TITAN NP 1.0 Release Notes

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NP 1.

Release Notes
General Release
Document Version – 3

Terms of use.....................................................................................................................3
Release Notes............................................................................................................................ 4
Document Conventions.............................................................................................................. 4
Guide References....................................................................................................................... 4
Chapter 1: What’s in this Release?................................................................................5
Overview.................................................................................................................................... 5
NP 1.0.2.................................................................................................................................................. 5
Package Information................................................................................................................... 5
Enhancements and Optimizations.............................................................................................. 5
Defects Resolved....................................................................................................................... 5
NP 1.0.1.................................................................................................................................................. 5
Package Information................................................................................................................... 5
Defects Resolved....................................................................................................................... 5
NP 1.0.0.................................................................................................................................................. 6
Package Information................................................................................................................... 6
New Features............................................................................................................................. 6
Known Technical Issues....................................................................................................................... 7
Chapter 2: Considerations..............................................................................................8
TITAN Modules........................................................................................................................... 8
TITAN Version............................................................................................................................ 8
Chapter 3 Application Installation and Rollback..........................................................9
Installation.................................................................................................................................. 9
Uninstallation.............................................................................................................................. 9
Rollback.................................................................................................................................... 10
Chapter 4: Technical Support......................................................................................11
Contacting NetNumber....................................................................................................................... 11
Revision History............................................................................................................12

2 NP 1.0 Application Release Notes

Terms of use
This document may not be copied in whole or in part without the prior written consent of NetNumber, Inc. The
information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment
by NetNumber. NetNumber assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. The
software described in this document is furnished under license and may be used or copied only in accordance
with the terms of such license. Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners.

© 2017 NetNumber, Inc. All rights reserved

3 NP 1.0 Application Release Notes

Release Notes Read this document before attempting to install TITAN applications for special
considerations, latest known technical issues and changes associated with the
administration and operation of TITAN and the application.

Document This document uses the following typographical conventions:

Conventions  Directory, file, and command names appear in Courier New constant
width font.
 Keyboard key names as well as names of buttons on a web page appear in
Arial Bold font.
 Words in Italicized Arial font represent new terms or otherwise emphasize an
 Output and prompts from a script appear surrounded by a gray box.
 This document’s versioning represents the release type (for example:
General Release, Candidate Release, and Early Release) and the Document
Version for changes made to the release notes.

Guide References The General Release documentation for the application is provided in PDF format
and is made available in the Application_Library folder. Within the folder, the
Application_Library.pdf file provides links to all documents contained within
the library.

TITAN administration guides are available for download in the TITAN Console. To
access the help on the Console, click the help icon (?) on the navigation bar to open
the help window and table of contents. Links to download the PDF are available on
the introduction topic for the associated TITAN guide.

If a resolved defect or optimization required a documentation change, the associated

document and section are listed in the summary. For example:
Document: Alarm 1.1 guide
 Section: “Alarm Facility Properties - Configuration”
The above example states that the Alarm guide, version 1.1, was updated because
of a resolved defect or optimization. The change is in the section “Alarm Facility
Properties - Configuration”. A summary of all documentation changes is listed in the
Revision History of the guide.
If a change affects multiple sections in a guide, the reference states that it affects
multiple sections and provides an example of where a change was made. For
Document: Alarm 1.1 guide
 Section: This affects multiple sections. For example, see “Alarm Facility
Properties - Configuration”

4 NP 1.0 Application Release Notes

What’s in this Release?
Overview This represents the first patch release of the Number Portability (NP) Application.

If a customer reported an issue or requested an improvement through Support, then

the change includes the corresponding identifier for the Customer Support Ticket

NP 1.0.2

Package Package Name: NNI-titan-np-1.0.2.app

Information Cksum: 2982961772 2369418

Enhancements and Optimizations

ID CST Summary
NP-6 - The routing number table should perform best match when searched
instead of exact match.

Defects Resolved

ID CST Severity Summary

NP-5 - S3 The selector view is lost upon re-installation of the app
after restoring an empty-config file.

NP 1.0.1

Package Package Name: NNI-titan-np-1.0.1.app

Information Cksum: 1881489767 2369363

Defects Resolved
5 NP 1.0 Application Release Notes
ID CST Severity Summary
NP-3 - S1 The Number Portability cannot be configured with an ss7
sp local.

NP 1.0.0

Package Package Name: NNI-titan-np-1.0.0.app

Information Cksum: 3188300045 2369054

New Features

ID Summary
NP-1 The Number Portability application provides a single interface to TITAN signaling
applications for accessing external and local NP data. These signaling applications,
such as ENUM-DNS and STP, require access to NP data to determine whether or not
the DN is ported out of the network.

6 NP 1.0 Application Release Notes

Known Technical Issues

There are no known technical issues in this release with a high severity. For a list of the known technical
issues with a low severity, contact NetNumber Support at support@netnumber.com.

7 NP 1.0 Application Release Notes

The following considerations should be reviewed prior to installing the NP application.

TITAN Modules The NP application on an Edge requires you to enable the following modules:
 SS7-<variant>

For example, if you are using the application for an ANSI SS7 network, you must
enable the SS7-ANSI module.

TITAN Version You must install the NP 1.0.0 application on the following TITAN servers and
 TITAN Master, version 7.7.8, 7.8.8, 7.9.3 or later.
 TITAN Edge, version 7.7.8, 7.8.8, 7.9.3 or later.

8 NP 1.0 Application Release Notes

Application Installation and Rollback
Complete the following procedure to install the application.

Before you Begin

1. Review Chapter 2, Considerations and verify that the Cksum information for
the files match the Cksum listed in the release notes.

2. On the TITAN Server: Perform a System File Capture to collect your system
information and configuration.

For information on performing the System File Capture utility, see the
Operations guide.

3. From the TITAN homepage, click view.

4. Export your view data.

For information on exporting your view data, see the Views guide.

5. Save your System File Capture output and view data to an external storage


1. On the TITAN Server: Log into the TITAN Console with READ and WRITE
permissions to the Catalog Facility.

2. Enable configuration-enabled mode by clicking Enable in the upper right

corner of the Console.

3. From the TITAN homepage, click system > catalog.

9 NP 1.0 Application Release Notes

4. Click Install on the Applications tab.

5. In the window that appears, click Browse and select the application file.

6. Click Upload.

7. If you are installing the application in a High Availability (HA) environment,

repeat steps 1 through 6 on the Standby server.

Complete the following procedure to uninstall the application.


1. On the TITAN Server: Log into the TITAN Console with READ and WRITE
permissions to the Catalog Facility.

2. Enable configuration-enabled mode by clicking Enable in the upper right

corner of the Console.

3. From the TITAN homepage, click system > catalog.

4. Select the application on the Applications tab.

5. Click Uninstall.

You can also right-click the application you want to uninstall and select
Uninstall from the menu.

6. Respond to the confirmation message. Click Yes to uninstall the application.

7. If you are uninstalling the application in a HA environment, repeat steps 1

through 6 on the Standby server.
The following procedures provide instructions on performing a rollback.

This task requires a service outage. If the application is installed on both the Master
and Edge server, then you must rollback the Master before rolling back the Edge.

1. Uninstall the application as described in the release notes.

10 NP 1.0 Application Release Notes

2. Reinstall the previous version of the application. If you did not update from a
previous version of the application, proceed to step 3.

For instructions on installing an application, see the release notes associated

to that version of the application.

3. On the TITAN Server: From the TITAN homepage, click system >

4. If this application contains configuration, restore the configuration using the

config-export.txt file saved from the System File Capture.

For information on restoring the configuration, see the Configuration guide.

5. If this application contains views, complete one of the following tasks

depending on the server type being rolled back:

 Master Server: Import any view data saved prior to installing the

Importing views may take a significant amount of time.

For information on importing your view data, see the Views guide.

 Edge Server: Audit any views associated with this application.

For information on auditing your view data, see the Views guide.

11 NP 1.0 Application Release Notes

Technical Support
Contacting NetNumber
As a valued customer, we appreciate any feedback you have regarding the quality of
this release. Contact NetNumber Support at support@netnumber.com with any
questions or issues.

12 NP 1.0 Application Release Notes

Revision History
Date Version Revision
06/26/201 3 NP 1.0.2 General Release.
05/20/201 2 NP 1.0.1 General Release.
05/13/201 1 NP 1.0.0 General Release.

13 NP 1.0 Application Release Notes

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