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1. Provide 2 - 3 examples each of what you can do to show humility/ honest
and helpfulness in taekwondo.

 Bowing to your instructor

 Helping your fellow trainees when you are ahead of them
 Admitting your mistakes and weaknesses even if you’ve achieved so

2. Do you think taekwondo is a sport or a martial? and why?

- For me, taekwondo is both a sport and a martial art. It is a sport in a

way that it is used in competitions which other people enjoy watching;
also it is a martial art in a sense that it allows the taekwondo player to
learn things that he/she could use to defend himself/herself from
dangerous situations. With this question, I feel like it will always depend
on how the person will use it in the future. But for me, it is both for I am
learning it as a sport while having the ideas to use it in some necessary
situations in the future.
3. For students like you, how can physical activities at home be carried out in
times like this (Outbreak situations)? In your own little way, how can you
promote this? Why? Explain.

- There are a lot of physical activities I can do at home in these

situations; examples are Zumba, exercising and even doing household
chores. And all these can be done inside the house and can be some
sort of activity to kill out boredom. And I can promote this by maybe
posting it in my stories, taking a video of it in tiktok, or even simply
sharing what I’ve done with my friends could inspire them to do the
same. In times like this, we could only stay at home and is limited to do
things that could keep us physically fit. But even with some simple
things like my examples, we could stay physically fit and can even
inspire others to the same in these situations.

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