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It gives me a great sense of pleasure to present the B.Tech. Final year project report
undertaken during B. Tech. 4th Year. I owe special debt of gratitude to respected Dr.
MRIDULA SINGH (Assistant Professor) for her constant support and guidance
throughout the project. Her sincerity, thoroughness and perseverance have been a
constant source of inspiration for us. It is only her cognizant efforts that mine
endeavour have seen light of the day.

I am very grateful to Dr. PRABHAT KUMAR (Head & Associate Professor

CIVIL DEPARTMENT) for giving me a chance to work on this project.

Apart from my efforts, the success of this project depends largely on the
encouragement and guidelines of many others. I take this opportunity to express my
gratitude to the people who have been instrumental in the successful completion of
this Project.

GANDHARV NAIR 150060107037

GOLDY RATHI 150060107038
HARSH SAINI 150060107039
HEMANT GAUTAM 150060107040
ANKIT MALIK 150060107018
RAJAT KUMAR MOGHA 150060107084


I hereby declare that the work presented in this project report titled,
OF PERVIOUS CONCRETE” submitted by us in the partial fulfilment of the
requirement of the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech.)
Submitted in the Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering
Roorkee, is an authentic record of my project work carried out under the guidance of
Dr. MRIDULA SINGH (Assistant Professor)

Place: Roorkee

GANDHARV NAIR 150060107037

GOLDY RATHI 150060107038
HARSH SAINI 150060107039
HEMANT GAUTAM 150060107040
ANKIT MALIK 150060107018

RAJAT KUMAR MOGHA 150060107084


This is to certify that the project entitled as “CHARACTERIZATION OF THE

is being submitted by Gandharv Nair, Goldy Rathi, Harsh Saini, Hemant
Gautam, Ankit Malik, Rajat Kumar Mogha to the College of Engineering
Roorkee, in the partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree of
Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) is a record of bonafide project work carried out
by him under my guidance and supervision. The matter presented in this project report
has not been submitted either in part or full to any University or Institute for award of
any degree.


(Assistant Professor)


The Pervious concrete is the concrete, which contains very little or no fine aggregates,
it only consists of coarse aggregates and cement paste. It seems pervious concrete
would be natural choice for use in structural applications in this age of ‘Green
Building’. Very less amount of raw material is used than conventional concrete, to
produce superior insulation values when it is used in walls and through the direct
drainage of rainwater, it also helps in recharging groundwater in pavement
applications. It consists of voids, which is the main factor responsible for the lower
strength and its lightweight nature. This No-fine concrete also has many different
names, which includes zero-fines concrete, pervious concrete and porous concrete.

The pavements constructed from pervious concrete can store large quantity of rain
water ,allowing it to percolate into the under lying soil and parallel to this it reduces
the entering of pollutants in storm water systems. Hence, pervious concrete serves
as the best solution for storing rain water runoff and pollution problems in urban
areas. “The strength and porosity’’ are the two factors for various mix designs
specified in this paper. Pervious concrete is an alternative paving material that may
alleviate many of environmental problems caused by urban runoff from developed

In this report, the study of strength and porosity of pervious concrete after changing
the type of aggegates, change in design procedure is done.Different types of aggegates
eg.crushed and round aggegates are used for the mix proportions.Among which round
aggregates are selected for further work.

All specimens are tested for porosity and compressive strength. The texture of
specimen and interlocking of aggregates particles in them was observed because these
are the two main factors which affect the strength and porosity of pervious concrete

Keywords: Pervious concrete, compressive strength, porosity, permeability.


Description Page No.

Acknowledgement i
Candidate declaration ii
Supervisor declaration iii
Abstract iv
List of Figures vii

List of Tables viii

List of Graphs viii
Notations ix
Chapter 1. Introduction 01-04
1.1 Pervious Concrete 01
1.2 Necessity 02
1.3 Objective Of Investigation 03
1.4 Scope Of Present Work 03
1.5 Organization Report 04
Chapter 2. Literature Survey 05-12
2.1 Introduction 04
2.2 Review Of Literature 04
2.3 Summary 12
Chapter 3. Methodology 13-31
3.1 Introduction 13
3.1.1 Materials 13
3.1.2 Materials Proportion 15
3.2 Material Properties 16
3.2.1 Structure 16
3.2.2 Shape 18
3.2.3 Mix Proportion 18
3.2.4 Water Content 18
3.2.5 Aggregate Grading 18
3.2.6 Density 19
3.2.7 Air-Void Content 19

3.2.8 Shrinkage 19
3.3 Production Method 20
3.4 Tools And Equipment’s 21
3.4.1 Roller Screed 21
3.4.2 Vibratory Screed 22
3.4.3 Laser Screed 22
3.5 Installation Of Pervious Pavement 23
3.5.1 Sub-Grade and Sub-Base Requirements 23
3.5.2 Batching And Mixing 24
3.5.3 Transportation 24
3.5.4 Jointing Requirement 25
3.5.5 Concrete Discharge Method 25
3.5.6 Finishing 25
3.5.7 Curing 25
3.6 Benefits 25
3.7 Test on harden concrete 28
3.7.1 Test for compressive strength 28
3.7.2 Test for porosity 30
Chapter 4. Test Result and Discussions 32-35
4.1 Test Results for Compressive Strength 32
4.2 Test Results for Porosity 32
4.3 Discussion 34
4.4 Environmental Impact Assessment of Pervious Concrete 35
4.5 Environmental Impact of Pervious Concrete 35
Chapter 5. Conclusion, Application and Future Scope 36-39
5.1 Conclusion 36
5.2 Applications 36
5.3 Major projects where pervious concrete is used 37
5.4 Future scope 38
References 40-41

Figure 1.1 Pervious Concrete Block 1
Figure 3.2.1 Moulds used for casting 17
Figure 3.2.2 Moulds filled with pervious concrete 17
Figure 3.3.1 Central mixed at a batching plant 20
Figure 3.4.1 Small Roller Screed 21
Figure 3.4.2 Vibratory Screed 22
Figure 3.4.3 Laser Screed 22
Figure 3.5.1 Section showing base details 23
Figure 3.7.1 Compression testing machine 29
Figure 3.7.2 Specimens for porosity test 31
Figure 4.1 Display for compression testing machine 34
Figure 5.3.1 Pervious concrete sidewalk- Anacortes, WA 37
Green alley in the city of Chicago pavements
Figure 5.3.2 are made from by pervious concrete. 37

A permeable interlocking concrete pavement

Figure 5.3.3 shopping centre parking lot in Rhode Island 38

A band of traditional concrete installed

Figure 5.3.4 between coloured pervious sections in 38
downtown Beijing

Annual groundwater use in NCR zones, billion
Table 1.1
Cubic metres. 2

The National Ready –Mix Concrete Association

Table 3.1 provides the following chart of typical ranges of
Materials proportions in pervious concrete.

Table 3.2 The details of trail mixes. 27

Table 3.3 The compressive strength for different trails. 28
Table 3.4 The porosity for different trails 30
Brief summery that shows porosity and
Table 4.1
Compressive strength for different mix designs. 33

Compressive Strength of pervious concrete for
Graph 4.1 32
different mix trails
Effective Porosity of pervious concrete for
Graph 4.2 32
different mix trials


EPA - Environmental Protection Agency

LEED - Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design

NCE - National Capital Region

MCGM’S - Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai’s

ICJ - Indian Concrete Journal

SCMs - Supplementary Cementations Materials

WRA - Water-Reducing Admixtures

HAS - Hydration stabilizing admixtures

VMA - Viscosity Modifying Admixture

ICA - Internal Curing Admixture

PCPC - Portland cement Pervious Concrete

NRC - National Research Council

NRMCA - National Ready Mix Concrete Association

EPC - Enhanced Porosity Concrete

EIS - Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy

ACI - American Concrete Institute


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