Employee Management System: Project Title

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Project Title:

Employee Management System

DOmain Analysis:
Nature of Software:
Our Software is the Intranet based Management System. While the boundary of our software is within
Organization i.e., the information sharing, collaboration tools, operating systems are other computing
services are used only within organization and to the exclusion of access by outsiders to the organization

System’s Working in Particular Domain:

Employee Management System Software module helps to understand how our software will work
within an organization and manage all the information about their employees along with employee’s
leave and salary. This software also prepares essential reports like staff details, performance report,
staff attendance details, attendance register.

 Administrator:-

The administrator module allows the administrator to control the add, edit and removal of the
employee. It allows the administrator to manage their attendance, leave, salary and overall
performance. It helps the administrator to give daily projects to its employees.

 Employee:-

Every employee has its own specific id and password. The employee module allows the employee to
show their information such as their name, contact details, image, address, salary. Employee can view
their current schedule information. This module helps the employee to view their in and out board. It
helps them to see on which project they have to work today.

 Attendance:-

Employee attendance modules helps to maintain a database of staff consisting name, position, address
and contact information. It maintains leave details, the total working days, off days, present and absent
and public holidays. It helps to manages data and enhance security so that no employee can manipulate
the attendance. The attendance will be done by using biometric system.
 Leave:-

The employee leave module helps the employee to take a leave such as casual leave, sick leave,
maternity leave, compensatory off and training leave depending upon their reason for the leave. It
controls the date and time and number of leaves taken by the employee and how many employee are
on leave currently.

 Daily Project:-

The daily project module is used to tell the employee on which project they have to work today. It
enhances the criteria of the work. It helps to set the priority of the work.

 Salary:-

The salary module is used to calculate the salary of a employee on daily basis on the basis of how many
hours they work, overtime and if they come on public holidays they will be paid extra and reduction if
they get absent more than their monthly holidays.

External inputs:
 Login (name, password)
 Employee Record (name, phone number, other personal and educational information)
 Assignment of task
 Salary
 Employee shift
 Leave application

External inquiry:
 Attendance (Biometric System)

External outputs:
 Attendance record
 Check task status
 Employee Profile view
 Check shift of Employee
 Leave status
 Salary Status
 Total Employees

Internal logical files:

 System Record file

External Interface files:

 Biometric System
 Graphical User Interface

Stake Holders:
The Stakeholders of our Employee Management System are as follows:

 Employees
 Admin
 Owner
 Bank
 Customers

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