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AOD 2020-2021 Budget

General information

Date: 30 de Marzo 2020



Start date of project:MAYO 2020 End date of project:DICIEMBRE 2022

Project leader


Position within Federation:dairector Administrativo

Phone number:57 1 3133909105


Please note that actual expenses will need to be evidenced with invoices and receipts when submitting the Mid-term and final
Financial Report.
Project categories (as selected in Project Proposal Form)
Project category 1 :

Details and date of activity/ expense item Expenses in US$

Speakers 20.000,000.oo $3.500.oo


Teaching materials 3,000,000.oo $3.500.00


TOTAL 23.000.000.OO

Total expenses category 1 $6,571.00

Project category 2 (if applicable) :

Details and date of activity/ expense item Expenses in US$

Electronic Timing 80.000.000.oo $3.500.oo


Video Bean 2.000.000.oo $3.500.oo


Sound 3,000,000,oo $3.500.oo


Computers-Printers 22.000,000,oo $3.500.oo


Sorfwar 5.000,000,oo $3,500.oo


Web page 5,000,000,oo $3.500.oo



Total expenses category 2 $33,429.00

Total amount requested from World Athletics (max. 40,000 US$): $40,000.00
Income from other resources (third-party funding) - please confirm if this is secured funding
Funding source: Details:
Total budget: $40,000.00
AOD 2020-2021 Mid-term Report

General information
Member Federation: Country Code:

Name of your project:

Start date of project: End date of project:

Project leader


Position within Federation:

Phone number:


Project-specific information
Please provide a short summary of your project:

Category 1: Please list the activities that have already been implemented in this

Category 2: Please list the activities that have already been implemented in this


In addition to the above, please detail any other benefits or areas in which your project has already had an impact:

Project implementation
How are you monitoring and evaluating project progress?

Is the project progressing in line with its planned objectives? If no, please outline steps being taken to address project progress.

Will the project achieve its planned objectives upon completion? If no, please indicate any revised objectives and the associated

Please give an update on your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) as indicated in your Project Proposal Form.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Update on progress:

Have you already achieved any of your major planned milestones (as indicated in the Project Proposal Form)?

1 #REF! Yes No Partly

2 #REF! Yes No Partly

3 #REF! Yes No Partly

Have you already encountered challenges/risks during the implementation of the project? If yes, please specify:

Challenge/risk: Risk management:

Please outline any further information about project delivery and achievements to date. Please also submit any available evidence
of activities (photos, videos, press release etc).

Stakeholders & Beneficiaries

Is there a clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities by all parties involved or have there been discrepancies?

Please list the stakeholders which have been involved in the implementation of your project to date:

Stakeholder: Contribution:

How many people have already benefited at this stage of your project? Administrators:
School kids:
Others (please
Financial management
Have resources been used as planned or have you had to adjust your budget?

If your budget has significantly changed, please resubmit it together with this Mid-term Report.
Authorised Signatory

Date and place:

Type your full name as Proof of Signature: Role:
AOD 2020-2021 Mid-term Financial Report

General information

#REF! Country Code:

Name of your project:

#REF! End date of project:

Project leader


Position within Federation:

Phone number:



Please list all project expenses incurred to date. Please supply receipts and invoices provided by the contractors/suppliers of the activities for audit purposes, for at least 90% of the
expenses. Reasonable explanations should be provided for the expenses being claimed without supporting documentation or receipts. We accept scans or photos of the invoices and receipts,
which can be sent by email. Originals should remain with the Federation for sample auditing if requested by World Athletics.

Project categories (as selected in Project Proposal)

Project category 1:
Date Details and date of activity/ expense item Expenses in US$

Total expenses category 1 $0.00

Project category 2 (if applicable):
Date Details and date of activity/ expense item Expenses in US$

Total expenses category 2 $0.00

Total expenditure to date: $0.00
Total grant provided by World Athletics: $0.00
Income from other resources (third-party funding):
Funding source: Details:
AOD 2020-2021 Technical Report

General information
Member Federation: Country Code:

Name of your project:

Start date of project: End date of project:

Project leader


Position within Federation:

Phone number:


Project-specific information
Please provide a short summary of your project:

Category 1: Please detail the project activities delivered and provide as

much information as possible:

Category 2: Please detail the project activities delivered and provide as

much information as possible:

Project implementation
Were you able to deliver your activities as planned?
If no, please explain what was achieved and reasons for not achieving the plans as
outlined at the start.

In delivering your project activities, did you encounter any unexpected challenges? If so, please
explain what these were and how they were overcome.

Have you achieved the objectives you had outlined in your Project Proposal Form?

Aims: Objectives: Please give details:

1 1
2 1
3 1
Please use your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) as indicated in your Project Proposal Form to
provide the results of your project:
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Evaluation/ result:

Did you produce a final project report, eg for your stakeholders?

Yes If yes, please submit it with this Technical Report

Have you achieved all your milestones as indicated in your project

Please provide details:

1 #REF! Yes No Partly

2 #REF! Yes No Partly

3 #REF! Yes No Partly

What have been the main benefits for the overall development of athletics in your country?
Please list at least three.
Please outline the long-term impact your project will have:

What were the main risks associated with the successful implementation of your project and
how did you manage them?
Risk: Risk management strategy:

Did any of the risks have a significant influence on the implementation/ success of the project?

Stakeholders & Beneficiaries

Please name all stakeholders, explain their roles and how they contributed to the project:

Stakeholder: Contribution:

In total, how many people have benefited from your project? Administrators:
School kids:
Others (please

Who were the main beneficiaries of your project?

Was there a clear understanding of roles and responsibilities by all parties involved or have
there been discrepancies?

Financial management
Have resources been used efficiently and as planned?

Did you manage to secure additional sources of income as indicated in the Project Proposal?
Not applicable
No If no, please explain:
Overall project evaluation
Please reflect on your project and provide a self-evaluation. What went well and why? What do
you consider as your major achievements? What were the lessons learned and areas for
improvement in the future?

Authorised Signatory


Financial report with accompanying receipts and invoices specific to the activity/project


Other supporting documents

I, the undersigned, President/Secretary General of the above-mentioned Federation certify that

the information provided in this report, including the financial report form attached represents a
true and fair summary of the activity/ project noted above. I certify that the evidence provided
in attachment to this report including photographic evidence of the project/activity and
accompanying receipts is true and correct. We will provide additional documentation and
justifications related to the activity/projects/expenditures as required by World Athletics or by its
auditors, upon request of World Athletics.

Date and place:

Type your full name as Proof of Signature: Role (President or General Secretary):
AOD 2020-2021 Financial Report

General information
#REF! Country Code:

Name of your project:

#REF! End date of project:

Project leader


Position within Federation:

Phone number:



Please list all project expenses incurred to date. Please supply receipts and invoices provided by the contractors/suppliers of the activities for audit purposes, for at least 90% of
the expenses. Reasonable explanations should be provided for the expenses being claimed without supporting documentation or receipts. We accept scans or photos of the
invoices and receipts, which can be sent by email. Originals should remain with the Federation for sample auditing if requested by World Athletics.

Project categories (as selected in Project Proposal)

Project category 1:
Date Details and date of activity/ expense item Expenses in US$

Total expenses category 1 $0.00

Project category 2 (if applicable):
Date Details and date of activity/ expense item Expenses in US$

Total expenses category 2 $0.00

Total costs of AOD project: $0.00
Total grant provided by World Athletics: $0.00
Income from other resources (third-party funding):
Funding source: Details:

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