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Business Plan – Issue 2

Deliverable ID D7.3
Work Package Reference WP7
Issue 1
Due Date of Deliverable 31/05/2019
Submission Date 31/05/2019
Dissemination Level1 CO
Lead Partner ALPHA
Contributors All Consortium partners
Grant Agreement No 700256
Call ID H2020-DRS-1-2015
Funding Scheme Collaborative

I-REACT is co-founded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Commission
under grant agreement n. 700256

PU = Public, PP = Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services),
RE = Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services),
CO = Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services)
Improving Resilience to Emergencies through Advanced Cyber Technologies

Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by


Issue Date Description Author(s)

0.1 04/07/2018 Final Table of Content ALPHA
0.2 24/05/2019 Pre-to-final version shared with ALPHA
Consortium partners
0.3 28/05/2019 Pre-to-final version updated with ALPHA
Consortium partners
1 31/05/2019 Final version to be submitted for EC ALPHA

Project: I-REACT Business Plan – Issue 2 Deliverable ID: D7.3

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Improving Resilience to Emergencies through Advanced Cyber Technologies

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................ 3
LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................................... 5
LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................................................................... 7
1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................... 10
1.1 Purpose of the Document ................................................................................................... 10
1.2 Structure of the Document ................................................................................................. 10
1.3 Acronyms list ....................................................................................................................... 11
1.4 Reference and applicable documents ................................................................................. 12
2 METHODOLOGY .......................................................................................................................... 17
2.1 Approach ............................................................................................................................. 17
2.2 Activities .............................................................................................................................. 20
3 IMPACT OF NATURAL HAZARDS AND EXPECTED TRENDS.......................................................... 21
3.1 Global and European impact of natural disasters ............................................................... 21
3.2 Floods and wildfires: past and future trends ...................................................................... 25
4 THE I-REACT PROPOSED SERVICES ............................................................................................. 30
4.1 I-REACT Core Services.......................................................................................................... 30
4.1.1 I-REACT Social service .................................................................................................. 31
4.1.2 I-REACT Reporting service ............................................................................................ 35
4.1.3 I-REACT Emergency Management service ................................................................... 38
4.2 I-REACT Added Value Services............................................................................................. 41
4.2.1 Season and Climate Prediction service ........................................................................ 41
4.2.2 Weather Forecast and Extreme Event Detection service ............................................ 44
4.2.3 Hazard and Risk Maps service ...................................................................................... 46
4.2.4 UAV Data services ........................................................................................................ 51
4.2.5 Smart Glasses ............................................................................................................... 52
4.2.6 Wearable ...................................................................................................................... 54
4.2.7 Nowcast, forecast, flood delineation, burned area ..................................................... 55
4.2.8 LEMS ............................................................................................................................. 57
4.3 CONCLUSIONS ..................................................................................................................... 60

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Improving Resilience to Emergencies through Advanced Cyber Technologies

5 THE INCIDENT AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT MARKET ....................................................... 61

5.1 Market definition and segmentation .................................................................................. 62
5.1.1 Incident and Emergency Market, by solution .............................................................. 63
5.1.2 Incident and Emergency Market, by system ............................................................... 64
5.1.3 Incident and Emergency Market, by industry vertical ................................................. 66
5.1.4 Incident and Emergency Market, by region................................................................. 68
5.2 Market size .......................................................................................................................... 69
5.2.1 Government industry ................................................................................................... 73 Potential Customers ............................................................................................. 73 Industry drivers and trends .................................................................................. 79 Competitive Assessment ...................................................................................... 80 Competitive Position Analysis ........................................................................... 88 Selection and purchasing criteria ......................................................................... 91
5.2.2 BFSI industry................................................................................................................. 94 Potential Customers ............................................................................................. 94 Industry drivers and trends ................................................................................ 100 Competitive Assessment .................................................................................... 104 Competitive position analysis.......................................................................... 113 Selection and Purchasing criteria ....................................................................... 114
6 THE I-REACT BUSINESS PLAN .................................................................................................... 116
6.1 The I-REACT Value Proposition.......................................................................................... 116
6.2 The I-REACT Business Model ............................................................................................. 117
6.3 S.W.O.T. Analysis ............................................................................................................... 121
6.4 The Business Plan .............................................................................................................. 123
6.4.1 Main assumptions ...................................................................................................... 123
6.4.2 Revenues .................................................................................................................... 125
6.4.3 Costs ........................................................................................................................... 133
6.4.1 Cash flow .................................................................................................................... 138
6.5 Other opportunities .......................................................................................................... 142
6.6 Sensitivity Analysis ............................................................................................................ 140
7 THE NON-ECONOMIC ANALYSIS ............................................................................................... 143

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7.1 High level assessment of key external issues .................................................................... 143

7.1.1 Legal and knowledge management issues ................................................................ 143
7.1.2 Key actors and decision makers ................................................................................. 146
7.1.3 Technological issues definition .................................................................................. 147
7.1.4 Other aspects to be taken into consideration ........................................................... 147
7.2 Risk analysis ....................................................................................................................... 148
7.2.1 Government industry ................................................................................................. 148 Technical risks ..................................................................................................... 150 Market risks ........................................................................................................ 150 Other risks ........................................................................................................... 151
7.2.2 BFSI Industry risks ...................................................................................................... 152 Technical risks ..................................................................................................... 152 Market risks ........................................................................................................ 153
8 IMPLEMENTATION ROADMAP ................................................................................................. 154
9 CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................................................................... 158
APPENDIX A ...................................................................................................................................... 161
A.1. EMDAT Database Definitions ............................................................................................ 161
APPENDIX B ...................................................................................................................................... 163
B.1. I-REACT User and Stakeholder interview guides ............................................................... 163
APPENDIX C ...................................................................................................................................... 206
C.1. Definition of the I-REACT Core Services ............................................................................ 206
C.2. Definition of the I-REACT Added Value Services ............................................................... 206
APPENDIX D – I-REACT BUSINESS PLAN ........................................................................................... 209
D.1. Business Plan overview of key items ................................................................................. 216

Figure 1-1 Main content for the BP Deliverable ................................................................................ 10
Figure 2-1: Approach for I-REACT Business Plan................................................................................ 17
Figure 2-2: Main sources of information for I-REACT Business Plan ................................................. 18
Figure 2-3: Main methodologies for I-REACT Business Plan .............................................................. 20

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Figure 3-1: Overview on worldwide main natural disasters sub-groups (2007-2017) ...................... 22
Figure 3-2: Overview on European main natural disasters sub-groups (2007-2017)........................ 23
Figure 3-3: Overview on worldwide main natural disasters types (2007-2017) ............................... 24
Figure 3-4: Overview on European main natural disasters types (2007-2017) ................................. 25
Figure 3-5: Global occurrence of floods and wildfires (2007-2017) .................................................. 26
Figure 3-6: European occurrence of floods and wildfires (2007-2017) ............................................. 26
Figure 3-7: Main drivers and trends for the selected disaster types................................................. 27
Figure 3-8: Global and European Flood Forecasts ............................................................................. 28
Figure 3-9: Global and European Wildfire Forecasts ......................................................................... 28
Figure 4-1: I-REACT architecture ........................................................................................................ 30
Figure 4-2: Components of the I-REACT Social service ...................................................................... 32
Figure 4-3: Example of I-REACT event detection ............................................................................... 34
Figure 4-4: Components of the I-REACT Reporting Service ............................................................... 35
Figure 4-5: I-REACT mobile app ......................................................................................................... 37
Figure 4-6: Components of the I-REACT Emergency Management Service ...................................... 38
Figure 4-7: I-REACT DSS Front-end web application .......................................................................... 39
Figure 4-8: Components of the I-REACT season and climate prediction ........................................... 42
Figure 4-9: Components of the I-REACT weather forecast and extreme event detection................ 45
Figure 4-10: Components of the I-REACT hazard and risk maps service ........................................... 46
Figure 4-11: Components of the I-REACT UAV Data service.............................................................. 51
Figure 4-12: Components of the I-REACT Smart Glasses Service ...................................................... 53
Figure 4-13: Components of the I-REACT Wearable Service ............................................................. 54
Figure 4-14: Components of the I-REACT Nowcast, forecast, flood delineation and burned area
service ................................................................................................................................................ 56
Figure 4-15: Components of the I-REACT Local EMS ......................................................................... 58
Figure 5-1: Market size by geospatial and disaster recovery solution (USD mln – 2016-2023) ........ 70
Figure 5-2: Percentages by solution and system – market size (tot- 2016-2023). ............................ 71
Figure 5-3: Market size by selected system for geospatial solution (USD mln – 2016-2023) ........... 72
Figure 5-4: Market size by selected system for disaster recovery solution (USD mln – 2016-2023) 72
Figure 5-5: European target markets ................................................................................................. 76
Figure 5-6: Worldwide target market ................................................................................................ 77

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Figure 5-7: Main industry drivers and trends .................................................................................... 80

Figure 5-8: Incident and emergency value chain within the government industry .......................... 81
Figure 5-9: Purchasing criteria for not sophisticated services and equipment ................................. 92
Figure 5-10: Purchasing criteria for sophisticated services and equipment ..................................... 93
Figure 5-11: 2016 Vs 2015 spending changes in insurance market according to Ward.................. 100
Figure 5-12: Use of data analytics technique among a sample of insurers according to Ward ...... 102
Figure 5-13 Insurance market drivers and trends ........................................................................... 104
Figure 5-14: Example of Air Worldwide reporting service............................................................... 110
Figure 5-15: Willis Re's eNCOMPASS Onlineplatform integrating social media information.......... 111
Figure 5-16: Summary of interviews among insurance companies................................................. 112
Figure 6-1 I-REACT provisioning chain ............................................................................................. 117
Figure 6-2 Business model Canvas for I-REACT................................................................................ 119
Figure 6-3 Revenues for I-REACT services (€m) ............................................................................... 126
Figure 6-4 Revenues ((€m) with volume of sales (#) for I-REACT services ...................................... 126
Figure 6-5 Prices for I-REACT core services (€) ................................................................................ 127
Figure 6-6 OPEX for I-REACT services(€m) ....................................................................................... 133
Figure 6-7 Direct cost for I-REACT services (€m) ............................................................................. 133
Figure 6-8 Structure Costs for I-REACT (€m) .................................................................................... 136
Figure 6-9 I-REACT Key economic and financial indicators (unit; €m) ............................................. 138
Figure 6-10 NPV variation vs base case (15.02 €m) in €m. .............................................................. 141
Figure 8-1 Suggested market rollout for I-REACT ............................................................................ 155
Figure 9-1 Competitor radar for I-REACT services in the addressed markets ................................. 159

Table 2-1 Potential end-users from incident and emergency market............................................... 18
Table 2-2 Key stakeholders from incident and emergency market ................................................... 19
Table 2-3: Preliminary interview guide .............................................................................................. 19
Table 3-1: Disasters sub-groups and related types (2007-2017) ....................................................... 23
Table 4-1: Main functionalities and features of the I-REACT season prediction ............................... 43
Table 4-2: Main functionalities and features of the I-REACT climate prediction .............................. 43

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Table 4-3: Main functionalities and features of the I-REACT weather forecast and extreme event
detection ............................................................................................................................................ 45
Table 4-4: Main functionalities and features of the I-REACT hazard and risk maps service ............. 50
Table 4-5: Main functionalities and features of the I-REACT UAV Data service ................................ 52
Table 4-6: Main functionalities and features of the I-REACT Smart Glasses ..................................... 53
Table 4-7: Main functionalities and features of the I-REACT wearable............................................. 55
Table 4-8: Main functionalities and features of I-REACT Nowcast, Forecast, Flood Delineation,
Burned area service ........................................................................................................................... 57
Table 4-9: Main functionalities and features of the I-REACT LEMS ................................................... 58
Table 4-10: Main functionalities and features of the I-REACT LEMS ................................................. 59
Table 4-11: TRL and DRL of man I-REACT services ............................................................................. 60
Table 5-1: Incident and Emergency Management Market segmentation......................................... 63
Table 5-2: List of main I-REACT competitors for the government industry ...................................... 82
Table 5-3: List of main I-REACT competing solutions for the government industry ......................... 85
Table 5-4: List of main EU projects dedicated to disaster management ........................................... 88
Table 5-5: Other relevant projects dedicated to disaster management ........................................... 88
Table 5-6: Overall ranking of European insurance groups operating in non-life products, 2016 ..... 95
Table 5-7 Number of domestic enterprises in Property insurance, in Europe 2016. Source: Insurance
Europe Statistics 2018........................................................................................................................ 96
Table 5-8 Main P&C companies operating in the US and worldwide in 2017. Source: S&P Global
Market Intelligence ............................................................................................................................ 99
Table 5-9: List of main I-REACT competitors for the insurance industry ......................................... 108
Table 5-10: List of main R&D projects for the insurance industry ................................................... 109
Table 6-1 S.W.O.T. analysis .............................................................................................................. 123
Table 6-2 Main BP assumptions for I-REACT................................................................................... 125
Table 6-3 Revenues for I-REACT Social ............................................................................................ 128
Table 6-4 Revenues for I-REACT Reporting ...................................................................................... 129
Table 6-5 Revenues for I-REACT EMS............................................................................................... 130
Table 6-6 Revenues for I-REACT Added Value Services .................................................................. 132
Table 6-7 Direct cost for I-REACT services ....................................................................................... 135
Table 6-8 Structure Costs for I-REACT.............................................................................................. 137
Table 6-9 Cash flow for I-REACT services ....................................................................................... 139

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Table 7-1 Main technical risks.......................................................................................................... 150

Table 7-2 Main market risks ............................................................................................................. 151
Table 7-3 Other risks ........................................................................................................................ 151
Table 7-4 Main technical risks.......................................................................................................... 153
Table 7-5 Main market risks............................................................................................................. 153
Table 0-1 Revenue items description .............................................................................................. 217
Table 0-2: Cost items description.................................................................................................... 218
Table 0-3: Cash flow items description ........................................................................................... 218

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The present document is one of the deliverables foreseen as part of Work Package 7 “Business
Assessment and Exploitation”, i.e. the I-REACT Business Plan, as main output of Task 7.2 “Business
Plan and Implementation Roadmap”.


The objective of this document is to identify the main economic and non-economic issues, relevant
to prepare a realistic business plan for the further solution uptake and commercialisation supporting
I-REACT’s adoption in the target markets.
Furthermore, one of the goals of the business planning exercise is to support other work packages
by articulating the foreseen market needs and defining the niche markets to be addressed by the
product design process, thus propounding some feasible trade-offs.
Two different Issues of this document have been foreseen (D7.2 and D7.3) to include all the
potential project updates (e.g. coming from demos) that could foster or hinder the solution
adoption. This document presents the “Business Plan Issue 2” (Final Version – D7.3), as stated in
Content Due Date
Issue 1 Approach and methodology presentation. Preliminary market and competitive July 2018
environment assessment. First inputs on risks/ entry barriers, related mitigation
actions and possible required initiatives. Description of the work in progress on the
I-REACT business model.
Issue 2 Final market and competitive environment assessment. Updated inputs on risks/ May 2019
entry barriers, related mitigation actions and possible required initiatives.
Presentation of new results, especially for non-economic issue, the overall I-REACT
Business Plan together with the implementation roadmap and main conclusions.
Table 1-1 Main content for the BP Deliverable


The document is organised according to the following structure:
• Chapter 1 is the introduction and description of the document itself;
• Chapter 2 is devoted to the methodology used for the development of this business plan;
• Chapter 3 presents the impact of natural hazards and the expected trends;
• Chapter 4 provides an overview on the I-REACT proposed services;
• Chapter 5 analyses the incident and emergency market;
• Chapter 6 is dedicated to the I-REACT business plan;
• Chapter 7 lays out the non-economic aspects relevant for the project;

Project: I-REACT Business Plan – Issue 2 Deliverable ID: D7.3

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Improving Resilience to Emergencies through Advanced Cyber Technologies

• Chapter 8 presents the implementation roadmap, with key strategies and drivers for the
exploitation activities and solution adoption;
• Chapter 9 reports the main conclusions; and
• Annexes includes all the main annexes.


AM Augmentation Module
AOI Area of Interest
API Application Program Interface
AR Augmented Reality
BEP Break Even Point
BFSI Banking, Financial Services and Insurance
BLE Bluetooth Low Energy
BP Business Plan
BT Bluetooth
CAGR Compound Annual Growth Rate
CAPEX Capital Expenditure
CBA Cost Benefit Analysis
Copernicus EMS Copernicus Emergency Management Service
CPA Civil Protection Agency
DEM Digital Elevation Model
DMT Disaster Management Teams
DOM Document Object Model
DoW Description of Work
DR Design Review
DSS Decision Support System
DTO Data Transfer Object
EA Environment Agency
EBIOS Expression des Besoins et Identification des Objectifs de Sécurité
EBITDA Earnings Before Interests, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization
ECMWF European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
EDAS EGNOS Data Access Service
EFAS European Floods Awareness System
EFFIS European Forest Fire Information System
EGNOS The European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service
EMDAT/CRED The International Disaster Database of the Centre for Research on the
Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED)
EMS Emergency Management System
EO Earth Observation
EODC Earth Observation Data Centre
ERU Emergency Response Units
ESA European Space Agency
EU European Union
FTP File Transfer Protocol
FWI Fire Weather Index
GDPR General Data Protection Regulation
GIVE Grid Ionospheric Vertical Error Indicator
GIS Geographic Information System

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GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System

GPS Global Positioning System
HPL Horizontal Protection Level
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
HWMS Heat Wave Forecast
IAIS International Association of Insurance Supervisors
IDI I-REACT Data Interface
IDRL International Disaster Response Laws, rules and principles
IGP Ionospheric Grid Points
IP Intellectual Property
IPR Intellectual Property Right
IRR Internal Rate of Return
ISDR International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
IURW International User Requirement Workshop
JSON Javascript Object Notation
JSON-LD JSON for Linked Data
MDA Mechanics, Dynamics and Aesthetics
NATCAT Natural Catastrophes
NMME North American Multi-Model Ensemble
NPV Net Present Value
OPEX Operational Expenditures
ORM Object Relational Mapper
OSM OpenStreetMap
PML Probable Maximum Loss
PVT Position, velocity, Time
P&C Property and Casualty
RDF Resource Description Framework
REST Representational state transfer
RSS Rich Site Summary
SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar
SDK Software Development Kit
SIDP Science Integration and development Platform
SPA Single Page Application
SQL Structured Query Language
ToW Time of Week
UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
UI User Interface
U&S Users and Stakeholders
UNDRR United Nation office for Disaster Risk Reduction
VAR Value added Reseller
WACC Weighted average cost of capital


ID Title Revision Date
[RD01] I-REACT Project proposal: Grant Agreement - 16/03/2016
[RD02] D7.2 Business Plan – Issue 1 - 01/07/2018

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[RD03] D2.7 Report on Technical Requirements and Overall System 3.0 30/12/2016
[RD04] D7.1 “Report on Cost Benefit Analysis” - 01/06/2019
[RD05] Risk management plan and knowledge management strategy 04/08/2016
[RD06] Overview of Natural and Man-made Disaster Risks the European - 23/05/2017
Union may face, EC
[RD07] Flood damage to cost up to $1 trillion per year by 2050, Science News - 2013
[RD08] Frequency of severe flooding across Europe 'to double by 2050', - 2014
[RD09] Two billion will be in flood path by 2050, UNU expert warns, UN - -
[RD10] As West Warms, Wildfires Expected to Double by 2050, LiveScience - 2013
[RD11] “What do wildfires have to do with climate change?”, Columbia - 2014
[RD12] Incident and Emergency Management Market by System, Solution, - 2018
Service, Simulation, Communication Tool and Device, Industry
Vertical, and Region - Global Forecast to 2023, Markets and Markets
[RD13] Worldometers, 2018 - -
[RD14] Disaster Management, Space Based Solutions for Developing Nations - 2018
[RD15] Internet of Things for Disaster Management: - 2017
State-of-the-Art and Prospects, IEEE
[RD16] United Nations Platform for Space-based Information for Disaster - -
Management and Emergency Response. UN-SPIDER, UN Office For
Outer Space Affairs
[RD17] Copernicus Editorial, EC - 2018
[RD18] Commercial Satellite Imaging Market Forecasted to Hit $5,266.5 - 2018
Million by 2023, P&S Market Research
[RD19] GPS-based Emergency Response System Market Is Projected to - 2018
Witness Significant Growth By 2018, Radiant Insights, Inc.
[RD20] 2.4bn smartphone users in 2017, Emarketer - 2017
[RD21] IoT connections outlook, Ericsson - 2017
[RD22] JRC Technical report (Peseta II. Project): Modelling the impacts of - 2017
climate change on forest fire danger in Europe
[RD23] World Population Prospects, The 2017 Revision, United Nations, New - 2017
[RD24] The World’s cities in 2016, data booklet, United Nations - 2016
[RD25] Forest Fires in Europe, Middle East and North Africa 2016, JRC Science - 2016
for Policy Report
[RD26] American Geophysical Union research report - 14/12/2012
[RD27] Collecting Data on disasters: Easier said than done (Guha-Sapir and - 2006
[RD28] Incident and Emergency Management Market by System and Solution - 2016
(Web-Based Emergency Management, Mass Notification),
Professional Service, Simulation, Communication Tool and Device,
Vertical, and Region - Global Forecast to 2021, MarketsandMarkets
[RD29] Munich Re "Natural catastrophe review: Series of hurricanes makes - 2018
2017 year of highest insured losses ever".
[RD30] Swiss Re "Natural catastrophes and climate change", 2017 Corporate - 2018
Responsibility Report.

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Improving Resilience to Emergencies through Advanced Cyber Technologies

[RD31] Catastrophe models are good for the insurance business", Financial - 2017
Times, John Dizard
[RD32] Global Insurance Market Report (GIMAR) 2016, International - 31/01/2017
Association of Insurance and Supervisors (IAIS)
[RD33] Insurance markets in 2016: China saves the day, Allianz - 2017
[RD34] Global insurance industry set to grow more strongly by 2018, Munich - 2017
[RD35] European Insurance - Key facts, Insurance Europe. Source: - 2017
[RD36] Global property and casualty insurance market 2016-2020, Technavio - 2016
[RD37] Ranking of the Largest European Insurance Groups in 2016, Mapfre. - 2017
[RD38] Top 100 P&C insurance companies, Standard’s & Poor’s Global market - 2017
intelligence. Source:

[RD39] Insurance Market Outlook for 2017/2018, Munich Re - 2017

[RD40] Global insurance trends analysis 2016: An industry braving uncertain - 05/2017
times, Ernst & Young
[RD41] Natural catastrophes and man-made disasters in 2016: a year of - 03/2017
widespread damages, Swiss Re
[RD42] Economic cost of flooding could hit $500 billion+ by 2030, Artemis - 2015
[RD43] Innovation in insurance: how technology is changing the industry, - 2016
Institute of International Finance.
[RD44] Top 10 Trends in Property and Casualty Insurance 2018: what you - 2017
need to know, Capgemini Financial Services Analysis
[RD45] Insurers and reinsurers launch Blockchain initiative, Swiss Re - 2017
[RD46] The climatewise initiative. - 2006
[RD47] The insuresilience initiative. - 2015
[RD48] PERILS Initiative. - 2010
[RD49] Catastrophe Modelling and Climate Change, Lloyds - 2014
[RD50] Catastrophe risk and the cost of real estate insurance, Zurich - 2013
American Insurance Corporation
[RD51] EIOPA Fifth Consumer Trends Report, European Insurance and - 2016
Occupational Pensions Authority
[RD52] Catastrophe Risk Financing in Developing Countries: Principles for - 2009
Public Intervention, The World Bank
[RD53] Progress report on mainstreaming disaster risk management in world - 2016
bank group operations, The World Bank
[RD54] How cat bonds work, ENTROPICS Asset Management - 2017
[RD55] Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015: Building the resilience of - 01/2005
nations and communities to disasters, World Conference on Disaster
[RD56] The Sendai Framework 2015-2030 - 2015
[RD57] "Factors Impelling Global Commercial Satellite Imaging Market - 06/2018
through 2023 and Beyond" by Transparency Market Research
[RD58] "Insurance Analytics Market by Component, Business Application - 05/2018
(Claims Management, Risk Management, Customer Management and
Personalization, Process Optimization), Deployment Model,
Organization Size, End-User, and Region - Global Forecast to 2023"

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[RD59] "How Insurtech Will Accelerate the Social and Economic Impact Of - 03/2018
Insurers" by Roger Peverelly and Reggy de Feniks
[RD60] "Blockchain Market by Provider, Application (Payments, Exchanges, - 12/2017
Smart Contracts, Documentation, Digital Identity, Supply Chain
Management, and GRC Management), Organization Size, Industry
Vertical, and Region - Global Forecast to 2022" Research and Markets
[RD61] "How Blockchain Could Disrupt Insurance", CBInsights - 03/2018
[RD62] "Drones for Insurance Industry: Global Market Research, Forecast, - 12/2016
and Strategy 2016-2025" Research and markets
[RD63] "Drone Analytics Market by Industry (Agriculture & Forestry, - 03/2018
Construction, Insurance, Mining & Quarrying, Utility,
Telecommunication, Oil & Gas, Transportation, Scientific Research),
Application, Type, Solution, and Region - Global Forecast to
[RD64] "Digital Insurance Trends: Insurance drones, boots on the ground, and - 05/2018
big data", Finextra
[RD65] "Opening risk analysis" by C. Scawthorn. Proceeding of the 14th 2008
World Conference on Earthquake Engineering October 12-17, 2008,
Beijing, China. Source:
[RD66] The climate wise initiative. Source: - 2006
[RD67] The insuresilience initiative. Source: - 2015
[RD68] PERILS Initiative. Source: - 2010
[RD69] D2.2 "Users and Stakeholders requirement analysis, operational - 2016
procedures, processes and scenarios"
[RD70] United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), -
PreventionWeb. Source:
[RD71] International disaster response laws, rules and principles (IDRL), -
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.
[RD72] European Parliament resolution of 21 September 2010 on the - 2010
Commission communication: A Community approach on the
prevention of natural and man-made disasters (2009/2151(INI))
[RD73] Decision No 1313/2013/EU of the European Parliament and of the - 2013
Council of 17 December 2013 on a Union Civil Protection Mechanism.
[RD74] Decision (EU) 2019/420 amending Decision No 1313/2013/EU on a - 2019
Union Civil Protection Mechanism. Source: https://eur-
[RD75] D7.4 Exploitation Plan - 06/2019

Project: I-REACT Business Plan – Issue 2 Deliverable ID: D7.3

Grant Agreement No: 700256 Call ID: H2020-DRS-1-2015 Page: 15 of 220

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