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Published on : 4th March 2020 (From YouTube)

Look a deeper within you and around you. Every Problem at the Personal level : Divorces,
Separations, Emotional Heartbreaks , Psychiatric breakdowns, Back Stabbing , Workplace Politics ,
Addictions ,Growing distance between Parents and Children…….What is at the Heart of it all? At the
Heart of all these problems Our Disconnected Human Beings. Look at the Global Problems – Developing
Nations and Developed Nations, investing huge funds for war not for true development. Poverty and
Growing inequality leading to Violence and Strife. Ugly Fundamentalism, Despotism and Separatism all
wearing their heads. Climate Change spiraling out of control leading the Earth and all its millions of
inhabitants towards a major Planetary Disaster. Anxiety and Loneliness Epidemics all over the world,
Economic Bubbles bursting in Nation after Nation pushing large industries and Nations into Bankruptcy
problems. What is at the root of all these Global Problems? – Our Disconnected Human Beings. If we
truly comprehend the direction we are taking as a species instead of burying our heads in the Earth like
Ostriches and denying reality. We will know it is the time for massive action and it is not enough if we
went for peace mean solutions, what we need is a Phenomenon in Consciousness that can awaken
Humanity. That is why “EKAM CIRCLES”.
Preetha Ji and I are envisioning Ekam Circles to clean important part in the
Global phenomenon of transfer mating Human Consciousness from Disconnection to connection. What
are EKAM CIRCLES? EKAM CIRCLES will be places of Power that will be connected to Ekam Energetically.
Ekam Circles would be places of Meditation , Wisdom, Love and the Power of the Universal Intelligence
or the Divine. Here individuals would be healed Physically ,Emotionally and Spiritually. At the Ekam
Circles , immense Power of Deeksha would flow from Ekam and help individuals shift from Disconnected
Consciousness to a Connected Consciousness. Ekam Circles will be Weekly affairs globally .All Ekam
Circles will resonate with messages and meditations from Ekam and will reverberate with power that
flow from Ekam. Those who hold Ekam Circles will be called “EKAM MITHRAS”.
If you choose to be Ekam Mithra , you become part of this massive Vision
Awakening people to connect with themselves, with fellow Human Beings, with the Earth and with the
Divine. As more and more number of people awaken to a Connected Consciousness and be at tipping
point a New Phenomenon will emerge across the globe. There will be a Phase Transition in Human
Consciousness towards Greater Connection. There will be a spontaneous movement away from
Disconnection to Connection in millions and millions of people. It is only when this connective shift
happens, we can find Enduring and Authentic Solutions to the problems of our Earth. And as individuals
awaken to a Connected Consciousness in Ekam Circles you will see there own problems begin to
dissipate. You will see that these connected beings access power beyond the mind, access the Universal
Intelligence to solve the numerous challenges of the personal life’s.
Do you want to be part of this mission of healing Hearts and Bodies? Do you want to be
part of this Sacred Mission of Healing Life’s in future generations? Do you want to be part of Healing the
Earth? If you are Join Us . We will prepare you for this Sacred Mission.

Published on : 5th June 2018 ( From YouTube)

So many of us have different reasons why we stopped Being Compassionate, why we don’t want
to become Compassionate where we feel if an another person is experiencing Fear and other person’s
Inner Disturbance actually becomes your Inner Disturbance and you want to run away from that
 One, You probably feel Helpless
 You feel other person is taking you for granted just wanting attention and significance from
There are so many reasons why you feel you need not be Compassionate towards the other or
feel the other person’s pain. But do we want to grow in Our Compassion? Yes! But if we look at one
thing that separates us or stops us from being Compassionate towards the other is to feel that we are
different from the other.

When you start feeling that you are different , then you will have all the reasons why you don’t
need to be compassionate towards the other. I’m a Hindu while you are a Catholic or a Jew . How do we
connect? I’m an Indian or you are the rest of the world ……How do we connect? I’m very Spiritual or the
other is not Very Spiritual…..How do we connect? I’m very evolved, the other is not very evolved…..How
do we connect? I’m awakened and the other is not Awakened …….How do we connect?

We hold onto our superficial differences as much as possible so that we are able to stop Ourselves
from connecting to another. I’m an adventurer, the other prefers Solitude…….How do we connect? I like
to be with people and the other person likes to be in Solitude …….How do we connect? So we look at the
differences and we hold onto the differences very Strongly so that we can stop Ourselves from
connecting to the other. As someone said, I’m spiritually evolved and the other person is still Wallowing
and Suffering, Why should I connect. But once this Virus of feeling Separate, this Virus of feeling that You
are Superior takes control of you , then you enter a place of Judgment.

Once you feel you are Separate, once you feel you are Superior to the other, then you begin to
Judge another and from that space of Judgement , your actions would be Divisive. Your Actions would
only create further suffering. It would not help another person move away from suffering. So, Your
Separation Driven Consciousness which is the basis of your thinking, Your Separation Driven Mind makes
you feel Separate, makes you feel Superior and also makes you Judge another , Strengthening your
Separation Driven Consciousness , Separation Driven Mind and that place of feeling Separate you
actually perform actions that cause further division in the world around you.

We might believe that this Separation Driven Consciousness is only seen in individual Conflict but
if we actually open our eyes of Wisdom and see very clearly this Separation Driven Mind is responsible
for all the War and all the suffering that we see around us. This Separation Driven Mind is responsible
for all the pain that we see around us.
The Leaders of countries try to Separate themselves as belonging to one particular Ideology as
belonging to one particular Culture or Dividing and Separating in the Name, in the Color of their Skin and
then Separating the other and all the actions that flow from the Separation Driven Consciousness leads
to further division and further Separation in the world. It is the same Separation Driven Consciousness
that is underlying all religious and Communal Conflict . We hold on to be belonging to one Separate
God , one Separate Scripture or One Separate Idea of Heaven and then because you feel Separate you
feel your God is Superior to other God’s and there is conflict. You feel your Scripture is Superior to other
Scriptures and there is Conflict or Your Idea of Heaven is more Superior to the other Idea of Heaven and
you strengthen being Separate , feeling Superior and then the actions that come from superiority from
that Separation Driven Mind causes the Communal drift , the Communal War or the Religious War in the
world we see. At an Individual level , at an Organization Level, at the Level of the family we see the
Separation Driven Thinking or the Separation Driven Mind.

It could be Overt or Covert , it could be explicitly vilifying another person where you Separate
yourself or it could be running in the under current where there is politics where there is Gossip where
you’re eaten by this Virus , where you are consumed by this Virus of feeling Separate. But are we really
Separate ? Are we really different?

If we move away from this Separation , if we go into experiencing Life , My experience of Joy is
just the same as Your experience of Joy …....My experience of Love when I have experience of Love
within or connection within . It’s just the same when you experience Love a new experience connection
within yourself. My experience of Fear and your experience of Fear is not different . It is not Separate. My
experience of Sorrow and your experience of Sorry is just the same.

If we move away from holding on to the Superficial Differences that we experience like we are
different , we are unique. But if we move away from holding on to it and move into Oneness of Human
Experience, then we will awaken to Compassion. If there is anything that is stopping you from feeling
connected , if there is anything that is making you feel Separate just know that you need to bring
attention to that Separation Driven Mind. Because it is this Separation Driven Mind that is responsible
for all War , that is responsible for all Conflict that you see in the world. It is this individual
Consciousness that is flowing out in the world and every one of you are instruments of change to create
a better World. You are the PEACEMAKERS . So, if there is anything that is making you feel Separate just
know it is causing greater suffering in this world.

Published On: 14th November 2018( From YouTube)

This is November and Gratitude Season. Let us immerse Our Hearts into the Beautiful State of
Gratitude. Gratitude is not about denying our efforts or disowning our achievements. We are not talking of a
state of self denial where you train yourself to never take pride in your successes or achievements. The
Gratitude we are speaking about is an expansion of awareness. This Awareness happens to most of us in Sacred
Moments. When we hold a new born baby , we perhaps become Grateful for the Gift of Life or when we recover
from an illness we feel grateful for every single breath we take with ease , every step we are able to take or
every morsel of food we are able to digest. What is Gratitude?
Gratitude is an Awareness of the Sacredness of Life. It is to recognize the specialness and the
preciousness of all that we take granted. You feel precious to look at Love, at Life ,at People in our life’s and our
everyday experiences. Gratitude is a state that needs to be nurtured by every one of us. If we should live with a
Deeper sense of meaning to life, if we can reflect on our life , our learning, our comfort and our Joy, every single
experience stands on the efforts of so many people's Sleeplessness, Efforts and Contributions. Every moment of
breath we owe, it is all of Our Mother Earth for supporting us. We have choice to live “ Lights of Unawareness or
make a Conscious effort to impact the lights of others from Deep Thankfulness for what we receive”

Please close your eyes for a few moments , bring your palms to your Heart and take three slow and
deep breaths as if you were breathing into your Heart
Feel your Heart fill and expand with a sense of Sacredness and Thankfulness. Connect to one person
in your family at work or neighborhood whose support you have taken for granted. Reflect on their Love and feel
it from your Heart and immerse in few moments of pure Gratitude to them.
Connect to your body, observe one process of body which you may have ever noticed be it - Deep
Breathing, Digesting, Walking, Talking , Tasting or Eliminating. Feel the preciousness of this Gift of Nature from
your Heart. Thank Mother Nature and your Parents for this Gift of this Human Body. Connect to the Universe or
the Presence, recognize one coincidence or unexpected Blessing you have received.
Let your Heart expand with Gratitude. Take another Deep Breath and slowly open your eyes.
Remember the more Grateful you are, the more reasons you will have to be Grateful in Life. Namaste!!!

Published On: 20th November 2018( From YouTube)

If you looked at all the Ancient Myths of the world, both Eastern and Western, they show War, a war
between the Gods and the Demons, a War between Light and the Darkness. And in these stories sometimes the
Gods win , sometimes the Demons win. Sometimes they show as if the war is happening in some Heaven,
sometimes they show as if this War is happening on Earth or in some another World. But what is this War and
where is this War happening?
This War is actually happening on your Consciousness. Our Consciousness can be seen as a vast
Spectrum. On one side of the Spectrum, the Spectrum is a “I- Consciousness” and on the other side is “One -
Consciousness and it is the force and impact of either of these two states of consciousness we feel at any given
point in time. So, What is I – Consciousness?
I – Consciousness – States of Anger, Loneliness , Sadness and Fear. Are you wondering what is common
among each of these states –“ Obsession with the I” . You are engrossed in I…I…I…I…….your self has become
extremely limited. If your Sense of Self where to be seen to be as circle in I – Consciousness neither your Family,
your Children, your Friends nothing exists. No one matters to you when you are stuck in Suffering States. It is a
very narrow and limiting circle. It is a painful existence and everything shrinks in this state. Your connection with
the Divine shrinks, your wealth shrinks and your relationships shrinks. It is a very limited existence , you feel as if
the “Whole Universe is against You”.
Let us talk about One - Consciousness. These are states of “ Love, of Joy, of Peace” . What is the nature
of these states? Each of these states are the states of One – Consciousness. These states include yourself and
others, Yourself and the Nature, Yourself and the Earth. In One - Consciousness, your Sense of Self increases and
expands progressively until there is no circumference . You become Limitless and Infinite. There are three
Progressive stages of One - Consciousness and each of these stages is what you may Callas “Mukti or
Awakening or Enlightenment”.
As you move into One - Consciousness, everything grows in life. Connection with the Divine grows,
Grace grows, Wealth grows ,Love grows , your Deeksha power grows and your ability to impact society and
transform grows.
Published On : 20th November 2018 ( From YouTube )
Content :
In the First Stage, you “ Awaken to Wealth Consciousness” and become a Conscious Creator
manifesting Synchronicities, Creating Wealth and enjoying every aspect of abundance. Your Consciousness
opens up to Beautiful States . In the Second stage, you become a “Changemaker” transforming your
relationships and manifesting great Leadership. Your presence acquires the “Power to Heal” and transform the
life’s of others. And you impact the Web of Life. You awaken to Transcendental States. In the Third Stage, you
become a “Mystic” transcending suffering you see through the illusion of Separation. You realize the “True
Nature of Birth and Death”. You “Enlightenment States” . In the final stage, you become a “ Philosopher
Teacher” established in a state of Oneness with all life. Awakened and Wise, living in One Consciousness , you
become a guiding light for the world. Your Consciousness impacts the world.


Published On: 20th November 2018 ( From YouTube )

Awakening is a “Marriage between Effort and Happening”. Your effort goes as far as absorbing the
teachings, holding the Insights and observing your Inner Truth. That is it. Beyond that, is the “ Realm of
Happening” Deep Mystic Processes will dissolve the Mural connections that keep to change to Suffering.
Powerful Deekshas at Ekam, will push you into God Realization and the Limitless Field meditation will open your
Consciousness to Enlightened states of being by activating the “Mystic Brahma Garbha”. Therefore Awakening is
both an Attainment and a Gift.


Published On: 20th November 2018 ( From YouTube )

The Journey of Evolution in Consciousness has been called “Awakening , Enlightenment or Self
Realization” and by many other names, the closest to my heart is “Awakening”. Do you know why? Because all
our Suffering States be it – Fear , Anger or Sadness they are Day mares like Terrible Dreams you are having while
you are awake. Ever completely woke up from a night mare , it takes one time to realize that what you were
Enduring was a Night mare and not reality. When you finally wake up , you smile with relief. The ancients called
all those Suffering States and Separation Driven States as Day mares from which we need to wake up while
awake. When we do completely wakeup we smile with a Joy of Realization and we wakeup to three progressive
planes of One Consciousness – “ Beautiful States, Transcendental States and Enlightenment States” of
consciousness. You evolve from I - Consciousness to One - Consciousness.
Published On : 22 November 2018 ( From YouTube )
Content :
The One Consciousness Business Circle is about the grand vision. It is to lead to the Emergence of
Wealth Creators who live and function from an Enlightened State of Consciousness. To Me ( Krishna Ji ) “
Success, Achievement and Fame” are not beyond life nor is being in an Enlightened State of Consciousness. The
End of all of Life. It is the Fusion of the Truth that makes a Beautiful Life. It is about “ Being a Buddha and driving
a Benz” that sums up a total life.
Experience 1 :
If somebody that’s been studying Peak Performance or High Performance, Business and
Entrepreneurship , Personal Development and Spirituality for almost two decades, I can say that my experience
with O&O has been the most transformative experience of my life
Experience 2 :
And my state when I came here was one of “ Fear and Stress” . I was moving about my day to day
life and just in my own thoughts “ thinking about me ,thinking about me “ my business and how I could you
know struggle through to get the deal that I needed.
Experience 3:
What’s amazing about this program is that you actually get to know “Yourself” from within, who
you actually are and “What is your Truth” and how you actually live your life on a day to day basis.
Experience 4 :
If you are a business owner or entrepreneur or an investor or business executive or a high
performer in any Field and you are looking to take “Your Life, Your Relationships , Your Businesses, Your
Finances” to the next level , you are looking to do it from a more profound space then, drop everything and
come to O&O.
Coming here, I have started to see the inner workings of my mind and I have been put into a “ State
of Stillness” .
I have just finished program and I will be going back home armed with all this knowledge about
myself and I know it’s gonna have a huge impact on my life.
One of Connection , I’m not forcing it, I’m not stressed and not trying to for these puzzle pieces
together. It’s just all coming together because I’m in a Beautiful State of Consciousness.
Whereas why you learn at O&O is how to seamlessly integrate those two forces to make yourself
and your impact and your leadership so much more profound than what is currently is. I have never found this in
Krishna Ji and Preetha Ji as powerful as the founders here.
And the experience of meeting Krishna Ji was truly amazing and intelligence that is beyond the
intellect and that is what I was so impressed about is that “ Here is a man who has done so much and achieved
so much yet he comes across in the most Humble Way as possible and everything that he is , is just direct from
his Heart and he connect with him instantly” . What a privilege and honor to meet someone like him
Transformative experience for anybody who wants to live a richer life in every sense of the word and
who wants to get there through “Ancient Wisdom and Spiritual Teachings” , it can really help you take your
game to the next level
When you actually get to know yourself , it gives you a sort of clarity about yourself that you never
had before. That’s what I found and that’s been my experience personally.
By Krishna Ji:
Your Journey is transcending the self. So this journey is about “ Awakening to the Fearless aspect of
your Consciousness”. So, enjoy the journey.
Published On : 7 February 2019 ( From YouTube )
Content :
O&O Academy Philosophy and Meditation school for One Consciousness. All the courses of the O&O
Academy are designed to guide the participants step-by-step through the “Experience of Limitlessness”. Every
course at the academy are deeply transformative and life changing. People from different walks of life discover
and experience the States of Connection here. They discover their “Life’s Purpose”. They learn to create a far
richer reality and a beautiful life for themselves and to impact others.
Krishna Ji and Preetha Ji have created three powerful streams of evolution at the academy to cater to
varying needs of people. The Spiritual Vision behind each of these streams of learning is that “ Every individual
going through these courses should go through a profound personal transformation and learn to impact the
world powerfully” .
“ Our Vision is a Total Revolution in Consciousness from I - Consciousness to One – Consciousness ;
from a Suffering State to Beautiful State ; from Self - preoccupation to Connection ; from Division to being

OCAC – One Consciousness Abundance Circle:

One Consciousness Abundance Circle is a journey for every seeker of Awakening. The One
Consciousness Abundance Circle is a “Unique Marriage between Conscious effort and Spontaneous happening”.
It is designed for every one seeking achievement and fulfilment in every aspect of their lives. The course is a
unique “combination of the Power of the Source or Universal Intelligence and the Power of the Consciousness”.
The profound wisdom and deep Mystical Processes and practical tools offered open our Consciousness to
Abundance Love , Transformation , Transcendence and Oneness
Experience 1 :
My son had mental illness for many years and I’m constantly searching on what to do, what to do
and what’s shifted for me this week so profoundly is “How to be and being in that Beautiful State , it’s a choice
that we all have and it’s from that state that miracles can really happen and I’m utterly grateful to continue my
journey here”.
The participants awaken to the Power of Source and experience immeasurable blessings. They also
awaken to the Limitless Potential of Consciousness and experience transformative states of being.

OCBC – One Consciousness Business Circle:

The One Consciousness Business Circle emerging from a transformed state of Consciousness has
the power to impact the world positively. This is why the One Consciousness Business Circle is specifically
designed for Business Entrepreneurs , Corporate Leaders, Presidents , Vice Presidents, CEO's and Manager’s. It is
an incredible magical journey where possibilities become realities. Success, Achievement and Fame are not the
being of Life nor being in an Enlightenment State of Consciousness is the end of all of Life. It is a fusion of the
two that makes a Beautiful Life.
Experience 1:
If somebody that’s been studying Peak Performance, High Performance , Business and
Entrepreneurship, Personal Development and Spirituality for almost two decades , I can say that my experience
with O &O Academy has been the most transformative experience of my life. I think that often as Business
Owners and High Achievers, we can often view Spirituality and Real World achievement as being almost in
opposite to one another. Whereas what you learn at O &O is how to seamlessly integrate with those two forces
to make yourself and your impact and your leadership so much more profound that what it currently is.
One Consciousness Business Circle leads to the Emergence of Wealth Creators who live and function from an
Enlightened State of Consciousness. The participants learn to go beyond strategies and management principles
and to access the Power of Consciousness to create massive organizational success.
By Krishna Ji :
It is being a Buddha and driving a Benz that sums up our total Life
Become an Enlightened wealth Creator and enjoy an incredible , magical journey where possibilities become

OCLC – One Consciousness Leaders Circle :

“ One stone can change the course of the river , one person can change the destiny of families,
organizations or a Nation to transform and impact the leaders of the world, Krishna Ji and Preetha Ji have
initiated One Consciousness Leaders Circle”. One Consciousness Leaders Circle is for leaders all those who have
the potential for Leadership to emerge into Awaken to Leaders. It is for those leaders who seek to extend to
their Abundance and influence even further to impact the world just like our Nervous System , there is a crucial
role in connecting every part of our body to every other part a One Consciousness Leader is someone who is
able to function at a high level of Inter Connection with various people, systems and sectors to bring about a
massive transformation in Consciousness. “ The Vision of the Founders is to create One Thousand One
Consciousness Leaders and influencers who will accelerate the world transformation. Members of the Leaders
Circle have the privilege of being directly guided and mentored by Krishna Ji on various life issues as well as
Spiritual attainments”. Their Consciousness is impacted directly by the blessings they receive from Krishna Ji at
every level of their One Consciousness Leaders Circle journey.
Krishna Ji's blessings initiate a Neuro Biological transformation that unfolds as Great Intelligence,
Magical Synchronicities and Transcendental Experiences making their personal and professional life
extraordinary and enabling them to generate an enormous impact and accelerate world transformation.
Experience 1 :
I realized from the teachings from just level one how deeply, how deeply routed my suffering has
been and how my life has been very limited and it’s amazing that I have been blessed to have achieved all that I
have beautiful family, beautiful friends , amazing Businesses and abundance and then to realize that I did this
through sheer aggression and not through Natural flow and without connection, with very little connection. So,
as I learned more and more slow, patiently not necessarily much , I’m realizing that there is so much growth , so
much shrinking and Transcendence and Transformation that’s available that will come to me that will help me
impact not just myself but so many others of a level that I never thought I could and makes me very grateful.
By Krishna Ji :
When you move into Beautiful States , Repetitive Thinking dissolves and hence you become a
Leader capable of Thinking Out Of The Box. You experience a deep connection and become more present to the
people around you and hence experience fulfilling relationships. You make decisions Peacefully and break the
habit of Doubting and Regretting your decisions.

School of Transformation :
Krishna Ji and Preetha Ji have launched their courses on an Online Platform. The School of
Transformation, Power of Being , an hour long Wisdom and Meditation Experience taught by Preetha Ji from the
comfort of their homes, people are having these amazing experiences.

One Consciousness Transformers :

Being a Transformer , is to ignite , nurture and harness spiritually inclined individuals with
Leadership Potential so that they can lead people into a Beautiful State. This year One Consciousness
Transformers gave an extraordinary two day introductory course called “The Beautiful State” which was
designed by our families , trainers from O&O Academy are in a process of creating change

One Consciousness Trainers :

Krishna Ji and Preetha Ji presented everyone who wishes to be involved in a process of creating
change with the opportunity to becoming One Consciousness Trainers. The Trainers are taught to expand their
impact and create Transformation within their societies. They learn to guide others into profound Ancient
Meditations and to impart Life Transforming Wisdom. Trainers from O&O Academy are in the process of
creating change.

O&O Academy :

 Live Effortlessly
 Love Effortlessly
 Achieve Effortlessly…….from a Beautiful State

This has been a Motto in the Indian Community of Seekers who have been blessed with the
opportunity to attend the Spiritual Courses and Processes at the O&O Academy. In response to the Deep
Learning of Indian Seekers, Krishna Ji and Preetha Ji have created a profound Mystical Course which is a fusion of
Insights and Awakening.
The Course Awakening and Abundance is a perfect coming together of the Inner and the Outer
and it serves thousands of people as an Evolutionary Milestones on their quest for Life of Deeper Purpose

Experience 1 :
I have started my Spiritual Path about ten years ago where I started my Yoga Practice and along
with my Yoga Practice I raised the bar to Self Meditation practice where I read several books and I learned the
Practice of Meditation through those books and videos and I was hoping that I could make great progress on my
own which I did initially but I started hitting obstacles and road blocks in my career path and that started putting
stress on my Spiritual Practice and I kind of got stuck in a grind where I couldn’t come out of this process and I
had so much of determination and self belief that I kept pushing through on my own and I believe Krishna Ji has
been able to provide me with that path through the O&O Academy will show you the path towards a more
Beautiful life

To ensure continued learning and a life of Synchronicities , O&O Academy has introduced a series of Online
Global Learning Sessions with members of the O&O faculty. Every month O&O community of Seekers ,
Students , Leaders and Thinkers from across the world gather for a Hour of Joyful Learning growing and sharing.
They were roughly 10,000 connections for each call.
O&O Academy ,Philosophy and Meditation school for One Consciousness. The participants learn liberating
Wisdom and have personal experiences which will allow them to manifest the life of their fondest dreams and to
access expensive Transcendental States of Consciousness.

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