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Folic acid and its congeners in the treatment of schizophrenia

Jacob Peedicayil 1

Received: 20 September 2018 / Accepted: 25 October 2018

# Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018

I read with interest the article by Sakuma et al. (2018) in which reduced levels of methylfolate in the body. Indeed, meta-
they reviewed and analyzed data on the use of folic acid and analyses of studies have found that polymorphisms in this gene
its congeners methylfolate and folinic acid for the treatment of are associated with schizophrenia (Muntjewerff et al. 2006;
psychopathology in patients with schizophrenia. The authors Yadav et al. 2016). Hence, methylfolate, rather than folic acid
included 10 randomized controlled trials (RCTs), 7 using folic or folinic acid, is the preferred congener for the treatment of
acid, 2 using methylfolate, and 1 using folinic acid in a sys- psychiatric disorders like schizophrenia (Peedicayil 2012).
tematic review, and 7 RCTs in a meta-analysis. The authors Sakuma et al. (2018) did not discuss these aspects of folic acid
found that pooled folic acid (all three congeners, namely, folic and its congeners in their article. It is interesting that in the list of
acid, methylfolate, and folinic acid) + antipsychotic treatment RCTs investigated by Sakuma et al. (2018), two trials (Godfrey
is not superior to placebo + antipsychotic treatment in the et al. 1990; Roffman et al. 2018) used methylfolate, rather than
improvement of total, positive, general, or depressive symp- folic acid or folinic acid for the treatment of schizophrenia. In
toms of schizophrenia. However, pooled folic acid + antipsy- both these trials, there was overall improvement of symptoms of
chotic treatment was more effective than placebo + antipsy- schizophrenia, and not just the negative symptoms.
chotic treatment for the treatment of negative symptoms of The main commercially available preparations of these
schizophrenia. The authors concluded that pooled folic acid congeners are folic acid and methylfolate, in tablet form or
+ antipsychotic treatment improves negative symptoms in pa- as an aqueous solution for injection, and in combination with
tients with schizophrenia, and is well tolerated by patients. other vitamins and minerals (Kaushansky and Kipps 2018). In
I would like to discuss some aspects of the differences be- the light of the above data, I suggest that future studies inves-
tween folic acid, folinic acid, and methylfolate in the treatment tigating the use of folic acid or its congeners for treating
of patients with schizophrenia. Folic acid is the synthetic form of schizophrenia should use methylfolate, rather than folic acid
the vitamin folate (vitamin B9) (Stahl 2008). In the body, after or folinic acid, since methylfolate is the most effective conge-
ingestion, folic acid and folate are converted to tetrahydrofolic ner for treating this disorder.
acid (THF) (Kaushansky and Kipps 2018). Folinic acid is the 5-
formyl derivative of THF (Kaushansky and Kipps 2018). THF Compliance with ethical standards
is metabolized to methylenetetrahydrofolic acid (MTHF).
MTHF can be reduced to methylfolate (Anderson et al. 2012), Conflicts of interest The author declares that there is no conflict of
which is the fully active form among the congeners, and which
readily enters the brain (Stahl 2008; Roffman et al. 2018). The
reduction of MTHF to methylfolate is catalyzed by methylene-
tetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) (Peedicayil 2012). The
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