Master's Round Voyage Performance Report A

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Vessel: KOTA BISTARI VOY: BIS017-018

Date of VOY Commence: 03-Mar-2017 Place of VOY Commence: Shuidong, China
Date of VOY Completion: 17 July 2017 Place of VOY Completion: Jebel Ali
Name of Master: Cao Haibing Name of C/O: Yangchao Name of C/E: Zhou Enwen
Date of Sign On: 10/12/2016 Date of Sign On: 15/03/2017 Date of Sign On: 04/07/2017
Date of Sign Off: 15/07/2017 Date of SignOff: On board Date of Sign Off: On board


1 Optimum use of Weather Routing resulting in saving of time and fuel and preventing cargo/vessel damage 4
2 Maximize fuel saving and effective Bunker planning to minimize bunkering calls 4
Effective liasion with head office/charterers/port agents to achieve desired ETA and minmize idling time at port leading to quick
3 dispatch.All concerend parties promptly reported and kept updated accordingly 4
4 Any Over Carriage or Short Landing of Cargo?* 4
Was an Accurate Draft Survey Carried out on board based on laids down recommendations to determine the correct quantity of
5 cargo loaded on board?* 4
6 Were there any Heavy Weather Damages to the Vessel or Cargo?* 4
7 Were there any instances of the vessel being "Off Hired"?* 4

8 Were there any M/E breakdowns?* 4


1 Timely submission of all required certs/docs for inward/outward Port Clearences 4

2 Manage Port Authorties i.e P.S.C Inspectors,Immigration etc in a polite and diplomatic way to avoid delays 4

3 Ensured all Cargo Gear/Running Rigging and Cargo Holds prepared and ready well in advance to prevent idling time 4
4 Procedures in place for shifting of pontoons in a safe and efficent manner with minimum idling time 4
5 Were there any injuries/fatalities to crew or any one on board?* 4
6 Were there any Bunkering Disputes?* 4
7 Were there any Ship's Cargo Gear Breakdowns and consequent "Off Hire"?* 4
Effective liasion with local operations team to improve stevedore productivity.Maximum intake of Cargo ensured with minimum
1 ballast and consumables 4
Follow procedures when dealing with heavy lift and other special cargo(with single crane and tandem).Proper sliniging procedures
2 followed to prevent damage to cargo during loading/discharging operations 4

Ensured proper cargo lashing/securing/choking during loading.Safety permitting ,looked into employing ship staff for unlashing
3 and cutting jobs to save costs.Checked status of cargo lashings during sea passage,particularly prior advent of heavy weather 4
4 Were there any Cargo Ralated Disputes?* 4

5 All relevant parties including Head /China office informed in time,when any cargo damaged during loading/discharging 4

6 Was there any Cago or Vessel Damages during loading/discharging operations?* 4

7 Any delays to Cargo Operations and/or the Vessel alongside at berth?* (No trucks or other equipment ashore, No barges) 4

Worked in liasion with the local Agent in drawing up an effective Stowage Plan making full use of the reach and burden of the
1 vessel.Provided full support to the Port Captain and local stevedores when preparing loading/discharge plan 4
2 Provided all pertinent info to the head office for analysis and decision making in a timely and accurate manner 4

Ensure all lifting and lashing gear in good condtion and can be used for extended period of time with relevant type approval certs
1 on board.Inventores of all lashing gear to be taken and recorded at frequent intervals 4
Remark:Criteria for performance Assessement round Voy Performance, total 100 marks, each items maximum 4 marks; Minimum 1 Mark.
*:If "Yes" then please provide additional Information such as SOF,Log Book/Movement Book Entries,Photos,Weather Reports etc

Master's Comments: As per attatchment

Name and Signture of Master Ship's stamp

Office comments:

For office use:

Prepared by : Approved by :
Remarks: Subject to change or amendments at the sole discretion of PIL MPS without prior notice. Version: 2 23-01-2017

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