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Name : Ilhamsyach Ramdhani Alembi

NPM : C1C017015

Difference Between enterprise Social Networks And Social Media

Broadly speaking, social media and social networking refer to the same system, namely media to
connect with many people without obstructing time and place (distance) and serves to
communicate, share things and express opinions online.

However, the difference between social networking and social media lies in the media. Social
media or social media or in English is called social media is an online media interaction that
includes blogs, forums, chat applications to social networks.

Whereas social networking itself refers more to sites or websites that are used as a gathering
place for many people without restrictions and have bonding paths such as family, friends,
business associates and so on.

Examples of social networks include Facebook, Twitter, Path, Tumblr, Pinterest, Instagram
and so on.

Actually social media is part of the mass media, mass media are divided into two, namely
conventional mass media and modern mass media. Social Media is included in modern mass
media. Another case if conventional mass media. As you know, conventional mass media in the
form of magazines, newspapers and things including printing. Then seeing from the difference
between conventional mass media and social media is

1. Conventional mass media tends to be slower in delivering the latest information on social
media appeal.

2. Conventional mass media have gatekeepers while social media does not.

3. Conventional mass media takes longer to provide feedback or response to social media appeal.

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