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Definition ICT
Information and Communication Technology (ICT), or Information and Communication
Technologies (ICT), is technology that includes all technical equipment for processing and
delivering information. ICT covers two aspects, namely information technology and
communication technology. Information technology includes all matters relating to the process,
use as a tool, manipulation and management of information. While communication technology
is everything related to the use of tools to process and transfer data from one device to another.

Thus, information technology and communication technology are two inseparable concepts.
Communication and information technology contains a broad sense that is all actions related to
processing, manipulation, management, transfer of information between media. The term ICT
emerged after the integration of computer technology (both hardware and software).

The aims of using ICT-based education are:

1. Develop ICT networks for the public and universities such as research and education networks in
2. Prepare a design of human resource development in applying ICT
3. Develop and improve ICT-based curriculum
4. Using ICT as a part of the learning curriculum in schools, universities, and training centers
5. Organize programs related to education by involving schools in the broadest learning
6. Facilitating the use of the internet efficiently in the learning process


B. Types of ICT Commonly Used in Education

1. E-Learning

Although most often associated with higher education and corporate training, E-Learning
includes learning at all levels, both formal and informal, using intranets (LANs) or extranets
(WANs), in whole or in part, interaction, facilitation (Allen, 2006 ). Some other parties prefer the
term Online Learning or Web-based learning, which is a subset of e-learning and refers to
learning using browsers (such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, and others).

2. Blended Learning

Blended Learning is a learning model that tries to combine several existing learning models.
Along with developments in information and communication technology, especially in network
technology such as the internet, generally the learning models that are combined are in the
form of face-to-face learning, face-to-face learning, offline learning, and online learning. The
general purpose of learning this blended model is to find a combination of effective learning
models. In the end, this learning model aims to achieve the effectiveness of learning.

3. Distance Learning

Distance learning (distance learning) is learning by using a medium that allows interaction
between the teacher and students. In distance learning between teachers and students not face
to face directly, learning is possible between teachers and students in different places and can
even be separated by very long distances, thus facilitating the learning process.


C. The Model of Using ICT in Learning

Education has broad dimensions, education refers to the dimensions of the program and
strategies in learning in order to develop students' learning abilities. There are various views
regarding the use of ICT (internet) model in education, including the following:

Abdulhak (2005) classifies ICT utilization into three types namely:

1. ICT as a educational tool, meaning that the media is only as a complement to clarify the material
descriptions presented.
2. ICT as a source, meaning that ICT is used as a source of information in learning.
3. ICT as a learning system, ICT is designed in such a way as an integrated learning system.

D. Capabilities Required for the Implementation of ICT-Based Education

The wider possibilities for education and training require educational managers to be able to
integrate technology in the learning environment, starting from the design, development,
implementation and maintenance phases.

1. Institutional Demands

If a school education institution wants to successfully conduct education, then there must be a
policy of partiality, cooperation, and commitment between work units that might be involved.

2. Management Capability

While the demands or requirements that must be met by a program manager to encourage
success are:

a. Able to convince or find good values in the use of technology

b. Understand deeply about the influence of technology in learning skills

c. Able to adjust culture and attitude in the use of technology

d. Understand and realize

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