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/ ONT oO 7, RF Power Ampl plifien. Sobioduction :- =) The power omplifies ta the last block f the “onset. : Antinng, RE | Pow tle slg peopl e L To Pump ott os much energy o» pooible ty the antinna. =) The pA pnovider broodcaxt of the menage. =) The main considerations og the power osmpkfier ts, = Efficiency => Hi neasdty . = Fo the ie non-linear ten, Non-Eneas, devi =) Poder ornptifier ig used ty Yocveme the omouct of tha. Potter at the ofp. Sy Generaliged pase omplifter_model:- ef =) “Ri Me Road sentence throuds which the olp power fp deltouy =) The inductor “Ly’ feeds Be power to tte drain and fs Mumed +o be Joage ene 20 ect the Cument “Prough Choe *Aubsbettally Conant . =) The dv ontage of th, Configusaction peck. We ole a potitine, XB absorbed by the tank frat - =) Ritain. ca S 4 provided by this en ck seduces te emission, Comred toy the. Con -lineosirties- ) Depending Upon the conduction angle and Re biaxin, oF the Ornplifiers, te power omplifiers one clani fied a, | 2 clay A > Clow B => chy c — claw ps = con pd | => dom € Easel. ec Pode @ P foo. oun Arp = For the clas 0 power omplifter the tink cit seduces the distorting ond paovidea Gneasity. = The conduction ange. forthe claw 6 pase amp tp 3td =) The dvoin cusent By the ornphtier te enpal tothe full Cyele of time pestiod . =F MOSFET io the clase pA ip tothe satunabeon eg =) Theat means the Cumeat Areough, the HOSFET Ut lt be aluvays ro to make WOSFET on - = MostEeT ho te wekoge <0 to make HOSFET ofp. — fi'h Brain vel $ Cunent of on ideal clan» 6 pa- 9 Paoume Hoot tie deain cunent ta, : toe ie Up sinugt Oo. L bios cuvent Ve ok ta sla Compona st the. drain : Cuutent - UN — sly peylawonant freq). =) The oe Nottaige if poteduct of the sla Cunent § Hee Load Peristener , B= ~ yp R, Sinugt 36. The ove al power delivered to Tre sexta Rb, Ree yee 7 ® fe a the bia, cusent oreuld be. eqpol to Be ofpet euuenk — qe Ame meimum amount ef the power - f Toe = hp =@. =) The De Ve power, foo = Soe Veo : es ip Yop > &)- 3 The Alficieney cy MWe pouey amp ig, 4 = RE oe power oe ale eee De ‘le power : f = aw = (ry (4) hg tee oo ho hy” Nop ' a Hence the drain base You tne Chan & pe bs just mf 30}. —— ™ oy * for a clus a power omplifier massiroum drain to so : Voltage. tx Opp. * The peak drain cunent of the amp ta 2¥eofp . * Stren on the device, obo dpecifios the efficiency . ? Nostenoliged power lp Capatetlity. Fu = Achial-clp power Product of man device vol § Caent Py = fe . : Nos, pk X bp jenoot * Hence tee clos 8 PA poovider Linearity ak & Cast of tous Shicteocy % relatively Jorge device strenea - + Clan A PA one stosely Used in RE PA. F | A 2 clay B Power Amplifier - & for clos & power asnplsfier the conduction angle tp (20. Se biooing ig esdanged ‘ty shunt off the Op device for ever hail Cycle . 2 hype Sh amp, we assume the arain Cuuent tp be Maso Ler \pr one hal cycle $ ae fv ancther hal cycle - Paain voltoge % Curent Poy clus BPA: =) We dvain Curent of tha omp ig , tos ip Siow oy iszo >0. Th The fundamental Component: a tre pa ip, Faun = tthe Sin uxt) Bloub). de . Wo = 2 : > § Ng sid'igt -dt. ° | Ay aw = Be tee (Trem auye a 0 Dhy Thm § i ( CA Dua J ° | TT Th 2 | te] 4). ° . KK ig fei _ (esse) Dp Dd ‘ban = aig Gt.) = J» ray SHA) a * Be may. Merorant ey Whe Value of Wpy= | and tre highes dadex hostmoche. twiew ae obminatd - “ho = Ne 5. @. “f RSinwt 3G). * The mon Nolue op Nout & Yop . Hence We cnet , ip, mar = Vp Re =o: aR Foy may = Voe'7, 5, ©. bs: 2 D-c ‘lp Power Can be obtained by Are. ong of trre_ : ‘ Wi. eo -y ie Sinus dt - ° u om Rr | Wee a: a | BEE aio. ap, ov rae Poe > feng |” = may [ENT canta : Nep x (2). TRL ob = 2Nipo Tee 286 “The Dee ile Power oh the Omi Poa = ele L “Npp = 2Y, TR, DD PD ep 6. ~ The a ob fra - arop by , il,-= Poy en ark foo = No aa = Seo x TK a °F anh FR = O85 Fee | Nw 3. Clay Power Aroplifien :- (o ‘ “vy ‘~ =) The Conduction ongle Sov the claw o pA B elem Io: _VThe WosFET hos the qos bintag 40 conduct jx ve than ths hel, eycle- =) The dvain Cuert , b= Te + Lp sioust, tro 3O.- =) ‘lo Aieoplify the. ‘Capotion we seusrit Hatem Sing by cas. Proin wl ¢ curent fox clan c pa - =_—— ————_ __ a he dann Suen foe the pa B, b= Too tivg Aw t >@Q. tp > The Croduction angle, : hat be Cok ' (~Foe Zoe eed Ne SS aS > 2b eaem! (Boe $ 26 “yp = G bio, Cuuent, 9. -iep ows 3 @, -Vve. ign i due to the. Conduction angle < 1e 0) Mie offee £ Cunent will be Negative : The =) the ang dvain Cuweat , f * boar f (Soot ng cag). ap a 7; T, bo. 7. i aT fel, .

a xe sing = = : fp = Be (sing - bens] >. i mt The \undome tal componest of fhe dvain Curent , we ° T Mug = a | to cout -dt 2 @- Sub the value a Xp to a ®, 7 cee = a {ack e cos wy) . cauyt: «dt He Leeson dt + Vig coSingt a) Oo oO S 7 — + [re | { Chut dt + ive { covigt at] 7 r = [Soe (sio wt) a. tals ey | Wp g Ci =2 (2 . le ° ; = [zoetsnt] + ‘ ay, + wt (ste | io} ; “3 [fos tinsal . ig ww, + ie os ey | Mllipks the ey by Wy, P, fun = 4 tee 196 (Siougt)! + ‘Ev, tot aad Epolsiomey, |. @ PA [poke Sa neste pone > . \ . = [ Soe Pious cu Se wet + “Esio oa = Ir] Ae siougr « ‘EET + ive F Siomuz) Matton % divide the eq by a. > fy Toe Sto us ahr p usr pinay] @. * Roume paar fon Hersh eagd Subsitide the Value F Tein 24, fug = xp Sina] oo, “fun = Fa [tomb ob wane psy) Rhema ing = Balers) —sin (a =| : “var [Ping sinad wag § sig stony]. Nhu” TE [ap snag] s@, ‘ ¥ The mor ole vet, ey Npp = tg (2$.-si0 26) Re 3. # or veg 19 Bao of Nop : Yep = 2TVop 5 & . REeg-sinag) The. PAK drain cyment Ry eqpalty a of the fund Avoin cuwedk % Bias cument - Noe = tp + Sores cer ky Sore . 'DyPK = 2Ty, bciaag\? at [sing -peasp). RO$ 05 ap) 0 Soe, > ZT Noo ) 4 So) 7 Rea$-sin ag) Fh oy a 9, b= Mao 3). Zoe “he [sing —¢ cass) “fp (a4 ~8i0.2$) Ere ae r. An PA Yhe. MOSFET conduct: for too"), of the time E, a os B osnplifier the NosFET corluct By 50'/ of the ire period , , =) For clas c pa the Hosre? conduct between oto soi PE Ake time pestiod . =) AR Be name itelf, Duggets Te Clow 6 power am P conte between Sv/. to W007, of the tive perdcd . =) AB a mault ik efficiency enactty equal to yes] . s.Clom © power Amplifier: * The powev ormplifvera d0 fox dircumed weg tHe active device, ax controlled uwent source . 1B Io by DY tp 38-57 ev > Pmotter applicetion ip to uge the device ag a runtteh. > Hence Be claw o_ omplifi ex ta olkko Called ay “ottahing amplifier’ ' > xe ty - | we 9 | 0 7 of w 9 ve al \ 3 Since the powsex Yondhing devices (Moser) udorkg OBO pesfec “binary auttch, oo time ta wosted to bly the branrition stayes, =) No power Ya abso watrd tothe 3210 th conditions - = A ideal Binasy susckeh will pos all euemb orough a with 90 Nitto e aero it When it le in oN) state- = When te te bee tate the entive vo and oo -cunent flows Wreough it . = Thi means that oo power ie vwwosttd acven * dument during amplification. Mege remains oes. the asiteling =) Hence & pstovider mauimum CRUNCH recency, ~The, \righes Hie efficiency meany Sow “thw ‘which means Wo amplifier Power -od-~ he. oe 5 : | al dissipation, dins' p obs, uw Omouet of Now = & H, Avain Voltage E Cupent . ‘ip. Neo} % > Ta Sssordnng vl Beaten fr a claw po %€ The novenatiged power Be claw o Power amp ty Cy & Clap poser Apr “Se : EP e AAS * Using bronnintesprat Mattches prdvides tenpaoved “tery, but due to Teopenteetions 19 He seal suttches Bere rag be. Dome, prtdelern . * The osrociatid, dinip ation deg vades Ate Spicieney, * VU prevent 45, yor dowes he SWiEches ru be quite : fost srelotive to the yes, of ppextation . *® Hence the chs amplifier ‘ip Uped by whieh t shodifie, Ve okt do force © zen0 suitteh yp} foo 900-3010 ichinval Aime. Obeut tie instoot th sutheh which edu He Power Avsipation : ey Noxmaltged power ole Capability, { fy & 0-098]. Clas F pewer Arnplifien:- Nop Xx = The ofp tack ckt ip uped to tined the Neronance at, aw _ A & Comrie Faequency - The Q-factor tp tds enough- le Langth of the thansmimion line tp Chosen to be o Gposten - wavelength ot the Covaden freqpiercy: =) The. Spasttin —usovelangths & Line how Bete edanee. Stectp necation” Propenty Penne — ‘lp tropedonee af auch a Ure te proportional ty The aetiprocal of the tiimination impedance - Ns 2Npp gNEO, a\ t Daain Voltage § Cuvent fos. ideal cla F Amp + 4. peak-to-peak Voltage of, Me Jurdamental Compones, ef Vs is, i (ult) 2\pp 0. =) The tle ‘power delivesed -to the Load by the fordamental Component. of the pat Notkoge. iz, 2 Peyy = \Ufr)v f (deel >®- net x Pag) & = The peak ‘dvatn Curent , tb, pK = ee We : 'Pype = & Nop 3 @. R oe The normalized power handling Copabi tg is, fu = fo \ipsymon © 'O/,PK = {lum Vool” a . ee te 4 | 2Npp- 2) ws LY Re Phope Locked hoop By = A pL may be wed qrowiate an olp signal whore : Freqpency ip a progtammable, rational souttiple of a fxea, Freqpencd ' =) The ofp of Freaqten ay agotheers mou be used asthe Local orettlctoy Bigpal to superbetrodyne Yanscefvexs. — may abe be ured to Phorm foqperey modulation aNd decnodulation . 7% Can abo be wed Lovgenerabe the Coavier to which the Cossier har been Duppremed . jem ok ‘ oot foo Veo [> output ‘geal ( fous) rep) Phase - Locked boop Axchitecture - ae meference tcillator vacillates eveny time. betes © baep Nooke {ke a Xamp atqnal . one b> Periction contro ae pot t Sypher_- corte the Neue ; Vagovig ane au Mae cortset Ble 9 The ‘lp atenal ’ - continuctty Changing samp skenal hone | he pit upes Velocity corbre\ syste: Te Goin = olp 7 Ap Ita Dk A =5 +hen ee , @e) \ Te + ) i ole Ce) atin yu) ie = the ‘integral eliminatts Re rele eaters . A y olp Ale rN ‘lp (tA, = _Als | 7 sta s Ss I Alt] : lg, al LE&)= (aca Ere 2) Pasttal factions , Ne) ft 24 ’ a raul both SR io. | . kK + ks 13}, * 15 1+3/, 1+ 5)p Ag 2 vlL) = \ TE Seo, UG).ethe0- » a routtip ly both xdex by (es, +: Ky + ky U+/,) + 3 Hence Hu lp ib enual +0 Up. Ze S=-A, Fr CC - ee eon a '3ha Yow Me.eth a... endged pli. Nodele:- PPLE Architecture: * The pL oschitictine const, of a phore detietoy and Voltage Combrolled escillatpy (veo)- * The phone detictoy Compoxes the phase of on incoming reference alg with the veoand produces an olp thai, a function of Phase difPerence . +. The Veo sien gly generis a stgnal whore Begpeney bs fue of dome Centrol whage. #F The prose detrctor dyives the Neo feqpe thet aeducer +h Phase difference. * The Peedb ack provided by the dlen bs Negative Feedback “4 tno divecte: t once We hoop achieves hock thy phase Of the ip aefern and Veo ole alos have. a fixed phore selectionshi ps Conosthy or 40). x ane . although both the phase detector and veo ote Ki 7 bi Aon-linean. 24 is anumed Rot they = mea ha 5 CS - 3 anal tng loops. “thet a oo : ‘a AS ae Low wn SESE ee) x The. Consequence of choosing prone asthe ip-lp NJosiable ip that the veo, whee of, LY depends on a cerstiol vol in Modeled os 00 Totrgeabon , Monee phase o> Re tobimial 4 fy » The Veo acts Constant ky ho» uct of Hodians | ye -vl chong in o\p ey renulting fom a specified Chonge {n Corthol voltage ATMs phase detretoy = GH desert bes the ta modeled ara dimple wsbsbractoy Wok generates a phase error pe dederthe cpp bf, The tp g o\p phases. = 0 oecomodats Geto nealing actors ge option addr ena Hittaing in Re loop, cd eos Fane re is Caen j 4 @- + -ordey pLh:- PLY tn which We function Hts) ip Suroply a scales "goto (tet it be Ky with units Vol radian). ; =) The Loop Lransminion POVobes yt a single pole, henc Hh ype oP Roop tp Known ay Yat -ovcky pin. =) The bondwidth ond vad sate pose erropane sor Coupled tm ARR hype of Loop. : ~The ile -olp tiamsher function ip dexted as, Gait!) sok (eee $a) BGK —? O “The Closed Loop 8:19 ib, BM = Kky > @- =) The Bw % phore eso asie. Linked to each offen. Po derive the flp—to - earor Banfer fun, 40) _ os ©. “bent ts) Stkyky ‘Se = Of we osdume —trat the ip alg ws & Cofact » “ bey eye , Ke gets) = wi . OK ee 3G ae” Sat 2 OCs) = BS 54 884K ke) > © \ ah \ fe atiady - Soke exsn with a constant fag Anput ts, eg SAE) = bor “Kok ; f. Kokp = | : hes ges) = a ©. » Hence 48, staod, rf slate Prose exvoy _ Siongly the satin of he toput fax eqpence ko the Joop bandustdth. oe Sasge hoop ‘bandwidth ARGO a Small stad atite . Phare. evroyY - 22) An tneveore te gin Sobeg the Loop tranaminion Loilprenly al alk esp 7 & bandwidth increase ne cemarily : Feduces he Phare esro%- z y . Second ~ordey PLhi- ea e a0 negative phase shift contributed by tte added ctor hos to be offpe toy te puitlive phose. shift of Ake oop. | (a) Model of Second-order pt: =) The Constant ky ho» the uoik of Veils ec . =) The Mability of this Soop con be explained with the 2) Ap the Loop transmimion megnitide loereanes (by 4 Kpke), the tncrease i cveir over eqpeney allows more Positive, Phone Shi ft to offset ye negate phos sh ft of =) The phase Promsfes function ww, Gout 8 +1 = Pin (8"| kore) + 125 +! | | wl > Foot locus of Second-order ph Wn =] Kok >®@. See S ele uy Bot TeV _5@). a 2. The cveMover yey fox Re hoop Mei be exprenmed as, We = (ust ea b [ee + ]h a] Le. 3 The Ce over Peapteney above the gexo Faespien 2 oP we 2! 5 ©, Wz qi xy SY x RY / a e Detector» '- prog Multiplier Ag A phase Delectya :- =) The PILLS Which have sine-ware. inputs and xne-wWave Ver he mest common Prove detector i the. mulfiplion , Ofte implemented usitth a Gilbert type dopelogy - pop PB swt) (ar Cot-+q)]. gcarcr® = ContheB) 10h Fe AS Oris . +Cos fot ~ Multiplier a» phase deticton- fen: Or a The do of +e roulhipbey ts exprened o , © ace Beos(wt +) Awcasutcas(iot +4) = Fe Leos f +ca8 oat]. =) The ole of the mulkipliier connate Pha oe tiv ond a deuble — pea Hiren - =) The phase detector mregpives only We pe tows. =) Hence the ong ole a We phare detactor % (AS cow calottg)) = = (cs $) 3 @. ° _ 2 = The phase debretor gain Contant fo funetiony” phase angle and ta, . opt pe. MM ; 7G on "= Sg Cows) alee (sing) 6). * The average olp OX & function of Phare. angle iB, = ——_ —— a olen, - Aly vour) * To WR method comider one ap He wine-iwese and the Other to be the Saparte - wove. lp. eR AB(cxsust) - 9g0f cos weg]. Baga feos tot+4) | Mulk: plier toith one. Sqprore ware. ‘I, | a The 3f4.aum fuo ar defined os, | S~OX)al Basco So. 84qn CO = | \* A Aqpore. 0rve -\ ip % he Fins = a 1 i in & lep |< =i We Peedbork Tenpedance ta pure pesitive rey, < x Men The ip tompedonce wil be a purely eq ave srenstance - = the Negative. sedutance may be wed 4o offset Re Pity, serslen ce SF Khe mesomabors to produce on sitillator. Pe Ry R, Negative Rexstance Ocillatoy . ~The Condition [Re 7p] Bhould be Ahumed. Noo Sienple di fewntial Pein Pegatine xeintance oscillator. Neg Renitance aeillatoy d Vol bage coritaolled negats with medilied tok ckb: eG 2 madified Bok * Hewstonc o8cillatyy - ; i oo Re ponactoge Re ©> quatin- wave Resonators Sot high feqp He becomes difficult to obtain Adequate” ¢’ feowy dumped Tesmabra because Re sagpired Componests Voluez ase. improckteal =) “Ine disbibutid sresmator ruck as a. quasten wave. Piece. bonsmusion line ip used - 2 & tp proportional to Ratio of Energy stored Enesgy diwipetad = Some distribubd ssucteres store energy to to € & vclume ond duspation is due to auapce effects . & Sg Re Nrlume - _& = Hence Nolame[ Surface, axea satio ty “enpoatant fo dletom Whe @-facton, | © Quostg Cuptals:- =) Quortg tao Plezoele chic. matinial, andit exhibits nee: & _fshuttle, Converts ) os procal trong, ion between mechantcal Bai cloctie chasge. ° ™ =) Bhen a mechanical strain we applied, charges Oppeaxs, ows Re Coyskal - to “TL ke, ra Foe eto T : ea 7 . Sumbel ¢ model By ark fede oe ou : @ F ports Couglal, Wed at dtadio fpeaps employ & bulk Mode, Re sesonank hea dbs toweoudy proporhing “to He Hickinen of the Hab. =) The. Sposta Cuda has the qpobity Botor Q Rom the Ronee ols todo n°. i =) The Copacitance* c; depaiesents the poole plodz Copactiance asrociatid wlth ee Comet £ de Dead wires =) the. CF bin represents the. mechans = Rexistance “Ry Aisne system. >) The ieristonce “Ry con be expaerred as , Aceoust Foy the. NongZero devs lex, Seal R& Tx 108 fo =) Fox eHeotine renies owslanae Ro Aquaxe of Ne Svertone mode fp , a- 3 Ry Sx10 ee os * Voltage coatrolled oncillatoy (veo):- x % The voltage controlled oscillator je used to Prtoducey” Comnerting dow ey Xgoab auch 05 EEG's EKG fob a, audio Block vé ef Veo- Se tei capac, _ Kening Capote iy Lineoaly chasged \090 discharged bya Conitank Cuuent Source] Bink - =) Th ; Se omeunt ob cuent Gq be contnolled bee the voltae ‘eo. . * ° a / applied ot the modulating tle Lin 5) on by chonging The Kiming “Meister &) extinoal ty Re chip. > See ak pin 6 ip held at the fame Voltage os pin 5. the wondulating volkage at pin S tp fnoveosed Re vollage pin & abo fnereases, The Veo pstoduced audio atgnals Gn be ronan oven telephone Vener (or) a tivo way stadio Communication apenas fi dtagewstic PU*Poter ov Can be. secoaded on a magnetic tipe je further arePesenca- | =) The Voltage acres the. Capacitor “ey as applied to the fovert: ‘Jp terminal ef schmitt teiggev “Ag Vio. buffer oropliier'a,, =) The ofp volinge ming of the schmitt tagger ip destgned te be Veg te 0-5 eo - » 2% eR, to He +4 feudock loop Ate volbage at the ben-ioverting Vp terninal of A huings from o°SVee to0.25y 2) When the Nolage 07 The Capacitor Cy’ etceeds “0:5 Van a Chasiging , the |p of he Schmitt bigger est be Lovalo-s She Capack toy discharges when it ig at 025%, eck, Of the sehmith. bigger wth be HIGH Cio’). 7 The Capacttor chasges ond ducharges leads toatntangulas voltage wove lien aciow ‘C7 yshich Jn paoduced at the Pio y av =) The Sqpooe™ ole of, Me dcheotth trigger ip toventa ? in toverter Ag and tp Prtoduced at the pin 3. = The toverter “Ay tp bostcally |. ocnplifier Used, dete +the foad - se \ output //~\ ot pin Nee 0-25 Veo Se LL ‘seaget lp 0-5 Nec. cet] LIT 0-6 Ve Siwertid _ by Az: Oo we ura A pet wnprens of Veo ~) The total voltage on the Gpaci tov Changes fom O25 Vee. to0 sy Thus AV = 0:25%Vee - : =) The Copacitor Chasgers “with a Contant Cusent ounce as, Av = Be 270 or 0° 26Veo _ t AL _ Be = 0-25 Nee —>@. c +2, e pee | é aa Pertiod “1' op ‘the tiiargular waveform = Bot - e. hey of orcillator te, «| = foe Y= >_! QX 0-26VecCr i _ fo 0-5 Vee C 26: = Voe-Ye = () : e fo = alVec~%) : CrPrVvec | ~7 © : wHener the jp Preqpency of the Veo Con be changed eéther But ° 1 ) by changing : Rr Pcp ew 2 the Voltage Ww, at the sredlating ‘le fBiminall pin 5- { ¥ The modulating! [ 4 Voltage 1 1g tau Vostied from 0. Fen by, aby = He) \e ten’ Veo ole fag, a, he afvee - ~Cfs)Vee) Cr RT Vee beer ee eee - : Qo Y ed \ehege to Fasqpe ney Conversion Conversion Facto :- . =) The Vt to freq, Convenion foctor ky &, ky = Af, 7 ®)- ee BN ve: afgcaite 2) DV e ip the enedulotion vel aeaptved to pred z the Ky ahi Af, Jor a \eo- Re oar Rr = O28" ° * we omsarne hot re allio foeg wh vo ee a and the neu $req, a. _——* 7 AR * Veo Bh =h-f Teh | : 2 = a(Vee Vet AV) — a(Vee-e) as Cr Ry Veo Cr Rr Veo 2 ave a r20y, = ater +20, CTR Vow bh 3k Ako Nec sf, = abv Cre Veo “ABE = BhCr eres 5). & From =O, | boo: 28), CRp = O25 fer « tf BV = AS. 0.25 Veo = phy\oe aque g 5 Bes Ky ors ehihga - aN g

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