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Writings of the Martyrs

"Beloved Congregation: The day before yesterday six of our brothers died with a
generosity befitting martyrs. Today, the 13th, twenty more have won ther palm of
victory, and tomorrow, the 14th, the remaining twenty-one of us expect to die.
Glory to God!..We are spending the day encouraging one another and praying for
our enemies and for our beloved Institute. When the moment comes to designate
the next victims, we all feel a holy serenity and an eagerness to hear our names
called, so that we can join the ranks of the chosen.We have been looking forward
to this moment with generous impatience. When it came for those already chosen,
we have seen some of them kiss the ropes that bound them, while others spoke
words of pardon to the armed mob. As they drove off to in the van towards the
cemetery, we could hear them shouting, 'Long live Christ the King!'...Tomorrow,
the rest of us will go, and we have already chosen the passwords we will shout,
even as the shots are being fired: to the Heart of our Mother, to Christ the King, to
the Catholic Church, and to you, the common Mother of us all..

Martyrs' conscience

" We have spent the day in religious silence, preparing for our death on the
morrow. Only the holy murmur of prayers can be heard in this room, a witness to
our deep anguish. When we talk, it is to encourage one another to die as martyrs.
When we pray, it is for the forgiveness of our enemies. Save them, Lord, for they
know not what they do." (faustino Pérez).

"August 12, 1936. In Barbastro. Six of our companions are already martyrs. Soon
we hope to be so ourselves. But before this happens, we want to make it clear that
we die forginving those who are going to take our life, which we offer for the
Christian order of the workers's world, for the final reign of the Catholic Church, for
our beloved Congregation and for our dear families. The final offering to the
Congregation from his Missionary Sons!" (the signatures and sentances of each
one follow).

"The Lord has seen fit to place the palm of martyrdom in my hands...When you
receive these lines, sing to the Lord for the great and signal gift of martyrdom that
He has deigned to grant me..I wouldn't exchange my jail for the gift of working
miracles, nor my martyrdom for the apostolate, though it has been my lifelong
dream" (Ramón Illa, C.M.F.)

"I forgive my enemies. José Figueró, C.M.F."

"From jail, where I am since the 20th of July with 49 companions, I am writing
these lines, that will be the last of my life. Soon I am going to be a martyr of Jesus
Christ. Dont's cry over my death, since to die for Jesus Christ is to live forever..I, in
these moments, am praying the Lord to give you strength to overcome so hard a
blow... Now as never before you are loved by your son who dies serenely and
calmly because he is dying for Jesus Christ".

"I would like to be a priest and a missionary by offering the sacrifice of my life for

souls" (Luis Javier Bandrés, C.M.F.).

"Dear parents: I die a martyr for Christ and for the Church. I die in peace, fulfilling
my duty" (Luis Lladó,C.M.F.)

"As Jesus hanging high on the cross died forgiving his enemies, so I die a martyr,
forgiving them with all my heart and promising to pray in a special way for them
and their families". (Tomás Capdevila Miró, C.M.F.)

"And what ideal? For you, my King..for you my Queen, to shed my blood. They are
killing us out of hatred for Religion. Do not weep for me. I am a martyr of Jesus
Christ" Mama, dont's cry for me. Jesus is asking me to shed my blood; I will shed it
for the love of Him; I will be a martyr; I am going to heaven. There I will await you"
(Salvador Pigem, C.M.F.).

"We are all content to die for Christ, for his Church and for the faith of Spain."

"Don't cry for me. Jesus is asking me for my blood; I am going to shed it out of love
for Him. I will be a martyr; I am going to heaven".

"My heart overflowing with holy joy, I confidently await the crowning moment of
my life, my martyrdom".

"The most they can do is kill us out of hatred for God, and then we'll by martyrs.
And is there a greater glory for a mother than to say that her son has died for God
and for the Immaculate Virgin? God governs all; and if He should permit them to
do something to us, the happier we'll be at being able to suffer something for His
love's sake." (Agustin Viela)

"With a heart overflowing with hol joy, I trustingly await the crowning moment of
my life, my martyrdom". "With all my heart I forgive all thsoe who have wittingly
or unwittingly offended me" (Juan Munárriz).

"Would, O Jesu, I could love Thee, ever without measure! Ah, how happy I would
be, if I could die for the love of Thee!"

Apostolic Zeal

"Workers! We martyrs die loving and forgiving you. Many of us have offered up
our lives for your salvation. See whether our love for you is sincere!" (Faustino

"Long live the social reign of Jesus Christ the worker"(Tomás Capdevila Miró,

"I wouldn't exchange my jail for the gift of working miracles, nor my martyrdom for
the apostolate, though it has been my lifelong dream" (Ramón Illa, C.M.F.)

"If we are the object of such Satanic hatred, seeing that all are persecuting us,
then we will turn to God and trust in Him..Let us then entrust ourselves to the

most loving Heart of our Mother to hasten the social reign of the Sacred Heart of
Jesus" (Juan Baixeras).

"I will spend my heaven doing good for the workers" R. Novich Rabionet, C.M.F.

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