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1 Study: Farm Challenges

Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : Large farms in the United States in the late 1800s. Most of these farms
grew and sold wheat. The large-scale production was possible because of new farm
machinery, cheap land, and railroads.

b. : A crop grown specifically to be sold. Examples of cash crops in America

include tobacco and cotton.

2. Did you decide for or against getting the plow? Explain your response.

3. How did new technology both help and hurt the farmers?

4. Explain how each of the following added to farmer discontent:

1.1.1 Study: Farm Challenges 1/3

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a. Debt:

b. Increased shipping rates:

c. Bonanza farming:

5. How did the crop lien system trap some farmers in a cycle of debt?

6. How did growing mostly cash crops hurt small farmers?

1.1.1 Study: Farm Challenges 2/3

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1.1.1 Study: Farm Challenges 3/3

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1.1.4 Study: Farmers United
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : A political party that existed from 1891 to 1908. Also called the
People's Party, it supported policies that represented ordinary
people, including farmers and factory workers.

b. : An association for farmers that was founded in 1867. Its goal is to

work for policies that would help the economic and political
wellbeing of farm families.

c. : (1860 - 1925) An American politician who was the

Democratic nominee for president in 1896 and 1900, losing both times to William
McKinley. He was a famous speaker and lawyer who supported populist policies, or
policies that would help ordinary people.

2. What steps did farmers take to organize themselves?

3. How did farmers' cooperatives help individual farmers?

1.1.4 Study: Farmers United 1/3

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4. What were the main goals of the Populist Party?

5. How did the Populists play a role in the presidential election of 1896?

Primary Source: Populist Party Platform

Write an extended paragraph of 8-12 sentences on the document located on page 9 of
this study by responding to the following prompt:

What is making the Populists so angry and what do they want to do about it? Do you
think that their ideas make sense? You should include at least two quotes from the
party platform in your response.

1.1.4 Study: Farmers United 2/3

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1.1.4 Study: Farmers United 3/3

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1.2.1 Study: Improving the Cities
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : People who supported policies designed to bring about social order and
solve social problems, such as poverty, crime, and government corruption.

b. :The process of having the entire voting public decide on a policy or law.

c. : The process by which citizens who are not in the legislature are able to
introduce a new law.

d. : (1860 - 1935) A founder of the U.S. settlement house movement, in which

wealthy people supported efforts to improve the lives and neighborhoods of poor
people. She was against war and spoke against U.S. involvement in World War I. In
1931, she became the second woman to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

e. : (1866 – 1936) A famous American muckraker who wrote about social

problems caused by bad government practices. He traveled to the Soviet Union and
became a believer in Communism.

f. : Writers who report problems about public officials, businesses, and society.
The reports aren't always true but can still cause people to become angry and
demand change.

g. : In politics, a procedure to remove an official before his or her term is over.

This is usually done by voting.

1.2.1 Study: Improving the Cities 1/4

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h. : An amendment to the U.S. Constitution approved in 1913. It changed how
U.S. senators were selected. They would now be elected by the people instead of
being chosen by the state legislatures.

2.Who were the first Progressives, and what did they work to reform?

3.How did women become involved in the reforms of the Progressive movement?

4. Describe the living conditions in tenement buildings.

5. What problems did muckrakers like Lincoln Steffens write about?

1.2.1 Study: Improving the Cities 2/4

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Primary Source: Hull House
Write an extended paragraph of 8-12 sentences on the document located on page 7 of
this study by responding to the following prompt:

What was hard about being an immigrant to the U.S.? How did the Progressives at Hull
House try to help immigrants? Use the Hull House photos to answer the question.

1.2.1 Study: Improving the Cities 3/4

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1.2.3 Study: Organized Labor
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write down the key terms for the following definitions.

a. : (1855 - 1926) An American union leader. He helped found the Industrial

Workers of the World, a worldwide union of workers. He became a leading
Socialist, believing that the public and workers should own the means of
production in the country.

b. : The International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, established in 1900.

Most of its members were women. The union played an important part in
improving working conditions and wages in the clothing industry.

c. : A U.S. federal holiday held each year on the first Monday of September to
honor working people.

d. : People who are hired to take the place of workers who are on strike. A
strike is an attempt by workers to improve working conditions or wages by
refusing to work.

2. Why were the labor organizations blamed for the violence in HaymarketSquare?

1.2.3 Study: Organized Labor 1/3

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3. Why did workers go on strike in the Carnegie steel mills outside of
Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania? How did the government respond to the Homestead strikes?

4. What was the problem with labor unions becoming acceptable? How wouldthat
impact the bargaining power of the business owners?

1.2.3 Study: Organized Labor 2/3

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5. What were some of the reforms passed by the federal government and by
stategovernments that protected workers?

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1.2.3 Study: Organized Labor 3/3

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1.3.1 Study: Limits on Big Business
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : A person who believes that there should be no government or rules placed

on human behavior.

b. : A law passed by Congress to help enforce other laws against monopolies. It

named specific behaviors of monopolies that would no longer be allowed, such as
working against labor movement activities.

c. : The name given to President Theodore Roosevelt's domestic policies. These

policies helped the middle class, worked against trusts and monopolies, and
protected businesses against extreme demands of labor unions.

d. : The central banking system of the United States. Its purpose is to watch the
nation's banks and help keep the financial system in good condition.

e. : Government activities that result in breaking up trusts, which are

businesses that have too much control over a product or industry.

f. : (1868 - 1963) An African American civil rights leader. He helped found the
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

g. : (1843 - 1901) The 25th president of the United States and a Republican. He
was assassinated in 1901 before completing his second term of office.

2. What was the Interstate Commerce Act and how did it help farmers?

1.3.1 Study: Limits on Big Business 1/4

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3. What were the goals of President Theodore Roosevelt's Square Deal plan?

4. What were the goals of President Woodrow Wilson's New Freedom plan?

5. Who were the main candidates in the 1912 presidential election? What did
eachcandidate promise?


1.3.1 Study: Limits on Big Business 2/4

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Primary Source: The Execution of an Assassin

Write an extended paragraph of 8-12 sentences on the document located on page 9 of

this study by responding to the following prompt:

Does the author of the Outlook article approve or disapprove of the way that the
government handled Czolgosz’s trial and punishment? What can we learn about the

1.3.1 Study: Limits on Big Business 3/4

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author and/or the times from this primary source document? Use at least two quotes
from the article in your answer.

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1.3.3 Study: National Groups
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : An amendment to the U.S. Constitution approved in 1913 that

allowed the federal government to collect a tax on the money that people earned.

2. Why did Progressives want a national income tax?

3. How did Upton Sinclair's The Jungle directly affect the food industry?

1.3.3 Study: National Groups 1/3

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4. What were some of the arguments and methods used by progressive women to gain
the right of women to vote?

5. Progressives passed a series of constitutional amendments. Explain what

eachamendment below added to the Constitution.

Sixteenth Amendment:

Seventeenth Amendment:

Eighteenth Amendment:

Nineteenth Amendment:

1.3.3 Study: National Groups 2/3

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1.3.3 Study: National Groups 3/3

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1.4.1 Study: The Results of
Plessy v. Ferguson Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : (1862 - 1931) An African American writer. She reported on the murders of

African Americans and was a leader in early civil rights efforts in America as well as
the women's rights movement.

b. : A Supreme Court decision in 1896 that said it was not against the U.S.
Constitution to have laws separating the races in public areas.

c. : Segregation that is not legally enforced but exists as a common practice in


d. : A period between 1910 and 1940 when millions of African Americans left
the farms of the South to find jobs in the cities of the North.

e. : State and local laws passed between 1876 and 1965 to keep African
Americans and whites separated in public areas such as schools, transportation,
restrooms, and hotels. The areas for African Americans were always of poorer
quality than those for whites.

f. : The practice of keeping people of different races, classes, and ethnic groups
away from each other in public.

g. : Putting a person to death without due process of law. In the

United States, the term is most often used to describe the hanging of African
Americans in the South by groups of white men, who were rarely arrested.

2. What were Jim Crow laws, and what effect did they have on Southern society?

1.4.1 Study: The Results of Plessy v. Ferguson 1/3

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3. What did the Plessy v. Ferguson case decide? What impact did this have on African
American communities?

4. How did Southern whites punish African Americans that they deemed to be

5. Where did African Americans go when they left the South to avoid racial
discrimination and to seek new opportunities? Were Africans Americans welcomed
where they moved? How were they welcomed or not welcomed?

1.4.1 Study: The Results of Plessy v. Ferguson 2/3

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1.4.1 Study: The Results of Plessy v. Ferguson 3/3

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1.4.3 Study: African American Progressives
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : An article written in 1903 by W. E. B. Du Bois, an important African

American leader. It described the idea that through education, the smartest and
most talented African Americans could become leaders and help improve the lives
of the black community.

b. : (1856 – 1915) An African American who was born into slavery and rose to
be an important black leader in the last 25 years of his life. He was chosen to lead
the Tuskegee Institute, a college for African Americans located in Alabama.

c. : (1887 – 1940) An important African American leader. He founded the

Universal Negro Improvement Association. He also started the Black Star Line, a
shipping company.

d. : (1868 – 1963) An African American civil rights leader. He helped found

the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

2. Why did Booker T. Washington believe African Americans should not actively push
for racial equality?

1.4.3 Study: African American Progressives 1/4

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3. How did W. E. B. Du Bois differ from Booker T. Washington? What were DuBois's
main beliefs?

4. What subject did Ida B. Wells focus on as a muckraker? How did she becomean

5. What did Marcus Garvey believe African Americans should do to improve


1.4.3 Study: African American Progressives 2/4

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Primary Source: Lynch Law in Georgia
Write an extended paragraph of 8-12 sentences on the document located on page 9 of
this study by responding to the following prompt:

Why did Ida B, Wells write this pamphlet and what does it say? What do you think of
it? Use at least two quotes from the pamphlet in your response. Here are some
questions you could use to organize your paragraph:

Why, according to Wells, do Southerners torture and lynch blacks?

How did the government and newspaper encourage the lynching?

What are Ida B. Wells and her colleagues hoping to accomplish?

1.4.3 Study: African American Progressives 3/4

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1.4.3 Study: African American Progressives 4/4

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2.1.1 Study: European Colonies in Africa and Asia
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : People who attempt to spread their religious beliefs to others, often by

establishing schools, working with the poor, and other acts of charity.

b. : The policy by which a nation increases its power by taking over land in
another part of the world or by taking over other countries.

c. : The idea that white people had a responsibility to rule over nonwhites and
teach them white culture. This would supposedly be for the good of the nonwhite
populations. This idea came from the belief that nonwhites were inferior.

d. : The taking of African territory by European nations in the late 1800s and
early 1900s. By agreeing to divide the continent among them, European countries
hoped to avoid war with one another.

e. : A meeting held by the most powerful nations in Europe in 1884 to decide

how to divide up Africa.

f. : The belief that a nation is defined by a shared language, culture, or set of

beliefs. It also involves a pride in one's country.

2. How did nationalism and imperialism go together as powerful ideas in the early20th

2.1.1 Study: European Colonies in Africa and Asia 1/3

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3. What benefit were colonies supposed to have for the nations who had them?

4. Explain the civilizing mission of Westerners.

5. Explain social Darwinism.

2.1.1 Study: European Colonies in Africa and Asia 2/3

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6. What unintended consequences did the dividing up of Africa by the
BerlinConference have for future African nations?

7. How were the British and French different in their colonial approach?

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2.1.4 Study: The Pan-African Congress
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : When a group of people either willingly or unwillingly moves, migrates, or is

scattered away from their ancestral homeland. A diaspora is also the worldwide
community of people resulting from relocating to new countries.

b. : A movement to unite native Africans and others of African background into

a total African community. It recognizes the shared struggles against slavery, racism,
and the colonial attitudes of the past.

c. : Five meetings of important Pan-Africanists between 1919 and 1945 that

were intended to address the problems in Africa caused by the European process of
establishing colonies.

2. Explain why the Pan-African Conference of 1900 sent a petition to QueenVictoria.

What was the result?

3. Explain the part each of these people played in the cause of Pan-Africanism:

2.1.4 Study: The Pan-African Congress 1/5

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W. E. B. Du Bois

Booker T.


Alexander Walters

4. How did African Americans attempt to work together to advance their race?

5. What kind of violence took place in the early 1900s between blacks andwhites?

2.1.4 Study: The Pan-African Congress 2/5

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Primary Source: To the Nations of the World
Write an extended paragraph of 8-12 sentences on the document located on page 8 of
this study by responding to the following prompt:

What does this letter ask colonial governments to do, and what is the basis of the
argument for accepting its conclusions?

2.1.4 Study: The Pan-African Congress 3/5

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2.1.6 Study: The United States and the World Economy
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : A term that describes the increasing interdependence the nations

of the world have on one another. The word is used to discuss economic
interdependence, but it also refers to political, cultural, and technical

2. What caused two economic recessions in the United States during the late1800s?

3. How did American businesses get consumers to try their new, unfamiliargoods?

2.1.6 Study: The United States and the World Economy 1/3
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4. What kind of empire did American leaders want to build?

5. How did bringing in raw materials such as rubber from other countries
affectAmerican cities?

6. How did industrial growth and increased trade cause the United States tobecome
more involved in world political affairs?

7. List some of the goals of American leaders.

2.1.6 Study: The United States and the World Economy 2/3
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2.2.1 Study: Americans in the Pacific
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : (1801 – 1872) An American politician. He served as the governor of New

York, as a U.S. senator, and as secretary of state under presidents Lincoln and
Johnson. He is best known for buying Alaska from Russia in 1867.

b. : A 50-mile waterway that connects the Atlantic and Pacific oceans through
the narrow part of Panama. It was built by the United States and opened to ships in
1914, saving them an 8,000-mile journey around South America. It was returned to
the control of Panama on December 31, 1999.

c. : The 1887 constitution of Hawaii. It is known by that name because the king
was forced to accept it. The constitution took much of the power away from the
king and the native Hawaiians and gave it to the United States.

d. : (1844 – 1926) The president of the Republic of Hawaii from 1894 to 1900
and the first territorial governor of Hawaii after it was taken over by the United
States in 1900.

2. Explain how each of these was important to U.S. Pacific expansion.

Guano Islands Act

2.2.1 Study: Americans in the Pacific 1/4

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American Samoa


3. What did the United States gain from the Tripartite Conference of 1899?

4. Explain how each of these events changed Hawaii.


Revolt of 1893

Annexation of

5. What roles did Sanford Dole and Lorrin Thurston play in the end of theHawaiian

2.2.1 Study: Americans in the Pacific 2/4

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6. How did agribusiness affect life in Hawaii?

7. Why did some Americans want to take control of islands in the Pacific?

2.2.1 Study: Americans in the Pacific 3/4

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2.2.1 Study: Americans in the Pacific 4/4

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2.2.3 Study: Seeking Influence in China
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : An area in which a powerful country has great economic,

political, and cultural influence over another country or countries.

b. : Notes written by Secretary of State John Hay in 1899 and 1900 to

gain support from other countries for a policy of equal opportunity
for trade with China.

c. : (1838 – 1905) An American statesman and politician. He was

President Lincoln's private secretary. He served as the secretary of
state for President McKinley and helped end the Spanish-American
War. He was involved with the Open Door policy with China and
the plans to build the Panama Canal.

d. : A U.S. foreign policy for China developed in 1899. Its purpose was
to allow all nations to have equal trade rights with China. This
policy could also apply to other countries.

e. : The last imperial dynasty of China, ruling from 1644 to


f. : An often violent movement in China between 1898 and 1901

against Christians and foreigners. It was supported by the Chinese
empress dowager and ended when foreign troops came into China
to put down the rebellion.

2.2.3 Study: Seeking Influence in China 1/4

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g. : A law passed by Congress in 1882 that stopped Chinese
immigration to the United States for 10 years.

2. What attracted American businesses to China during the 1800s?

3. What was the purpose of John Hay's Open Door Notes?

4. What did the U.S. government do to stop the increase in Chinese labor, and howdid
that affect Chinese immigration to the United States?

2.2.3 Study: Seeking Influence in China 2/4

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5. How did the United States react to the Boxer Rebellion? What did this reaction show
about America's trade policy?

Primary Source: Open Door Notes

Write an extended paragraph of 8-12 sentences on the document located on page 4 of
this study by responding to the following prompt:

What goals was the United States trying to serve with this note?

2.2.3 Study: Seeking Influence in China 3/4

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2.2.3 Study: Seeking Influence in China 4/4

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2.2.6 Study: America and Japan
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : (1794 – 1858) An American naval officer who took several ships to Japan in
1853. This visit opened trade relations with Japan.

b. : The American policy of influencing other countries through economic


c. : A system of buying and selling between countries that is carried out with no
government involvement.

d. : The name given to a group of American naval ships that circled the globe
between 1907 and 1909. The ships were painted white. The purpose of the trip was
to demonstrate the United States' military power to the world.

e. : (1858 – 1919) The 26th president of the United States, from

1901 to 1909. He is best known for leading the Rough Riders during the Spanish-
American War and for his support of Progressive policies.

f. : ((1857 – 1930) The 27th president of the United States. He later

served as chief justice on the U.S. Supreme Court. During his presidency, he worked
on breaking up trusts and improving the civil service.

2. Identify the following:

2.2.6 Study: America and Japan 1/5

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Great White


3. Identify the following agreements:

The Taft-

2.2.6 Study: America and Japan 2/5

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The Root-

4. Why did President Theodore Roosevelt win the Nobel Peace Prize?

5. What did Japan think of the Great White Fleet?

6. How did the United States force Japan to sign a treaty of friendship?

2.2.6 Study: America and Japan 3/5

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7. What was Dollar Diplomacy, and which American presidents used it?

2.2.6 Study: America and Japan 4/5

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2.2.6 Study: America and Japan 5/5

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2.3.1 Study: The Spanish-American War
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : A U.S. Navy ship that exploded, or blew up, and sank in the harbor at
Havana, Cuba, in 1898. Although it is still unknown what caused the explosion, this
event was part of the reason for the Spanish-American War.

b. : (1853 – 1895) A writer and national hero of Cuba. He worked for Cuban
independence from Spain.

c. : A battle fought in Cuba in 1898 during the Spanish-American War.

Supported by African American soldiers, Theodore Roosevelt and his troops, called
the Rough Riders, won the battle.

d. : The name given to the cavalry unit commanded by

Theodore Roosevelt in the Spanish-American War. Cavalry are soldiers on
horseback. They were involved in the famous battle of San Juan Hill in Cuba in

e. : A U.S. naval base in Cuba that was established after the Spanish-American
War. At the present time, it is used to hold prisoners from America's war on terror.

f. : An 1899 amendment attached to a law that paid for the military. It

described the conditions for bringing American soldiers out of Cuba following the
Spanish-American War. It said that the United States would remain involved in the
affairs of Cuba and gave the United States certain rights in Cuba, including the
Guantanamo Bay Naval Base.

2.3.1 Study: The Spanish-American War 1/4

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g. : A policy introduced by President James Monroe in 1823. It warned
European countries to stay out of affairs in the Americas. In return, it promised that
the United States would stay out of affairs in Europe or European colonies.

2. What did American expansionists want? List at least three reasons whyAmericans
hoped to build an empire around the world.

3. What drew American attention to Cuba in the 1890s?

4. Why did anti-imperialists oppose American intervention in Cuba and

Americanexpansion in general?

2.3.1 Study: The Spanish-American War 2/4

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5. What were the results of the Spanish-American War?

Primary Source: The White Man's Burden

Write an extended paragraph of 8-12 sentences on the document located on page 2 of
this study by responding to the following prompt:

Who is the intended audience of this poem, and what kind of action does the poem
recommend to this audience? What warnings does the poem give?

2.3.1 Study: The Spanish-American War 3/4

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2.3.1 Study: The Spanish-American War 4/4

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2.3.5 Study: U.S. Policy Towards Latin America
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : An addition to the Monroe Doctrine made by Theodore

Roosevelt in 1904. It declared that the United States had the right to get involved
in affairs in unstable Latin American countries. The purpose of the Roosevelt
Corollary was to discourage European powers from intervening in Latin America.

2. How did the Panama Canal help improve trade?

3. The United Fruit Company grew to become a powerful trust at the same timethat
presidents Roosevelt and Taft were seeking to "bust" trusts. Why was the UFC able to
avoid the effects of Progressive trustbusting?

4. How was Taft's Dollar Diplomacy different from Roosevelt's Big StickDiplomacy?

2.3.5 Study: U.S. Policy Towards Latin America 1/3

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5. What happened in Mexico in 1910, and how did this affect the United States?

2.3.5 Study: U.S. Policy Towards Latin America 2/3

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2.3.5 Study: U.S. Policy Towards Latin America 3/3

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2.4.1 Study: War Begins in Europe
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : An agreement between Germany, Italy, and Austria-Hungary that lasted

from 1882 until the beginning of World War I. These countries agreed to help each
other should they be attacked by other countries considered to be great powers.

b. : A 1907 treaty between Great Britain, France, and Russia in which these
countries agreed to support each other against the Triple Alliance of Germany,
Austria-Hungary, and Italy.

c. : One of the two sides that took part in World War I. This side included
Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire (now known as Turkey), and
Bulgaria. They fought against, and lost to, the Allied powers, which included Great
Britain, Russia, France, and the United States.

d. : One of two World War I battles of that name. In 1914,

Germany was defeated by the allies as German armies approached Paris.
Germany's loss in this battle kept the country from a quick victory in the war. In
1918, Germany was defeated again in the same area. The war ended soon after.

e. : German boats that operated underwater (also known as submarines).

Germany used them during World War I and World War II.

f. : A way of fighting a war in which the soldiers on both sides spend most of
the time in deep trenches, or ditches, that have been dug for protection from enemy

2.4.1 Study: War Begins in Europe 1/5

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2. What systems and events led to the outbreak of the First World War in Europe?

3. Who were the members of the Triple Entente and the Triple Alliance, and whydid
both of these alliances have trouble winning the war?

Triple Entente:

Triple Alliance:

2.4.1 Study: War Begins in Europe 2/5

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4. The United States began World War I by declaring neutrality. What pushed the
United States toward supporting the Triple Entente and not the Triple Alliance?

Primary Source: Charles Hudson on the Western Front

Write an extended paragraph of 8-12 sentences on the document located on page 5 of
this study by responding to the following prompt:

What does this letter reveal about the experience of the soldiers who fought in World
War I?

2.4.1 Study: War Begins in Europe 3/5

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2.4.1 Study: War Begins in Europe 4/5
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2.4.1 Study: War Begins in Europe 5/5

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2.4.3 Study: The United States at War
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : (1856 – 1924) The 28th president of the United States, serving from 1913
to 1921. He was best known for his policies designed to keep the economy stable
and control the size and activities of businesses. He led the country through World
War I, and attempted to shape the peace through his Fourteen Points.

b. : A World War I battle in 1918, often called "America's Deadliest Battle"

because of the high number of American deaths.

c. : One of the peace treaties at the end of World War I. It was signed in June
of 1919 and ended the war between Germany and the Allied Powers. The terms of
the treaty made Germany accept responsibility for starting the war, required
Germany to pay the costs of the war, and did not allow Germany to build up its
military forces.

d. : An international organization formed after World War I. Its purpose was to

prevent future wars between countries. Although it was the idea of U.S. President
Woodrow Wilson, the Senate did not allow America to become a member.

2. How did the United States contribute to the Allied war effort?

2.4.3 Study: The United States at War 1/3

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3. What were the goals of President Wilson's Fourteen Points?

4. How did the collapse of Russia affect American entry into World War I and howdid
Russia's collapse affect German war strategy?

2.4.3 Study: The United States at War 2/3

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2.4.3 Study: The United States at War 3/3

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2.4.5 Study: The War at Home
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : A way that the government borrowed money to pay for the

military costs of World War I. People bought these, a paper
describing a certain kind of loan. The government used the money
to pay for the war, and years later, people could return these
papers to the government and get their money back with interest.

b. : A federal law passed in 1917 after the United States entered

World War I. The law was to stop people from giving information
to America's enemies. It also made it against the law to interfere
with, or get in the way of, military activities.

c. : A U.S. Supreme Court decision in 1919 that said the

Espionage Act was constitutional. Charles Schenck had written things very critical of
the government. He said the draft, a law requiring young men to sign up for military
service, was not legal. Schenck said he had right to say that because of freedom of
speech. The Supreme Court said that those protections do not apply in times of
danger for the country.

d. : A law passed in 1918. The law made it against the law to speak or
write against the government, flag, or armed forces of the United
States. It was to be in effect only in times of war and was repealed,
or stopped, in 1920 because World War I had ended.

e. : A federal government agency set up in 1917 to influence public

opinion to support American entry into World War I.

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2.4.5 Study: The War at Home 1/2

2. How did women assist in the war effort and how were these efforts rewarded?

3. How did the United States government spread its propaganda? How did the United
States government portray Germany?

4. Why did the United States not join the League of Nations?

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2.4.5 Study: The War at Home 2/2

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3.1.1 Study: Returning to Normalcy
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : One of the first federations, or groups, of labor unions. It was founded by

Samuel Gompers in 1886. The AFL began as a group of craft unions and was more
concerned with the working conditions of its members than with political goals.

b. : The economic and social consequences of Henry Ford's development of

mass production. Lower production costs allowed ordinary people to buy more

c. : A manufacturing process of machines and workers in which a product

passes from one operation to the next in a direct line until it is completed.

d. : The secret leasing, or renting, of oil-rich government land to certain oil

companies. The government official who was responsible, Interior Secretary Albert
B. Fall, was convicted for taking money in return for making these leases.

e. : (1874 – 1964) The 31st president of the United States. The Great
Depression began during his presidency.

f. : (1872 – 1933) The 30th president of the United States. He was the vice
president under President Warren G. Harding and took over when Harding died in
office. He is remembered for policies that reduced the government's involvement in
the country's economy.

2. Why did Warren G. Harding win the election of 1920?

3.1.1 Study: Returning to Normalcy 1/4

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3. What kind of corruption was common during the Harding administration andwhat
scandal erupted during his presidency?

4. Why did many workers who worked for successful companies choose not tojoin
labor unions?

3.1.1 Study: Returning to Normalcy 2/4

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5. Why were layaway and credit plans popular for buying things in the 1920s?

Primary Source: Return To Normalcy Speech

Write an extended paragraph of 8-12 sentences on the document located on page 2 of
this study by responding to the following prompt:

Based on the excerpt below, what was America feeling after the events of the 1910s and
what did Americans want to do?

3.1.1 Study: Returning to Normalcy 3/4

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3.1.1 Study: Returning to Normalcy 4/4

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3.1.4 Study: Anti-Immigrant Beliefs
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : The second rebellion to take place in Russia in 1917, also known as the
October Revolution. The government was overthrown by the Bolsheviks, or
Communists. Power then belonged to the workers, and then later to the state,
which owned everything in the name of the people.

b. : The trial of two Italian immigrants who were convicted of murder and
eventually executed, or put to death. They were members of an anarchist group, or
a group of people who do not believe in government. Many people felt that the
trials were not fair.

c. : A series of attempts by the U.S. Department of Justice to arrest and deport,

or send out of the country, immigrants with extreme political opinions or who were
suspected of supporting America's enemies in World War I. A. Mitchell Palmer was
the U.S. attorney general.

d. : The fear of Communism and the concern that Communists were gathering
information about the United States in order to attack America.

e. : The fear of foreigners.

f. : A belief in following an exact interpretation, or explanation, of religion.

g. : The theory that all living things slowly change and grow over time to be able
to survive better.

3.1.4 Study: Anti-Immigrant Beliefs 1/4

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h. : (1857 – 1938) An American lawyer. He is best known for defending John
Scopes, who was on trial for teaching the theory of evolution in a Tennessee school.

i. : Also known as the Monkey trial. Teacher John Scopes was charged with
teaching the theory of evolution, which says humankind evolved from monkeys and
apes. Teaching this theory was against the law in Tennessee. He was convicted.

2. What events in Europe led some Americans to fear foreigners and foreign ideasafter
World War One?

3. What was the response of the U.S. government to the perceived threat offoreign

3.1.4 Study: Anti-Immigrant Beliefs 2/4

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4. What violence took place between radicals and police during the 1920s?

3.1.4 Study: Anti-Immigrant Beliefs 3/4

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5. What kind of Americans opposed Darwin’s theory of evolution and why did theydo

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3.1.4 Study: Anti-Immigrant Beliefs 4/4

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3.1.6 Study: Increased Racism
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : A 1915 silent movie that showed members of the Ku Klux Klan as heroes.
Race riots broke out in some cities where the movie was played, and after
protests by African American groups, it was not allowed in some cities of the

b. : The violent conflicts that took place during the summer of 1919 in over 30
American cities between blacks and whites. Most of these riots involved attacks
on African Americans by whites, including white police officers and soldiers.
During the conflicts, over 50 African Americans were killed, and hundreds more
were injured.

2. What northern cities saw the largest influx of African Americans in the early20th
century? Why did they move there?

3. What led to the arrival of more and more Mexicans in the American Southwestat
this time?

3.1.6 Study: Increased Racism 1/3

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4. What explains the rebirth of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s and what did theybelieve

3.1.6 Study: Increased Racism 2/3

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3.1.6 Study: Increased Racism 3/3

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3.2.1 Study: African American Protest
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : A civil rights organization that was formed in 1905 by W. E. B. Du Bois,

William Monroe Trotter, and several other African American leaders. It lasted until
1910, when its members joined a new, larger civil rights group, the National
Association for the Advancement of Colored People, or NAACP.

b. : The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, an

organization founded in 1909. Its purpose is to work for equal rights for all people
and stop hatred between races.

c. : An actor, singer, and supporter of civil rights who turned to Communism in

his fight against racial inequality in America.

d. : The Universal Negro Improvement Association, established by Marcus

Garvey. Its purpose was to work for the improvement of conditions for people of
African ancestry.

e. : The belief that African Americans should maintain pride in their culture,
history, and African roots. Black nationalists support the creation of communities
and businesses managed by African Americans.

f. : A shipping line — created by an African American, Marcus Garvey — that

was intended to provide shipping services for African American businesses and

3.2.1 Study: African American Protest 1/4

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g. : A term that describes the increase of African American art, literature, and
music in the 1920s and 1930s. This movement was named after the neighborhood
in New York City, where many African Americans lived.

h. : (1902 – 1967) An African American writer, best known for his poetry and
his writing during the Harlem Renaissance.

2. Describe the various ways in which African Americans responded to racismand


3. What was important about the efforts of the Brotherhood of Sleeping CarPorters?

4. Why did the NAACP not agree with the UNIA?

3.2.1 Study: African American Protest 2/4

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5. Where is Harlem and what was the ‘renaissance’ that was associated with thisplace
in the 1920’s?

Primary Source: The Ballad of Booker T.

Write an extended paragraph of 8-12 sentences on the document located on page 12 of
this study by responding to the following prompt:

What, in your view, did Langston Hughes see as Booker T. Washington’s lesson for the
next generation of blacks in America?

3.2.1 Study: African American Protest 3/4

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3.2.1 Study: African American Protest 4/4

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3.2.4 Study: Women Fight for Equality
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : The National American Woman Suffrage Association, a women's rights

organization formed in 1890. It supported many women's rights issues but
mainly worked for women's right to vote.

b. : An organization established in 1913 to fight for women's suffrage, or the

right to vote. During the 1960s, the NWP worked for the addition of an equal
rights amendment to the Constitution banning gender discrimination.

c. : An organization which encourages voting and citizen participation at all

levels of government. The league is nonpartisan and does not support any party,
issue, or candidate.

d. : (1879 – 1966) An American women's rights activist. She is best

remembered for founding the American Birth Control League, an organization
that fought for the right of women to obtain birth control.

2. What changes allowed women to enter the work force in the 1920s?

3. What reform did Margaret Sanger fight for and how did people react?

3.2.4 Study: Women Fight for Equality 1/3

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4. What did the "flapper" represent in 1920s culture?

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3.3.1 Study: The End of the Roaring Twenties
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : A social and economic system in which the capital, or money, and the
means of production, factories and machines, are privately owned. Labor and
products are traded or sold in markets, and the profits are given to owners of the

b. : A worldwide economic crisis that lasted from late 1929 until World War II.

c. : Groups organized by the Communist Party of America during the Great

Depression. They were made up of people who had lost their jobs and had no
money. They pushed for more help from their landlords and from government

d. : An area in the Great Plains of the United States that had terrible dust
storms in the 1930s. High winds, very little rain, and poor farming practices made it
easy for huge clouds of dirt to form. Fields were ruined, buildings and equipment
were buried in dust, and the rich farm soil ended up as far away as the Atlantic
Ocean. Thousands of farms failed, and farm families moved away.

e. : A law passed in 1930 that raised tariffs, or taxes, on over 20,000 goods that
were imported into the United States. Other countries did the same, and the
American economy was damaged.

f. : A name given to a migrant from Oklahoma. The term was used in John
Steinbeck's book The Grapes of Wrath.

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g. : A novel written by John Steinbeck and published in 1939. It tells the story of
a poor family of farmers who are forced off their Oklahoma farm during the Great
Depression and the Dust Bowl.

h. : Also known as Boulder Dam, it is located on the border between Arizona

and Nevada. It dams the Colorado River to form Lake Mead and produces a large
amount of electricity.

i. : A government agency set up in 1932 under President Hoover. Its purposes

were to give financial aid to the states and to loan money to banks, railroads, and
other businesses. The agency continued to work under Roosevelt's New Deal.

j. : The protest organized by World War I veterans who were demanding

payment of the service bonus they had been promised after the war.

k. : A name given to short-lived towns of shacks and tents built by homeless

people during the Great Depression.

l. : An amendment to the U.S. Constitution passed in 1919 that made it against

the law to make, sell, or transport alcohol for the purpose of drinking. It was
repealed, or stopped, by the Twenty-First Amendment in 1933.

m. : Places that sold alcoholic drinks during the time that it was against the law
to sell alcohol.

2. Tell of two causes of the Great Depression.

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3. Describe two steps taken by President Herbert Hoover to deal with the
country'seconomic problems during the Depression. How did his actions reflect his
political beliefs?

4. How did the Bonus Army March affect Americans’ views toward HerbertHoover?

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5. What did Americans do to cope and survive during the Great Depression?

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3.3.4 Study: Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : (1882 – 1945) The 32nd president of the United States. He was

the only president elected to four terms. He led the country out of
the Great Depression with a number of social programs called the
New Deal. He led the United States through most of World War II.

b. : A series of radio speeches given by President Franklin D.

Roosevelt from 1933 to 1944. He used the radio to speak directly to the American
people about issues affecting the country.

c. : A group of African Americans first known as the Federal

Council of Negro Affairs. This group gave opinions about public policy to President
Franklin Roosevelt.

d. : (1891 – 1979) A Roman Catholic priest who used the radio to

reach large groups of listeners during the 1920s and 1930s. His
talks were about politics and the economy rather than religion. He
was sometimes called the "father of Hate Radio" because he
spoke against Jews.

e. : (1884 – 1962) The wife of President Franklin Roosevelt. She was

involved in helping to carry out some of her husband's policies and
in civil rights activities. She was appointed to the United Nations
General Assembly by President Truman in 1945 and worked on
human rights issues there.

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f. : Federal Housing Administration, a New Deal agency created in
1934. Its main purposes are to improve housing standards and
conditions and to insure home loans.

g. : (1893 – 1935) United States senator and governor of

Louisiana. He had strong populist ideas and had plans to "share the wealth" through
taxes and laws against large salaries. He was known for his complete control over
the government of Louisiana.

h. : The first 100 days of President Franklin Roosevelt's presidency. It

was during this period that he started the programs of his New
Deal to help the country out of the Great Depression.

i. : (1875 – 1955) An African American teacher and civil rights leader.

She started a school for African Americans in Florida that
eventually became an excellent university. She was an adviser to
President Franklin Roosevelt.

j. : An agency of the U.S. government. Its main purposes are to look

into unfair labor practices and to organize elections to see if
workers want to belong to labor unions.

k. : A series of economic programs passed by Congress in Franklin

Roosevelt's first term as president. These programs and policies
were intended to help America get out of the Great Depression.

l. : Programs set up several years after Roosevelt's New Deal.

One of these programs was the social security system.

m. : Works Progress Administration, later named Works Projects

Administration, the largest New Deal agency. It was founded in
1935 and was responsible for giving jobs to millions of workers on
public works projects.

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n. : A law passed in 1935 to provide financial aid for people without
jobs, health insurance for older people, and a pension, or income,
for people who were old enough to retire, or stop working.

2. What did Franklin Roosevelt promise as he became president in 1932?

3. What kinds of programs made up the New Deal during the 1930s and who werethey
trying to help?

4. What did critics say about the New Deal?

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5. What accounts for Roosevelt’s great popularity as president?

Primary Source: Ain't We Got Fun

Write an extended paragraph of 8-12 sentences on the document located on page 15 of
this study by responding to the following prompt:

What challenges are average Americans facing during the Great Depression according to
this song?

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3.4.1 Study: War in Europe
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : (1889 - 1945) German leader during World War II. He led the Nazi Party and
ruled Germany as a dictator from 1933 until his death at the end of World War II. He
was responsible for the murder of up to 17 million civilians, or people who aren't in
the armed forces, including 6 million Jews killed in the Holocaust.

b. : A foreign policy designed to avoid armed conflict. The term is most often
applied to British leader Neville Chamberlain, who used appeasement to try to avoid
war with Germany before World War II.

c. : A 1941 agreement between Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill,

the leaders of the United States and Great Britain, which stated that they believed
the world should be more democratic after World War

d. : A major German attack against Allied forces in Belgium in December 1944

and January 1945. More than 19,000 Americans were killed, making this the
bloodiest battle for American troops in World War II.

e. : (1883 - 1945) The leader of Italy during World War II. Italy joined Germany
to fight against the Allied countries. He was a leader in creating Fascism, a belief in
an authoritarian government.

f. : German for "lightning war." It refers to the policy of using strong, quick-
moving armed forces to break through enemy lines. The term generally refers to
German military activities in World War II.

3.4.1 Study: War in Europe 1/7

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g. : Prisons established by the Nazi government of Germany for people who
were against the government. During World War II, other people were put in the
camps, including Jews, Polish citizens, gypsies, homosexuals, people with disabilities,
and prisoners of war. These camps became extermination, or death, camps when
the Germans started killing all of the camps' Jewish prisoners.

h. : June 6, 1944, the day that the Allied countries invaded France to fight the
German army there.

i. : (1890 - 1969) The 34th president of the United States. Best known for his
military leadership in World War II throughout the invasion of Normandy and the
defeat of Germany. During his presidency, the Korean War ended, the Cold War with
the Soviet Union continued, and the interstate highway system was started.

j. : A political philosophy based on the belief in an authoritarian government, in

which the state controls businesses and markets for the good of the state. This is
different from Communism, in which the state control of business is for the good of
the people. Fascists believe that violence and war are actions that help unite the

k. : (1884 - 1972) The 33rd president of the United States. He took over when
President Franklin Roosevelt died just a few months after beginning his fourth term.
Truman ordered the use of the atomic bomb at the end of World War II and led the
country through the first years of the Cold War.

l. : The term used to describe the murder of 6 million Jews by the Nazi
government of Germany during World War II. The German goal was to rid the world
of all Jews. At the same time, the Germans murdered millions of other people. The
total number of Holocaust deaths is between 11 and 17 million people.

m. : (1879 - 1953) The leader of the Soviet Union from 1922 until 1953. He was a
powerful dictator who killed or sent out of the country millions of people that he
believed were dangerous to the country. The Soviet
Union was one of the Allied countries fighting against Germany in World War

3.4.1 Study: War in Europe 2/7

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n. : German for "crystal night," also known as the Night of the Broken Glass.
This was an attack on Jewish property and people in Germany and Austria on
November 9, 1938. Thousands of homes, businesses, and synagogues were
destroyed. Nearly 100 people were killed, and up to 30,000 people were sent to
concentration camps.

o. : The law that allowed the United States to supply the Allied countries with
war material during World War II. This was a way for America to help without
entering the war, until it was forced to by the attack on Pearl Harbor.

p. : A September 1938 meeting involving the leaders of

Germany, Great Britain, France, and Italy. The meeting was called in response to
Adolf Hitler's demands to annex, or take over, the Sudetenland, a Germanspeaking
region in Czechoslovakia. The meeting ended with the Munich Agreement, which
allowed Germany to annex the region.

q. : A German political party established in 1919 and led by Adolf Hitler

between 1921 and 1945. The Nazis believed that Germans belonged to a superior
Aryan race, and tried to unite Europe's Germanspeaking people into a Fascist
empire. The Nazis tried to remove Jews and other minorities from German society
by placing them in concentration camps, where millions died in what became known
as the Holocaust.

r. : (1869 - 1940) British prime minister best known for his foreign policy of
giving in to Germany and allowing the German army to take part of Czechoslovakia.
This was an unsuccessful attempt to avoid war with


s. : A series of military trials held by Allied forces after World

War II. Military, political, and economic leaders of Nazi Germany were tried for war

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t. : The code name given to the German invasion of the Soviet Union in June
1941. The plan was unsuccessful, as German forces were not able to gain control of
Moscow, the Soviet capital.

u. : The code name for an Allied plan to invade, or attack, German-held territory
in French North Africa. The attack started November 8, 1942.

v. : The location of the surprise attack by Japanese war planes on December 7,

1941 targeting the U.S. naval base in Hawaii. Eight battleships were sunk or
damaged, other ships and aircraft were destroyed, and more than 3,600 people
were killed or wounded. The Japanese intended for the attack to make the U.S. Navy
too weak to enter World War II; instead, it quickly brought the United States into
the war in the Pacific and in Europe.

w. : A meeting held in the summer of 1945 between the leaders of the United
States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union to decide on the punishment for
Germany after its defeat in World War II.

x. : An organization of nearly 200 nations formed after World War II. Its goals
are to keep peace in the world and help with social, economic, and human rights

y. : The German-backed government of France during World War


z. : (1874 - 1965) British politician best known for his leadership of Great Britain
throughout World War II.

a2. : A 1945 wartime meeting between the leaders of the United

States, the Soviet Union, and Great Britain, the three main Allied countries in World
War II. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss how Europe, especially Germany,
should be organized after the war was over

2. Why were Germans upset about the Treaty of Versailles?

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3. What conditions after World War I led to the rise of dictatorships in somecountries?

4. How did "appeasement" lead to war in the end?

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5. How did America try to remain neutral in World War II and what drew the
UnitedStates into the war finally?

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3.4.3 Study: War in the Pacific
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : A bomb that gets its enormous destructive power from nuclear

energy. It was used by the United States against Japan to end
World War II.

b. : A 60-mile forced march of nearly 75,000 American and Filipino

prisoners of war, who were held by the Japanese army in the
Philippines, in 1942. Brutal treatment by the Japanese army caused
the deaths of more than 25 percent of the prisoners on the march.

c. : A 1942 battle on the Pacific island of Guadalcanal. It was the first

major battle between Japan and the Allied forces. It was an Allied
victory and led to more victories over Japan in the Pacific.

d. : The battle fought between the United States and Japan for the
Pacific island of Iwo Jima in February and March 1945. The United
States won this battle.

e. : A World War II naval battle between the United States and Japan
that is sometimes referred to as the Second Battle for the
Philippines. It was fought in late October 1944 near the Philippine
Islands and was the largest naval battle of World War II. The Allies
won this battle, which helped lead to the defeat of Japan.

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f. : An important naval battle in the Pacific Ocean in June 1942. The
U.S. Navy defeated the Japanese Navy, which never fully recovered
from the battle.

g. : An air raid, or attack, on Japan by United States forces in 1942 led

by Lieutenant Colonel James Doolittle. This was to retaliate, or get
even, for the attack on Pearl Harbor by Japan on December 7,
1941, and to show that Japan could be attacked.

h. : (1880 - 1964) An American military leader who was important in

World War II in the Pacific. After the war, he was in charge of Japan
until the peace treaty was signed. He led United Nations forces in
Korea and was fired by President Truman for disagreeing with
Truman's Korean policy.

i. : (1901 - 1989) The emperor of Japan from 1926 to 1989.

j. : A plan by the United States armed forces to use islands in the

Pacific Ocean as places where planes and ships could get fuel and
other supplies to help in the fighting against Japan during World
War II.

k. : Kamikaze is a Japanese word that means "divine wind." It refers

to Japanese fighter pilots who flew their planes into Allied ships in
an attempt to destroy them.

l. : A secret military project led by the United States. This project

produced the atomic bomb.

2. What factors led Japan to feel the need to expand in Asia and take newterritory?

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3. What new technologies defined the war and tactics in the Pacific?

4. What kind of fighting was common in the Pacific during World War II?

5. What was the Manhattan Project and what role did it play in ending the war?

Primary Source: Americans React to Pearl Harbor

Write an extended paragraph of 8-12 sentences on the document located on page 3 of
this study by responding to the following prompt:

Read the two interviews, one done with Mr. Merrit A. Calvert and one done with Donald
E. Bowin. Compare the two men's reactions to the attack on Pearl Harbor.
How are they similar and how are they different?

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3.4.6 Study: The War at Home
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : A symbol for all of the women who worked in factories during

World War II. In many cases, these women were doing jobs
formerly held by men who left the jobs to go to war

b. : An agency created by the federal government during World War

II. The agency released war news, worked to get public support for
the war, got women into the workforce, and warned against
foreign spies.

c. : A program started in 1942 that brought millions of farmworkers

into the United States from Mexico.

d. : A federal agency established in 1942 by Franklin Roosevelt. It

worked out labor agreements between employers in the defense
industry and labor unions in order to prevent strikes that might
hurt the war effort.

e. : A campaign started by the Pittsburgh Courier, America's largest

African American newspaper, after the United States entered
World War II. The double V stood for victory at home over racial
inequality and victory overseas in the war.

f. : An area where Japanese Americans on the West Coast were

forced to live during World War II. Because the United States was
at war with Japan, these people were thought to be a danger to

3.4.6 Study: The War at Home 1/4

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the United States. They were kept in these camps, under guard,
until 1945. In 1988, the U.S. government apologized for these
actions and paid money to the former prisoners.

g. : A Supreme Court case in 1944 in which the Court said the

government did not break the law or go against the Constitution
when it put more than 100,000 Japanese Americans in internment
camps during World War II.

h. : A march that was scheduled to take place on July 1, 1941.

Organized by A. Philip Randolph, the march was intended to
protest against segregation in the military. The march was
canceled when Franklin Roosevelt signed an executive order to
stop discrimination in the defense industry.

i. : An organization founded in 1941 at the request of President

Franklin D. Roosevelt to provide entertainment and recreation services for the U.S.
military personnel.

2. What is the significance of the image of Rosie the Riveter?

3. What was the purpose of the "Double V" campaign?

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4. What actions did regular citizens take to help the American war effort?

5. How were Japanese citizens targeted in the United States?

6. How did the war impact popular culture and entertainment?

3.4.6 Study: The War at Home 3/4

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4.1.1 Study: Start of the Cold War
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : A response to the closing of supply routes to Berlin,

Germany. The Soviet Union hoped to force Allied Powers out of West Berlin with
this blockade. President Truman arranged for supplies to be taken to West
Berlin by Allied airplanes.

b. : The political conflict and military tension between the Soviet Union and the
Western powers, especially the United States. It was called the "Cold War" because
actual war between the two countries never broke out. It lasted from the end of
World War II until the government of the Soviet Union fell apart in 1991.

c. : A system of government in which the government controls production. All

property is supposed to be shared by everyone. Communism was the form of
government in the Soviet Union during the Cold War and continues to be the form
of government in China, Laos, Vietnam, and Cuba.

d. : Part of the U.S. foreign policy intended to slow the spread of Communism
from the Soviet Union. The policy called for using military force if necessary.

e. : (1904 - 2005) A diplomat and political scientist who was a leader in

establishing the United States' plans for dealing with the Soviet Union during the
Cold War.

f. : (1893 - 1976) The leader of the Communist Party in China and the ruler of
the People's Republic of China from 1949 until his death in 1976. His style of
Communism is called Maoism.

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g. : A U.S. program to give economic aid to the free and democratic countries of
Europe following World War II.

h. : The Soviet plan for aid to Eastern Europe, created in response to the United
States' Marshall Plan.

i. : The U.S. policy for dealing with the Soviet Union, as stated by
President Truman in a speech in 1947. That policy was to slow the Soviet Union's
spread of Communism, which Truman believed put the United States and other
democracies in danger.

2. Why did the United States and the Soviet Union not trust each other?

3. What happened at the Potsdam Conference?

4. Why was the decision by President Truman to drop the atomic bombcontroversial?

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5. What is the purpose of the United Nations and what five nations were given
themost power in it after the war?

6. What was the policy of "containment" trying to do and where was it applied inthe
early Cold War?

4.1.1 Study: Start of the Cold War 3/4

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4.1.1 Study: Start of the Cold War
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : A response to the closing of supply routes to Berlin,

Germany. The Soviet Union hoped to force Allied Powers out of West Berlin with
this blockade. President Truman arranged for supplies to be taken to West
Berlin by Allied airplanes.

b. : The political conflict and military tension between the Soviet Union and the
Western powers, especially the United States. It was called the "Cold War" because
actual war between the two countries never broke out. It lasted from the end of
World War II until the government of the Soviet Union fell apart in 1991.

c. : A system of government in which the government controls production. All

property is supposed to be shared by everyone. Communism was the form of
government in the Soviet Union during the Cold War and continues to be the form
of government in China, Laos, Vietnam, and Cuba.

d. : Part of the U.S. foreign policy intended to slow the spread of Communism
from the Soviet Union. The policy called for using military force if necessary.

e. : (1904 - 2005) A diplomat and political scientist who was a leader in

establishing the United States' plans for dealing with the Soviet Union during the
Cold War.

f. : (1893 - 1976) The leader of the Communist Party in China and the ruler of
the People's Republic of China from 1949 until his death in 1976. His style of
Communism is called Maoism.

4.1.1 Study: Start of the Cold War 1/4

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g. : A U.S. program to give economic aid to the free and democratic countries of
Europe following World War II.

h. : The Soviet plan for aid to Eastern Europe, created in response to the United
States' Marshall Plan.

i. : The U.S. policy for dealing with the Soviet Union, as stated by
President Truman in a speech in 1947. That policy was to slow the Soviet Union's
spread of Communism, which Truman believed put the United States and other
democracies in danger.

2. Why did the United States and the Soviet Union not trust each other?

3. What happened at the Potsdam Conference?

4. Why was the decision by President Truman to drop the atomic bombcontroversial?

4.1.1 Study: Start of the Cold War 2/4

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5. What is the purpose of the United Nations and what five nations were given
themost power in it after the war?

6. What was the policy of "containment" trying to do and where was it applied inthe
early Cold War?

4.1.1 Study: Start of the Cold War 3/4

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4.1.1 Study: Start of the Cold War 4/4

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4.1.3 Study: The Iron Curtain
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : A military build-up where both sides increase their weapons quickly, in an

effort to have more power than the other. The United States and the Soviet Union
engaged in an arms race for most of the Cold War that cost both nations billions of
dollars in defense spending.

b. : An agency of the federal government whose purpose is to gather

information about foreign governments, businesses, and individuals to help the U.S.
government make foreign policy decisions.

c. : A military, political, and economic grouping of nations under the leadership

of the Soviet Union. It included the Communist governments in Eastern Europe
controlled by the Soviets along with other Soviet-friendly nations around the world.

d. : The ability to use military might to influence another country's behavior.

e. : A bomb that gets enormous power from nuclear energy. It is more powerful
than an atomic bomb and uses a different process to release energy in the form of
an explosion.

f. : A military conflict between the Republic of Korea (South Korea) and the
Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea). South
Korea was supported by United Nations countries, including the United States.
North Korea was supported by the Communist governments of China and the

Soviet Union. The war lasted from 1950 to 1953 and ended without a clear winner.

4.1.3 Study: The Iron Curtain 1/6

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g. : An agency created in 1947 for giving the president information and
suggestions about foreign policy and national security.

h. : A treaty signed by eight Communist countries in Europe as a response to

the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

i. : A military, political, and economic grouping of nations under the leadership

of the United States. It included the democratic, capitalist nations of North America
and Western Europe along with other antiCommunist nations around the world.

j. : The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, formed in 1949 by a number of

European countries and the United States. Its purpose was for defense against
possible military action by the Soviet Union.

2. What was the Iron Curtain and what did it represent in the Cold War?

3. What did the National Security Act of 1947 create? What was the purpose ofthese

4.1.3 Study: The Iron Curtain 2/6

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4. How did the United States use hard power against the threat of Communism?
How did they use soft power?

5. What was achieved at the end of the Korean War?

6. What alliances were formed, and how did these alliances compete during theCold

7. What was the "arms race" of the 1950s between the superpowers?

4.1.3 Study: The Iron Curtain 3/6

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Primary Source: The Iron Curtain Speech
Write an extended paragraph of 8-12 sentences on the document located on page 2 of
this study by responding to the following prompt:

What does Churchill believe the Iron Curtain is made up of, and what does he think its
effects will be? What does Churchill believe the United States and the British
Commonwealth must do?

4.1.3 Study: The Iron Curtain 4/6

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4.1.3 Study: The Iron Curtain 5/6

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4.1.3 Study: The Iron Curtain
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : A military build-up where both sides increase their weapons quickly, in an

effort to have more power than the other. The United States and the Soviet Union
engaged in an arms race for most of the Cold War that cost both nations billions of
dollars in defense spending.

b. : An agency of the federal government whose purpose is to gather

information about foreign governments, businesses, and individuals to help the U.S.
government make foreign policy decisions.

c. : A military, political, and economic grouping of nations under the leadership

of the Soviet Union. It included the Communist governments in Eastern Europe
controlled by the Soviets along with other Soviet-friendly nations around the world.

d. : The ability to use military might to influence another country's behavior.

e. : A bomb that gets enormous power from nuclear energy. It is more powerful
than an atomic bomb and uses a different process to release energy in the form of
an explosion.

f. : A military conflict between the Republic of Korea (South Korea) and the
Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea). South
Korea was supported by United Nations countries, including the United States.
North Korea was supported by the Communist governments of China and the

Soviet Union. The war lasted from 1950 to 1953 and ended without a clear winner.

4.1.3 Study: The Iron Curtain 1/6

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g. : An agency created in 1947 for giving the president information and
suggestions about foreign policy and national security.

h. : A treaty signed by eight Communist countries in Europe as a response to

the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

i. : A military, political, and economic grouping of nations under the leadership

of the United States. It included the democratic, capitalist nations of North America
and Western Europe along with other antiCommunist nations around the world.

j. : The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, formed in 1949 by a number of

European countries and the United States. Its purpose was for defense against
possible military action by the Soviet Union.

2. What was the Iron Curtain and what did it represent in the Cold War?

3. What did the National Security Act of 1947 create? What was the purpose ofthese

4.1.3 Study: The Iron Curtain 2/6

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4. How did the United States use hard power against the threat of Communism?
How did they use soft power?

5. What was achieved at the end of the Korean War?

6. What alliances were formed, and how did these alliances compete during theCold

7. What was the "arms race" of the 1950s between the superpowers?

4.1.3 Study: The Iron Curtain 3/6

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Primary Source: The Iron Curtain Speech
Write an extended paragraph of 8-12 sentences on the document located on page 2 of
this study by responding to the following prompt:

What does Churchill believe the Iron Curtain is made up of, and what does he think its
effects will be? What does Churchill believe the United States and the British
Commonwealth must do?

4.1.3 Study: The Iron Curtain 4/6

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4.1.3 Study: The Iron Curtain 5/6

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4.1.5 Study: Nationalism or Communism?
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : A satellite, or manmade object that was designed to circle the Earth. The
Soviet Union sent Sputnik into space in 1957, making it the first object put into
space successfully.

b. : A large cement wall that separated the city of West Berlin from the rest of
East Germany. It was built by the East German government, which was under
Communist control.

c. : (1926 - ) The Communist leader of Cuba from 1959 until 2008, when he
turned power over to his brother.

d. : (1917 - 1963) The 35th president of the United States. He suggested laws
that would make major social changes and advances in civil rights. He was
assassinated, or murdered, in November 1963.

e. : A competition between the United States and the Soviet Union to explore
outer space. It included putting men into space and landing on the moon.

f. : The belief that if one country in a region fell to

Communism, then other nearby nations would fall to Communism as well. The
Eisenhower administration and other presidents would base their foreign policy
around this idea.

2. Use the chart below to define three elements of the foreign policy of theEisenhower

4.1.5 Study: Nationalism or Communism? 1/3

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Concept Definition

covert action

domino theory


3. How did the Cold War play a role in the Suez Crisis?

4. Why did President Eisenhower not interfere in the 1956 Hungarian revolt? Why did
President Kennedy not stop the construction of the Berlin Wall?

5. What events led to Cuba being such a dangerous part of the Cold War in theearly

4.1.5 Study: Nationalism or Communism? 2/3

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4.1.5 Study: Nationalism or Communism? 3/3

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4.2.1 Study: The Red Scare
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : The practice of not allowing certain people rights, privileges, or services for
one reason or another. In the United States, this term usually refers to writers and
actors who were suspected of having ties with the Communist Party in the late

b. : A political party that advances the ideas of Communism, a type of society

and government in which all property is owned and controlled by the state, in the
name of the people.

c. : Ten people in the movie industry who refused to answer questions from the
House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC). The questions were about their
ties to the Communist Party. As a result, these people were blacklisted and not
allowed to work in Hollywood again.

d. : The House Un-American Activities Committee, formed in

1938 to look into possible Communist activities. Many people were blacklisted or
charged with contempt of Congress for refusing to answer the committee's
questions. The committee often charged these people with anti-American activities,
even when there was no proof.

e. : The practice of charging people with not being loyal to the

United States. The name comes from a time when Americans were afraid of
Communism, and Senator Joseph McCarthy made these charges against people
without proof.

4.2.1 Study: The Red Scare 1/4

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f. : (1913 - 1994) The 37th president of the United States. He resigned, or quit,
in 1974 because of the Watergate scandal. He ended U.S. involvement in Vietnam
and started relations with China.

g. : The fear of Communists infiltrating American society and government. Also

known as "McCarthyism" after Senator Joseph McCarthy who made many
unfounded charges of Communist activity.

h. : A law passed in 1940 that made it illegal for any American to support the
overthrow of the government or to belong to a group that worked for that goal.

i. : The widespread fear of communism that gripped the United States after
World War I. The success of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, along with
accusations of violence committed by American communists, led U.S. authorities to
investigate, search, and arrest thousands of suspected communists.

2. Why were Americans nervous about growing Communist power?

3. What did the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) do? What happened if
someone did not testify before the HUAC? Which people gained fame from being
strong anti-Communists?

4.2.1 Study: The Red Scare 2/4

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4. What role did television play in McCarthy’s fall from influence?

Primary Source: McCarthy Hearings

Write an extended paragraph of 8-12 sentences on the document located on page 9 of
this study by responding to the following prompt:

What does this exchange reveal about McCarthy's methods and McCarthyism?

4.2.1 Study: The Red Scare 3/4

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4.2.1 Study: The Red Scare 4/4

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4.2.3 Study: Cold War Liberalism
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : The 1954 Supreme Court decision that said separate schools for
blacks and whites was not constitutional.

b. : The 1963 Supreme Court decision that said the Sixth

Amendment required courts to provide a lawyer for a person who was on trial if he
or she could not pay for one.

c. : A 1966 Supreme Court decision that said police must tell a

person under arrest about his or her Fifth Amendment rights. The
Fifth Amendment says a person does not have to testify, or be a
witness, against himself or herself.

d. : The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court from 1953 until 1969.
Before his appointment to the Supreme Court, he was a very
popular liberal governor from California.

e. : The name given to the social and economic programs of

President Harry Truman. It called for increased spending for jobs
and healthcare, and set rules about pay for workers.

2. What kind of things was President Truman trying to achieve with his Fair Deal

4.2.3 Study: Cold War Liberalism 1/4

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3. What is a basic difference between Democrats and Republicans when it comes to
their views of government?

4. What federal programs and achievements did Eisenhower get credit for as

4.2.3 Study: Cold War Liberalism 2/4

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5. What progress was made for the rights of black Americans during the 1950s?

4.2.3 Study: Cold War Liberalism 3/4

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4.2.3 Study: Cold War Liberalism 4/4

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Study: Study Guide
4.3.1 Equality or Communism?

U.S. History Sem 2 Name:


Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : Randolph was the head of the nation's best known black labor
union, the Brotherhood of Sleeping-Car Porters. He was widely
respected by white political leaders, particularly liberals.

b. : The first African American major league baseball player.

Robinson was a popular sports figure who focused on his playing rather than on race

2. Why did African Americans believed it was unfair to fight for the United Statesduring
World War II? How did African Americans get the defense industry desegregated?

3.What did Paul Robeson say when he testified before the House Un-American Activities

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4.3.1 Study: Equality or Communism? 1/2

.Why did some African Americans like W. E. B. Du Bois turn towards

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1 .3.1 Study: Equality or Communism? 2/2

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Study: Study Guide
4.3.3 The Legal Strategy

U.S. History Sem 2 Name:


Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : Change a system that kept blacks and whites apart into a system where all
people were treated the same.

b. : The Legal Defense Fund, started by the NAACP to provide legal aid to
African Americans and to civil rights workers.

c. : (1908 - 1993) The first African American to serve on the Supreme Court. As
a young lawyer, he successfully argued the case Brown v.
Board of Education, which opened all schools to all races.

2. How did the NAACP fight segregation in the United States? What arguments didthey
make against segregation?

3. What happened in the court case Brown v. Board of Education, and how did it
affect segregation in the United States. What United States Constitutional amendment
did the Supreme Court base its decision on in Brown v. Board of Education?

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4.3.3 Study: The Legal Strategy 1/2

. How did some southern states resist desegregation? How did President Eisenhower
respond to this resistance?

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1 .3.3 Study: The Legal Strategy 2/2

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Study: Study Guide
4.3.5 Mass Movements

U.S. History Sem 2 Name:


Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : A famous public speech given by Martin Luther King Jr. on August

28, 1963, in Washington, D.C. The speech called for equality
between the races and an end to discrimination, or treating
people of color differently.

b. : A civil rights organization that was formed in 1942. It was

involved in the March on Washington and the freedom rides in
the early 1960s.

c. : Bus trips taken by civil rights activists to make sure buses and bus
stations were not segregated.

d. : (1919 - 1998) The governor of Alabama in the 1960s, 1970s, and

1980s. He is best known for his support of segregation, or
separation of the races, in the South.

e. : A 1963 civil rights march of over 200,000 people to show support

for civil rights advances. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his "I have a
dream" speech here. The March on Washington is given credit for
helping to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights
Act of 1965.

4.3.5 Study: Mass Movements 1/5

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f. : (1929 - 1968) An African American leader during the civil rights
movement of the 1950s and 1960s. He helped found the Southern
Christian Leadership Conference in 1957. His work led to the
March on Washington, where he delivered his "I have a dream"
speech. He was assassinated, or murdered, in 1968.

g. : A 1955 boycott of, or refusal to use, public transportation in

Montgomery, Alabama. It was started by an African American woman who refused
to give her seat to a white man as required by state law. Her arrest led to the
boycott, which lasted more than a year and ended the segregation of Alabama

h. : (1913 - 2005) An African American woman whose arrest for

refusing to give her bus seat to a white person set off the
Montgomery bus boycott.

i. : Southern Christian Leadership Conference, an American civil

rights organization closely associated with its first president,
Martin Luther King Jr.

j. : A form of nonviolent protest in which people bring attention to a

social or political issue by occupying an area and refusing to leave
until demands are met.

k. : Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, one of the major

organizations in the civil rights movement of the 1960s. It played a
major role in sit-ins, freedom rides, and the March on

2. What happened in Montgomery Alabama in 1955 to change the course of race

relations in the United States?

4.3.5 Study: Mass Movements 2/5

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3. What is the power of nonviolent protest? Give examples of its application in the civil
rights movement in the United States.

4. How did Martin Luther King Jr. achieve success for the Civil Rights Movement?What
did Martin Luther King Jr. believe was possible between African Americans and whites?

4.3.5 Study: Mass Movements 3/5

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Primary Source: Letter from a Birmingham Jail
Write an extended paragraph of 8-12 sentences on the document located on page 8 of
this study by responding to the following prompt:

What approach to advancing civil rights does King recommend, and why does he think it
will work?

4.3.5 Study: Mass Movements 4/5

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4.3.5 Study: Mass Movements 5/5

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4.4.1 Study: Culture of Prosperity
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : A period of time when the birthrate is high. In the United States, this term
usually refers to the period between 1946 and 1964, when there was a huge
increase in the number of children born.

b. : A group of writers and artists who developed a cultural philosophy, or way

of thinking, in the 1950s. In general, this philosophy supported behavior that was
against popular American values.

c. : A law passed in 1944 to provide federal financial aid to military veterans for
obtaining health care, buying homes, or going to college or some other kind of
training program.

d. : A household made up of a mother, father, and their children.

2. Why did Congress pass the G.I. Bill? What did the G.I. Bill do?

3. What were some of the effects of the baby boom following World War II?

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4.4.1 Study: Culture of Prosperity 1/2

4.During the economic boom after World War II, what did advertisers do to get
consumers to buy new products?

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4.4.1 Study: Culture of Prosperity 2/2

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4.4.4 Study: From City to Suburb
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : growth of populated areas on the edges of cities.

b. : The region across the southern United States that has long summers and
mild, or gentle, winters. Many businesses and people moved to the Sunbelt from the
1950s through 1970s.

c. : The movement of white people out of neighborhoods when minorities such

as African Americans or Hispanics move in.

2. What is the difference between "urban" and "suburban"? How can this difference
account for the growth of American suburbs after World War II?

3. Why did people move to the Sunbelt?

4.4.4 Study: From City to Suburb 1/4

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4. What racial dynamics in American cities led to the continued separation of blacks
and whites?

5. Tell of two impacts that large scale car ownership had on the United States.

4.4.4 Study: From City to Suburb 2/4

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Primary Source: Little Boxes
Write an extended paragraph of 8-12 sentences on the document located on page 10 of
this study by responding to the following prompt:

What kind of view of American society is evident in this song, and does it seem like an
accurate and legitimate characterization?

4.4.4 Study: From City to Suburb 3/4

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4.4.4 Study: From City to Suburb 4/4

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5.1.1 Study: A New Time is Coming
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : An important set of laws passed by the U.S. Congress. The act made it illegal
to have separate schools for different races. It also became illegal to have separate
public areas for different races.

b. : (1908 - 1973) The 36th president of the United States, completing the term
of John F. Kennedy after Kennedy was assassinated, or murdered. He is remembered
for his Great Society social programs in America and for greatly increasing American
involvement in the Vietnam War.

c. : A term used by John F. Kennedy in the presidential election of 1960. It was

used to name the programs and policies of his presidency.

2. How did President Kennedy represent a change in American politics?

5.1.1 Study: A New Time is Coming 1/4

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3. How did the assassination of the president in 1963 impact American politics?

4. What issues did President Johnson move forward on in 1964 and how did hedo in
the election that year?

Primary Source: "We Shall Overcome"

Write an extended paragraph of 8-12 sentences on the document located on page 13 of
this study by responding to the following prompt:

5.1.1 Study: A New Time is Coming 2/4

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Why did Johnson feel so strongly about passing this civil rights bill? What forces did
Johnson wish to see America overcome?

5.1.1 Study: A New Time is Coming 3/4

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5.1.1 Study: A New Time is Coming 4/4

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5.1.3 Study: The Vietnam War and American Politics
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : The name given to two events in the Gulf of Tonkin off the coast of Vietnam
on August 2 and 4, 1964. Ships belonging to the United States and North Vietnam
fired on each other. This led the U.S. Congress to pass the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution,
giving President Johnson the power to respond to attacks.

b. : Legal action the U.S. Congress passed to give President

Lyndon B. Johnson power to respond to attacks against U.S. forces in
Vietnam. This was in response to armed conflict in the Gulf of Tonkin in Vietnam.
President Johnson used the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution to increase U.S. military
forces in Vietnam.

c. : (1890 - 1969) A Communist leader of North Vietnam. He led the country

from 1945 until his death in 1969.

d. : (1901 - 1963) The first president of South Vietnam until his assassination, or
murder, in 1963.

2. Before Lyndon Johnson took office, how had the United States tried to fight
communism in Vietnam?

5.1.3 Study: The Vietnam War and American Politics 1/3

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3. How did Johnson decide to escalate the war in Vietnam?

4. Why was it so difficult for a superpower like the United States to fight inSoutheast

5. How were soldiers selected during the Vietnam war? What choices did young men
have at that time?

5.1.3 Study: The Vietnam War and American Politics 2/3

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5.1.3 Study: The Vietnam War and American Politics 3/3

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5.1.6 Study: The Great Society
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : A 1969 Supreme Court decision stating that wearing black armbands in

school was protected as free speech under the First Amendment and that a
student's free speech did not end, in the words of the Court, "at the schoolhouse
gate." The Des Moines school district had tried to stop students from wearing
armbands in protest of the Vietnam War.

b. : The social programs suggested by President Lyndon B. Johnson. The results

of the program included federal money for education and medical care for older

c. : A federal and state system to provide health care for the needy.

d. : A federal system of health insurance for people 65 and older.

2. What did President Johnson call his programs and what social problems did
headdress in them?

5.1.6 Study: The Great Society 1/3

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3. What new responsibilities did the U.S. government take on in the Johnsonyears?

4. How did the war in Vietnam impact Johnson’s programs and legacy?

5.1.6 Study: The Great Society 2/3

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5.1.6 Study: The Great Society 3/3

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5.2.1 Study: Black Power
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : The belief that African Americans should maintain pride in their culture,
history, and African roots. Black nationalists support the creation of communities
and businesses managed by African Americans.

b. : An African American organization formed in 1966 for selfdefense against

the police. The organization demanded more rights and social services for African
Americans. Members did not accept the principle of nonviolence practiced by other
civil rights groups.

c. : A political attitude and slogan, or saying, that came from the civil rights
movement of the 1960s. It stressed pride in black culture and called for ways to
support African American interests and values.

d. : (1925 - 1965) An African American civil rights leader who was born Malcolm
Little and changed his name after becoming a Muslim. He was originally in favor of
blacks living separately from whites, but later called for the races to accept each
other. He was assassinated, or murdered, while speaking at a civil rights event.

e. : (1941 - 1998) An African American civil rights leader. He was a leader of the
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee and the Black Panther Party. He came
up with the term "Black Power."

2. Why did some African Americans grow impatient with the leadership of the civil rights

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5.2.1 Study: Black Power 1/2

3. What did African Americans in the urban North have in common with those inthe
South? How might their concerns have differed?

4. Why did interest in African culture increase in the United States after the civilrights
movement changed to stress Black Power?

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5.2.1 Study: Black Power 2/2

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5.2.3 Study: More Groups Demand Rights
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : An American Indian civil rights organization. It was formed in 1968 to

address issues concerning the American Indian community. It got national attention
when it took over the Bureau of Indian Affairs office in Washington, D.C., in 1972
and the town of Wounded Knee, South Dakota, in 1973.

b. : (1927 - 1993) A Mexican American farm worker and civil rights leader. He
founded the United Farm Workers with Dolores Huerta. His work led to
improvements for farm workers.

c. : A movement that was started in the 1960s by young

Mexican Americans. They called themselves Chicanos and called for pride in their
culture's American Indian roots. They were influenced by the Black Power
movement and called for Brown Power.

d. : (1936 - ) A member of the Ojibwe Indian tribe. He helped found the

American Indian Movement, or AIM. He continues to be active in efforts to improve
the lives of American Indians.

e. : A large civil rights organization formed in the 1960s that works to improve
the lives and opportunities of Hispanic Americans.

f. : A policy in which the United States government tried to make American

Indians living on reservations enter mainstream society. Under termination, tribes
were no longer seen as sovereign nations, and many reservations lost federal
support for schools, police, and social services.

5.2.3 Study: More Groups Demand Rights 1/4

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2. How did Cesar Chavez fight to improve the lives of Latin American farmworkers?

3. What had led to more political power for Latinos in the United States?

4. What factors helped solidarity develop among American Indians?

5.2.3 Study: More Groups Demand Rights 2/4

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5. What did AIM do to bring more attention to the struggle of American Indians?

Primary Source: Cesar Chavez

Write an extended paragraph of 8-12 sentences on the document located on page 5 of
this study by responding to the following prompt:

What motivated Chavez to organize, and how do these experiences compare with other
minorities and their struggle for civil rights?

5.2.3 Study: More Groups Demand Rights 3/4

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5.2.3 Study: More Groups Demand Rights 4/4

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5.2.5 Study: New Gender Roles
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : (1921 - 2006) An American writer and activist. Her book The Feminine
Mystique helped create new interest in working for equality for women. She was
one of the founders of NOW, the National Organization for Women.

b. : An amendment to the U.S. Constitution, suggested in 1972, that would have

given equal rights to women. It was not ratified, or approved.

c. : A movement that began in the late 1960s that fought to protect the rights
of people with different sexual orientations.

d. : (1930 - 1978) An American politician and the first openly gay man to be
elected to public office in California. He served on the San Francisco Board of
Supervisors and helped pass a city gay rights law. He was assassinated, or killed, in

e. : Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered people. This refers to people

whose sexual identity and behavior are not heterosexual.

f. : National Organization for Women, founded in 1966. It is the public voice for
equal rights for women. It supported the equal rights amendment, which was not
ratified, or approved.

g. : (1924 - ) An American political activist who is best known for being against
the equal rights amendment. She founded the Eagle Forum, a conservative

5.2.5 Study: New Gender Roles 1/3

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h. : (1924 - 2005) An African American politician, teacher, and author. She was
the first black woman to be elected to the U.S. Congress.

i. : A series of violent conflicts between police and gay people at the Stonewall
Inn in New York City in 1969. These events led to a larger movement for gay rights,
called Gay Liberation.

j. : A 1972 law passed by Congress stating that no one, male or female, could
be stopped from taking part in any educational program or activity that receives
money from the federal government.

2. What problem did Betty Friedan write about in The Feminine Mystique?

3. Why might some women object to the Equal Rights Amendment?

4. Why did the LGBT movement use "We are everywhere" as a slogan? What goals did
the slogan achieve?

5.2.5 Study: New Gender Roles 2/3

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5. What concrete impacts did the women’s movement have in the United States?

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5.2.5 Study: New Gender Roles 3/3

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5.3.1 Study: Moving South
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : The American space mission, or operation, that landed menon the moon in
July 1969.

b. : The area around the Great Lakes, the upper Midwest, andthe mid-Atlantic
states where steel and iron industries were located. The term
rust refers to the rusty gates outside of factories that were no longer being
used. Many of these factories had closed during the 1970s.

2. What factors made the South more attractive than the North to somebusinesses?

3. Why was the name "Rust Belt" appropriate for the Northeast and Midwest?

5.3.1 Study: Moving South 1/3

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4. Why did the South gain more political power as its population grew?

5. What is NASA and what was its impact on the South in the '60s and '70s?

5.3.1 Study: Moving South 2/3

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5.3.1 Study: Moving South 3/3

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5.3.5 Study: Countercultures
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : A culture whose behavior is not accepted and normal in society. This term
usually refers to the culture developed by young people in the 1960s and 1970s,
partly in protest to U.S. involvement in Vietnam.

b. : Members of a cultural movement in the 1960s that was against the

American culture of the time. Hippies were known for peace protests, drug use, and
open sexual behavior. Their culture influenced art, music, and philosophy, or ways of

c. : (1924 - ) The 39th president of the United States. He created the

Department of Energy and the Department of Education. He helped Egypt and Israel
end their war and sign a peace treaty. He has been involved in many human rights
activities since he left the presidency.

d. : An art movement that began in the 1950s. It shows scenes from everyday
life and uses methods similar to advertising, comic books, and other current forms
of communication.

e. : (1911 - 2004) The 40th president of the United States. His presidency saw
large tax cuts, less government spending, and less government control of business.
There were also several military actions in other parts of the world to fight against
Communism. He was injured in an assassination attempt.

f. : A Christian preacher or minister who uses television to preach to large


5.3.5 Study: Countercultures 1/4

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2. How do you think most hippies "dropped out"? That is, what did most of them do to
go against mainstream culture?

3. How did Woodstock represent counterculture beliefs?

4. How did art and fashion reflect the happenings of the 1960s?

5.3.5 Study: Countercultures 2/4

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5. Which of the televangelists you just learned about started a political movement
supporting conservative views? Why was this significant?

6. How did conservative religious leaders resist the changes of the 1970s?

Primary Source: The Port Huron Statement

Write an extended paragraph of 8-12 sentences on the document located on page 4 of
this study by responding to the following prompt:

Why were the members of the SDS unhappy with American society? What examples do
they give of American hypocrisy?

5.3.5 Study: Countercultures 3/4

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5.3.5 Study: Countercultures 4/4

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5.4.1 Study: Nixon and China
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : The easing of the tense Cold War relationships between the United States,
the Soviet Union, and China.

b. : (1923 - ) A German-born political expert. He served as national security

adviser and secretary of state for presidents Nixon and Ford.

c. : The exchange of Ping-Pong players between the United States and China.
The event marked an improvement in the relations between the two countries.

d. : Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, a 1972 agreement between the Soviet

Union and the United States to limit the number of nuclear weapons that each
country had.

e. : A document issued by the Unites States and China in which the two nations
pledged to work toward better relations.

2. After studying the timeline, how would you describe relations between the United
States and the People’s Republic of China from 1949 to 1967?

5.4.1 Study: Nixon and China 1/3

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3. What could Nixon hope to gain by establishing better relations with Communist

4. Nixon used a combination of private messages through leaders of other countries,

formal offers to have talks, and small changes in policy to show he was willing to have
better relations with the Chinese. Why do you think he needed so many different

5. What challenges did President Nixon face when he became president in 1969?

5.4.1 Study: Nixon and China 2/3

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5.4.1 Study: Nixon and China 3/3

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5.4.3 Study: Richard Nixon
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : The policy of making South Vietnamese forces responsible for the defense
of South Vietnam in order to withdraw U.S. troops.

b. : The shortage of oil that resulted when oil-producing countries stopped

selling oil to the United States. The oil-producing countries were protesting U.S.
support for Israel in Israel's war against Egypt.

c. : Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, formed in 1960. Twelve

member nations make decisions together on policies that would be in their best
interest for keeping the world's oil market stable.

d. : Diplomacy in which an outside party travels back and forth between

countries to help them reach an agreement. Henry Kissinger practiced shuttle
diplomacy in an attempt to stop the Yom Kippur War between Israel and several
Arab states, including Egypt and Syria.

e. : A political scandal in the 1970s. Men were arrested for breaking into the
offices of the Democratic Party in Washington, D.C. This crime was eventually linked
to President Richard Nixon, which caused him to leave the presidency, or resign, in

2. What strategy did Nixon have for the war in Vietnam and what was the result?

5.4.3 Study: Richard Nixon 1/3

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3. What is OPEC and how did it impact the world in 1973?

5.4.3 Study: Richard Nixon 2/3

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4. What led to the downfall of President Nixon? What was he guilty of in the end?

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5.4.3 Study: Richard Nixon 3/3

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5.4.6 Study: Ford and Carter
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : (1913 - 2006) The 38th president of the United States. He was the vice
president under Richard Nixon and became president when Nixon resigned, or quit,
on August 9, 1974.

b. : A conflict between Iran and the United States from November 1979 to
January 1981. Iran held 53 Americans against their will for
444 days, releasing them just after Ronald Reagan was sworn in as president.

c. : A revolution in Iran that drove out the shah, Iran's ruler, in

January 1979. The shah had been friendly to the United States. The new government
was a militant, Islamic republic.

2. What events of recent history led the United States to doubt itself in the 1970’s?

5.4.6 Study: Ford and Carter 1/4

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3. What is inflation and what can the government do about it?

4. How did President Carter win the presidency in 1976? What was his message?

5.4.6 Study: Ford and Carter 2/4

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Primary Source: The Rescue Mission
Write an extended paragraph of 8-12 sentences on the document located on page 11 of
this study by responding to the following prompt:

Why did President Carter take the blame for the failed rescue mission? How might the
American public react to this news?

5.4.6 Study: Ford and Carter 3/4

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5.4.6 Study: Ford and Carter 4/4

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6.1.1 Study: Conservatives
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : A landmark 1973 Court decision that said a woman could have an abortion
until "viability" (the ability of a fetus to survive outside the uterus). Subsequent
Court rulings have further restricted this. The Court's decision used the right to
privacy from the Bill of Rights and the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S.
constitution. The decision still causes serious arguments today.

b. : A statement released by the Republican Party during the congressional

campaigns of 1994. It was a promise to lower taxes and reduce the size of
government if Republicans won enough congressional seats.

c. : (1924 - ) The 41st president of the United States. He served as a

congressman, the head of the Central Intelligence Agency, and Ronald Reagan's vice
president. During his presidency, the Soviet Union fell apart, the Berlin Wall came
down, and the United States was involved in military action in Panama and the
Persian Gulf.

d. : A system that allows billions of computers worldwide to connect with each

other using television and telephone technology. A huge amount of information is
available on the Internet; it also provides new ways to communicate and exchange
video, music, and text files.

e. : A 1986 political scandal during the Reagan administration that came from
reports of the secret sale of weapons to Iran in exchange for the release of

6.1.1 Study: Conservatives 1/7

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American prisoners being held in Iran. Profits from the sale went to help rebel
groups in Nicaragua, known as contras.

f. : A term to describe the conservative groups and policies that gained

political power during the 1970s and 1980s. Right-wing, or conservative, policies
support smaller government, social order, and traditional ways of life.

g. : Also known as Operation Desert Storm, the Gulf War, and the First Gulf
War. From 1990 to 1991, with the approval of the United Nations, 34 countries sent
troops to fight Iraq after its army attacked Kuwait. Most of the troops were from
the United States and were sent by President George H.W.

h. : The economic policies of President Ronald Reagan in the 1980s. These

policies included reducing government spending, lowering tax rates for businesses
and wealthy people, and reducing government regulation (or rules) on business.

i. : The policy of President Ronald Reagan that supported using U.S.

intelligence operations to sponsor and support guerrilla warfare overseas with the
goal of preventing the spread of Communism.

j. : Ways to look for information on the Internet. When a person types a

subject into a search engine, the results are usually presented in lists of web pages
related to that topic.

k. : An economic condition of stagnation, or slow economic growth, combined

with inflation, or rising prices. High unemployment also occurs during stagflation.

l. : The idea that providing tax cuts to businesses and wealthy people will
indirectly benefit the general population.

2. What was the ‘crisis of confidence’ that America seemed to be having in the

6.1.1 Study: Conservatives 2/7

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3. What was the appeal of a man like Ronald Reagan after the 1970’s?

4. What was Reagan’s approach to managing the economy? How was it supposed to
benefit Americans?

6.1.1 Study: Conservatives 3/7

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5. What social issues were being dealt with by America in the 1980’s?

6. How did the Cold War end in 1989?

7. What war began in 1991 and what role did the United States play in it?

6.1.1 Study: Conservatives 4/7

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Primary Source: "Read My Lips"
Write an extended paragraph of 8-12 sentences on the document located on page 16 of
this study by responding to the following prompt:

How did George H. W. Bush show that he represented conservative values? Why would
raising taxes during his term upset many of his supporters?

6.1.1 Study: Conservatives 5/7

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6.1.1 Study: Conservatives 6/7

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6.1.4 Study: The Media Generation
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : An extremely small device used in most electronic systems today including

computers, telephones, MP3 players, hospital equipment, transportation, and
military equipment.

b. : The gap that exists between people who use technology, such as Internet
services, and people who do not. This gap occurs in income, education, and access
to a variety of opportunities.

2. What changes in television and news coverage were important in the 1990s?

6.1.4 Study: The Media Generation 1/3

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3. What other communication devices helped change the way Americans stay intouch
with one another?

4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the new digital technologies?

6.1.4 Study: The Media Generation 2/3

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6.1.4 Study: The Media Generation 3/3

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6.2.1 Study: Information Revolution
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : The area in a computer that holds most of the computer's functions and

b. : A strategy for manufacturing products in which parts are delivered at the

time when they are needed, rather than being delivered and stored in a warehouse
before they are needed. Also a strategy for retail stores, in which goods are
delivered shortly before they will be sold.

c. : An online, user-created and user-edited encyclopedia.

2. How has data collection led to smarter business practices?

6.2.1 Study: Information Revolution 1/3

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3. What new trends in shopping have taken place in the last 20 years?

4. What new sources for news and information are available to Americans in the21st

5. How has technology impacted the way Americans vote?

6.2.1 Study: Information Revolution 2/3

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6.2.1 Study: Information Revolution 3/3

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6.2.3 Study: Energy Issues
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : (1946 - ) The 43rd president of the United States. He also served as the
governor of Texas. During his presidential term, the United States was attacked on
September 11, 2001. He sent troops into Afghanistan and Iraq in response to this

b. : A Pennsylvania power plant run by nuclear energy. In 1979, an accident

caused a partial meltdown of the nuclear core. A small amount of radioactive gas
was released. Strong public reaction and fear put an end to the further
development of nuclear power plants in America.

2. What are examples of fossil fuels that Americans use every day?

3.What is a short list of alternative energy sources that one can see in America?

6.2.3 Study: Energy Issues 1/3

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4. How do Americans "save" energy?

5. What are the benefits and problems associated with nuclear energy?

6. What new car technologies are attempting to conserve energy?

6.2.3 Study: Energy Issues 2/3

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6.2.3 Study: Energy Issues 3/3

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6.2.5 Study: International Trade
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : Buying products internationally at a price that helps the seller to reach a

higher standard of living. This is often used in trade with developing countries.

b. : When a company purchases products or services from an outside supplier,

rather than performing the same work within its own facilities, in order to cut

c. : World Trade Organization, an institution that supervises international trade

and promotes free markets.

2. What is the definition of "free trade" and why does American policy favor this?

6.2.5 Study: International Trade 1/4

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3. Why do companies outsource production of goods to other countries?

4. What is fair trade? Why do some companies promote fair trade instead ofusing
sweatshop labor?

Primary Source: A Global Economy

Write an extended paragraph of 8-12 sentences on the document located on page 9 of
this study by responding to the following prompt:

What role does Clinton feel the United States plays in the world? How does he view the
world economy?

6.2.5 Study: International Trade 2/4

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6.2.5 Study: International Trade 3/4
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6.2.5 Study: International Trade 4/4

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6.3.1 Study: Life after the Cold War
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : (1931 – )The leader of the Soviet Union from 1985 until it collapsed, or fell
apart, in 1991. During his term of office, he tried to improve the Soviet economy. He
called for changes in the social structure of the Soviet Union that would give more
voice to the common people. He wanted better relationships with the United States
and other non-Communist countries.

b. : The Russian term for the changes made to the Soviet

Union's political and economic policies during the late 1980s. The economy became
more open to competition and foreign involvement.

c. : A Russian word that describes the policy of making the government more
open. Mikhail Gorbachev started it in the Soviet Union in the 1980s. It helped end
the Cold War.

d. : (1931 – 2007) The first president of Russia. He originally won fame by

defying the August coup of Communist Party leaders in 1991.

2. The USSR used fake parades to show of military power and had a policy ofsecrecy
about its problems. What would you expect to happen when its member republics and
satellites discovered how weak the Soviet economy really was?

6.3.1 Study: Life after the Cold War 1/5

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3. There were more people working in the Soviet Union than there were in theUnited
States. What do you notice about the Gross Domestic Product per capita [per person]?

4. Identify the following:


Lech Walesa:



Mikhail Gorbachev:

Velvet Revolution:

Boris Yeltsin:

5. Explain how the Solidarity movement led to Polish independence.

6.3.1 Study: Life after the Cold War 2/5

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6. What unintended consequence did perestroika have?

7. Explain how each country moved toward independence from the USSR:




East Germany:

8. Explain how the failed coup in the USSR showed that Soviet citizens were readyfor

6.3.1 Study: Life after the Cold War 3/5

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9. What major issue did the United States have to resolve with the former Sovietstates,
and how did America go about it?

Primary Source: Challenges from America

Write an extended paragraph of 8-12 sentences on the document located on page 8 of
this study by responding to the following prompt:

How did Reagan's speech reflect the end of the Cold War? What goals did he promote?

6.3.1 Study: Life after the Cold War 4/5

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6.3.1 Study: Life after the Cold War 5/5

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6.3.3 Study: The United States, Terrorism, and Iraq
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : A series of attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001. Members

of Al-Qaeda, an Islamic fundamentalist group, took over four passenger planes.
They flew two planes into the Twin Towers of the
World Trade Center in New York City, and another into the Pentagon near
Washington, D.C. The fourth plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania.
Almost 3,000 victims and 19 hijackers died in the attacks.

b. : An international Islamic fundamentalist group founded around 1989. It is a

terrorist group that supports the use of force to rid the Muslim world of Western
influences. Al-Qaeda was responsible for many attacks against American
interests, including the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center in New
York City.

c. : A department of the U.S. government created after the September 11

terrorist attacks. Its responsibility is to protect the country from further attacks
and to respond in the case of natural disasters such as floods and storms.

d. : The military name for the military operations carried out against Saddam
Hussein's Iraqi forces in Kuwait and Iraq by U.S. and coalition forces between
1990 and 1991 during the Persian Gulf War.

e. : Also known as the Iraq War and the Second Gulf War. Troops from several
countries were sent to Iraq in 2003 to look for powerful weapons, known as
weapons of mass destruction. Most of the troops were American and British.

6.3.3 Study: The United States, Terrorism, and Iraq 1/4

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These troops removed Saddam Hussein from power. This war is still going on
against Iraqi and foreign rebels.

f. : (1957 - 2011 ) A terrorist leader born in Saudi Arabia. He founded Al-Qaeda,

the organization responsible for the September 11, 2001 attacks.

g. : (1937 - 2006) The leader of Iraq from 1979 to 2003. His government was
overthrown when American and British troops entered the country in 2003. U.S.
troops arrested him for the murders of over 100 men in a small Iraqi town in
1982. He was tried, convicted, and hanged in 2006.

h. : An Islamic political group that controlled Afghanistan and helped terrorist

groups like Al-Qaeda. The Taliban was removed from power when the United
States attacked Afghanistan in 2001 in response to the September 11 attacks.

i. : The use of violence or the threat of violence against people for political

j. : A law named "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate

Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism," which was signed into law
by President George W. Bush in 2001 in response to the September 11 attacks. It
gives the government and police agencies additional powers to gather
information to prevent future terrorist attacks.

k. : An attack on a U.S. Navy ship while it was in port at

Yemen in 2000. Seventeen American sailors died and 39 were injured. The
terrorist group Al-Qaeda said it was responsible for the attack.

2. Explain how the Soviet war in Afghanistan led to the creation of Al-Qaeda.

6.3.3 Study: The United States, Terrorism, and Iraq 2/4

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3. What two effects of the Persian Gulf War also had serious effects for Iraq?

4. Define the following:


Jihad –

domestic terrorism –

5. Why was the USA PATRIOT Act passed and the Department of HomelandSecurity

6. Explain how the Afghan war was a success, and how it was a failure.

6.3.3 Study: The United States, Terrorism, and Iraq 3/4

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7. Explain how Operation Iraqi Freedom was a success, and how it was a failure.

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6.3.3 Study: The United States, Terrorism, and Iraq 4/4

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6.4.1 Study: Obama and Neo-Progressivism
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. Write the correct key term in the blank preceding each definition.

a. : (1961 – ) The 44th president of the United States. He was elected in 2008
with promises to improve the economy and fix the health care system. He
was the first African American to hold office.

b. : (1947 - ) An American politician who served as first lady of the United

States from 1993 to 2001, as secretary of state from 2009 to 2013, and as the
Democratic Party's nominee for president in the 2016 election. She was the
first woman to earn a major U.S. political party's nomination for president.


The map above shows how much money Kerry and Bush spent in different states
at the end of the 2004 election race. Which states were “swing states” that both
parties thought they could win?

6.4.1 Study: Obama and Neo-Progressivism 1/3

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3. What criticism has been made about the war on terrorism in the last

4. What issues did President George W. Bush face as president? Give two

5. What cabinet appointments did Obama make and what did this show
abouthis leadership style?

6. Why is health care so complex and difficult to reform in America?

6.4.1 Study: Obama and Neo-Progressivism 2/3

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6.4.1 Study: Obama and Neo-Progressivism 3/3

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6.4.6 Study: Changes in the American Population
Study Guide
U.S. History Sem 2 Name:

Use the following questions to guide your note-taking as you move through the material.
This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test.

1. There are no new key terms in this activity.

2. What are demographics, and how does demographic data influence publicpolicy?

3. In what ways is race not true as a science? In what ways is it true as a


4. Name one way in which recent immigration is different from those of the

6.4.6 Study: Changes in the American Population 1/4

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"second wave" of immigration of the late 1800s and early 1900s. Name one way in
which it is similar.

5. Do you think that your state should have a bilingual (two language)
educationprogram in its public schools? Why or why not? What are some advantages to
learning English?

6. How might efforts to fight immigration and use “English-only” laws be tied tothe
nation’s changing demographics?

6.4.6 Study: Changes in the American Population 2/4

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7. What evidence do you see that the United States has entered a "post-
racial"age? What evidence do you see that the country has not?

Primary Source: Race in America

Write an extended paragraph of 8-12 sentences on the document located on page 9 of
this study by responding to the following prompt:

How does Barack Obama's own life help him view race in America? Does he believe
America is post-racial?

6.4.6 Study: Changes in the American Population 3/4

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6.4.6 Study: Changes in the American Population 4/4

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