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Mariana Maiovska, A-44-zh

An Article Review
“What Other Countries can Learn from Singapore’s Schools”
The article entitled “What Other Countries can Learn from
Singapore’s Schools”. It was published on August 30, 2018. The author
of this article is Dave Simonds. He tells us in what way other countries
can benefit from the Singaporean educational system. The article deals
with the issue that many countries have major problems with their
systems of education and use of teaching methods. Therefore, the author
takes the educational institutions in Singapore as an example to follow.

Dave Simonds starts by revealing a basic strategy to the reader,

which has brought success in the educational field. It was about overall
development of Singaporeans. The author states that Singapore’s
education system is recognized as the best one in the world and its
children are far ahead of their American peers. As a result, many of them
pass the exams perfectly and become students of the best universities in
the world.

According to the article, many countries do not want to follow this

path because they want to use new and reforming teaching methods to
foster creativity among students, while Singaporean educational system
is traditional and does not provide such an opportunity. The author states
that Singaporeans came first in a new PISA ranking with a high score in
reading and science. Their children are the happiest and the country is
implementing reforms to increase creativity and reduce stress among
students. The author reports that Singapore is actively developing,
testing and improving its system of education. Many countries can
borrow the Singapore’s system of teaching mathematics and get good
results. Dave Simonds states that the most important thing is the
professionalism of teachers that is why the government trains them well
and gives them decent pay and bonuses. The author reports that the
country facilitates centralization and allows everything to be clearly

I have found this article quite informative and interesting. The main
problem is challenging. I think that countries should not be afraid to
implement the Singapore’s education system. To this end, they can
engage experts from Singapore to share their experience and strategies,
and thus improve the system of education in the world.

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