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- Beginner
- 4 day training split
- 48 kg, 168 cm
- Gain weigth and muscle

Day 1: upper body
Day 2: lower body
Day 3: rest
Day 4: full body
Day 5: rest
Day 6: lower body
Day 7: rest

1. I would recommend using this schedule for about 5-6 weeks and change it up after
that. You can always come back to this schedule of course. But after 5-6 weeks you’ll
probably have a hard time increasing the weights and it can help to change up the
exercises, so you will be able to keep progressing.
2. Under the numbers 1-4 you can write down the weight you used for each set and
when there is a rep range you can write it down as shown above.
3. “A1 , A2” means the exercises are performed in a superset. Which means you
perform them back to back without rest in between.
4. “DB” stands for “dumbbell”
5. “BB” stands for “barbell”

Day 1: upper body

Exercise Sets Reps 1 2 3 4 Tip
Pull-down 4 10 Try to keep your chest
up and try to imagine
pulling your elebows
toward each other
behind your back
Single arm 3 10 Keep your chest up
seated row
DB bench 3 10
Chest press 4 12 Adjust the seat so that
machine the handles are on
chest hight
DB shoulder 4 10
DB lateral 3 15
Cable tricep 3 12 Keep your elebows
extensions next to your body
Cable bicep 3 12 Keep your elebows
curls next to your body
Standing 3 20
Day 2: lower body
Exercise Sets Reps 1 2 3 4 Tip
Leg press 4 8 Make sure you
don’t lock out
your knees, keep
them a slightly
bend at the top

Walking lunges 3 10 10 reps on each

leg, so you’re
doing 20 steps in
total. Hold a
dumbell in each
Lying leg curl 3 10 If your gym
doesn’t have a
lying leg curl
machine, you can
use the normal
leg curl machine
Leg extensions 3 15
Cable pull- 3 12 Keep your knees
through slightly bent
Banded glute 3 30
Standing calf 3 15 If your gym
raises doesn’t have a
standing calf raise
machine you can
use the smith
machine and
stand on a step

Day 3: rest

Day 4: full-body
Exercise Sets Reps 1 2 3 4 Tip
Seated cable 4 10 Keep your chest
row up
Close grip 3 109
Chest fly 3 12
DB lateral 3 10 Perform a lateral
raise into raise alternated
front raise with a front raise.
The lateral raise
and front raise
together count as
1 rep
Rear delt fly 3 15 If your gym
on pec-dec doesn’t have this
machine machine you can
use cables or DB’s
Bulgarian 3 10 Hold a DB in each
split squat hand
Hyper 3 15 You can hold a DB
extentions or plate if it’s to
Cable single 3 10
arm tricep
DB 3 10
bicep curls

Day 5: rest

Day 6: lower body

Exercise Sets Reps 1 2 3 4 Tip
Abduction 3 30
Squats 4 8
Reverse 3 10 Perform 10 reps
lunges on each leg
Swiss bal 3 10 Make sure you
hamstring push your hips up
Cable kick- 3 12 Lean forward and
backs hold on to the
cable machine
BB Hip 3 12 Make sure your
thrusts knees are in line
with your
toes/mid foot and
keep your chin to
your chest
Bosu 3 12 You can start
hanging leg doing these with
raises your knees bent
and when that
becomes to easy
you can perform
it with straight

Day 7: rest

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