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Department of Mechanical Engineering

Internship Report

18.11.2019 – 17.1.2020

Greenish Engineering Services Co,Ltd

Submitted by

Thiri Poe Poe

VI.MECH – 27



1. Abstract ............................................................................................................................. 3

2. Acknowledgement ........................................................................................................... 4

3. A brief introduction about the company ...........................................................................5

4. Plan of Greenish Engineering Services Co.Ltd Internship Program……………………5
. 4.1 Slope of Internship Programme...................................................................................5
5. Learning activities and outcomes…… .............................................................................. 6

. 5.1 Quality Standard for electrical works………….......................................................... 6

5.2 Quality Standard for ACMV works……………………………………………………7

5.3 Learning outcomes……………………………………………………………………..12

6. Learning Experiences……. ............................................................................................. 12

6.1 Knowledge acquired from this internship program…………………………………12

6.2 Skills learned from this internship program…………………………………………13

6.3 Tasks Performed during Internship Program………………………………………..14

7. Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………18

List of Figures

Figure1. Lighting Layout Plan for Electrical Installation…………………………………….15

Figure 2. Wire Installation in a room…………………………………………………………16

Figure 3. Lighting Testing After Overall Wire Installation…………………………………..17


From November, 2019 to January, 2020 (two months duration), I got an opportunity as an intern
student at the electrical installation department of Greenish Engineering Services Co,Ltd.
During academic years, a university student has to accomplish industrial field trainings and
internship activity to get the degree. As an intern at GES , I have been trained, made discussion
with supervisors and my mentor gave me valuable instructions and enthusiastic encouragements.
During the course of the internship, I got new experiences in the area of my non-specializing
major, learned and got familiarity about the electrical and wiring field that I cannot have chance
to learn in a normal project. This report contains the major activities I have learned during
internship program.


I would like to express my respect and special thanks to Dr. Mi Sandar Mon, Professor and Head
of Mechanical Department, who gives suggestion and encouragement to struggle the upcoming
events for internship program.

My sincere thanks also go to U Kyaw Myat Moe, lecturer of Mechanical Department, for linking
with GES for the internship opportunities, support and guide.

I would like to extend my sincere esteems to U Htet Aung Ko, Head of Site Engineers, U Ye
Htun Aung Professional ACMV Engineer , who are always considering benefits for all intern

Besides, I heartily thank to U Min Phone Pyae , my supervisor and Head of Electrical Installation
Department, who always train and guide me not only how to learn, prepare, plan but also soft
skills for living.

My deepest gratitude goes to everyone in Greenish Engineering Services Co,Ltd who willingly
cares, cooperates and supports intern students.


Greenish Engineering Co.,Ltd is an organization of giving services associated with M&E

Engineering works such as maintenance of Air conditioners and Refrigerators, doing Building
Construction Electrical Installations. The company was registered in 2011 on Myanmar Trading
Ministry of Government. The company performed servicing works related to M&E Engineering
very firstly with Myanmar Post Telecommunication. The company became grower after
servicing in installation more telephone networks of MPT. Besides the company started with
HVAC and Internal Electrical Wiring Systems, it successfully completed projects such as
Electrical Power Installation, Grounding, Lighting and Surge Voltage Protection and Fire


4.1 Slope of Internship Programme

On the first day of internship, my supervisor gave me the scope that I have to learn based on
basis of ACMV Installation and Quality Standards of Electrical Installation. My supervisor
kindly guided the way how to learn, gave and shared the documents and manuals related with
scope. After studying, discussed the things that I don’t know clearly and he willingly explained
and gave me feedback to learn additional issues related with learning topics.

The internship scope is

- To know overview of lighting and wiring of two-storey building

- To learn electrical equipment like pliers, screwdrivers and nut drivers, wire strippers, etc.

- To understand valves and their applications

- To study air conditioners operation and maintenance

- To get knowledge of air conditioners operating and maintenance by manual and site activities

- To familiarize electrical things availability and reliability

- To learn air conditioners components, operating system and maintenance

- To learn work nature of a site engineer


During the first two months weeks of internship program, the following topics were learned:

5.1 Quality Standard for electrical works

5.1.1 Embedded Conduits

- Conduit ends properly protected

- Correct type of conduit installed as per approved sample

- Conduit boxes clean and open end plugged/ temporarily protected

- Coupling joints fastened

- Bonding to earth provided for all metallic conduits

- Conduits properly secured

- Conduits properly bent without distortion and damage

- No visible damage

5.1.2 Main Cables

- Cables adequately supported

- Fire stops properly installed

- Adequate spacing of cables

5.1.3 Distribution Board

- Circuit diagram provided & Proper labeling for panel

- Suitable cable termination provided

- All live parts to be non-accessible

- All exposed metal parts effectively earthed

5.1.4 Surface Conduits

- Conduit ends properly connected

- Metallic conduits properly earthed

- Correct type of conduit as per approved sample

- Conduits properly bent without distortion and damage

- Support / brackets rigidly fitted

- Screw used properly fastened

- Fire stops properly installed

- Conduits and accessories properly painted

- No visible damage

5.1.5 Cable tray, Ladder and Trunking

- Joints protected against corrosion

- Correct type of material used as per approved sample

- Metallic trunking properly earthed

- Support / brackets rigidly fitted

- Screw used properly fastened

- Fire stops properly installed

- No visible damage

5.2 Quality Standards for ACMV works

5.2.1 Ductworks

- Location & Installation according to approved shop drawings

- Ductwork properly supported & painted

- No visible damage

5.2.2 Fire-rated Ducts

- Location & Installation according to approved shop drawings

- No hanging of other services

- Fire resistance access panels provided to fire-rated enclosure of equipment

- No visible damage

5.2.3 Dampers

- Location & Installation according to approved shop drawings & CP13

- Adjustable freely between open & close position

- Access door provided according to CP13

- No visible damage

5.2.4 Flexible Ducts

- Correct installation

- Sufficient radius

- No visible damage

5.2.5 Flexible Connectors

- Within 50mm - 250mm length

- Approved material used

- No visible damage

5.2.6 Air Handling Unit

- Inspection access door for fan, coil, motor & filter

- Metal parts earthed

- Smoke detector installed at return air stream

- Pipes from AHU properly supported

- Name plate installed with manufacturer’s name, serial number & model number

- No visible damage to fins & casing

5.2.7 Pumps

- Guard provided to exposed shafts, coupling & moving parts

- Pump & motor assembly installed on inertia block & spring isolation

- Name plate installed with manufacturer’s name, serial number & model number

- No visible damage

5.2.8 Cooling Tower

- Clear of all debris

- Completed with self-earthing system for connection to building lightning protection system

- Name plate installed with manufacturer’s name, serial number & model number

- No visible damage

5.2.9 Pipeworks

- Provided with drains at each low point & auto air vents at each high point

- Properly painted & supported

- Fire stop at opening for fire resistance walls & floors

- No visible damage

5.2.10 Chiller

- Correct model, make & capacity

- Location as per drawing

- Installation securely fixed

- To be levelled when placed on plinth or vibration isolators

- Pipes properly supported by hangers or brackets

- Pipe connections follow specified flow direction

- No sign of leakage

- No visible damage

5.2.11 Spilt Unit/ Window Air-con

- Correct model, make & capacity

- Units are leveled when placed on plinth

- Pipes opening through wall or roof properly sealed

- Drainage provided for condensate/ unit slightly tilted

- Cool air not blocked by wall, beam, shelf or any built-in furniture

- Proper drainage and no sign of leakage

- No visible damage

5.2.12 Air-con Comfort

- Room temperature 23oC - 25oC or according to specification

- Room relatively humidity < 60% or according to specification

- Room air flow rate < 0.25m/s or according to specification

5.3 Learning outcomes

I learned the overview of ACMV and Electrical Installation department working

nature and mechanical and electrical equipment used in working process. There are many things
to learn and know even in one topic. After learning of above topics, I got knowledge about the
usages, operation, maintenance, quality standards and application of the mechanical and
electrical equipment in ACMV field and Electrical Installation field.


6.1 Knowledge acquired from this internship program

For Electrical Installation field,

Common business buildings normally require electricity for lighting, fire protection, air-
conditioning, servers, water pumps.

Each electrical equipment requires specific sizes of wire, switch and breaker.

Every electrical installation needs to follow Quality standards.

In most domestic electrical installation process, low voltage appliances are used.

For some installation like CCTV, extra low voltage ones are used.

For ACMV field, I learned about

 Installing air-con unit (wall mounted and cassette type)

 Routing copper pipes between outdoor unit and indoor


 Calculating the required length and sizes.

 When the pipe length becomes too long, both the capacity and reliability drop.

 As the number of bends increases, system piping resistance to the refrigerant flow
increases, thus lowering the cooling capacity.

 Choose the shortest path and follow the recommendations.

6.2 Skills learned from this internship program


In this internship, I learn to work a team without focusing entirely on myself. I also develop

patience in situations of disagreement with another member of the team.

Problem Solving Skills

This internship program introduces me to real-life work problems and hence develop
problem solving skills.

Work Ethics

During the internship, I learn about work ethics such as

Be punctual

Respect seniors

No excuse for late submissions, etc.

And I finally know skills about work ethics.

Adaptability Skills

Not everyone is adaptable from the beginning. Being adaptive to our surroundings helps in not
only desirable to employers but also important to self-growth. While doing my internship, I
develop in adaptability skills too.

Communication Skills

As a site engineer, I have to keep in touch with a lot of people from various fields. After this
two months, my communication skills develop so much.


The internship experience makes me more responsible and accountable for what decisions I
make and how I execute what’s been allocated to me.

Time Management

After this internship program, I learn to manage my time better by maintaining a balance
between work and personal life, without harming any of them.

6.3 Tasks Performed during Internship Program

As GES is a M&E service company, they did ACMV and Electrical Installation in many
currently constructed building project.

And the interns from out university YTU divided duties and my duty and job is to do managing
in Electrical Installation.

My supervisor provided me the information about current project such as lighting layout plan
drawed with AutoCAD.

By analysing that layout plan, I had to calculate the length of the wire from M&E room to
different room.

Figure1. Lighting Layout Plan for Electrical Installation

Figure 2. Wire Installation in a room

Figure 3. Lighting Testing After Overall Wire Installation

7. Conclusion

On the whole, internship at Greenish Engineering Services is an excellent program. Intern

program helped to apply theoretical knowledge from the university into practice through
activities and tasks. It enhanced and developed skills, abilities and capabilities, acquired
technical competency, troubleshooting and interpersonal skills.

Most of GES staffs are enthusiastic to share practical knowledges and skills, valuable applied
experiences to the intern students. From the site visit activities, I had gained experiences and
familiarities in site activities, overview of Yangon Airport Groups Building. Different ideas from
interacting with the different employees at the organization and this contributed a lot on the
knowledge and experience.

I am very grateful and thankful to my mentors and supervisors for sharing experiences, coaching
and supervising throughout the intern period.

Taking everything into account, I can apply the skills and abilities for my coming career or job
opportunity from the experiences and knowledge of intern program. Bring to an end, I have
seized new insights and motivation to pursue a career in ACMV and Electrical Installation.


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