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Final exam BIO 325 Genetics – May 10, 2014

1-10 ; Fill the blank with word(s). (2 points ea.)

1. miRNA genes are transcribed by RNA Polymerase ________________.

2. The number of genes in species is not correlated with developmental complexity! This is known as ______________

3. The strawberry genus, Fragaria (Rosaceae), has a base chromosome number of 7 (x = 7). Most cultivated strawberries
in North America are octoploid (octo; 8) and thus they have total chromosome number of ________________ (number; n
not 2n).

4. “Certain covalent modifications of Histone can dictate the fate of gene expression at given loci” is referred as
hypothesis. (two words)

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5. p53 can induce programmed cell death if the damage cannot be repaired through a process called .

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6. Generally speaking, cancer is due to abnormal or uncontrolled ________ __________.

7. XXY male would have
rs e Barr body(ies). (number)
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9. When the concentration of Lactose is high and the concentration of Glucose is low in the media, CRP will bind to
______ and bind to the site near to promoter to increase the expression.

10. A short single-stranded piece of DNA that is labeled and used in hybridization experiments is called a(n)
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11-20. True or False; Circle one ( 2 pt ea.)

11. Allele frequency does not change until the population comes to equilibrium.
True False
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12. Methylation at Histone H3 Lys 9 usually associated with transcriptionally repressed chromatins.
True False

13. After meiosis I, chromosome set number is n.

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True False

14. Low concentration of lactose is necessary for the maximum induction of Lac operon genes.
True False

15. A man with blood type "A," whose father was blood type "O," married a woman of blood type "B" whose mother was
blood type "O." Children of this couple can have all possible blood types
True False

16. Paracentric inversion heterozygote cannot produce a normal gamete.

True False

17. cDNAs from eukaryotes contain intron region.

True False
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18. Prader-Willi syndrome is caused by a mutation in a maternally silenced gene. Assume affected individuals have a
mutant and a maternally silenced allele. Half of the sons of affected males will show the syndrome.
True False

19. The map of a chromosome interval is A---- 10 m.u. ------- B------ 40 m.u.------- C. From the cross Abc/aBC × abc/abc,
you observed 40 double crossovers from 1000 progeny. In this case, interference is 1.
True False

20. The strawberry genus, Fragaria (Rosaceae), has a base chromosome number of 7 (x = 7). Most cultivated strawberries
in North America are octoploid (octo_; 8) and thus they have total chromosome number of 56 (n=56).
True False

21- 35. Choose the BEST answer. (2 pts ea.)

21. Two parents who are each known to be carriers of an autosomal recessive alleles have four children. None of the

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children has the recessive condition. What is the probability that one or more the children is a carrier?

A. (1/2)4 B. 1-(1/2)4 C (1/3)4 D. 1-(1/3)4

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E. cannot determine

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22. From Benzer’s experiment using T4 phage, he isolated two independent mutations at rIIA locus, rIIA-234 and
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rIIA-290. He coinfected two mutant phages into E. coli K strain and obtained 3X105pfu/mL. The same coinfection using
rIIA-234 and rIIA-290 resulted in 2X109 pfu/mL when they are infected into E.coli B strain. What is the recombination
frequency between rIIA-234 and rIIA-290?
A. 0.015% B. 0.03% C. 0.045% D. 0.06% E. cannot determine
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23. In eukaryotes, transcriptional activity is low when

A. DNA is hypomethylated. B. Histone is hyperacetylated. C. Histone H3 Lys 4 is methylated.
D. Histone H3 Lys 27 is demethylated E. none of the above.
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24. Which of the following protein domains is used to recognize certain modified hitsones in animal cells?
A. bHLH domain B. Plant Homeo Domain (PHD) C. Helix-turn-Helix motif
D. Helix-loop-Helix motif E. Leucine Zipper
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25. Recently, scientists found a novel protein that can bind to H3K4 trimethylated histone. This protein is a part of large
multi-protein complex, which promotes RNA polymerase II – mediated transcription. Which of the following proteins are

likely in the complex?

A. H3K27 demethylase B. H3K27 methyltransferase C. RNA polymerase I
D. H3K4 demethylase E. H3K9 methyltransferase

26. Which of the following is property of Enhancer?

A. it is one of tran-acting components in gene regulation. B. it is always located immediate 5’ end of a gene.
C. it is always located immediate 3’ end of a gene. D. its orientation is not important.
E. none of the above.
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27. Females with unknown genotype are mated to a male homozygous for all three mutations. The offspring are as
Genotypes Number of progeny
px sp cn 1,461
px sp + 3,497
px + cn 1
px + + 10
+ sp cn 9
+ sp + 0
+ + cn 3,484
+ + + 1,538
Total 10,000

What is the distance between two “OUTSIDE” genes (you should consider double crossover) ?

A. 30 m.u. B. 15 m.u. C. 30.2 m.u. D. 15.1 m.u. E. cannot determine

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28. In a typical Mendelian dihybrid cross RrYy X RrYy, you obtained 5 seeds. What is the probability to have 3 round

and yellow (R_Y_) and 2 round and green (R_yy) seeds?
A. 10 X (9/16)3X(3/16)2
E. 10 X (3/16) 5
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B. 5 X (9/16)3X(3/16)2 C. 6 X (9/16)3X(3/16)2 D. 10 X (9/16)5
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29. The Retinoblastoma (Rb) activity is regulated by

A. its phosphorylation state. B. its methylation level C. cyclin A. D. E2F D. its polyA tail.
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30. In humans, brachydactyly is a dominant condition. Six thousand four hundred people in a population of 10,000 show
the disease (1,600 are BB, 4,800 are Bb) and 3,600 are normal phenotypes (bb). The frequency of the b allele is
A. 0.6 B. 0.4 C. 0.36 D. 0.48 E. 0.16
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31. Which of the following statements is NOT correct regarding DNA replication
A. DNA replication is bi-directional in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
B. DNA replication starts with RNA synthesis, not DNA synthesis.
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C. There are multiple replication forks formed in eukaryotes.

D. DNA replication results in shorter DNA in prokaryotes.

E. all of the above statement is correct.

32. A codon is a three base sequence of

A. mRNA that codes for an amino acid. B. rRNA that codes for an amino acid.
C. tRNA that codes for an amino acid. D. DNA that codes for an amino acid.
E. none of the above
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33. Which of the following statements are true about “central dogma”?
A. All Information stored in DNA is transcribed into RNA B. All RNA is translated into Protein
C. There is no further regulation after Protein is translated D. RNA transcription is highly regulated
E. none of the above

34. Which of the following procedures can benefit from “Next Generation Sequencing - MPSS” ?
A. GWAS analysis B. Differential gene expression in cancer cells C. Differential gene expression during
D. Differential gene expression by environment changes E. all of the above

35. Which of these is NOT a character of the genetic code?

A There are the same number of codons as there are amino acids. B. There are only three condons for stop
C. The code is used by nearly every living organism. D. Some amino acids have multiple codons.

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E. The code is degenerate.

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36. (3 points) Drosophila has a genome containing approximately 120 million bp of DNA. For this problem, assume

Drosophila has a core-DNA length of 145 bp and a linker-DNA length of 55 bp. Determine approximately how many
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molecules of histone protein H2A are found in each nucleus.
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37. (3 points) Consider the following data showing the segregation patterns for the mating type gene in Neurospora,
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which has two alternative alleles, A and a: On the basis of these results, determine the map distance from the centromere
to the mating-type locus.
A a A a A a
A a A a A a
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A a a A a A
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A a a A a A
a A A a a A
a A A a a A
a A a A A a
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a A a A A a

105 129 9 5 11 14
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38 ~ 39. Here is the RNA-like strand sequence of CLAVATA3 cDNA:


38. (3 points) Applying the standard convention for polarity (which end is 5' and which is 3'), design primers (each
contain 10 nucleotides) to amplify this entire cDNA.

39. (3 points) how many amino acids does CLAVAT3 protein have?

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40. (3 points) It was reported in the newspaper that one couple had three children, all of whom were albino; and since the

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frequency of albinos in the population is 1/10,000, the probability of this event is 1/1012. Do you agree? (Yes or No)

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41. (3 points) We run a cross Hfr: A+B+C+D+E+ ×F-: A-B-C-D-E-. We count numbers of colonies with each trait in the
F-recombinants. We get 122 B+ 102 C+ 88 E+, 65 D+, 45 A+. What is the gene order ?
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42. (3 points) Describe two modes of action by which RNA interference (e.g. miRNA) can modulate gene expression.
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43. (3 points) If DNA had 8 different bases, a restriction enzyme with a 4-base recognition sequence would cut DNA
approximately every ( ) base pair.
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44. (3 points) Name at least three non-protein-coding RNAs that have roles in the regulation of gene expression.

45. (3 points) Evaluate the following lac operon partial diploids. Indicate whether the production of functional
β-galactosidase from lacZ and of permease from lacY is “inducible”, “constitutive”, “absent” or “noninducible” for each
partial diplod.

F’ I-p+ocZ-Y+ X F- Isp+o+Z+Y-
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Extra (4 points). You are a judge in a civil trial where a young man is attempting to prove that he is the illegitimate child
of a very wealthy man who has recently died. He wishes to be included in the distribution of his wealth. After considering
all the testimony about how this person was conceived, the key evidence seems to come down to two main facts. The
wealthy man and the mother of the young man are both deaf but the young man is not. Therefore the lawyer of the family
suggests that the wealthy man is not the father. The mother, wealthy man, and young man all have O, MM, Rh- blood type
at the phenotypic level but a genotyping screen indicates that the wealthy man is actually I AIA hh blood type. How do you
interpret the evidence presented and how does it influence your decision in this legal case?

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Extra (4 points). Genomes are sequenced from two DNA viruses, and the following percentage of nucleotides are

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Virus #1 – genome: A = 28%; C = 22%; G = 28%; T = 22%

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Virus #2 – genome: A = 28%; C = 22%; G = 22%; T = 28%

What is the structure of DNA in each virus?

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