well as
falling objects.
Forklifts must be fitted with seatbelts. The seatbelts must be of a lap type retractable inertia
reel design.
Rear vision mirrors must be fitted either side of the cab to provide visibility of the sides and
rear of the forklift truck.
Forks should be a standard 100 mm (4 inches) width unless specified otherwise on purchase

06/01/2016 Fußzeile LeadIng. in SHEQ 25

Capability Contd……

Forklifts must be fitted with a buzzer which operates when reverse gear
is engaged and the engine is running (or the ignition is on).

Speed limiters must be fitted, with governors set to 15 kph (9 mph), or

to the speed limit for vehicles at the local site, whichever is lower. A risk
assessment determines site speed limits for forklift trucks.
Aspects that must be considered include space, layout, blind corners,
ground conditions, pedestrian traffic flows and physical nature of the
loads to be carried.

Means of varying the maximum speed according to the part of the site
being operated may be included – this is subject to local specification.

Forklift trucks should be fitted with horns that can be sounded at blind
corners, cross aisles and other areas where visibility is restricted.
06/01/2016 Fußzeile LeadIng. in SHEQ 26
Safety and Performance Requirements

Operator working environment

-must provide a suitable and comfortable working environment for the
-Enclosed cabs must be fitted with heaters, cooling fans, and windows that
can be opened for ventilation
Seats -1200 mm minimum height above ground level
Seat belts -must be of a lap type retractable inertia reel design
Mirrors -Rear vision mirrors must be fitted either side of the cab
Fork length -a standard 813 mm ‘short’ fork length unless specified otherwise
Fork width -a standard 100 mm (4 inches)
Fork thickness -must be 45 mm thick at the root of the fork

06/01/2016 Fußzeile LeadIng. in SHEQ 27

Forklift Maintenance

Obtain a Permit to Work (see IMS-26-05 : Permit to Work Systems).

The forklift operator must be assessed as competent in the use of
work/maintenance platforms. Personnel using the platform must be trained in the
safe operation of the platform.
The platform must only be used if the forklift is on a hard level surface.
Work/maintenance platforms must not be used near overhead obstructions or
If traffic is likely to pass through the area where personnel will be elevated,
barriers or warning signs must be used when the platform is in use.
To protect personnel from falling objects, the area directly below elevated
employees must be barricaded or marked appropriately. If the driver, cage operator
and any other personnel are required to work inside of the barricaded area, hard hats
are required and the hard hats must remain on until all work is finished.
The maximum number of personnel allowed on the work/maintenance platform at
any one time is two.
06/01/2016 Fußzeile LeadIng. in SHEQ 28
Forklift Maintenance…Cont’d

The work/maintenance platform and equipment must be inspected to

ensure that there is no damage. Any damage found must be reported and
equipment must be isolated and fixed before use.

Checks include:
- safety interlocks and switches
- load platform retaining devices
- speed control (if fitted)
- raising and lowering controls

06/01/2016 Fußzeile LeadIng. in SHEQ 29

Forklift Maintenance…Cont’d

When the forklift picks up the work/maintenance platform, both forks must go
through the guides on the bottom of the work/maintenance platform . The
work/maintenance platform must be secured to the forklift (usually using two short
chains attached to the forklift mast guard).
Before personnel are elevated or supported by the platform, the platform must be
lifted to the required work height to confirm that all systems are functioning
The person working in the work/maintenance platform must wear a safety harness
and attach this to the work/maintenance platform.
Personnel who are being elevated must stand on the floor of the platform at all
times when they are elevated. All appendages must be kept inside the
work/maintenance platform when being raised and lowered.The person in the
work/maintenance platform is responsible for securing the barrier chain across the
front of the work/maintenance platform before being raised, and unsecuring once

06/01/2016 Fußzeile LeadIng. in SHEQ 30

Forklift Maintenance…Cont’d

-The forklift operator must stay with the forklift at all times when
personnel are on the work/maintenance platform.

-When personnel are on the work/maintenance platform, the forklift truck

must have the parking brake applied and the gear in neutral.

-Movement of the forklift truck must be avoided when personnel are


-Before moving the platform or forklift, look in all directions as well as

upward and downward (there may be someone underneath).

-Ladders must not be used on platforms to gain additional height.

06/01/2016 Fußzeile LeadIng. in SHEQ 31

Potential Hazards

The main hazards associated with driving forklifts are:

- Forklift condition
- Overloading and unstable loads
- Operating environment
- Visibility restrictions

A forklift must not be used for any purpose for which it is not designed.
When leaving a forklift:

- Lower the carriage

- Set the handbrake
- Shut off the power
- Remove the keys

06/01/2016 Fußzeile LeadIng. in SHEQ 32

Operator and Personnel Safety

Untrained/unauthorised drivers:

- All operators must be trained and authorised

- Repairs, alterations or adjustments must not be made to any forklift unless authorised

Injury to self and others:

- Passengers must not be carried

- Keep arms and legs inside the forklift and away from the lifting mechanism
- Adjust the seat for posture and weight to help avoid back injuries
- Seatbelts must be fitted and must be worn

A forklift must not be operated with anyone between the forklift and a stationary object. Do
not permit anyone to walk or stand under the elevated forks, whether loaded or empty. Look
out for pedestrians before reversing or making a turn, particularly in narrow aisles.

06/01/2016 Fußzeile LeadIng. in SHEQ 33

Thank you

06/01/2016 Fußzeile LeadIng. in SHEQ 34

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