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Solution of Enthymeme

1. All persons who speak cleverly are intelligent students. (Omitted)

That man is a person who speaks cleverly.
That man is an intelligent student.

- The omitted proposition must be All persons who speak cleverly are intelligent
- This syllogism is valid, the major premise is not true because there are many
clever speakers learned only high school or some clever speakers had never
learned in academic school. If the one who wants to be a clever speaker
practice more and more he can perform himself as a clever speaker. Being
intelligent student is not the necessary cause for being clever speaker, may be
some from the whole clever speakers are intelligent students. (or your own
- It may be true, the major premise must be changed into Some persons who speak
cleverly are not intelligent students. But after the changed it violates 2nd rule, so
it is invalid.
- Therefore, this argument cannot be accepted.

2. All nice fruits are expensive fruits. (omitted)

Today’s oranges are nice fruits.
Today’s oranges are expensive fruits.

3. All interesting courses are courses that increase the I.Q. (omitted)
Logic is an interesting course.
Logic is a course that increases the I.Q.

4. All roads in Bangkok are roads on the map. (omitted)

The Bliss road is not the road on the map.
The Bliss road is not the road in Bangkok.

5. All persons who present their researches very well are able men. (omitted)
You are persons who present your research very well.
You are able men.

6. All schools that offer good education are schools that have a lot of students.
This school is the school that offers good education.
This school is the school that has a lot of students.

7. All teacher’s sons are those who are the top in the exam. (omitted)
He is the teacher’s son.
He is the one who is the top in the exam.
8. All detergents that clean clothes are detergents that are used by everyone.
Fab is the detergent that cleans clothes.
Fab is the detergent that is used by everyone.
9. All good men are persons who should have been elected chairman. (omitted)
He is a good man.
He is the one who should have been elected chairman.

10. All persons who shun society are harmless people to societies. (omitted)
All hippies are persons who shun society.
All hippies are harmless people.

11. All persons who really understand people are not persons who envy everyone else.
All persons who read much psychology are persons who really understand people.
All persons who envy everyone else are not persons who read much

12. All considered things are legal things.

It is a considered thing.
It is a legal thing. (omitted)

13. All things that affect the distribution of power are important things. (omitted)
All economic arrangements are things that affect distribution of power.
All economic arrangements are important things.

14. All persons who always smile are happy persons. (omitted)
She is the one who always smiles.
She is a happy person.

15. All students who get 85% are those who get A grade in GS 2002.
I am the one who gets 85%. (omitted)
I am the one who gets A grade in GS 2002.

16. All AU students are smart students.

All smart students are those who can graduate within 4 years.
All AU students are those who can graduate within 4 years. (omitted)

17. All unrealistic plans are economic plans that ignore the homeless.
This plan is an unrealistic plan.
This plan is a plan that ignores the homeless. (omitted)

18. All corrupted scandals are scandals that are approved by the receipts.
This school milk scheme is not a scandal that is approved by the receipts.
This school milk scheme is not a corrupted scandal.

19. All good executives are not those who make uncomfortable feeling to their
Our company president is a good executive. (omitted)
Our company president is not the one who makes uncomfortable feeling.

20. All students who can pass their courses are hard-working students.
Malee is the one who can pass her course.
Malee is a hard-working student.

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