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UP: RA(SA/PA) Servicing Test

Company: ________________ Name: ____________________________ Dept/Section: _____________ Date: ______________

For each question from No. 1 to 25 regarding UP:RA(SA/PA) Servicing, choose only one answer from A to D.
Questions Answer

Which statement is CORRECT ? Manakah pernyataan yang BENAR ?

Permissible range of the power supply voltage is within ±10% of the rated voltage.
Tegangan yang diijinkan berkisar ±10% dari tegangan listrik
If a thermistor malfunctions, it always means the lead wires of the thermistor are broken.
1 Jika terjadi kerusakan pada thermistor, selalu berarti kabel dari thermistor yang rusak.
Pressure, temperature, and current of an air conditioner are measured immediately after the air conditioner starts operating.
Tekanan, suhu dan beban dari AC diukur ketika unit itu baru mulai bekerja.
Insulation resistance of each air conditioner is measured in factory before shipping. There is no need to measure it again during test run.
Tahanan isolasi dari AC diukur ketika di pabrik sebelum pengiriman. Oleh sebab itu tidak perlu diukur lagi ketika test run.
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4
Which is the CORRECT statement about installation work ?
Manakah pernyataan yang BENAR mengenai pekerjaan pemasangan ?
The short-cycling of an outdoor unit does not cause any problem because the outdoor unit is provided with a safety device.
Turbulensi dari outdoor unit tidak mengakibatkan permasalan karena di outdoor sudah disiapkan alat pengaman.
Horizontal drain piping does not need thermal insulation as long as the length of the piping is short.
2 Saluran pembuangan yang horisontal tidak memerlukan isolasi thermaflek selama pipa tersebut pendek.
The three principles of refrigerant piping are clean, dry, and tight.
Ada 3 prinsip dasar pemipaan refrigerant yaitu bersih, kering dan kuat.
A shorter communication wire with an extension is allowed.
Diperbolehkan untuk menyambung kabel kontrol yang pendek.
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4
Which is the CORRECT statement about the refrigerant control of a DAIKIN Inverter Split based on the thermistor detection?
Manakah pernyataan yang BENAR mengenai kontrol aliran refrigerant dari DAIKIN Inv split berdasarkan deteksi dari thermistor ?
EXV is controlled to maintain a constant discharge pipe temperature based on condensing temperature (Tc)
EXV adalah pengatur suhu pipa discharge supaya tetap berdasarkan suhu condensing (Tc)
EXV is controlled to maintain a constant discharge pipe temperature based on evaporating temperature (Te)
3 EXV adalah pengatur suhu pipa discharge supaya tetap berdasarkan suhu evaporating (Te)
Subcooling is controlled by an EXV based on the temperatures of the indoor and outdoor heat exchangers and discharge pipe.
Subcooling dikontrol oleh EXV berdasarkan suhu dari evaporator dan kondenser dan pipa discharge.
Superheat is controlled by an EXV based on the temperatures of the indoor and outdoor heat exchangers and discharge pipe.
Superheat dikontrol oleh EXV berdasarkan suhu dari evaporator dan kondenser dan pipa discharge.
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4

UP: RA(SA/PA) Servicing Test

Company: ________________ Name: ____________________________ Dept/Section: _____________ Date: ______________

For each question from No. 1 to 25 regarding UP:RA(SA/PA) Servicing, choose only one answer from A to D.
Questions Answer
What is the state of EXV of a non-operating indoor unit, when the Super multi system is running in cooling mode?
Apa status dari EXV indoor unit yang tidak beroperasi, ketika sistem Super multi dalam keadaan mode pendingin?
1 Opened and closed at three-minute intervals. Terbuka dan tertutup setiap 3 menit

2 Opened midway. Terbuka sebagian

3 Fully opened. Terbuka penuh

4 Fully closed. Tertutup penuh

A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4
Which are CORRECT about proper Skyair installation work ?
Manakah pernyataan yang BENAR mengenai pekerjaan pemasangan dari unit Skyair ?
Condensate cannot drain properly.
Air pembuangan tidak mengalir dengan baik.
The air passage is not blocked around the outdoor unit.
5 Aliran udara disekitar outdoor tidak boleh terhalang.
Sufficient clearance for maintenance and servicing is ensured.
Jarak minimal untuk perawatan dan perbaikan harus dipastikan.
The allowable unbalance between three-phase power supply voltage is within 2% of the rated voltage.
Perbedaan Tegangan yang diijinkan antara phase untuk unit yang mengunakan 3 phase adalah 2% dari tegangan listrik.
A.1, 2, 3 B.2, 3, 4 C.1, 3, 4 D.All of the above
Which are the CORRECT statements about Skyair wired remote controller ?
Manakah pernyataan yang BENAR mengenai remote kontrol kabel
Thermistor data information can be checked through a wired remote controller.
Informasi mengenai data Thermistor bisa dilihat melalui remote kontrol kabel.
History of malfunction codes cannot be checked through a wired remote controller.
6 Informasi mengenai histori kerusakan bisa dilihat melalui remote kontrol kabel.
Individual functional changes of the outdoor unit are not possible through a wired remote controller.
Perubahan fungsional individual unit luar tidak dimungkinkan melalui remote kontrol kabel
Individual setting of fan speed and air flow direction of the indoor units are possible through wired remote controller.
Pengaturan individual kecepatan kipas dan arah aliran udara dari unit indoor dimungkinkan melalui remote kontrolkabel.
A.1, 3 B.2, 3 C.1, 2 D.1, 4

UP: RA(SA/PA) Servicing Test

Company: ________________ Name: ____________________________ Dept/Section: _____________ Date: ______________

For each question from No. 1 to 25 regarding UP:RA(SA/PA) Servicing, choose only one answer from A to D.
Questions Answer
Which is the CORRECT statement about the Skyair temperature control ?
Manakah pernyataan yang BENAR mengenai kontrol suhu Skyair?
Both the remote controller thermostat and the body thermostat can be used selectively.
Baik thermostat di remote kontrol dan di indoor dapat digunakan secara selektif
The highest heating temperature that can be set is 36 °C.
7 Setting suhu tertinggi untuk heating adalah 36 °C.
The lowest cooling temperature that can be set is 15 °C.
Setting suhu terendah untuk pendingin adalah 15 °C.
The differential (Thermostat ON - OFF) is usually a minimum of 3 °C.
Perbedaan (Thermostat ON-OFF) biasanya minimal 3°C.
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4
If the UC15M (DAIKIN Water-cooled Package Unit) can only operate fan but not compressor, what is the CORRECT method to troubleshoot?
Jika UC15M (DAIKIN Water-cooled Package Unit) hanya bisa mengoperasikan kipas tapi bukan kompresor, apakah metode yang BENAR
untuk memecahkan masalah?
The reverse phase protection is activated. Interchange the power supply phases, and check whether the compressor will operate.
Proteksi fase terbalik diaktifkan. Interchange fase power supply, dan periksa apakah kompresor akan beroperasi.
The low pressure switch is activated. Therefore, increase the flow rate of condensing water and increase the high pressure.
8 2
Saklar tekanan rendah diaktifkan. Oleh karena itu, tingkatkan aliran air di kondenser dan tingkatkan tekanan tinggi
Check if there is any failure in the interlocking circuit or the magnetic switch for the compressor.
Periksa apakah ada kegagalan pada sirkuit interlocking atau saklar magnetik untuk kompresor
Check whether the compressor operates with the protection device line short-circuited.
Periksa apakah kompresor beroperasi dengan jalur perangkat proteksi hubung singkat.
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4
What is the symptom if there is an insufficient air flow within the indoor unit (PA cooling only model) ?
Apa gejalanya jika ada aliran udara yang tidak mencukupi dalam unit indoor (model pendinginan PA)?
The suction pipe temperature rises unusually because it is using a capillary tube as metering device.
Suhu pipa suction naik secara luar biasa karena menggunakan pipa kapiler sebagai alat pengatur
Frost is formed on the entire surface of the evaporator. In the worst case, the suction pipe of the compressor freezes.
9 Pembekuan terbentuk di seluruh permukaan evaporator. Dalam kasus terburuk, pipa suction kompresor membeku.
Frost is formed on the inlet of the evaporator, but the outlet temperature become higher with higher superheat degree.
pembekuan terbentuk di saluran masuk evaporator, namun suhu outlet menjadi lebih tinggi dengan derajat superheat yang lebih tinggi
The oil pressure rises unusually, and the compressor becomes cold and stops when the high pressure switch is activated.
Tekanan oli meningkat secara luar biasa, dan kompresor menjadi dingin dan berhenti saat saklar tekanan tinggi diaktifkan
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4
Which parameter is used to verify the thermistor accuracy ?
Apakah parameter yang digunakan untuk memastikan ketepatan Thermistor?
1 Temperature

2 Resistance
3 Ampere
UP: RA(SA/PA) Servicing Test

Company: ________________ Name: ____________________________ Dept/Section: _____________ Date: ______________

For each question from No. 1 to 25 regarding UP:RA(SA/PA) Servicing, choose only one answer from A to D.
Questions Answer

4 Voltage

A.1, 2 B.1, 3 C.2, 3 D.2, 4

How does the Inverter Split judge insufficient gas condition?
Bagaimanamemastikan Inverter Split dengan kondisi kekurangan refrigeran?
The operate frequency is higher than the specified frequency
Frekuensi pengoperasian lebih tinggi dari frekuensi yang ditentukan
Discharge pipe temperature is higher than the target discharge temperature
11 Suhu pipa discharge lebih tinggi dari target suhu discharge
EXV is fully open more than the specified time
EXV terbuka penuh lebih banyak dari waktu yang ditentukan
Suction superheat degree is higher than the target value
Derajat Suction superheat lebih tinggi dari nilai target
A. 1, 2, 3 B. 1, 2, 4 C. 1, 3, 4 D. All of the above
What is the function of indoor heat exchanger thermistor of Super Multi System for Heat Pump model?
Apa fungsi thermistor pipa indoor dari model Super Multi System for Heat Pump?
It is used for freeze prevention
Ini digunakan untuk pencegahan pembekuan
It is used for sub-cooling control
12 Digunakan untuk kontrol sub-pendinginan
It is used for detecting incorrect wiring
Digunakan untuk mendeteksi kabel yang salah
It is used for controlling target discharge temperature
Ini digunakan untuk mengendalikan suhu pelepasan target
A. 1, 2, 4 B. 1, 2, 3 C. 2, 3 D. All of the above

UP: RA(SA/PA) Servicing Test

Company: ________________ Name: ____________________________ Dept/Section: _____________ Date: ______________

For each question from No. 1 to 25 regarding UP:RA(SA/PA) Servicing, choose only one answer from A to D.
Questions Answer
If the power fails when the air conditioner is in operation, how long does it takes for the air conditioner to restart under "Auto-restart after power
failure" function? Which jumper wire on the indoor PCB need to be cut to de-activate the "Auto-restart function after power failure" function?
Kabel jumper mana di PCB indoor perlu dipotong untuk menonaktifkan fungsi "auto-restart setelah power mati"?
1 3 mins, JB

13 2 3 mins, JC

3 5 mins, JB

4 5 mins, JC

A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4

Which are the possible inspection methods if Split system activate "U4" error code?
Mana metode pemeriksaan yang mungkin dilakukan jika sistem Split mengaktifkan kode kesalahan "U4"?
Check if fuse / varistor is faulty
Periksa apakah sekering / varistor rusak
Check if the thermistor is faulty
14 Periksa apakah termistornya rusak
Check if the wiring connections between Outdoor & Indoor unit is connected correctly.
Periksa apakah sambungan kabel antara unit Outdoor & Indoor terhubung dengan benar
Check if the DC voltage is within the recommend range between signal and N terminal of the field wiring
Periksa apakah voltase DC berada dalam kisaran yang disarankan antara terminal sinyal dan N dari kabel lapangan
A.1, 2, 3 B.2, 3, 4 C.1, 2, 4 D.1, 3, 4
Which statements are CORRECT regarding thermistor (NTC thermistor) resistance checking?
Manakah pernyataan yang BENAR mengenai pengukuran tahanan termistor (NTC thermistor)?
Turn off the power switch before connecting or disconnecting connectors of the thermistor
Matikan saklar daya sebelum menghubungkan atau melepaskan konektor thermistor
During checking the thermistor, the connector of the thermistor must be connected to the PCB
15 Selama memeriksa termistor, konektor termistor harus dihubungkan ke PCB
Higher resistance measurement of thermistor through multi-meter is equivalent to higher temperature reading
Pengukuran resistansi termistor yang lebih tinggi melalui multi meter setara dengan pembacaan suhu yang lebih tinggi
When the connector of indoor heat exchanger thermistor is soldered on a PCB, remove the thermistor and measure the resistance.
Bila konektor termistor coil indoor disolder pada PCB, lepaskan termistor dan ukur resistansi.
A.1, 2 B.2, 3 C.1, 4 D.2, 4

UP: RA(SA/PA) Servicing Test

Company: ________________ Name: ____________________________ Dept/Section: _____________ Date: ______________

For each question from No. 1 to 25 regarding UP:RA(SA/PA) Servicing, choose only one answer from A to D.
Questions Answer
Please answer questions 16 & 17 with reference to the electrical wiring diagram below.
Silahkan jawab pertanyaan 16 & 17 berdasarkan diagram kelistrikan dibawah ini.

What is the function of the component (A) – “DB1”?

Apa fungsi dari komponen (A)-"DB1"?
To detect input current.
Untuk mendeteksi arus masuk
To improve input power factor.
16 Untuk memperbaiki faktor daya masukan
To convert AC voltage into DC voltage.
Mengkonversi tegangan AC menjadi tegangan DC
To convert DC voltage into AC voltage with required frequency
Mengkonversi tegangan DC menjadi tegangan AC dengan frekuensi yang dibutuhkan
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4

What is the function of the component (B) – “IPM”? Apa fungsi dari komponen (B)-"IPM"?
To detect input current.
Untuk mendeteksi arus masuk
To improve input power factor.
17 Untuk memperbaiki faktor daya masukan
To convert AC voltage into DC voltage.
Mengkonversi tegangan AC menjadi tegangan DC
To convert DC voltage into AC voltage with required frequency
Mengkonversi tegangan DC menjadi tegangan AC dengan frekuensi yang dibutuhkan
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4

UP: RA(SA/PA) Servicing Test

Company: ________________ Name: ____________________________ Dept/Section: _____________ Date: ______________

For each question from No. 1 to 25 regarding UP:RA(SA/PA) Servicing, choose only one answer from A to D.
Questions Answer
Please answer questions 18 to 20 with reference to the outline of RA Basic Control below.
Silahkan jawab pertanyaan no. 18~20 berdasarkan Kontrol dasar RA dibawah ini.

UP: RA(SA/PA) Servicing Test

Company: ________________ Name: ____________________________ Dept/Section: _____________ Date: ______________

For each question from No. 1 to 25 regarding UP:RA(SA/PA) Servicing, choose only one answer from A to D.
Questions Answer
Which of the following temperature (PI control - Compressor Frequency Control) determine D D signal ?
Manakah Temperatur yang menpengaruhi signal D D?
Indoor unit suction temperature
Suhu suction unit indoor
Outdoor unit suction temperature
18 Suhu suction unit indoor
Outdoor unit discharge temperature
Suhu discharge unit outdoor
Remote controller setting temperature
Suhu pengaturan remote kontrol
A. 1, 3 B. 1, 4 C. 2, 3 D. 2, 4
Which statements are CORRECT about EXV control?
Manakah pernyataan yang BENAR mengenai kontrol Katup Ekspansi?
Initialization control: When turning on the power, the opening EXV position is set and the refrigerant pressure is equalized.
Kontrol inisialisasi: Saat menghidupkan daya, posisi EXV pembuka disetel dan tekanan zat pendingin disamakan
Open control: To control abnormal high discharge pipe temperature and dew-prevention after compressor start.
19 Kontrol terbuka: Untuk mengendalikan suhu pipa debit tinggi yang abnormal dan pencegahan embun setelah kompresor dimulai
Target discharge pipe temperature control: If the discharge pipe temperature exceeds a certain value during compressor operation, EXV closes
Pressure equalization control: When the compressor is stopped, EXV opens and the refrigerant pressure is equalized.
Kontrol pemerataan tekanan: Bila kompresor dihentikan, EXV terbuka dan tekanan refrigerant disamakan
A. 1, 2, 3 B. 1, 2, 4 C. 1, 3, 4 D. 2, 3, 4
Which statements are CORRECT about the PI control?
Manakah pernyataan yang BENAR mengenai kontrol PI?
P control: D D signal is calculated in each sampling (20sec) and frequency is adjusted according to its difference from the frequency previously
1 calculated
Kontrol P: D D dihitung pada setiap sampling (20 detik) dan frekuensi disesuaikan sesuai selisihnya dari frekuensi yang dihitung sebelumnya
I control: If the operating frequency is always changing, adjust frequency up and down according to the SD D value.
20 2 I kontrol: Jika frekuensi operasi selalu berubah, atur frekuensi naik turun sesuai nilai SD D
I control: When SD D signal value is large, the frequency is lowered.
I kontrol: Bila nilai sinyal SD D besar, frekuensi diturunkan.
I control: When SD D signal value is small, the frequency is lowered
I kontrol: Bila nilai sinyal SD D kecil, frekuensi diturunkan.
A. 1, 4 B. 2, 4 C. 1, 3 D. 3, 4

UP: RA(SA/PA) Servicing Test

Company: ________________ Name: ____________________________ Dept/Section: _____________ Date: ______________

For each question from No. 1 to 25 regarding UP:RA(SA/PA) Servicing, choose only one answer from A to D.
Questions Answer

Please answer question 21 with reference to the "Schematic View of Target Discharge Pipe Temperature Control" below.

Which statements are CORRECT about Target Discharge Pipe Temperature Control?
Manakah pernyataan yang yang BENAR mengenai Target Temperatur Kontrol Pipa Dischage?
Actual discharge pipe temp (X) is higher than the target discharge pipe temp, EXV will close more.
Temperatur pipa discharge aktual (X) lebih tinggi dari target Suhu pipa discharge, EXV akan menutup lebih banyak.
Actual discharge pipe temp (X) is higher than the target discharge pipe temp, EXV will open more.
Temperatur pipa discharge aktual (X) lebih tinggi dari target Suhu pipa discharge, EXV akan membuka lebih banyak.
Target discharge pipe temperature control is one of the EXV control.
Target suhu pipa discharge merupakan salah satu kontrol EXV
Target discharge pipe temperature control is one of the Compressor Frequency Control.
Target suhu pipa discharge merupakan salah satu Kontrol Frekuensi Kompresor
A. 1, 3 B. 1, 4 C. 2, 3 D. 2, 4
As a service personnel, how do we enter into "Service Diagnosis Mode" using the wireless remote controller?
Sebagai teknisi, bagaimana kita masuk ke "Service Diagnosis Mode" AC split mengunakan remote wireles?
1 Press "Mode" Button, "Temp Up" button and "Temp Down" button at the same time

2 Press "Cancel" button, "Temp Up" button and "Temp Down" button at the same time
3 Press "Mode" Button and "On/Off" button at the same time

4 Press "Cancel" button and "Mode" button at the same time

A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4

UP: RA(SA/PA) Servicing Test

Company: ________________ Name: ____________________________ Dept/Section: _____________ Date: ______________

For each question from No. 1 to 25 regarding UP:RA(SA/PA) Servicing, choose only one answer from A to D.
Questions Answer
Which troubleshooting procedures are CORRECT if the unit does not operate after turning on with the remote controller?
Manakah prosedur pengecekan yang BENAR ketika unit tidak beroperasi setelah dihidupkan dari remote controller?
Check if power supply is available
Periksa apakah catu daya ada
Check if remote controller is damaged
23 Periksa apakah remote kontrol rusak
Check if fuse is broken
Periksa apakah fuse putus
Check the pressure of the refrigerant.
Periksa apakah ada tekanan refrigeran
A.1, 2, 3 B.1, 2, 4 C.1, 3, 4 D.2, 3, 4
Which diagnosis are CORRECT when breaker is activated?
Yang manakah dignosa yang BENAR ketika MCB turun/bekerja?
Do not supply power until inspection completed.
Jangan hubungan ke catu daya sampai pemeriksaan selesai
Check for wrong wiring connections between Outdoor & Indoor unit on terminal 1, 2, 3
24 Periksa apakah ada kesalahan koneksi anatar indoor & outdoor di terminal 1,2,3
Check insulation resistance between power lines & ground
Periksa tahanan isolasi antara catu daya dan ground
Check insulation resistance between compressor/fans and ground
Periksa tahanan isolasi antara kompressor/kipas dan ground
A.1, 2, 3 B.1, 3, 4 C.2, 3, 4 D.1, 2, 4
Which diagnosis / inspection are CORRECT when it is not cool enough under cooling operation?
Dari hasil dignosa/pengecekan dibawah ini, mana pernyataan yang BENAR ketika AC tidak dingin dalam mode pendinginan?
Check the inlet & outlet air temperature of indoor unit
Periksa suhu udara masuk & keluar dari unit indoor
It is possible one of the thermistor in outdoor unit is defective
25 Kemungkinan salah satu thermistor di unit outdoor yang rusak.
If refrigerant pressure (low pressure side) is lower than normal, it can be confirmed as a gas shortage
Jika tekanan refrigeran (sisi tekanan rendah) lebih rendah dari normal, jika bisa pastikan kekurangan refrigerant
It is possible the expansion valve is defective
Ada kemungkinan katup expansi rusak.
A.1, 2, 3 B.1, 3, 4 C.2, 3, 4 D.1, 2, 4


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