Epic 4-14-20

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The Examiner

EPIC Charter Schools offers Free

Virtual Help for Teachers, Schools
moving to Distance Learning
EPIC Charter Schools an- at least one lesson for each
nounced today its pledge to aid state academic core standard.
Page traditional public school dis- The site is live and will be mo-
005 tricts as they gear up to provide bile friendly by April 6 so that
resized distance learning, including households without Internet
online instruction. access but with a cellular phone
“This is a time when everyone can access the lessons. The site
in public education must come has been made public and can
together,” said EPIC Superin- be reached at www.epiced.on-
tendent Bart Banfield. “With line.
so many school districts across · Onlineteachinghelp.com,
the state and nation struggling a repository of best practices
to keep students on track aca- and online resources created
demically during this crisis, we by EPIC teachers with dem-
at EPIC are in a unique posi- onstrated success in distance
tion, as the state’s largest virtual learning.
charter school, to help them. · Free two-hours of profes-
We are not competing. We are sional development conducted
not recruiting students.” by a state certified Epic educa-
The State Board of Educa- tor that could be utilized by any
tion unanimously voted that traditional school district. The
distance learning of all pub- professional development will
lic school students is to begin be made available as a Power-
April 6. When that happens, Point presentation accompa-
many students and teachers nied by a two-hour, interac-
will likely find themselves in tive staff development session
unfamiliar territory. Since the through ZOOM that includes
vast majority of EPIC’s 30,000 questions and answers.
students work remotely via Erin Barnes, an EPIC princi-
such tools as ZOOM, Google pal co-developing the profes-
Hangout and FaceTime, the sional development presenta-
state’s third-largest public tion, said the chance to help
school system is providing her traditional education col-
traditional school districts the leagues during this unprece-
following free tools aimed at dented crisis is an opportunity
helping them navigate distance to bridge the divide and bring
learning: all public educators together
· EPIC Ed, a free bank of les- for the common purpose of
sons for every grade level, with helping Oklahoma families.

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
Guymon Daily Herald




Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.

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