Fundamental of Corporate Law, LAW201, APRIL-MAY, 2018

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© INo. of Printed Pages — 2] LAW201 [Law] END SEMESTER EXAMINATION : APRIL-MAY, 2018 FUNDAMENTALS OF CORPORATE LAW Time : 3 Hrs. Maximum Marks : 70 Note: Attempt questions from all sections as directed. SECTION - A (0 Marks) Attempt any five questions out of six. Each question carries 06 marks. 1. Define company. company. out the characteristics of 2. Write a note on “Doctrine of Constructive Notice” and “Doctrine of Indoor Management”, 3. Define Shares and its kinds. 4. Explain the provisions of Companies Act related to appointment of auditors. 5. Discuss the powers & duties of directors. 6. What is Anti-Competitive agreement? P.T.O. (26) a a Ee

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