Lesson Plan Thermodynamics II

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Doc # IST-F-32/04

Institute of Space Technology Date of Issue 08-May-2014

Lesson Plan
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DEPARTMENT & PROGRAM: BS Mechanical Engineering

COURSE CODE-COURSE NAME: 214303 Thermodynamics II CR: 3-0

It is continuation of Thermodynamics I with emphasis on applications. Combustion, steam and gas power
cycles, gas turbines, compressors and working of nozzles are studied.

PREREQUISITE: 114301 Thermodynamics I



1. Applied Thermodynamics for Engineering Technologists by T. D. Eastop and A. McConkey
Reference Material:
1. Principles of Engineering Thermodynamics by Michael J. Moran, Howard N. Shapiro, Daisie D.
Boettner and Margaret B. Bailey
2. Thermodynamics; An Engineering Approach by Yunus A. Cengel and Micheal A. Boles


The course is designed so that students will achieve the PLOs:
1. PLO-1: Engineering Knowledge: An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and
engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering
2. PLO-2: Problem Analysis: An ability to identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze
complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of
mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.
3. PLO-3: Design/Development of Solution: An ability to design solutions for complex engineering
problems and design systems, components, or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate
consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.


Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Analyze different thermodynamic cycles.
2. Apply laws of thermodynamics to the design process.
3. Apply the principles and laws of thermodynamics to solve real life engineering problems or cases
related energy issues.
Doc # IST-F-32/04
Institute of Space Technology Date of Issue 08-May-2014
Lesson Plan
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This course is a pre-requisite for all advanced engineering students and serves as a link between physics
and engineering subjects. Fundamentals concepts delivered in this course will be used in many applied
courses used in thermal system engineering and design. Students will be able to design thermal systems like
power plants, boilers and compressors.

Instruction 60%
Discussion 20%
Exercises/Tutorial 20%

Module/ References Week/

Chapter Lecture
I Steam Cycles Text Book 1-3
1.1. Rankine cycle Chapter 8,
1.2. Superheat and reheat Lecture notes
1.3. Enthalpy-Entropy Chart
1.4. The Regenerative Cycle
1.5. Steam Plant efficiency
1.6. Steam for heating and process use
II Gas Turbine Cycle, Combined Cycle and Boilers Text Book 4-7
2.1. Basic turbine cycle Chapter 9,
2.2. Practical and modified Turbine Cycle Lecture notes
2.3. Combustion
2.4. Combined Cycle
2.5. Power Plant Thermal Efficiency
2.6. Boiler
2.7. Heat Recovery Steam Generator
III Exergy Lecture notes 8-9
3.1. Introducing Exergy
3.2. Closed System Exergy Balance
3.3. Flow Exergy
3.4. Exergy Rate Balance for Control Volumes
3.5. Exergetic (Second Law) Efficiency
3.6. Thermoeconomics
IV Nozzles and Jet Propulsion Text Book 10-11
4.1. Critical Pressure Ratio Chapter 11,
4.2. Maximum Mass Flow Lecture notes
4.3. Nozzles Off the Design Pressure Ratio
4.4. Nozzle Efficiency
4.5. The Steam Nozzle
4.6. Stagnation Conditions
Doc # IST-F-32/04
Institute of Space Technology Date of Issue 08-May-2014
Lesson Plan
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4.7. Jet Propulsion

4.8. The Turboprop

V Mixtures Text Book 12-13

5.1. Dalton’s and Gibbs-Dalton law Chapter 12,
5.2. Volumetric Analysis of a Gas Mixture Lecture notes
5.3. The Molar Mass and Specific Gas Constant
5.4. Specific Heat Capacities of a Gas Mixture
5.5. Adiabatic Mixing of Perfect Gases
5.6. Gas and Vapor Mixtures
5.7. The Steam Condenser
VI Combustion Text Book 14-16
6.1. Basic Chemistry Chapter 6,
6.2. Fuels Lecture notes
6.3. Combustion Equations
6.4. Exhaust and Flue Gas Analysis
6.5. Internal Energy and Enthalpy of Reaction
6.6. Enthalpy of Formation
6.7. Calorific Value of Fuels
Final Examination

Learning PLOs
CLO Teaching Domain to
Module No. Assessment Methodology
No. Methodology with target
Lectures + Assignments/Quizzes/OHTs/Final/Projec PLO–
I+II 1 C-4
Discussions t Report 2
Lectures + Assignments/Quizzes/OHTs/Final/Projec PLO–
I+II+IV 2 C-3
Discussions t Report 3
Lectures + PLO–
I+II+III+IV+V+VI 3 Assignments/Quizzes/OHTs/Final C-3
Discussions 1

The course will include three One hour tests during the semester. In addition assignments at the end of each
module may be set. One project per individual will also be included to enhance the hands-on abilities of the
students. A comprehensive final examination over the all module, of at least 3 hours duration, will be set at
the end of the course. Evaluation will be competency based and student grades will be based on the
following factors.
Doc # IST-F-32/04
Institute of Space Technology Date of Issue 08-May-2014
Lesson Plan
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Assignments 05-10%
Quizzes 10-15%
OHT Exam 20-25%
Final Exam 45-50%
Project 10-15%
Total 100%

Name with sign Muhammad Shaban

Written By
Name with sign Dr. Muhammad Anwar
Reviewed By
Name with sign Dr. Asif Israr
Approved By

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